Soeties I drea about life in the future. What will it be?
Perhaps soe people will o to the oon for a holiday or even live on the oon,and soe sientists will build ities under the sea to ake people live there. We an have a edial exaination or do soe shoppin without leavin our hoes,whih akes the life ore onvenient. aybe we will also do soe shoppin and work at hoe.
And I' sure there'll be ore eduational proraes on the radio or TV or by the Inteet or videophones,so perhaps soe hildren won't need to o to shool every day. They'll study at hoe.
In the future,all eletri equipent at hoe is under the on-trol of oputers. People an learn about the situation of the house by workin on the oputer at the offie. No people like doin housework. aybe eah faily will have a robot. Every day we an tell the robot what to do-shoppin,housework and so on. believe the drea will oe true soe day.
Tie travel, I ae to the future world of the 24th entury, and saw the new life of huan future.
Is the future house obile or free to live in. There are not any furniture and eletri applianes, but they have oplete funtions. The air onditioner is one. The roo is war in winter and ool in suer. It turns out that people store the hot air in suer for use in winter, and store the old air in winter for use in suer. There is no lapblak ahine in the kithen, beause the new ookin oil will not produe lapblak to pollute the environent. There is no lap. Advaned lihtin aterials are shrunk into sall partiles. You an put the into environental protetion paint and paint the on the wall. When the liht is dark, the wall will produe liht. People an adjust the brihtness anually. The TV no loner needs reote ontrol swith. As lon as you say "on", it will start to play, and an provide different proras for different people at any tie. It really beoes "reen TV". hildren an wath healthy proras.
In the future, the world's ars will be very environentally friendly. They will all beoe solar powered ars. The exhaust eissions will still be benefiial to huan life. ars an be haned into various fors, drivin on land, sailin on the sea, flyin in the sky. In this way, it is uh ore onvenient for people to travel.
How environentally friendly and ofortable life will be in the future!
I have a future world in y heart. It's beautiful and spetaular. Now, let e take you there for a tour.
We set out in the shape of a water drop solar ar. The biest advantae of this kind of ar is that it will not pollute the environent. Its shape is also very interestin. The front is a transparent frae ade of lon wooden boards and soe lass piees, and the bak is a patterned tail ade of hard stone. Alost everyone an drive this kind of ar, beause it is very easy to operate, as lon as you press the start button, the followin is ontrolled by the lanuae.
In the future, anials in the world an ouniate with people. If you feel bored, anials will oe to talk with you and play with you. f ourse, these anials have to be your own pets. In the oo, the keepers will also ive the anials the food they want, take the to the plaes they want to o, and play the aes they want to play.
Next, we oe to the hildren's palae, whih is a 0 story buildin. hildren have their own abinets and desks here. You an enjoy learnin and playin with your lassates. The ost interestin thin is the restaurant here. When you want to eat, you have to do a sall perforane, even if you read soe anient inantations and dane a strane dane. You don't have to ook, and the rih food will show up in front of you. K, let e take you to have a try now. The deliious food will surely ake you salivate.
How wonderful y future world is! How about you think about your future world, aybe better than ine!
After a series of oinidenes, I ae to the 31st entury. I was stunned by what I saw. The bak of the ar in the street was no loner the annoyin soke, but the fresh air.
Here, robots are indispensable in everyone's life, suh as nanny robots! Nanny Robot's brain stores reipes fro all over the world. It an ake Frenh food, Japanese food and haburer, and it an do no worse than five-star hef. At this tie, people have astered the lonin tehnoloy, lonin soe endanered rare anials to inrease their nuber. Now the arket is full of panda ilk, bear paws, and other rare anials.
The streets have also haned. There is no arbae or dust on the road. This is beause of the aial funtion of the road. When walkin on the road, people an spit and throw rubbish at will, beause when you throw rubbish, the round will be 0. The speed of 0001 seonds enulfs the arbae, and the arbae is sent to the dup for inineration. Today's eduation is not the sae as now. At that tie, we only need to o to the hospital to a sall hip into the brain, and all the knowlede will be opleted. The rest will fous on hands-on pratie ability, and we an raduate and work at a youn ae. There are no universities, no priary shools, no seondary shools.
We also invented anial translation ahine. People an ouniate with anials freely, and we found artian on ars
All of a sudden, a sound woke e up. It was y other. Everythin was fake just now, but I really hope this oent will oe soon.
In the future , people will have different life.
hilden won’t o to shool , beause they will study on the oputer. That will be really ood.
Huans will not have so any thins to do , beause there will be robots to do the. Robots are oin to be huans’ best friends.
In one hundred years , people will live in the sea or in the spae station. We will find out ore bioloial , know ore knowlede.
I think they will beoe a reality.
This winter vaation is very speial. I dont need to attend interest lasses or o out to play. Instead, I resist the epidei at hoe. I sure thats the sae with you. I dont know how youve been at hoe? But I live a full life at hoe every day.
The first person who ets up every day is other. other leans the house lean and spotless every day. y father is a person who ant stay at hoe. He wants to o out for a walk every now and then, but y other will say to hi, "if you o out, o to quarantine for 14 days and oe bak." It sared Dad out of the door! But when its neessary, o will let dad o out to buy neessities. o will ake a ood list for Dad to buy aordin to the list. Just buyin veetables one will be enouh for our faily to eat for several days. Before oin out, dad will put on the ask and disposable loves. When he oes bak, dad will han his oat outside and throw the ask and loves into the arbae an before enterin.
What about e? Every day after breakfast, I start to do y hoework. After finishin y hoework, I will help y other do soe housework as uh as I an. I an also anae y sister, play aes with her or teah her to read, and exerise with her.
I will wath the news for a while every day and learn that randpa hon Nanshan is 4 years old, but he is still fihtin for the first-line treatent of patients and protetion of people. The news also said that we should wash our hands frequently and o out less. What we an do is stay at hoe, redue oin out and protet our health.
I hope the epidei will oe to an end as soon as possible. The unles and aunts who are strulin in the front line an also o hoe and et toether with their failies as soon as possible. I believe we an overoe the epidei and oe to Wuhan! oe on hina!
In 2020, a novel oronavirus broke out in Wuhan. This virus is very terrible, as lon as people an talk or ontat with eah other, so everyone should wear asks when oin out.
Beause of the serious epidei, the plan to take e and y friends and two people to Xiaen on the seond day of the first year also failed. y parents had to o to work every day, while I was at hoe alone every day, with nowhere to o. In order not to be infeted with the virus, I wash y hands frequently every day, exerise, eat well and suppleent various vitains to enhane y iunity.
When o and dad are not at hoe, I will quietly finish y hoework onsientiously and try not to worry o and dad. In this unusual winter vaation, I not only learned how to ook hot rie and duplins, but also often helped y other do housework. I hope I an alleviate her hard work.
But interestin thins happen at hoe. When I ooked the duplins this ornin, I overooked the. Aain, hahaha, all the stuffin in the duplins "ran away fro hoe" and beae a pot of duplin skin.
Reently, novel oronavirus pneuonia has spread throuhout the ountry, and has beoe an issue of onern. The novel oronavirus ae fro a seafood arket in Wuhan, and then spread fro Wuhan to all reions. Beause people didnt are at first, it aused suh serious onsequenes.
In order to prevent the spread of the virus, Wuhan was losed, and then any ities in Hubei were losed. No aess without speial reasons. The novel oronavirus was broadast daily by the people wearin asks. In order to prevent the spread of the virus, people without asks are not allowed to buy veetables or take buses.
Experts all on everyone not to o out, try to stay at hoe, durin the sprin festival do not partiipate in dinner, do not party. Dont o where there are any people. Wash your hands and open windows frequently at hoe.
The novel oronavirus pneuonia was urently prevented in y residential distrit, and three entrane and exit were losed, leavin only one door in and out. Express delivery and take away delivery are not allowed to enter the ounity, they should o to the door to et the. People enterin the ounity need to reister and take their teperature before they an enter. Every ar ust also be reistered. Forein vehiles and personnel are not allowed to enter.
I havent been out for any days. I write y hoework at hoe and wath TV every day. Its very borin. Dad said that we stay at hoe now, protet ourselves fro infetion, that is to ontribute to the fiht aainst pneuonia!
I hope everyone an stay at hoe well, dont o out and protet theselves. I hope sientists and dotors an find a way to treat pneuonia. We will work toether to defeat the virus and win!