小学英语作文600字 篇1
小学英语作文600字 篇2
我的兔子 y Rabbits
ne day,y other bouht two little rabbits for e.I’ very happy.
Fro that on,the two little rabbits beae y ood friends. They have two little ears, red eyes,with white and fat boby. They’re arvellous.
Everyday,they play with eah other happily. ne day,I ouldn’t find the. I asked y other: ”Where are they? ” y other told e that She didn’t know. At last,I found the in the rass. They were very dirty. I was anry,but when I looked at their lovely faes,I was happy aain.
I love y little rabbits,and they love e. They are y ood friends forever.
小学英语作文600字 篇3
ur environent is very iportant for our lives . We need the fresh air, the lean water and so on . In the past, there were any trees around us ,the air was fresh and the river was lean.But now,people ut down any trees. Air pollution and water pollution are very serious . The environent around us beoes very terrible . We should protet our environent. First, we should plant any trees to keep water. Seond , we an ride a bike or walk to the shool and work.. Third , we shouldn’t throw the dirty water into the river . Fourth, we shouldn’t use the plasti bas. Finally, we an ask ore people to join us.
关于旅游介绍的英语作文 关于旅游的英语作文
1. The reat wall
The reat Wall, loated in northern hina, is 6,700 kiloeters lon and thus known as the “10,000-li reat Wall”. onstrution of the wall went on for ore than 2,000 years, fro 7 th entury to 14 th entury AD. The wall has beoe a sybol of both hina’s proud historyand its present strenth.
2. The Palae useu
The Palae useu, also alled the Forbidden ity, is loated in the enter of Beijin. The iperial palae used by eperors of the in and Qin Dynasties is the larest and ost oplete anient wooden-struture buildin oplex in the world. onstrution of the Forbidden ity started in 1406 and
lasted 14 years. 24 eperors were enthroned there.
3. houkoudian: Hoe of the Pekin an
Reains of the Pekin an (hoo eretus) are loated on the Draon Bone Hill at houkoudian Villae, Fanshan Distrit, Beijin. In the 1920s, arhaeoloists disovered the oplete skull of Pekin an. Later, ore skull bones as well as stone and bone instruents were unearthed. Pekin an lived 690,000 years ao, durin Paleolithi ties. Findins indiate that Pekin an knew how to ake fires.
4. Qinshihuan’s ausoleu and Terra-otta Ary
Qinshihuan’s ausoleu is loated in Linton Distrit, 3 kiloeters east of Xi’an, apital of Shaanxi Provine. onstrution ofthe ausoleu lasted 3 years and involved over 700,000 workers. ver the years, a total of 0,000 iportant ultural relis have been unearthed. In 190, two brone painted horse-drawn hariots were unearthed. They are the larest and ost oplete brone hariots and horses disovered so far. In 1974, farers who were diin a well about 1. kiloeters east of Qinshihuan’s ausoleu disovered three vaults ontainin Qinshihuan’s Buried Leion. The larest
of the three vaults ontains 6,000 life-sie terra-otta warriors and horses. The olletion of warriors is
often dubbed the“eihthwonder of the world”.
. The oao rottoes at Dunhuan
Dunhuan rottoes oprise of the oao rottoes, West 1,000-Buddha ave, and Yulin ave. The oao rottoes, representative of the three sites, are loated 2 kiloeters southwest of Dunhuan ity,
ansu Provine. onstrution of the rottoes bean in 366 AD. The well-desined rottoes are a
treasure house ontainin paintin, sulptures, douents, and ultural relis.
6. The Huanshan ountain
Loated in Huanshan ity in southern Anhui Provine, the seni area of the Huanshan ountain overs 14 square kiloeters and is faous for its four wonders: stranely-shaped pines, rotesque rok
forations, seas of louds and hot sprins. It also features a natural oo and botanial arden.
7. Huanlon
The Huanlon Seni Area is loated in Sonpan ounty, Sihuan Provine. alified ponds, beahes,
waterfalls and ebankents haraterie Huanlon senery.
. hende Suer Resorts and Surroundin Teples
hende Suer Resort, known as “The ountain Halet for Esapin the Heat”, is loated in northern hende, Hebei Provine. Qin Eperors used to spend their suer days handlin state affairs at the resort. onstrution of the resort lasted fro 1703 to 1792. It is the larest and best-preserved iperial palae outside the apital. any of the seni spots around the resort’s lake area ii faous landsaped ardens in southern hina, and the buildins of the uter Eiht Teples feature
arhitetural style of inority ethni roups suh as onolian, Tibetan and Uyur.
9. Qufu, onfusius’ansion, Teple and eetery
Qufu, in southwestern Shandon Provine, was the apital of the state of Lu durin the Sprin and关于旅游介绍的英语作文.
Autun Period (770-476 B) and the hoetown of onfusius, a reat thinker and eduator.
onfuius’ansion was the residene of onfuius’ eldest ale desendants for eneration. The ansion holds ore than 9,000 volues of arhives datin fro 134 to 194 and any ultural relis, anient ostues, and utensils. onfuius’ Teple is faous for its 2,000 stone steles and ore than 100 portrait stones fro the Han Dynasty. onfuius’eetery houses tobs for onfuius and his
10. Anient Buildins on the Wudan ountain
The Wudan ountain, loated in northwestern Hubei Provine, is a sared Taoist ountain that is best known as the birthplae of Wudan artial arts. The old Hall built on the ountain in 1416 represents
advaned arhitetural styleand buildin tehniques of that period.
11. Potala Palae Potala
Palae in Lhasa is situated on Red Hill 3,700 eters above the sea level. The palae was built by Tibetan Kin Sontsan abo in the 7 th entury for Tan Priness Wenhen. Potala features the
essene of anient Tibetan arhitetural art and houses any artifats of the Tubo Kindo.
12. The Lushan ountain
The Lushan ountain, loated south of Jiujian ity, Jianxi Provine, is one of the ost faous ountains in hina. The ountain features beautiful peaks, seas of louds, waterfalls and historial sites. Bailu Aadey is one of hinese first shools of hiher learnin. 13. The Eei ountain and Leshan iant Buddha The Eei ountain is one of hina’s four faous Buddhist ountains. It is loated 7 kiloeters southwest of Eeishan ity, Sihuan Provine. There are 10 teples on the ountain. The ountain features ore than 3,000 plant speies and 2,000 varieties of anials. Leshan iant Buddha is loated on the east bank of the injian River in Leshan ity, Sihuan Provine. The Buddha is arved
out of a liff and, bein 70.7 eters tall, is the larest sittin Buddha in hina. arvin of the Buddha
started in 713 and was opleted in
03. The body of Buddha has a water drainae syste to prevent erosion.
14. Lijian Anient ity
Lijian anient ity, loated in Lijian, Yunnan Provine, is an anient town inhabited ainly by the Naxi inority people. The town was founded in 1127. The roads in the town are paved with olored pebbles produed in Lijian, and there are any stone brides and eorial arhways built durin the in and Qin Dynasties. ost of the residenes are ade of earth and wood. Palae urals depitin reliious thees were painted durin the in Dynasty. The traditional Donba ulture of the Naxi ethni roup
has been preserved in Lijian.
1. Pinyao Anient ity
Pinyao of Shanxi Provine was built 2,000 years ao durin the hou Dynasty. The ity wall was renovated in 1370. It is one of hina’s earliest and larest ounty-level ity walls. Anient streets, overnent offies, arkets, stores and residenes have been preserved, providin invaluable
resoures for researh on hina’s anient in Dynasty ounty seat.
16. Suhou ardens
Suhou in Jiansu Provine is a faous histori and ultural ity that is ore than 2,00 years old. Suhou features ore than 200 anient ardens. The sall private ardens are espeially faous
nationwide and reflet arhitetural styles of the Son, Yuan, in and Qin Dynasties.
17. The Suer Palae of Beijin
The Suer Palae, featurin the best of hina’s anient ardens, is loated in the western suburbs of Beijin. The palae was built in 113 as a teporary iperial palae. It was rebuilt in 1. The Suer
Palae onsists of the Lonevity Hill and the Kunin Lake. The Lon orridor, painted with exquisite paintins, was inluded in the uinness Book of World Reords in 1992 as the lonest orridor in the world. The orridor links the area where Epress Dowaer ixi handled state affairs with the residential
and sihtseein areas.
1. The Teple of Heaven of Beijin
The Teple of Heaven, built in 1420, is loated in southern Beijin. Durin the in and Qin Dynasties,
eperors ae to the teple to worship the od of Heavenand pray for a ood harvest.
大雁塔 reat Wild oose Paoda
小雁塔 Sall Wild oose Paoda
useu of Eperor Qinshihuan’s Tob Fiures of Soldiers and Horses
秦始皇陵 The Tob of Eperor Qinshihuan
黄帝陵 The Huandi Tob
鼓 楼 The Dru Tower关于旅游介绍的英语作文.
钟 楼 The Bell Tower
西安城墙 The Xi’an iruvallation
华清池 The Huaqin Pond
乾 陵 The Qian Tob
法门寺 The Faen Teple
黄河壶口瀑布 The Huanhe Hukou Waterfall
大唐芙蓉园 Lotus palae of Tan Dynasty
Eperor Qin Shihuan's ausoleu and the Terra-otta Warriors and Horses useu Eperor Qin Shihuan (29-210B..) had Yin as his surnae and hen as his
iven nae. He nae to the throne of the Qin at ae 13, and took the hel of the state at ae of 22. By 221 B.., he had annexed the six rival prinipalities of Qi, hu, Yan, Han, hao and Wei, and established the first feudal epire in hina's history.
In the year 221 B.., when he unified the whole ountry, Yin hen styled hiself eperor. He naed hiself Shihuan Di, the first eperor in the hope that his later
enerations be the seond, the third even the one hundredth and thousandth eperors in proper order to arry on the hereditary syste. Sine then, the supree feudal rulers of hina's dynasties had ontinued to all theselves Huan Di, the eperor.
After he had annexed the other six states, Eperor Qin Shihuan abolished the
enfeoffent syste and adopted the prefeture and ounty syste. He standardied leal odes, written lanuae, trak, urrenies, weihts and easures. To protet aainst
harassent by the Hun aristorats. Eperor Qin Shihuan ordered the reat Wall be built. All these easures played an ative role in eliinatin the ause of the state of separation and division and strenthenin the unifiation of the whole ountry as well as prootion the developent of eonoy and ulture. They had a reat and deep influene upon hina's 2,000 year old feudal soiety.
Eperor Qin Shihuan ordered the books of various shools burned exept those of the Qin dynasty's history and ulture, divination and ediines in an attept to push his feudal autoray in the ideoloial field. As a result, hina's anient lassis had been devastated and destroy. oreover, he one ordered 460 sholars be buried alive. Those关于旅游介绍的英语作文.
events were later alled in history “the burnin of books and the buryin of onfuian sholars.”
Eperor Qin Shihuan, for his own pleasure, onsribed several hundred thousand onvits and went in for lare-sale onstrution and had over seven hundred palaes built in the uanhon Plain. These palaes strethed several hundred li and he souht pleasure fro one palae to the other. ften nobody knew where he ranin treasures inside the tob, were enlosed alive.
Eperor Qin Shihuan's ausoleu has not yet been exavated. What looks like inside ould only be known when it is opened. However, the three pits of the terra-otta warrior exavated outside the east ate of the outer enlosure of the neropolis an ake one iaine how anifient and luxurious the struture of Eperor Qin Shihuan's ausoleu was.
No.1 Pit was stubled upon in arh 1974 when villaers of Xiyan Villae of Yanhai township, Linton ounty, sank a well 1.k east of the ausoleu. In 1976, No.2 and 3 Pits were found 20 north of No.1 Pit respetively after the drillin survey. The terra-otta warriors and horses are arrayed aordin to the Qin dynasty battle foration,
syboliin the troops keepin viil beside the ausoleu. This disovery aroused uh interest both at hoe and abroad. In 197, a useu, housin the site of No.1 and overin an area of 16,300 square eters was built with the perission of the State ounil. The useu was forally opened to publi on t.1, the National Day, 1979. No.1 Pit is 230 eters lon fro east to west, 62 wide fro north to south and deep, overin a total area of 14,260 square eters. It is an earth-and-wood struture in the shape of a tunnel. There are five slopin entranes on the eastern and western sides of the pit respetively. The pit is divided into eleven orridors by ten earthen partition walls, and the floors are paved with briks. Thik rafters were plaed onto the walls (but now one an only see their reains), whih were overed with ats and then fine soil and earth. The battle foration of the Qin dynasty, fain east. In the east end are arrayed three lines of terra-otta warriors, 70 piees in eah, totalin 210 piees. They are supposed to be the van of the foration. Iediately behind the are 3 oluns of infantryen alternatin with war hariots in the orridors, eah bein 10 lon. They are probably the ain body of the foration. There is one line of warriors in the left, riht and west ends respetively, fain outwards. They are probably the flanks and the rear. There are altoether 27 trial trenh, it is assued that ore than 6,000 lay warriors and horses ould be unearthed fro No.1 Pit.
No.2 Pit sis about half the sie of No.1 Pit, overin about 6,000 square eters Trail diins show this is a oposite foration of infantry, avalry and hariot soldiers, fro whih rouhly over 1,000 lay warriors, and 00 hariots and saddled horses ould be unearthed. The 2,000-year-old wooden hariots are already rotten. But their shafts, ross yokes, and wheels, et. left lear ipressions on the earth bed. The opper parts of the hariots still reain. Eah hariot is pulled by four horses whih are one and half eters
hih and two etres lon. Aordin to textual researh, these lay horses were
sulptures after the breed in the area of Hexi orridor. The horses for the avalryen were already saddled, but with no stirrups.
No.3 Pit overs an area of 202 with only four horses, one hariot and 6 warriors, supposed to be the oand post of the battle foration. Now, No.2 and 3 Pits have been refilled, but visitors an see soe lay fiures and weapons displayed in the
exhibition halls in the useu that had been unearthed fro these two pits. The floors of both No.1 and 2 Pits were overed with a layer of silt of 1 to 20 thik. In these pits, one an see traes of burnt beas everywhere, soe relis whih were ostly broken. Analysis shows that the pits were burned down by Xian Yu, leader of a peasant ary. All of the lay warriors in the three pits held real weapons in their hands and fae east, showin Eperor Qin Shihuan's stron deterination of wipin out the six states and unifyin the whole ountry.
The heiht of the terra-otta warriors varies fro 1.7, the shortest, to 1.97, the tallest. They look healthy and stron and have different faial expressions. Probably they were sulpted by raftsen aordin to real soldiers of the Qin dynasty. They oranially obined the skills of round enravin, bas-relief and linear enravin, and utilied the six traditional folk rafts of sulpturin, suh as hand-ouldin, stikin, uttin, paintin and so on. The lay odels were then put in kilns, baked and olour-painted. As the
terra-otta fiures have been burnt and have one throuh the natural proess of deay, we an't see their oriinal oreous olours. However, ost of the terra-otta fiures bear the trae of the oriinal olours, and few of the are still as briht as new. They are found to be painted by ineral dyestuffs of verilion, briht red, pink dark reen, powder reen, purple, blue, orane, blak and white olours.
Thousands of real weapons were unearthed fro these terra-otta ary pits, inludin broad knives, swords, spears, daer-axes, halberds, bows, rossbows and arrowheads. These weapons were exquisitely ade. Soe of thees are still very sharp; analyses show that they are ade of alloys of opper and tin, ontainin ore than ten kinds of other etals. Sine their surfaes were treated with hroiu, they are as briht as new, thouh buried underround for ore than 2,000 years. This indiates that Qin dynasty's etallurial tehnoloy and weapon-anufaturin tehnique already reahed quite a hih level.
In Deeber 190, two teas of lare painted brone hariots and horses were
unearthed 20 etres west of the ound of Eperor Qin Shihuan's ausoleu. These sinle shaft four-horse hariots eah oprises 3,462 spare parts, and has a body with two opartents, one behind the other, and an elliptial ubrella like anopy. The four horses harnessed to the hariot are 6-67 entieters tall. The restored brone hariots and horses are exat iitations of true hariot, horse and driver in half life-sie.
The hariots and horses are deorated with oloured drawins aainst white
bakround. They have been fitted with ore than 1,00 piees of old and silvers and
deorations, lookin luxurious, splendid and raeful. Probably they were eant for the use of Eperor Qin Shihuan's soul to o on inspetion. The brone hariots and horses were ade by lost wax astin, whih shows a hih level of tehnoloy. For instane, the tortoise-shell-like anopy is about 4 thik, and the window is only 1 thik on whih are any sall holes for ventilation. Aordin to a preliinary study, the tehnoloy of anufaturin the brone hariots and horses has involved astin, weldin, revetin, inlayin ebeddin and hiselin. The exavation of the brone hariots and horses
provides extreely valuable aterial and data for the textual researh of the etallurial tehnique, the ehanis of the hariot and tehnoloial odelin of the Qin dynasty. No.2 brone hariot and horses now on display were found broken into 1, piees when exavated. After two-and-half years' areful and painstakin restoration by
arhaeoloists and various speialists, they were forally exhibited in the useu on tober 1, 193. No.1 brone hariot hand horses are on display fro 19.
As the sybol of the old-line Xian, Bi Wild oose Paoda is a well-preserved anient buildin and a holy plae for Buddhists. It is loated in the southern suburb of Xian ity, about 4 kiloeters (2.49 iles) fro the downtown of the ity. Standin in the Da i'en Teple oplex, it attrats nuerous visitors for its fae in the Buddhist reliion, its siple but appealin style of onstrution, and its new square in front of the teple. It is rated as a National Key ultural Reli Preserve as well as an AAAA Tourist Attration.
This attration an be divided into three parts: the Bi Wild oose Paoda, the Da i'en Teple, and the North Square of Bi Wild oose Paoda.
Bi Wild oose Paoda
riinally built in 62 durin the rein of Eperor aoon of the Tan Dynasty (61-907), it funtioned to ollet Buddhist aterials that were taken fro India by the hierarh Xuanan.
Xuanan started off fro han'an (the anient Xian), alon the Silk Road and throuh deserts, finally arrivin in India, the
关于中国旅游的英语作文 关于旅游的英语作文
1. The reat wall
The reat Wall, loated in northern hina, is 6,700 kiloeters lon and thus known as the “10,000-li reat Wall”. onstrution of the wall went on for ore than 2,000 years, fro 7 th entury to 14 th entury AD. The wall has beoe a sybol of both hina’s proud historyand its present strenth.
2. The Palae useu
The Palae useu, also alled the Forbidden ity, is loated in the enter of Beijin. The iperial palae used by eperors of the in and Qin Dynasties is the larest and ost oplete anient wooden-struture buildin oplex in the world. onstrution of the Forbidden ity started in 1406 and
lasted 14 years. 24 eperors were enthroned there.
3. houkoudian: Hoe of the Pekin an
Reains of the Pekin an (hoo eretus) are loated on the Draon Bone Hill at houkoudian Villae, Fanshan Distrit, Beijin. In the 1920s, arhaeoloists disovered the oplete skull of Pekin an. Later, ore skull bones as well as stone and bone instruents were unearthed. Pekin an lived 690,000 years ao, durin Paleolithi ties. Findins indiate that Pekin an knew how to ake fires.
4. Qinshihuan’s ausoleu and Terra-otta Ary
Qinshihuan’s ausoleu is loated in Linton Distrit, 3 kiloeters east of Xi’an, apital of Shaanxi Provine. onstrution ofthe ausoleu lasted 3 years and involved over 700,000 workers. ver the years, a total of 0,000 iportant ultural relis have been unearthed. In 190, two brone painted horse-drawn hariots were unearthed. They are the larest and ost oplete brone hariots and horses disovered so far. In 1974, farers who were diin a well about 1. kiloeters east of Qinshihuan’s ausoleu disovered three vaults ontainin Qinshihuan’s Buried Leion. The larest
of the three vaults ontains 6,000 life-sie terra-otta warriors and horses. The olletion of warriors is
often dubbed the“eihthwonder of the world”.
. The oao rottoes at Dunhuan
Dunhuan rottoes oprise of the oao rottoes, West 1,000-Buddha ave, and Yulin ave. The oao rottoes, representative of the three sites, are loated 2 kiloeters southwest of Dunhuan ity,
ansu Provine. onstrution of the rottoes bean in 366 AD. The well-desined rottoes are a
treasure house ontainin paintin, sulptures, douents, and ultural relis.
6. The Huanshan ountain
Loated in Huanshan ity in southern Anhui Provine, the seni area of the Huanshan ountain overs 14 square kiloeters and is faous for its four wonders: stranely-shaped pines, rotesque rok
forations, seas of louds and hot sprins. It also features a natural oo and botanial arden.
7. Huanlon
The Huanlon Seni Area is loated in Sonpan ounty, Sihuan Provine. alified ponds, beahes,
waterfalls and ebankents haraterie Huanlon senery.
. hende Suer Resorts and Surroundin Teples
hende Suer Resort, known as “The ountain Halet for Esapin the Heat”, is loated in northern hende, Hebei Provine. Qin Eperors used to spend their suer days handlin state affairs at the resort. onstrution of the resort lasted fro 1703 to 1792. It is the larest and best-preserved iperial palae outside the apital. any of the seni spots around the resort’s lake area ii faous landsaped ardens in southern hina, and the buildins of the uter Eiht Teples feature
arhitetural style of inority ethni roups suh as onolian, Tibetan and Uyur.
9. Qufu, onfusius’ansion, Teple and eetery
Qufu, in southwestern Shandon Provine, was the apital of the state of Lu durin the Sprin and
Autun Period (770-476 B) and the hoetown of onfusius, a reat thinker and eduator.
onfuius’ansion was the residene of onfuius’ eldest ale desendants for eneration. The ansion holds ore than 9,000 volues of arhives datin fro 134 to 194 and any ultural relis, anient ostues, and utensils. onfuius’ Teple is faous for its 2,000 stone steles and ore than 100 portrait stones fro the Han Dynasty. onfuius’eetery houses tobs for onfuius and his
10. Anient Buildins on the Wudan ountain关于中国旅游的英语作文.
The Wudan ountain, loated in northwestern Hubei Provine, is a sared Taoist ountain that is best known as the birthplae of Wudan artial arts. The old Hall built on the ountain in 1416 represents
advaned arhitetural styleand buildin tehniques of that period.关于中国旅游的英语作文.
11. Potala Palae Potala
Palae in Lhasa is situated on Red Hill 3,700 eters above the sea level. The palae was built by Tibetan Kin Sontsan abo in the 7 th entury for Tan Priness Wenhen. Potala features the
essene of anient Tibetan arhitetural art and houses any artifats of the Tubo Kindo.
12. The Lushan ountain
The Lushan ountain, loated south of Jiujian ity, Jianxi Provine, is one of the ost faous ountains in hina. The ountain features beautiful peaks, seas of louds, waterfalls and historial sites. Bailu Aadey is one of hinese first shools of hiher learnin. 13. The Eei ountain and Leshan iant Buddha The Eei ountain is one of hina’s four faous Buddhist ountains. It is loated 7 kiloeters southwest of Eeishan ity, Sihuan Provine. There are 10 teples on the ountain. The ountain features ore than 3,000 plant speies and 2,000 varieties of anials. Leshan iant Buddha is loated on the east bank of the injian River in Leshan ity, Sihuan Provine. The Buddha is arved
out of a liff and, bein 70.7 eters tall, is the larest sittin Buddha in hina. arvin of the Buddha
started in 713 and was opleted in
03. The body of Buddha has a water drainae syste to prevent erosion.
14. Lijian Anient ity
Lijian anient ity, loated in Lijian, Yunnan Provine, is an anient town inhabited ainly by the Naxi inority people. The town was founded in 1127. The roads in the town are paved with olored pebbles produed in Lijian, and there are any stone brides and eorial arhways built durin the in and Qin Dynasties. ost of the residenes are ade of earth and wood. Palae urals depitin reliious thees were painted durin the in Dynasty. The traditional Donba ulture of the Naxi ethni roup
has been preserved in Lijian.
1. Pinyao Anient ity
Pinyao of Shanxi Provine was built 2,000 years ao durin the hou Dynasty. The ity wall was renovated in 1370. It is one of hina’s earliest and larest ounty-level ity walls. Anient streets, overnent offies, arkets, stores and residenes have been preserved, providin invaluable
resoures for researh on hina’s anient in Dynasty ounty seat.关于中国旅游的英语作文.
16. Suhou ardens
Suhou in Jiansu Provine is a faous histori and ultural ity that is ore than 2,00 years old. Suhou features ore than 200 anient ardens. The sall private ardens are espeially faous
nationwide and reflet arhitetural styles of the Son, Yuan, in and Qin Dynasties.
17. The Suer Palae of Beijin
The Suer Palae, featurin the best of hina’s anient ardens, is loated in the western suburbs of Beijin. The palae was built in 113 as a teporary iperial palae. It was rebuilt in 1. The Suer
Palae onsists of the Lonevity Hill and the Kunin Lake. The Lon orridor, painted with exquisite paintins, was inluded in the uinness Book of World Reords in 1992 as the lonest orridor in the world. The orridor links the area where Epress Dowaer ixi handled state affairs with the residential
and sihtseein areas.
1. The Teple of Heaven of Beijin
The Teple of Heaven, built in 1420, is loated in southern Beijin. Durin the in and Qin Dynasties,
eperors ae to the teple to worship the od of Heavenand pray for a ood harvest.
1. The reat wall
The reat Wall, loated in northern hina, is 6,700 kiloeters lon and thus known as the “10,000-li reat Wall”. onstrution of the wall went on for ore than 2,000 years, fro 7th entury to 14th entury AD. The wall has beoe a sybol of both hina’s proud history and its present strenth.
2. The Palae useu
The Palae useu, also alled the Forbidden ity, is loated in the enter of Beijin. The iperial palae used by eperors of the in and Qin Dynasties is the larest and ost oplete anient wooden-struture buildin in the world. onstrution of the
Forbidden ity started in 1406 and lasted 14 years. 24 eperors were enthroned there.
3. houkoudian: Hoe of the Pekin an
Reains of the Pekin an (hoo eretus) are loated on the Draon Bone Hill at houkoudian Villae, Fanshan Distrit,
Beijin. In the 1920s, arhaeoloists disovered the oplete skull of Pekin an. Later, ore skull bones as well as stone and bone instruents were unearthed. Pekin an lived 690,000 years ao,
durin Paleolithi ties. Findins indiate that Pekin an knew how to ake fires.
4. Qinshihuan’s ausoleu and Terra-otta Ary
Qinshihuan’s ausoleu is loated in Linton Distrit, 3
kiloeters east of Xi’an, apital of Shanxi Provine. onstrution of the ausoleu lasted 3 years and involved over 700,000 workers. ver the years, a total of 0,000 iportant ultural relis have been unearthed. In 190, two brone painted horse-drawn hariots were unearthed. They are the larest and ost oplete brone hariots and horses disovered so far. In 1974, farers who were diin a well about 1. kiloeters east of Qinshihuan’s ausoleu
disovered three vaults ontainin Qinshihuan’s Buried Leion. The larest of the three vaults ontains 6,000 life-sie terra-otta warriors and horses. The olletion of warriors is often dubbed the “eihth wonder of the world”.
. hende Suer Resorts and Surroundin Teples
hende Suer Resort, known as “The ountain Halet for Esapin the Heat”, is loated in northern hende, Hebei Provine. Qin Eperors used to spend their suer days
handlin state affairs at the resort. onstrution of the resort lasted
fro 1703 to 1792. It is the larest and best-preserved iperial palae outside the apital.
6. Qufu, onfuius’ ansion, Teple and eetery
Qufu, in southwestern Shandon Provine, was the apital of the state of Lu durin the Sprin and Autun Period (770-476 B) and the hoetown of onfuius, a reat thinker and eduator. onfuius’ ansion was the residene of onfuius’ eldest ale desendants for eneration. The ansion holds ore than 9,000 volues of arhives datin fro 134 to 194 and any ultural relis, anient and ostues. onfuius’ Teple is faous for its 2,000 stone steles and ore than 100 portrait stones fro the Han Dynasty. onfuius’ eetery houses tobs for onfuius and his desendants.
7. Anient Buildins on the Wudan ountain
The Wudan ountain, loated in northwestern Hubei Provine, is a sared Taoist ountain that is best known as the birthplae of Wudan artial arts. The old Hall built on the ountain in 1416 represents advaned arhitetural style and buildin tehniques of that period.
. The Lushan ountain
The Lushan ountain, loated south of Jiujian ity, Jianxi Provine, is one of the ost faous ountains in hina. The ountain features beautiful peaks, seas of louds, waterfalls and historial sites. Bailu Aadey is one of hinese first shools of hiher learnin.
9. The Eei ountain and Leshan iant Buddha
The Eei ountain is one of hina’s four faous Buddhist ountains. It is loated 7 kiloeters southwest of Eeishan ity, Sihuan Provine. There are 10 teples on the ountain. The ountain features ore than 3,000 plant speies and 2,000
varieties of anials. Leshan iant Buddha is loated on the east bank of the injian River in Leshan ity, Sihuan Provine. The Buddha is arved out of a liff and, bein 70.7 eters tall, is the larest sittin Buddha in hina. arvin of the Buddha started in 713 and was opleted in 03. The body of Buddha has a water drainae syste to prevent erosion.
10. Lijian Anient ity
Lijian anient ity, loated in Lijian, Yunnan Provine, is an anient town inhabited ainly by the Naxi inority people. The town was founded in 1127. The roads in the town are paved with olored pebbles produed in Lijian, and there are any stone
brides and eorial arhways built durin the in and Qin Dynasties. ost of the residenes are ade of earth and wood. Palae urals depitin reliious thees were painted durin the in Dynasty. The traditional Donba ulture of the Naxi ethni roup has been preserved in Lijian.
11. Pinyao Anient ity
Pinyao of Shanxi Provine was built 2,000 years ao durin the hou Dynasty. The ity wall was renovated in 1370. It is one of hina’s earliest and larest ounty-level ity walls. Anient streets, overnent offies, arkets, stores and residenes have been preserved, providin invaluable resoures for researh on hina’s anient in Dynasty ounty seat.
12. Suhou ardens
Suhou in Jiansu Provine is a faous histori and ultural ity that is ore than 2,00 years old. Suhou features ore than 200 anient ardens. The sall private ardens are espeially faous nationwide and reflet arhitetural styles of the Son, Yuan, in and Qin Dynasties.
13. The Suer Palae of Beijin
The Suer Palae, featurin the best of hina’s anient ardens, is loated in the western suburbs of Beijin. The palae was built in
In the not so distant future lies………… Print out: Itinerary
北海公园 Beihai Park
故宫博物院 the Palae useu
革命历史博物馆 the useu of Revolutionary History
天安门广场 Tian''anen Square
毛主席纪念堂 hairan ao edon eorial Hall
保和殿 the Hall of Preservin Harony 中和殿 the Hall of entral Harony 长城 the reat Wall
午门 the eridian ate
紫金山天文台 Purple and old Hills bservation okky
紫禁城 the Forbidden ity
御花园 Iperial arden
颐和园 Suer Palae
天坛 Teple of Heaven
周口店遗址 houkoudian Anient Site 太和殿 the Hall of Supree Harony
祈年殿 the Hall of Prayer for ood Harvest 少年宫 the hildren''s Palae
烽火台the Beaon Tower
人民大会堂 the reat Hall of the People 清东陵 Eastern Royal Tobs of the Qin Dynasty
乾清宫 Palae of Heavenly Purity
民族文化宫 the ultural Palae for Nationalities
劳动人民文化宫 Workin People''s ultural Palae
北京工人体育馆 Beijin Worker''s Stadiu 仙人洞 Fairy ave
黄果树瀑布 Huanuoshu Falls
西山晴雪 the Sunny Western Hills after Snow
避暑山庄 the Iperial ountain Suer Resort
龙门石窟 Lonen Stone ave
苏州园林 Suhou ardens
庐山 Lushan ountain
天池 Heaven Pool
蓬莱水城 Penlai Water ity
大雁塔 Bi Wild oose Paoda
华山 Huashan ountain
峨嵋山 Eei ountain
石林 Stone Forest
白马寺 White Horse Teple
白云山 White loud ountain
布达拉宫 Potala Palae
大运河 rand anal
滇池 Dianhi Lake
杜甫草堂 Du Fu ottae
都江堰 Dujian Da
鼓浪屿 ulanyu Islet
观音阁 oddess of ery Pavilion 归元寺 uiyuan Buddhist Teple
甘露寺 Sweet Dew Teple
黄花岗七十二烈士墓 ausoleu of artyrs
华清池 Huaqin Hot Sprin
昭君墓 haojun''s Tob
毛泽东故居 ao edon''s Residene the 72 forer
周恩来故居 hou Enlai''s forer Residene 越秀公园 Yuexiu Park
岳阳楼 Yueyan Tower
南湖公园 South Lake Park
中山公园 honshan Park
武侯祠 Teple of arquis
漓江 Lijian River
寒山寺 Hanshan Teple
Despite the ultural onflits between the rient and the ident, there do exist soe adirable inredients in the Western ulture.
First and foreost, the equality between parents and hildren. The parents are not always superior to their hildren, and the hildren do not always need to obey their parents ‘order, that is, they are ore like lose friends.
Seond, the independent personality. Western people have a stron sense of supportin theselves and bein independent. They bein earnin their poket oney early in their life, even as kids.
Last, Western people do not always assess a person aordin to his bakround. If only he an ahieve suess throuh personal strule, he an win status. Its a talent-oriented soiety, not bakround-oriented.
Roan olosseu 意大利罗马大斗兽场
The olosseu or Flavian Aphitheater was beun by Vespasian, inauurated by Titus in 0 A.D. and opleted by Doitian. Loated on arshy land between the Esquiline and aelian Hills, it was the first peranent aphitheater to be built in Roe. Its onuental sie and randeur as well as its pratial and effiient oraniation for produin spetales and ontrollin the lare rowds ake it one of the reat arhitetural onuents ahieved by the anient Roans.
The aphitheater is a vast ellipse with tiers of seatin for 0,000 spetators around a entral elliptial arena. Below the wooden arena floor, there was a oplex set of roos and passaeways for wild beasts and other provisions for stain the spetales. Eihty walls radiate fro the arena and support vaults for passaeways, stairways and the tiers of seats. At the outer ede iruferential arades link eah level and the stairways between levels.
The three tiers of arades are faed by three-quarter oluns and entablatures, Dori in the first story, Ioni in the seond, and orinthian in the third. Above the is an atti story with orinthian pilasters and sall square window openins in alternate bays. At the top brakets and sokets arry the asts fro whih the velariu, a anopy for shade, was suspended.
The onstrution utilied a areful obination of types: onrete for the foundations, travertine for the piers and arades, tufa infill between piers for the walls of the lower two levels, and brik-faed onrete used for the upper levels and for ost of the vaults.
The olosseu was desined to hold 0,000 spetators, and it had approxiately eihty entranes so rowds ould arrive and leave easily and quikly.
The plan is a vast ellipse, easurin externally 1 x 16 (61 ft x 10 ft), with the base of the buildin overin about 6 ares. Vaults span between eihty radial walls to support tiers of seatin and for passaeways and stairs.
The faade of three tiers of arhes and an atti story is about 4. (1 ft) tall — rouhly equivalent to a 12-1 story buildin.