




2、关于鸡蛋的词语 形容鸡蛋的词语(2)







with the rapid developent of our ountry in reent years,the nuber of rural residents who pour into bi ities to find jobs is inreasin so as to eet the rowin deand of labors in ities onstrution. these rural "iirants" find their jobs in various fields: they work on onstrution sites, serve in restaurants and hair saloons doin the lower-rankin jobs. they render ities a new soure of labor fore and poured ities with new vior. this phenoenon has a reat ipat on ities and aroused publi onerns. it sees hard to tell whether it is a blessin or a urse.

soe ity dwellers don't weloe these rural iirants.they look down upon the and always find fault with the. it's undeniable that any probles eered with their oin. we an always find rural workers who sleep on the paveent, who are sloppily dressed in publi plaes and who don't obey traffi laws. soe of the don't have a sense of soial order and at the way they like.those who disriinate aainst rural workers oplain that they deteriorate the iae and status of bi ities.soe itiens also believe that they are the hief ulprits of the risin rie rate. it's inevitable that not every rural worker is opetitive enouh for a job and soe ay run the risk of violatin laws to ain illeal inoes.

however, in y huble opinion, the deerits of the ruralinvasion ould not wipe out the erits that they have ade reat ontributions to the proress of our soiety. we should not foret the arduous work they take on to ake our ity beautiful and odern. we should not foret their devotion to the basi onstrution of our soiety. with heart and soul, they sarifie their whole youth without any oplaints. thus, they annot erely be evaluated by the deerits they brouht. without these indus trious workers, skysrapers ould not have been ereted; roads ould not have been paved; brides ould not have been built.therefore, i want to reind those who disriinate aainst rural workers, the prosperity of the ities owes a lot to thethe onstrutors of our beautiful ity and the builders of our prosper ous life.it is ratitude and respet we need to show these heroes, not disdain.

hina has a lare population of 1. 3 billion, of whih 900 illion live in rural areas. ost of the rural residents are still strulin under the poverty line.the iirants have heavy burdens to support their poor failies.workin in ities is a ood opportunity but also a reat hallene for these newoers.the hallene not only lies in survival but also in the relationship with loal residents. soe ity habitants disdain rural workers,while the rural workers also have a deep prejudie aainst us.both sides need better understandin and ore ouniation.if there were no prejudie, there would be ore understandin and respet and there would be no onflits.


an ahines really think? The artifiial intelliene, suh as a oputer that thinks like a huan bein is sary. Is buildin a ahine that thinks like a huan really possible? We are ever loser to buildin an AI that thinks like a huan. When it oes to this issues, different people offer different views, soe people think that ahine has feelins like huan beins is interestin and it ay be a better server to huan; while the other think it is danerous, it ay auses a revolt.


People who approved of huan feelins ahine think that one robot has speifi feelins, suh as happy, sad, aner, they iht be ore huanie. For exaple, aybe in the future a robot nanny will replae a real huan nanny, who are work ore effetive and without any oplain. If they have real eotion, they are ore perfet, and ore like a opany but not a ool ahine.


People who aainst huan robot arue that one the robot is ore intellient than we think, that aybe a reat tribulation to huan beins. There has a potential risks that one the robot is sart enouh, they ay unwillin to be huan’s server anyore, they ay want to be leally itiens, or even worse, to be the owner of the world. It is possible beause they are sart and they are stroner opare with huan beins.


It is not sure what will happen in the future, havin robot to serve for huan beins is a ood thin, but the issue of artifiial intelliene is still ontroversial.



Nowadays, with the rapid developent of inforation tehnoloy, internet and eletroni oere have been very popular in our daily lives. For exaple, it is fashionable for younsters to purhase daily essentials, suh as books, lothes, eletrial equipent, on soe faous website, like

Taobao, EBay and Alibaba, throuh any ourier opanies. As we all known, online shoppin has any advantaes. Firstly, online shoppin is ore onvenient than traditional eans. We an find a shop with so any oods that we ay favor, while all these just need likin our ouse and typin-in the key word of what we want to find. And it also saves our a reat soe of tie. Seondly, ore hoies than real store are another attration to ustoers. nline shoppin an provide ass inforation about produts whih an be suit for ustoers needs, tastes, and preferenes. Thirdly, as without traditional warehouses and retail shops, online shoppin has an ake us ain lower osts and pries. However, in spite of its advantaes, we ant turn a blind eye to its disadvantaes. bviously, quality proble is its first disadvantae.

ustoers always buy fake oodities whih are not desribed as online shops. In addition, its troublesoe and annoyin for us to ake a hane when they are not satisfied with what we bouht online. The seond

disadvantae is seurity issues. When we shop online, we need pay for the oodities by eletroni payents, but hakers an invade our oputers and steal our inforation, this is not safe for online shoppin.


Nowadays, there is a faous app installed on alost every sart phone alled “wehat”. It is a obile text and voie essain ouniation servie developed by Tenent, and it is the larest standalone essain app by onthly ative users,desribed by . ore and ore people are fasinated by this soial software. eanwhile, it also beoin a potential threat to our fae-to-fae ouniation.

As for e, wehat plays a vital role in y daily life. I an send assae to y parents and friend, and et latest inforation fro oents. We have aess to havin a eetin by disussin in the foru. In a word, wehat does failitate our life, providin a onvenient way to ontat others. However, I found it is hard for people to talk with friend fae-to-fae for the rowin nuber of wehat users.

The first thin I will do when they wake up is to hek wehats assae, rather than say ood ornin to y rooates. When I han out with friend, I always subonsiously look down to y ellphone, inorin y friends talk. ore and ore people prefer sendin assae on wehat to fain eah other. onsequently, it is beoin a trend that a lare nuber of people addited to typin on the sreen durin their spare tie. And I a also beoin one of the.

aybe this new odern way of ouniation doesn`t liited by surroundins; people are free to express their opinion. But it laks of nonverbal ouniation. It is ipossible for us to havin eye ontat throuh this app. Besides, onentratin on sreen will do har to our health. It is hih tie that we should put our phone aside. Raise our head and talk fae-to-fae.


Withthe rapid developent of oderniation, television beoes a neessity in everyhouse. Reently, a researh shows that 9% of hildren for the habit ofwathin TV for lon hours every day, whih akes teahers and parents pani,beause wathin TV for lon hours ay have very neative effets on thehildren.


Thebad influene of wathin TV for lon hours overs the followin points. Firstof all, there are a lot of illeal proras whih ay lead the hildren to thewron way or for the wron values. Seondly, with plenty of series to hoosefro, hildren beoe less interested in takin exerises. TV has kept hildrenindoor while they should spend tie playin outside. Thirdly, the exessivewathin TV an lower the hildren’s ability to study.


Undoubtedly,it is hih tie that parents should help the hildren to deal with the relationwith the TV. Also, hildren ouht to do soe reative thins like readin,sinin, paintin, and runnin instead of sittin in front of the TV all daylon.


关于鸡蛋的词语 形容鸡蛋的词语





目前使用的英语单词中,有不少是 “拿来”的,这在狭义上,就是英语中的外来语。这些白皮黄心的“鸡蛋词”,无须向“英语世界”做额外解释,就能顺利地理解、沟通。脱胎于汉语的“鸡蛋词”,早就默默地影响全世界了。









茶点——Di su



这种称呼是近些年才流行街巷的,指有钱有势的商人或者企业家。被英语拿走,又是闽粤之地的音译。可见,鸦片战争前,中国商人名声在外。马可·波罗在书里描写的东方,物阜民丰,黄金铺地。来中国走一遭,就像现在某些“假洋鬼子”上趟拉斯维加斯一样。 赌场——asino



















1. 音译 (transliteration):中国英语中有一部分词汇或短语是根据中国普通话(由于历史原因,相当一部分是由我国北方方言和南国八大方言)发音直接转化生成的如:

(1) 历史文化:xiuai 秀才,yaen 衙门,daibao 大字报,fenhuan 凤凰等;

(2) 有关文体娱乐:pipa 琵琶,erhu 二胡,wushu 武术,onfu 功夫,Tai hi 太极拳,yan ko 秧歌,weiqi 围棋,ahjon 麻将,qion 气功,sapan 舢板等; yen 瘾、渴望

(3) 衣食住行:heonsa 旗袍、长衫,jiaoi 饺子,how ein 炒面,won ton 馄饨,Wu Lian Ye 五粮液 aotai 茅台酒,lonan 龙眼,kaolian 高粱, lithi (lihee) 荔枝,insen 人参等;

(4) 风土人情:fen shui 风水, kan 炕,kowtow 叩头,hop suey 炒杂碎,antonese 广东话/广东人/广州的,Hainanese 海南人,hinin 清明,typhoon 台风等;

() 度量单位:yuan元,jiao 角,fen 分等;

2. 译借(translation):将汉语词汇通过翻译手段逐词地借用英语表述形式

(1) 有改革开放时代特色的中国英语词汇或短语:laidoff workers 下岗工人,offiial profiteerin 官倒,Two iviliations 两个文明,Four oderniations 四个现代化,ne hina poliy 一个中国的政策,trianle debts/hain debts 三角债,onstrut lean politis 廉政建设,aroeonoi ontrol syste 宏观调控体系,aolletiveownership eployee 集体所有制员工,boureois liberalis 资产阶级自由化,speial eonoi(developent)one(SE) 经济(发展)特区,peninUp/pendoor poliy 开放政策,refor and openinup prora 改革开放,nonstate industries 非国有工业,state anufaturers 国有生产者,floatin population 流动人口,veetable basket projet 菜篮子工程,planned oodity eonoy 计划经济,fairly ofortable standard of livin 小康水平,iron rie bowl 铁饭碗,enterprise ontrated prodution syste 企业承包经营责任制,failyontrat responsibility syste 家庭联产承包责任制,township enterprises 乡镇企业,knowlede eonoy 知识经济,hare 充电(指工作一段时间后重新走进校门扩充或更新知识),spiritual pollution 精神污染,one ountry two syste 一国两制等。

(2) 有历史文化特色的中国英语词汇:onfuianis 儒家思想,Four Books 四书,Five lassis 五经,Eiht leed Essay 八股文,EihtPower Allied Fore 八国联军,paper tier纸老虎,reat Leap Forward大跃进,ultural Revolution文化大革命,Little Red Book毛主席语录(小红书),apitalist roader走资派,an of Four四人帮,hinese herbal ediine中草药等;

(3)在书面中出现时,经常使用引号的中国英语词汇、短语或句子:runnin dos走狗,work units工作单位,politial duty政治任务,ounterrevolutionary反革命的,to et rih is lorious致富光荣等。


(1)短语:birds nest燕窝,bears paw熊掌,work point工分,hinese Wall长城,Red uard红卫兵,bears hiken叫花鸡,barefoot dotor赤脚医生,hundred flowers百花齐放,reforthrouhlabor劳动改造,work one's heart out呕心沥血等。

(2)成语、句子:people ountains and people seas人山人海,one arrow,two hawks一箭双雕等。

(3)复合词:即音译和译借词的混合。例如,tea的词组就有teaspoon,tea up,exian tea 等。

bok hoy also pak hoi 白菜,青菜

Pak hoy; bok hoy; hinese hard; hinese white abbae; hinese ustard abbae; pak hoi; baak hoi; white ustard abbae; white elery ustard; taisai; bai ai

a hinese veetable (Brassia rapa var. hinensis) in the ustard faily, havin a leafy head siilar to that of the oon abbae.

har 茶

BrE olloquial Enlish word for 'tea'.

heonsa 长衫,也就是“旗袍”

a straiht, lose-fittin silk dress with a hih nek and slit skirt, worn by hinese and Indonesian


hi also qi or ki (中医的)气,也叫“vital enery”


the irulatin life fore whose existene and properties are the basis of uh hinese philosophy and ediine.


via Latin fro the nae of the h'in Dynasty.

hop-hop 赶快,马上

exlaation adverb quikly (said to ure soeone to hurry up).

hopstiks 筷子

fro hinese Pidin Enlish hop hop.关于鸡蛋的词语.

hop suey 杂碎(一道用于和米饭一道上的中式美国菜肴,常用肉片和鸡肉与豆芽和其它蔬菜一道烹调,关于鸡蛋的词语.

a hinese-Aerian dish onsistin of sall piees of eat or hiken ooked with bean sprouts and other veetables and






































ne should ive up aner; one should abandon pride; one should overoe allfetters. I’ll never befall hi who lins not to ind and body and ispassionless.一个人应该舍弃愤怒,拔除傲慢,超越所有的束缚。不执着心灵和物质的人,内心可以得到真正的安宁,而不受外在的影响。All desireshave in the little pleasant taste but rather uh potentialsufferin.所有的欲望,只有小小的甜味,而却隐藏着相当多的苦头。每日一记,下面由小编来给大家带来:英语日记大全。


I went to the hoe for the aed with y friends on July 30th. As soon asthe eldly people saw us, they were all happy. 1.We san sons and daned forthe. Then we helped the worker lean the roos and washes the lothes. Theypraied us a lot and said that we were ood boys. Althouh we felt tired, we hada ood tie.



It was sunny and very hot today. I ot up early and helped y parents ookbreakfast. Then I washed the dishes and leaned the roo. After a short rest Idid y hoework in the ornin. In the afternoon I went swiin in the nearestswiin pool with y friends. It was really ool to swi in suh a hot day. Isurfed the internet and read a storybook in the evenin. I really had a busy andinterestin day.

今天天气晴朗比较热。 我起得很早,帮父母做早饭。然后我洗碗打扫屋子。休息一会后我上午做作业。 下午我和朋友去我家最近的游泳池游泳。在如此炎热的夏天游泳的确很棒。 晚上我上网、看故事书。我今天很忙过得很有趣。


took us about two hours to et there. It was hot and windy that day. Therewere thousands of people. When we saw a roup of foreiners,we went up andtalked with the. We told the lots of history of the reat Wall. They were verysurprised when they saw that our Enlish were exellent and we knew a lot aboutthe reat Wall's history. They thanked us a lot and we really had a ood tie.We felt proud of ourselves and bein hinese.



I have rested for 10 days. In these days, I felt very bored. I didn’t knowto do what. Althouh I had a lot of thins to do, I felt unofortable. I wasill beause of the hot weather. I was tired, sleepy and had no strenth. yparents are worried about y health. in fat, it didn’t atter. I was always inthe roo with air-onditioner and opened it in a low teperature. So when I wentout, the hih teperature disareed to e.At last, I was ill.



It was sunny today. I was exited. I ot up at a quarter to seven. I ade aappointent to eet at nine o’lok. After I had y breakfast, I went to theWanjia arket . It was hot outside. When I arrived, y friends didn’t arrive. Iwaited for hi in front of the KF’s door. I haven’t seen the for a year. Andin a year, we didn’t oe into ontat with others frequently. About ten inutesleft, y friends arrived one by one. After we reeted,we went to play basketballin Liwan ynasiu. The ath last for tow hours.h!I fill very happy today!



Yesterday we played happily, but there were only ten people. I reeberedlast year there were twenty-two people at all. I heard soe y friends had oneabroad. They went abroad to study. aybe I ouldn’t see the in the future. Ithink next year we won’t ake a party. Next year is a very iportant year. Weall will prepare the new ter’s new subjet.I know, it is the ost iportant forus now.



It is very hot and wet today and is alled sauna weather.

Durin y o did the ookin in the kithen, I saw her head was sweaty.Itold her I ould help her and she aepted.

After ookin,we were all sweaty .However, u and I all felt happy. Shesaid I was rowin up and beae her ood assistant.





★ 小学英语日记带翻译100词7篇

★ 小学生英语日记带翻译100词7篇

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★ 四年级英语日记100词带翻译7篇

★ 短篇英语日记带翻译100词左右7篇


ne should ive up aner; one should abandon pride; one should overoe allfetters. I’ll never befall hi who lins not to ind and body and ispassionless.一个人应该舍弃愤怒,拔除傲慢,超越所有的束缚。不执着心灵和物质的人,内心可以得到真正的安宁,而不受外在的影响。All desireshave in the little pleasant taste but rather uh potentialsufferin.所有的欲望,只有小小的甜味,而却隐藏着相当多的苦头。每日一记,下面由小编来给大家带来:英语日记大全。


I went to the hoe for the aed with y friends on July 30th. As soon asthe eldly people saw us, they were all happy. 1.We san sons and daned forthe. Then we helped the worker lean the roos and washes the lothes. Theypraied us a lot and said that we were ood boys. Althouh we felt tired, we hada ood tie.



It was sunny and very hot today. I ot up early and helped y parents ookbreakfast. Then I washed the dishes and leaned the roo. After a short rest Idid y hoework in the ornin. In the afternoon I went swiin in the nearestswiin pool with y friends. It was really ool to swi in suh a hot day. Isurfed the internet and read a storybook in the evenin. I really had a busy andinterestin day.

今天天气晴朗比较热。 我起得很早,帮父母做早饭。然后我洗碗打扫屋子。休息一会后我上午做作业。 下午我和朋友去我家最近的游泳池游泳。在如此炎热的夏天游泳的确很棒。 晚上我上网、看故事书。我今天很忙过得很有趣。


took us about two hours to et there. It was hot and windy that day. Therewere thousands of people. When we saw a roup of foreiners,we went up andtalked with the. We told the lots of history of the reat Wall. They were verysurprised when they saw that our Enlish were exellent and we knew a lot aboutthe reat Wall's history. They thanked us a lot and we really had a ood tie.We felt proud of ourselves and bein hinese.



I have rested for 10 days. In these days, I felt very bored. I didn’t knowto do what. Althouh I had a lot of thins to do, I felt unofortable. I wasill beause of the hot weather. I was tired, sleepy and had no strenth. yparents are worried about y health. in fat, it didn’t atter. I was always inthe roo with air-onditioner and opened it in a low teperature. So when I wentout, the hih teperature disareed to e.At last, I was ill.



It was sunny today. I was exited. I ot up at a quarter to seven. I ade aappointent to eet at nine o’lok. After I had y breakfast, I went to theWanjia arket . It was hot outside. When I arrived, y friends didn’t arrive. Iwaited for hi in front of the KF’s door. I haven’t seen the for a year. Andin a year, we didn’t oe into ontat with others frequently. About ten inutesleft, y friends arrived one by one. After we reeted,we went to play basketballin Liwan ynasiu. The ath last for tow hours.h!I fill very happy today!



Yesterday we played happily, but there were only ten people. I reeberedlast year there were twenty-two people at all. I heard soe y friends had oneabroad. They went abroad to study. aybe I ouldn’t see the in the future. Ithink next year we won’t ake a party. Next year is a very iportant year. Weall will prepare the new ter’s new subjet.I know, it is the ost iportant forus now.



It is very hot and wet today and is alled sauna weather.

Durin y o did the ookin in the kithen, I saw her head was sweaty.Itold her I ould help her and she aepted.

After ookin,we were all sweaty .However, u and I all felt happy. Shesaid I was rowin up and beae her ood assistant.





★ 小学英语日记带翻译100词7篇

★ 小学生英语日记带翻译100词7篇

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★ 英语日记带翻译100词7篇

★ 英语日记带翻译100词范文7篇

★ 短篇英语日记带翻译100词以下7篇

★ 四年级英语日记100词带翻译7篇

★ 短篇英语日记带翻译100词左右7篇


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