April 16, XXX
Dear iss ao,
I a sorry I an’t o to shool today. I helped the farers pik apples with ylassates on the far yesterday. Unlukily, I fell off the ladder and hurt y le, but I wasnt badly hurt. The dotor asked e to stay in bed and have a ood rest. So I ask for leave for two days.
Yours respetfully,
Your student
Dear r. hen
A telera has just reahed e sayin that y youner sister is oin to arry next Friday and invite e to present her weddin. Beause of this I would like to have a leave of five days beinnin on Septeber 6.
I will be very uh oblied if you will approve of y request.
Yours sinerely,
Han Jian
To: John Sith, Supervisor
Fro: eore hen, Aountin Departent
Date: arh 11, 20xx
Subjet: asual Leave of Absene John, I would like to know if I ould ask for a asual leave of absene fro arh 23 to 27.
YesterdayI reeived a letter fro y parents, who are both over 70, tellin ethat a bi flood took plae at y hoe villae, ausin serious daaeto y house. As the only son of y parents, I should of bak to assessthe situation, and help the to et over these diffiulties. Thouh Iannot stay at hoe for too lon a tie, I should at least akearraneents for repair work. I believe y relatives in the villae andy neihbors will also oe to help. Finanially I have nodiffiulties.
I will all you at 1:30p.. or you an all e at any tie.
To: John Sith, Supervisor
Fro: eore hen, Aountin Departent
Date: arh 11, 20xx
Subjet: asual Leave of Absene
John, I would like to know if I ould ask for a asual leave of absene fro arh 23 to 27. Yesterday I reeived a letter fro y parents, who are both over 70, tellin e that a bi flood took plae at y hoe villae, ausin serious daae to y house. As the only son of y parents, I should of bak to assess the situation, and help the to et over these diffiulties. Thouh I annot stay at hoe for too lon a tie, I should at least ake arraneents for repair work. I believe y relatives in the villae and y neihbors will also oe to help. Finanially I have no diffiulties. I will all you at 1:30p.. or you an all e at any tie.
Dear r/s XXX;
Today I' writin to you to ask for a five-day leave, for I've ot old last niht with arlessness.
This ornin y other took e to see the dotor,who told e to stay in bed for soe days. So I a very sorry to be absent fro shool, espeially your interestin lessons. I'll be sure to ake up for the issed lessons after I reover fro the illness.
Yours ever,
Dear r. Sith,
I a really sorry to tell you that I annot attend the trainin ourse next Tuesday, beause ny anaer has appointed e to o on a 3-day business trip to Hainan. Will you please reord the leture for e to review later?
Thank you for your onsideration.
Yours faithfully,
Li in
Dear Sir or ada:
Dear r Li/iss Li/rs Li,
I be to apply for two days’ leave/a week’s leave/7 days’ leave of absene (请假) fro the 7th to th of this week. Beause I was ill, I want to return/o hoe to see the dotor.
To support y appliation, I herewith/enlose the sik leave ertifiate.
I should be very uh oblied if you will rant e y appliation. As reards the lesson to be issed durin y absene, I will do y best to ake the up as soon as I et bak fro leave.
Yours respetfully,
Li in
Dear s Wan,
I be to apply for seven days’ leave /one week’s leave of absene fro the 4th to 10th of this onth. Beause y father is seriously ill now, so I want to return hoe to see hi.
To support y appliation, I enlose the fax y sister sent. Yours respetfully, Li Fei
To: John Sith, Supervisor
Fro: eore hen, Aountin Departent
Date: arh 11, 2001
Subjet: asual Leave of Absene John, I would like to know if I ould ask for a asual leave of absene fro arh 23 to 27.
YesterdayI reeived a letter fro y parents, who are both over 70, tellin ethat a bi flood took plae at y hoe villae, ausin serious daaeto y house. As the only son of y parents, I should of bak to assessthe situation, and help the to et over these diffiulties. Thouh Iannot stay at hoe for too lon a tie, I should at least akearraneents for repair work. I believe y relatives in the villae andy neihbors will also oe to help. Finanially I have nodiffiulties.
I will all you at 1:30p.. or you an all e at any tie.
To: To, Supervisor
Fro: eore LI, Aountin Departent
Date: ay 11, 20xx
Subjet: asual Leave of Absene
John, I would like to know if I ould ask for a asual leave of absene fro arh 23 to 27. Yesterday I reeived a letter fro y parents, who are both over 70, tellin e that a bi flood took plae at y hoe villae, ausin serious daae to y house. As the only son of y parents, I should of bak to assess the situation, and help the to et over these diffiulties. Thouh I annot stay at hoe for too lon a tie, I should at least ake arraneents for repair work. I believe y relatives in the villae and y neihbors will also oe to help. Finanially I have no diffiulties. I will all you at 1:30p.. or you an all e at any tie.
Dear r/s XXX;
Today I' writin to you to ask for a five-day leave, for I've ot old last niht with arlessness.
This ornin y other took e to see the dotor,who told e to stay in bed for soe days. So I a very sorry to be absent fro shool, espeially your interestin lessons. I'll be sure to ake up for the issed lessons after I reover fro the illness.
Yours ever,
Dear r. Sith,
I a really sorry to tell you that I annot attend the trainin ourse next Tuesday, beause ny anaer has appointed e to o on a 3-day business trip to Hainan. Will you please reord the leture for e to review later?
Thank you for your onsideration.
Yours faithfully,
Li in