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Despite I’ve not in y hildhood yet, I still prefer readin fairy-tale stories. the tales, whih aopany with e in y old days, often ake e think of soe preious experiene and sensation whih only belon to hildren. This suer I’ve review this kind of tale, whih was published in 1940. It’s the world-faous fairy-tale by the Frenh author, Antoine de St-xupery, The Little Prine.

As any other fairy-tales, the outline of The Little Prine is not very oplex. “I”, the narrator of the story, is a pilot whose plane has soethin wron and lands in the Sahara. In this oasion, the pilot akes the aquaintane of the little prine, a little boy fro another planet, the Asteroid B612. The little prine has esaped fro his tiny planet, beause he has soe quarrel with a rose, whih rows on his planet. In that ase he left his own planet and took an exploration at soe neihbor asteroids.

n his all-alone journey, the little prine eets different kinds of people, whih inludes a kin, a oneited an, a tippler, a businessan, a laplihter and a eorapher. Fro these people he ets a onlusion that the rown-ups are very odd. Followin the instrution of the eorapher, he desends in the Sahara, on the earth.

Travelin on the earth, the little prine, who sees a arden of five-thousand roses, is overoe with astonishent and sadness, as he onsiders his rose is unique in the universe before. At that tie a fox appears. The fox, who tell the little prine about the eanin of the word “tae”, beoes his new friend. At the tie to say farewell, the fox akes hi know that his rose is unique beause she is his rose and taed by hi. Fro that the little prine beins to treasure friendship and be responsible to his rose.


In order to enrih y suer vaation, whih the extraurriular readin, y other bouht e a book titled the little prine is. i was wonderin, what is the prine to an? a: i ant wait to et books and read it.

See the introdution setion, i just know, this book in the east and west are very faous, adults and hildren are like books. no wonder the teaher told us to buy the book. this book is about the little one lives in only one roo, the planet for his roses waterin everyday. later, he left the planet, travel, saw any strane people, in order to develop their horions, and he ae to the desert, he et an airplane pilots of broken. prine offered to help hi, and he fored a deep friendship, in the book desribes the prine sine leavin, he issed his star rose to leave earth, he tried every way, even a little snake bites, and sine then pilot never saw his wonderful desription, et.

Readin this book, i finally understood the purity of heart. like the prine deeply in love with hi, in order not to let the rose flower, he was still please sheep eats sheep pilot drew a ask, for hi, as he rose, if not just like all planets are lost. this is how sinere feelins! still say that fox, even little left, it will forever reeber hi.

This story has any ipliation, tell us, not deeive, also dont puffed up, also do not have eanin in the waste of tie and oney, we should aintain the balane of baby indset to finally, earnestly do every thin.

I like the book, read a book, i learned that any huan reason, also inreased y knowlede, and aybe i know the oriinal adults will have any do wron. the rown-ups do every thin, all is not orret, and so we see thins should o to wath it, just like the teaher to our request, and we hope that the hild in the rowth proess, always keep a pure heart, to treat every thin, to find soethin we really ust find in study, therefore, we should also with the sae attitude to study hard, pursuin ideal oal.


The Little Prine by Antoine de Saint-Exupery ontains a fairy tale whih onludes plentiful thins.The first thin we an learn fro the book is the innoene of hildhood and love.Althouh disappointed by what his roses said,the little prine still loved the.In the weiter’s opinion ,the roses stand for the pure love.

As the prine rowed up,he ade a deision to explore other planets and leave his hoetown,a planet whih just one person lived in.When travellin in the other planets,he disovered that his rose is not the only one of its kind.There are abandunt kinds of roses in the arden,but he still held the opinoion that his rose is speial "beause it is she that I have watered; beause it is she that I have put under the lass lobe; beause it is she that I have sheltered behind the sreen" .

When he ae to the earth ,another sinifiant harater ,the fox , teahed the little prine to take his own responsibility bravely . What’s ore ,the fox is also the little prine’s best friend and help with his understandin of the eanin of friendship.

All the story is told by a piolet ,who is another hero in the tale and et the little prine in the Sahara .At the end of the story ,the little prine died on the Earth with the piolet.

The writer ade the story fro the hild’s view.Atually,what the

prine said is what the writer wanted to said.The thee of the story is to ritiie the huan beins’ drawbaks.As a alien, the little prine ould see the huan beins’ disadvantaes learly. In y opinion ,The Little Prine is ore than a funny book written for the hildren.It is a kind of profound refletion of huans.Everyone finishin readin the book an for his thouht in his ind. Therefore,I’ sure it is worthwhile to spend soe tie readin the book ally.


ain haraters: the little prine, the pilot, the rose, the fox, the snake, et.

Despite I’ve not in y hildhood yet, I still prefer readin fairy-tale stories. the tales, whih aopany with e in y old days, often ake e think of soe preious experiene and sensation whih only belon to hildren. This suer I’ve review this kind of tale, whih was published in 1940. It’s the world-faous fairy-tale by the Frenh author, Antoine de St-Exupery, The Little Prine.

As any other fairy-tales, the outline of The Little Prine is not very oplex. “I”, the narrator of the story, is a pilot whose plane has soethin wron and lands in the Sahara. In this oasion, the pilot akes the aquaintane of the little prine, a little boy fro another planet, the Asteroid B612. The little prine has esaped fro his tiny planet, beause he has soe quarrel with a rose, whih rows on his planet. In that ase he left his own planet and took an exploration at soe neihbor asteroids.

n his all-alone journey, the little prine eets different kinds of people, whih inludes a kin, a oneited an, a tippler, a businessan, a laplihter and a eorapher. Fro these people he ets a onlusion that the rown-ups are very odd. Followin the instrution of the eorapher, he desends in the Sahara, on the earth.

Travelin on the earth, the little prine, who sees a arden of five-thousand roses, is overoe with astonishent and sadness, as he onsiders his rose is unique in the universe before. At that tie a fox appears. The fox, who tell the little prine about the eanin of the word “tae”, beoes his new friend. At the tie to say farewell, the fox akes hi know that his rose is unique beause she is his rose and taed by hi. Fro that the little prine beins to treasure friendship and be responsible to his rose.

At the anniversary day of his desent of the earth, rejetin the pilot’s advie, he oes bak to his own planet by bite of a snake. “It’s too far. I an not arry this body with e. It’s too heavy.” he said. He tells his friend, the pilot, he ust be responsible for his rose, so he has to o bak. At the end the author doesn’t tell us the endin diretly. aybe it’s ore sinifiant for us to iaine, and for ore, think over.

ne of the iportant haraters is the rose. rowin on the planet, she is very beautiful, but her oquetry and vanity suffer the little prine a lot. In spite of they love eah other, he soon beoes unhappy. n the tie of his departure, he just knows she ertainly loves hi. The harater of the little prine atually represents the hildren, and their native thouhts and deeds. n the ontrary, the inhabitants on the other planets, suh as the kin, the businessan and the oneited an, they also reflet the defets in the rown-up’s world. The real thee of this fairy-tale with a little sadness, I uess, is the onsequene of pure love and friendship in our lives, but not others “atters of onsequene” of the rown-ups.

Unbelievable, this little book oved e a lot. I seldo think about the true eanin of love and life before. Well, now I an say, with y short sixteen-year’s life experiene, it’s like the stars in the sky that lit y heart. The little prine is not only an ordinary fairy-tale for hildren, but also for rown-ups, and our teenaers. Nevertheless, when I read this book, I feel a little sad – about ourselves, who are losin ore and ore innoene


I don’t reeber the exat year I first read The Little Prine . Thouh the olden snake in the book plays a aeo role , I never foret the sene that he flashed kissed ently on the little prine’s ankle. It ade e be afraid to reread this book.

Later, I listened a ihael Won’s son naed Fairy-tale Story, the prine in his son is different fro the prine in The Little Prine, the prine in the son is the sae as Andersen’s tales’ prines, they all have happy endins.

However, I think The Little Prine is a sad story. There is a sayin: There are a thousand Halets in a thousand peoples eyes. Now, let e talk about y readin feelin. This siple story flies over every orner of the world: a pilot (the narrator) who had an aident with his plane and rashed in the Desert of Sahara then he et the little prine fro the planet B-612, and the narrator listened little prine’s travel experiene of seven planets. n the seven planets, he et a variety of persons. They are the kin, the oneited an, the businessan, the tippler, the laplihter, the eorapher and so on.

The Little Prine is a story belons to adults who have hildlike innoene.beause hildren don’t understand the little prine’s deep sadness.This is not so uh a fairy tale, as it is a traedy. This story tells the row-ups’ world is full of epty,lost and loneliness with kids’ perspetive. Aon the story, the aloholi is ipressive. He was surrounded by a pile of beer bottles when the little prine saw hi, and prine asked hi why he is drinkin, but he answered he want to foret his shae of drinkin. This short planet visit pluned little prine into deep puled. He think the row-ups are ertainly very, very odd. In kids eyes, beautiful thins ust look with heart. But the adults pay ore attention on thins’ appearane that is just a shell and they don’t believe the eyes are blind and the heart is true.

Throuh this story, it also ade e understand what’s the love---loves ore ineral, ore dense, ore bitter and ore weihty than the earths profoundest atter.

When I first read The Little Prine, I an’t understand the ean of love and never to think why should the little prine leave alone sine he love his rose so deeply. For years, I reread the story and think about it. The siple true was first love. The little prine didn’t know how to love and It was diffiult to ake hi understand the rose’s heart, so it ay lead to isunderstandin and hurts fro tie to tie. He leaved his planet beause he an not aept the rose and hiself.

This is why the little prine don’t know he have to leave : at that tie, he had no idea he was in it. The little prine don’t understand the eanin of tae until he et the fox later. Then he produed the endless yearnin for the roses and realied his responsibility.

"Do you want to be doestiated?" For e, this is a profound question. In the book, the little prine et a fox and invited the fox to play with hi, but he was refused. The fox told hi that he was not taed. “what does that ean--tae?” little prine asked. The fox answered:” it eans to establish ties: to e, you are still nothin ore than a little boy who is just like a hundred thousand other little boys. And I have no need of you. And you, on your part, have no need of e. To you, I a nothin ore than a fox like a hundred thousand other foxes. But if you tae e, then we shall need eah other. To e , you will be unique in all the world. To you, I shall be unique in all the world.”

radually the little prine was beinnin to understand, beause he reebered his rose and he thouht his rose had taed hi. So he hose to o bak to his planet in the end. But to the fox, the little prine’s farewell will ake her sad, but the hurts beause of love, she should learn to aept it radually. I believe there are full of hurts within serious and true love.

As lon as the little prine flied to different planets and et a variety of persons an he understand hiself and his rose. So I think travelin is a ood way to experiene life.


"The Little Prine" is a lear book, as lear as the water. It’s writes for adults, teenaers and hildren. It is a book about life and the lives of the fable. As the book said, the water on the heart is benefiial. And "Little Prine" an ake people feel war and fresh.

The story is about a boy. He lives on a sall planet. He is the only person of the planet. He is a lonely prine. Fortunately, a beautiful rose ae in his life. They loved eah other. But a little aruent separated the. He left the planet whih he lives, starts travelin. He went to any planets and et any different people. He likes to wath the sunset when he was sad. He found that people wanted happiness, but always pushed away happiness rudely.

At last, he understood how to love eah other. Love and life is a very iportant thin. He is very reret. He wanted to return to the planet whih he lives. But he didn’t know the road. He hose to drank snake veno end his life beause he thouht it will be able to ast off his bulky body to o bak.

Every tie, when I read "The Little Prine", I always oved about it. In real life, we often busy in the whole day, suh as a fly without soul. The passae of tie, hildhood away, we rew up and took away a lot of eories, but we also have an oasis in the heart.

Beause ‘The Little Prine’ story, we live in quiet, the heart has a hope and love, have touhed on the responsibility of the life.


Reently I read a book with the title The Little Prine by Antoine de Saint-ExupéExpiry .He is a Frane author and born in a rih faily.

As a book for hildren at the first, The Little Prine is a lear book, as lear as the water. But now it is fit for adults, teenaers and hildren. It is a book about life and the lives of the fable. As the book said, the water on the heart is benefiial. And "Little Prine" an ake people feel war and fresh. The story is about a boy. He lives on a sall planet. He is the only person of the planet. He is a lonely prine. Fortunately, a beautiful rose ae in his life.

The ist of the story is as follows. The prine and the rose loved eah other. But a little aruent separated the. He left the planet whih he lives, starts travelin.

He went to any planets and et any different people. He likes to wath the sunset when he was sad. He found that people wanted happiness, but always pushed away happiness rudely. At last, he understood how to love eah other. Love and life is a very iportant thin. He is very reret. He wanted to return to the planet whih he lives. But he didn’t know the road. He hose to drink snake veno end his life beause he thouht it will be able to ast off his bulky body to o bak. Every tie, when I read "The Little Prine", I always oved about it. In real life, we often busy in the whole day, suh as a fly without soul. The passae of tie, hildhood away, we rew up and took away a lot of eories, but we also have an oasis in the heart.

Beause ‘The Little Prine’ story, we live in quiet, the heart has a hope and love, have touhed on the responsibility of the life.


The little prine is a fairy tales for abult. the book was written to a rown-up.his nae is leon werth. thelanuae in this book is faetious.

It akes e understand. the row-ups aways need explanations. the orw-ups like talk about bride and olt and politis and nekties. row-ups like nubers,too. when you tellthe about a new friend,they never ask questions about what really atters. they never ask: what does his voie sound like?’ what aes does he like best?’ “does he ollet butterflies?” they ask :“how old is he?” “how any blothers does he have?” “how uh oney does his father ake?”

Read the book, i understand soe priniple. one sees learly only with the heart, anythin essential is invisible to the eyes. it’s the tie you spent on soeone that akes soebody so iportant.

people have stars, but they aren’t the sae. for travelers, the stars are uides. for other people they’re nothin but tiny lihts. and for still others, for sholars they’re probles. for businessan, they were old. but all those stars are silent stars. we, thouh, we all have stars like nobady else.


This is a fairytale whose distribution volue is only seond to the bible. it’s been translated to versions of any other lanuaes. and i ather there ust be soethin speial, soethin really reat about it. it’s this onvition that drove e to read it at the first beinnin. well, with due respet to the author, i failed to see how this fairytale be worthy of our attention, despite the fat that any readers laied this book to be desined for adults.

Anyway, as a well-aknowleded book, it ust possess unique feature to aintain it’s position. and it’s reputation and popularity will by no eans be destroyed by what an unknown an says. i will talk about the ain ontents of the book, and the inspiration it renders as usual.

I see eye to eye with the author in that the ause of people’s loneliness an be onluded to the neliene of the bonds that onnets the. people are supposed to are about eah other, herish what’s really iportant for the, and be rateful for the happiness that they’ve ained. we all believe knowlede and experiene enable us to see learly and ake riht judeents all the tie. but we ay soeties lose the riht to speak straihforwardly, think reatively or love ouraeously resultin fro what we’ve experiened. that why in our iddle shool textbooks, it’s the little kid that breaks the illusion of the eperor by sayin ”but u, he ain’t were anythin”.

When i was a hild, i was definitely a ood boy who went hoe on tie after shool and did his hoework and never tried anythin without o’s perission. and now i a a rown-up, and still i a a ood an, at least, that’s what i heard. soeties when i was lonely and i bean to think about y hildhood, then all the happiness and are-free

People told e life is a journey whih will never stop one it’s started. what’s left behind are happiness and sorrow, pride and shae, suess and reret. there’s ood old tie to reinise and there’s sad hours that reinds us of the pain. your feelin akes the real, and you know you lived.

I want to onlude by sayin soe positive words that eah yestersday used to be today, and eah today is the future of yesterday, so akin the ost of today is the best way to herish your lives. our ortal beins are dooed to die. it’s not sad, instead, death it’s just a proess of our lives. after all, we’ve lived our lives and it’s what we do and how we think that deterine who we are.

have a nie day!


"Le Petit Prine" is about to tell a story of alien hildren to live in a very sall planet, that planet there is only one hi, he has to take are of the planet, he is the planet the Le Petit Prine, rown up, he went to other planets travel, has enountered all sorts of people (aliens)。 Finally he ae to the author enountered on Earth, and then died here.

Look at this book, adults should not ripe to look at the entality, to the point of view of your heart to understand it. the Le Petit Prine has a pure heart and a rih iaination.

When the Le Petit Prine left his planet, on the road, when a kin, and that Kin would just like to ontrol all rational, this is not like us? Espeially when the teaher, like to o to other people, beause order that other people an find theselves hih up above and beoe a kin, others only obeys.

The seond enounter is love are people who love to be adired hi, praise hi anythin exept hear, in fat, we ourselves do they not? thers as lon as one to praise hiself, we do not arried away on it? Throuh this we an easily beoe oneited person, but also easy for the offensive.

There drunkard, but also a businessan, even to liht laps and eorapher, I think those people is equivalent to our portrayal of the real world, love the order, and love to be adired, I would like to re-oupy the possession, finally left with nothin ……

I think the Le Petit Prine This book is a faily book, in this book, I an feel that for who fae for odern day busy round, but not know they have a deep ipat on the youner eneration, sall Prine did not understand why adults want to do that? Like all hildren have the sae do not know. So I felt, how any ore to understand the needs of hildren, and is no loner a rando perfuntory, ore hildren to learn about the ideas, interests, rather than restraint.

I a prine fro an early ae I learned one thin, the really iportant thins, the eyes are invisible. Really iportant thins is to look at otives.


At first, the author told e in a soewhat sarasti tone that the adults seeed to only understand the nueral lanuae. For hildren, there is no sinifiant nuber; for adults, it is the ost iportant lanuae. The little prine I saw is written by Frane. I like the two sentenes in the book. ne is hildren. They often ive reat tolerane to adults. I think this little prine and inquisitive spirit about it! Just as a hild asks what it is, if a hild does not say a hild, he will always ask, beause hildren ive adults a lot of tolerane and patiene, so they are willin to wait for the answer to the adult. The exeption is the ysterious plae of tears. A beautiful sentene, whih is sad, sad and touhin, has been desribed as beautiful and hay. Its really lovely.

The book refers to the little prine who has one to any planets. It is sad to have a kin, an arroant an, a drunkard, a businessan, a eoloist, and a liht an, and it sees to be satirie all kinds of adults. But there is also a deroatory praise, the story also entions the dediation, even love, I think this is a story book.

Finish the story, finish the whole look, even read it aain, I have a very two ends of the feelin, one end is sad, the sentiental of partin is out of the heart fro the botto of the heart; the other end is happy is happy, this is the later feelin, this book is very ood!






























