3、关于智能手机利与弊的英语作文80字 手机利与弊800字作文(3)
Advantaes and Disadvantaes of the Internet.
Ten years ao, the Internet was pratially unheard of by ost people. Today, the Internet is one of the ost powerful tools throuhout the world. The Internet is a olletion of various servies and resoures. Aordin to Russ Brok, a diretor and onsultant at the enter for Innovation and Inquiry, the Internet’s ain oponents are E-ail and the World Wide Web. “There’s a lot ore to the Internet than E-ail, searh enines, elerity web sites, up-to-the-seond sports sores, and hat roos full of risqué disussions. The Net also ranks as one of today’s best business tools - if it’s used adroitly”. Alost all households ontain the Internet; however, before people onnet to the Internet, they need to be aware of its disadvantaes and advantaes.
any fear the Internet beause of its disadvantaes. They lai to not use the Internet beause they are afraid of the possible onsequenes or are siply not interested. People who have yet onneted to the Internet lai they are not issin anythin. Today’s tehnoloial soiety ust realie, it is up to the to protet theselves on the Internet “Half of U.S. adults, or 94 illion Aerians, aren’t online”.
hildren usin the Internet has beoe a bi onern. ost parents do not realie the daners involved when their hildren lo onto the Internet. When hildren are online, they an easily be lured into soethin danerous. When hildren talk to others online, they do not realie they ould atually be talkin to a harful person. As a result, there have been any ases where hildren have been onvined to eet people they have talked with online. In fat, “stories see to oe out every week: a hild or teenaer lured into soethin foolish, danerous, or even deadly on line” . athy leaver of the Faily Researh ounil lais that it is aainst the law for a olester to even attept to find hildren online . In addition, hildren ay also reeive pornoraphy online by istake; therefore, ausin onern aon parents everywhere. Whether surfin the Web, readin newsroups, or usin eail, hildren an be exposed to extreely inappropriate aterial. Pornoraphi sites tend to ake sure they are the first sites to be listed in any searh area; thus, hildren oe aross suh sites easily. A an fro Pearl, ississippi was arrested in 1996 for downloadin pornoraphi iaes of hildren fro the Internet. He was hared with 290 ounts of hild pornoraphy . Soe ritis say that parents are responsible for their own hildren on the Internet beause there are available servies to protet hildren. To keep hildren safe, parents and teahers ust be aware of the daners. They ust atively uide and uard their hildren online. Parents should talk to their hildren about what is online and what iht happen online, lais Howard Rheinold, writer of The Virtual ounity . There are a nuber of tools available today that ay help keep the Internet environent safer for hildren. Soe opanies, suh as Aeria nline, try to onitor everythin that is said and done on their online servie; however, beause thousands of hat roos are available, it is siply ipossible for everythin to be onitored, lais Triia Prirose, worker for Aeria nline . In other words, hildren want to explore thins; however, there are people on the Internet that are just too persuasive.
With the developent of hih tehnoloy, Internet is ore and ore popular. No atter hildren or the old know how to searh the Internet. The eerin of the Internet brin a lot of benefit for people, while people also find it brin har to the enerally.
First of all, Internet brins uh onveniene and a olorful world for people. With Internet, people an buy all the thins at hoe, searh various inforation, ake friends with people fro all the world and so on. Without Internet people an’t have those benefit. oreover, as there are a lot of people shoppin on line, the need for ouriers is inreasin. This brin eployent opportunities to any people. However, Internet also brin disadvantaes for peole. As the Internet is wonderful, any people are addited to it. Soe indule in playin oputer aes and nelet study or job. Besides, beause people an touh different kind of inforation online, they are easily learn soe bad essaes, whih is bad for their rowin.
To su up, everythin has two sides. Internet also has advantaes and disadvantaes. But as far as I’ onerned, Internet has ore advantaes than disadvantaes if people use it in a proper way.
usiians are also onerned with disadvantaes to the Net suh as, aessibility and freedo. They are upset beause the Internet provides their usi online at no hare to onsuers. File-sharin servies, suh as Napster, provides opyrihted sons to all Internet users. The ain onern is - the usi is free! usiians feel “they are not ettin paid for their work”. Beause of Napster, it is alost ipossible to lose down all file-sharin servies; there are too any of the to ount . Leal ases have developed aross the ountry with opyriht owners delarin that their usi is bein plaiaried by people on the Internet .
Another ajor disadvantae of the Internet is privay. Eletroni essaes sent over the Internet an be easily snooped and traked, revealin who is talkin to who and what they are talkin about. As people surf the Internet, they are onstantly ivin inforation to web sites . People should beoe aware that the olletion, sellin, or sharin of the inforation they provide online inreases the hanes that their inforation will fall into the wron hands. onsequently, they will beoe a viti of identity theft, one of the worst privay violations with potentially devastatin finanial onsequenes . When ivin personal inforation on the Internet, people should ake sure the Web site is proteted with a reoniable seurity sybol. n the other hand, this does not ean they are fully proteted beause anyone ay obtain a user’s inforation . In other words, “the ost oon Internet ries are frauds and on aes” .
Today, not only are huans ettin viruses, but oputers are also. oputers are ainly ettin these viruses fro the Internet; yet, viruses ay also be transitted throuh floppy disks. However, people should ainly be onerned about reeivin viruses fro the Internet. Soe of these danerous viruses destroy the oputer’s entire hard drive, eanin that the user an no loner aess the oputer. Virus protetion is hihly reoended.
Despite all of the terrible disadvantaes of the Internet, there are nuerous advantaes. In fat, the advantaes out weih the disadvantaes. Alestis ber uses elderly people as an exaple of those who benefit the ost fro the Internet; a REat deal of elders are shut in their hoes due to health probles. She also lais the Internet “beae one ore soial avenue in our lives” .
The ost oon thin the Internet is used for is researh. hildren and students are aon the top people who use the Internet for researh. Today, it is alost required that students use the Internet for researh. Thirty perent of teahers ive assinents requirin researh fro the Internet. In the lassroo, sixty-six perent of teahers use the Internet to teah . The Internet has beoe one of the biest soures for researh. Alost everyday, researh on edial issues beoes easier to loate. Web sites have beoe available for people to researh diseases and talk to dotors online at sites suh as, Aeria’s Dotor. Durin 199 over 20 illion people reported oin online to retrieve health inforation .
记得假期有一次我玩“摩尔庄园”这个游戏。因为当时我觉得太好玩了,信息提醒了我好几次,每次提醒的时间间隔为45分钟,我仍继续玩,一点都控制不住自己,不知不觉几个小时过去了。当我听到妈妈的训斥声时,才住了手。真没想到停手后的我觉得眼前黑蒙蒙一片,头晕晕的,视力也感觉差了许多,过了好长时间才恢复过来。但这样的警告并没有把自投罗“网”的我从一“网”情深的游戏中拉出来。我继续在爸妈上班时重复着我的“多姿多彩的网络”生活。整个假期就这样过去了。开学后,我是人在教室心在网,一次测试,我的成绩一落千丈。妈妈知道后,把电脑设了个密码,使我破 解了几次都打不开,这才止住了我的“网瘾”!
我始终深信着:日新月异的科技无法改变人情,改变的其实是众人的心啊! “网络就像冰箱一样,即使清楚知道里头没什么,仍频繁地将其打开”,低头族便是被滑机的诱惑束缚。而过度的依赖电子产品更引发种种社会乱象:有人因工作时不停“埋首苦干”而失去宝贵机会,有人因整颗心悬在手机上而荒废课业,甚至因在道路上做低头族而导致的车祸比例逐渐攀升……。人本是可以专心致志的笔直走在人生路上,然而手机诱惑及人心不古的社会景况却在康庄大道上掘下一个个陷阱,使人们身陷其中而无法自拔。 我看低头族,是被桎梏的心灵,失去解锁的勇气。
关于智能手机利与弊的英语作文80字 手机利与弊800字作文
Sartphone Addition
As the developent of odern tehnoloy, Sartphone has beoe quite popular all over the world with its outstandin funtions. People an use phones to surf the Internet, update their personal iro blo, and upload their latest pitures at any plae, anytie. It sees that sart phones have already beoe an indispensable part in people’s daily lives. However, soe people are indulin in sart phones, whih already have side-effet on their noral life.
Soe people, espeially teenaers, are easily fall for Sartphone for these reasons. First of all, nowadays, people are under reat pressure, while ell phone provides a platfor for people to relax theselves. By playin ini-aes, voal hattin with friends, wathin ovies and listenin to usi, people an easily foret their probles teporary. Seond, there are always soethin new on the phone. It is an be interestin, ysterious and various. So people are eaer to turn on their phones, want to know what is happenin around the. When people spend too uh tie on the phones, they don’t have enouh hane to ouniate with their friends or parents. Their attentions have been drawn away by the virtual world. Lak of ood self-ontrol, they are fraile to the sart phone addition, while they supposed to fous on their study and work.
I think people should take sart phone addition seriously. Quittin addition needs tie and patiene. People should turn off their phones, o outside and ouniate with others fae to fae. Do ore exerise and for optiisti attitude towards life! 我认为人们应重视把智能手机成瘾症。戒掉它需要时间和耐心。人们应该关掉手机,走出家门与他人面对面的沟通交流。多做运动,培养乐观积极的心态!
相关范文:Nowadays ore and ore students played their ell phone durin the lass . and i think there are several key reasons for this oasion ours. the first is that they think the teahers lass are borin and this is a beautiful ause . the seond is that there is not a strit rule .the third one is that the students don’t have a oal of their life .And we all know that not only the phone has radioative but also ruined the orale in studyin .you just want to kill the tie durin the
lass...we should take an ation to inase its deteriorate .first we teahers should be vividly and huorous and know soe basi skills of teahin students instead of readin the books for students in the lass..the seond
we need to ake a strit rule about phone and the punishent will be needed too. the third students should be enlihtened about akin their plan of their future . we all know that if we don’t have plan we ant ake a differene ..we should be fast , aurate, and without ery the situation will be haned and everythin will fine.关于智能手机利与弊的英语作文0字.
Diretions:Study the followin raph arefully and write an essay in whih you should
1) analye the raph, and
2) ive your oents on the trend.
In reent years there has been a draati rise in the ell phones, whih are now essential to illions of people as a onvenient for of ouniation. In 2004 the nuber reahed 31,000,000, with an averae annual inrease at 7,00,000. Soe people an now no loner iaine life without their ell phones. The fat that they are so popular proves that they are useful and onvenient. ell phones enable people to easily and quikly ouniate with one another; wherever you are, you an instantly reah soebody. ell phones eliinate the trouble of not bein able to eet soeone in person, and therefore inrease business's effiieny. obile phones neessarily also harbor disadvantaes. The radiation suh phones eit is haardous to one's health. Furtherore, if people beoe too reliant on the use of ell phones, our fae to fae skills ay deline. Any new invention has its drawbaks, and suh neative aspets annot always diinish its popularity. Despite the neative effets of television, for exaple, the nuber of people who own televisions ontinues to row at a treendous rate. This is also the ase with obile phones. People won't stop eatin just beause of the risk ofhokin. In addition, the swift developent of siene and tehnoloy will likely eliinate the haards ell phones ay ause. ne an safely predit, therefore, that with the introdution of new tehniques, obile phones will have ore appliations and beoe even ore appealin to ustoers.关于智能手机利与弊的英语作文0字.
As is shown in the hart, ell phones are beoin ore and ore popular within hina. In 2000, the nuber of ell phones in use was ,260,000; in 2001, the nuber was 10,000,000; in 2002 206,600,000; in 2003 269,000,000. In 2004, the nuber is关于智能手机利与弊的英语作文0字.
31,000,000. Fro these statistis, we an see the inreasin use of ell phones.
Why have ell phones ained so uh doinane in our lives? There are any fators ontributin to this developent. Firstly, a ell phone has no wires and an be arried everywhere easily. It is sart. If you need to rin soeone, you an just dial a nuber and the phone will onnet you to the riht person. It an be a reat help for you to be onneted with the world. Seondly, a ell phone is soethin wonderful that we an have fun with: news, aes, usi and hat throuh sendin short essaes. Thirdly, the drop in prie and the siultaneous iproveent in the
funtions have ade it possible for an averae person to ake use of a ell phone.
The wide use of ell phones has ade the ore and ore indispensable in people's daily life. The any funtions of the ell phone have ade ertain people relutant to separate theselves fro their ell phone.
这个图表向我们展示了手机在中国变得越来越普遍。在2000年,全中国的手机使用量为26万部;2001年为1.亿;2002年为2.066亿;2003年为2.69亿; 2004年的手机使用量迅速增加到
Fro the artoon iven above, we an observe that there are any people rossin the street. Instead of lookin at the way, they are starin at their ell phones and usin walkin stiks to see. It is obvious that they are fasinated with ell phones while even inore their seurity.
We learn fro the artoon that ell phones have been inreasinly widespread in people's life. ell phones are of reat benefit to all of us. ne of the ost obvious advantaes is that we an ontat with our friends and relatives ore onveniently than ever before. However, it is obile-phones' advantaes that lead soe people to overuse or be addited to the, whih tends to exert a neative ipat on our life. For exaple, overusin ell phones will redue fae-to-fae ouniation aon people. It sees that ost of us enjoy the onveniene of ontat at the expense of interpersonal relationships. oreover,entertainin eletroni aes, ananious inforation and a bewilderin variety of soial networkin tools in obile phones have oupied uh of our tie. Inforation distribution tools and soial networkin tools, in partiular, have attrated all of our attention, whih tepts us to keep our eyes on the sreen around the orner of every seond. Then, do not expet us to talk with the people around us, we don't have tie! This, has resulted in a phenoenon of "alienation between aquaintanes and failiarity between straners".
Siene and tehnoloy and odern tools should be served as an "anel" to iprove our livin standard, rather than a devil to disturb our noral life and ouniation. Just iaine, live one day without obile phone, will you be relaxed? r anxious? (279words)
篇二:《英语作文 手机的优缺点》
Advantaes & Disadvantaes of havin a obile phone
Havin a obile phone has soe exellent advantaes. Above all, onveniene is the ost iportant one in people life. We an ouniate with others whenever we want. Afterwards, with the eere of various appliations, we rasp any hane to sueed. oreover, not only playin aes but also surfin the internet an relax and deliht us at our spare tie. In y view, obile phones fit our life reatly.
However, soe disadvantaes of usin a obile phone are an not be inored. The ost harful one is that it is of uh daner for us to use it when we are drivin. n the one hand, the radiation of phones does har to our eyes uh. And on the other hand, the suddenly sound of phones ay ause both of ebarrassent and disturbane. So it is advisable for us to use phones properly.
Reent deades have witnessed the prosperity of the soiety, and it is an ordinary phenoenon in ollee that every student possesses a obile phone. Just as we all know, every oin has two sides. So does the obile phone.
Soe students think obile phone an ake their life onvenient. First, it offers the an aeptable way to keep in touh with their parents, lassates and friends. Seond, they an easily surf the Internet at anytie in anywhere to et the essae they want to know. Third, the software about study in their obile phone an help the learn well, suh as the E-ditionary.
While others are aainst this opinion. For it does har to their eyesiht that wathin obile phone for a lon tie. Besides, students always heat in exas with obile phone ,whih led a bad influene on apus. In addition, students always pursue the hih quality of the obile phone, so it brins the reat pressure on eonoy.
As far as I a onerned, we should treat this question orretly. obile phone is a tool to help our life beoe easy not to let us beoe its slave .So we should liit the tie usin it and avoid heatin in exas with it. nly in this way, an it benefit to our life.
No one an derade us exept ourselves; that if we are worthy, no influene an defeat us.
(B.T.Washinton, Aerian eduator)除了我们自己以外,没有人能贬低我们。如果我们坚强,就没有什么不良影响能够打败我们。
为了大家能更多的得到写作部分的2分,我们特精选了以下范文,希望同学们务必研读背诵!(尤其注意:文中划线部分为该体裁的套话;黑体部分为写作中的经典表达。) ay you sueed in the oin ollee entrane exaination.
Dear Editor:
[引出话题] I’ a senior three student. I’ writin to tell you y opinion on whetheriddle shool students an o to shool with obile phones. [赞成]I think they an do that. Beause students an keep in touh with their friends and faily wherever they are. Besides, the obile phone is a way to have fun.
[反对] However, every oin has 2 sides. There are soe probles with usin obile phones. The rin of phones an disturb teahers and students in the lassroo.
Another students is that soe students an spend too uh tie and oney on phone alls and sendin essaes.
[个人观点] In onlusion, I suest students not use phones in the lassroo. Also, as it is expensive, the owner should take ood are of it.
Yours sinerely,关于智能手机利与弊的英语作文0字.
Li Hua
To Love the Sart Phone or Not
It definitely hanes our life on a lare sale.When you look around,alost everyone stares at it.No atter how old they are and where they are.People just are ore about it rather than others around the.an you suppose what is it?That's riht,it is your sart phone.Althouh the sart phone has been invented for a few years,people still don't know how to fae it in a riht way.
Before the ell phone has been ade,the way people use to ouniate with eah other is siple.They ay write to eah other or use a landline.But these ethods all have a reat liitation.People have to await their replies for a lon tie or stay with the landline.With the developent of odern tehnoloy,this situation haned when the sart phone oe.It is onvenient for people to take and use,and it has beoe quite popular all over the world with its new funtions. People an send essaes or all anybody by usin ell phone at any tie.But the sart phone is ore intelliene than the ell phone.People an use it to take photos,listen to usi,update their personal iro blo,upload their latest pitures at any plae or use any other appliations.The
reason why people an't leave the sart phone away is that people are under reat pressure nowadays,but sart phone provides a platfor for people to relax theselves by playin aes,hattin with friends ,wathin ovies and listenin to usi,people an easily foret their probles teporary,even people like to hoose the soial apps rather than traditional ways to ouniate with others.
Sart phone ake our life ore olorful and onvenient.But it is fairly well know that people foret how to talk with others fae to fae.When they stay with their friends and faily,sit in the bus or walk on the road even sit in the lassroo,they stare at their sart phone.Their attention has been draw on by the virtual world.It sees that sart phone have beoe an inseparable parts in people's daily life.However soe people are addited to sart phone,whih already have side-effet in their noral life.People foret there is a real world out of their sart phone.They want to keep the beautiful thins in the sart phone,but an you keep the forever?Put the nie in your eyes ,in your brain,in your heart,only in this way you an reeber forever.If you drop your phone,you an feel the real love ,friendship and any other eotions.It isn't y opinion not to use the sart phone.Bause I a also a little bit addited to sart phone,I use it to spend y free tie.But I find it is bad for your vision if you stare the sreen for a lon tie.What I ean is people
should leave ore tie to the people around us not the old phone.Sart phone ive us any surprise but the real life will ive you ore!
1. 说明事物现状
2. 事物本身的优缺点(或一方面)
3. 你对现状(或前景)的看法 As we all know ,the world develops ore quiker than before. ,any students use the obile phone in the shool .Now ,let e tell you the advantae and the disadvantae .
any parent thinks use the obile phone is bad for
students .It will ust affet students' study. ost students will play the aes in lass .And they will send the inforation to their friends .That's too bad to the to study .
But ,usin the obile phone also have ood thins to students ,They an all their friends when they are not in shool .It will akes your friendship ore lose . And ,if your parents an't find you ,they an all you at one .
In a word ,usin the obile phone have the ood thins and the bad thins .The iportant is if you an ontrol yourself .
篇七:《Rational Use of Sartphone【智能 手机 利与弊 英语作文 四级 六级】》
Rational Use of Sartphone
With the developent of tehnoloy,Sart phone has beoe ore and ore popular in our life with the exellent funtions.People an use obile phone to aess the Internet,update their personal twitter or Faebook,and upload their real-tie pitures at any tie,any plae.It sees that sart phones have already beoe an inalienable part in people’s daily life.
However,soe people are intoxiated with the virtual world whih reated by sart phone but arinalie their noral life.Soe people,partiularly youn people,are easily fallin for Sart Phone for these reasons.
First of all,odern people,who are under reat pressure,while sart phone ives a way for people to relax theselves.By playin sartphone aes,hattin online with friends,wathin ovies,people an easily relax and be addited to it.oreover,the thins on the phone always update in real tie.People aybe fae various inforation,whih needs spendin lot of tie to read and leads to ouniate with their friends or parents for less tie.ore seriously,usin sartphone frequently ay ause health probles.obile telephone eletroaneti radiation an injure our body health and the fous on sartphone for lon periods of tie ay injure ental health.
It’s no doubt sartphone ive us irreplaeable onveniene,but the frequently usin of it ay ause addition.ur real world is ore iportant than the virtual world.We should do ore exerise and for optiisti attitude of life.