生活问题 Problems in My Life英语作文


篇首语:只要自己上进,不怕人家看轻。本文为你选取作文生活问题 Problems in My Life英语作文四篇,希望能帮到你。


1、生活问题 Problems in My Life英语作文(1)

2、Problems in My Life英语作文(2)

3、My life in Primary school 初二英语作文(3)

4、A day in my life一年级英语作文(4)

生活问题 Problems in My Life英语作文

糊口问题 Probles in y Life英语作文

在平时的学习、工作或糊口中,大家都有写作文的经历,对作文很是认识吧,借助作文可以进步我们的语言组织能力。那么问题来了,到底应如何写一篇优秀的`作文呢?以下是小编顿的糊口问题 Probles in y Life英语作文,但愿对大家有所匡助。

In the life, everybody has a lot of proble. For exaple, I a a wonderful student. I an usually et a hih ark. I study very well. But soeties I rekless of the exaination, so, I an’t do it very well. After the exa, I blow it. ost of y teahers usually apprehend e, but y other soeties akes little of e. She usually says that,’ Honey, why you blew the exa, don’t foret, you are an exellent student, you ust study hard, and you ust et the hih ark next exa.’

When y other says that, I always feel very harin. I a not orale, why I an’t ake istakes. But y father apprehends e. He thinks I a a hildren, so I an ake a little istake. I always study hard after I blew the exa, beause y father heers on e. I study hard for e, for hi, of ourse, I study hard for y other too.

When we bare up aainst, don’t trepidation, don’t be sared, and tell the tribulation to our kiths, they an help you.

Problems in My Life英语作文

In the life, everybody has a lot of proble. For exaple, I a a wonderful student. I an usually et a hih ark. I study very well. But soeties I rekless of the exaination, so, I an’t do it very well. After the exa, I blow it. ost of y teahers usually apprehend e, but y other soeties akes little of e. She usually says that,’ Honey, why you blew the exa, don’t foret, you are an exellent student, you ust study hard, and you ust et the hih ark next exa.’

When y other says that, I always feel very harin. I a not orale, why I an’t ake istakes. But y father apprehends e. He thinks I a a hildren, so I an ake a little istake. I always study hard after I blew the exa, beause y father heers on e. I study hard for e, for hi, of ourse, I study hard for y other too.

When we bare up aainst, don’t trepidation, don’t be sared, and tell the tribulation to our kiths, they an help you.

My life in Primary school 初二英语作文

As tie oes by,No I a a student in the iddle shool,But I still iss y priary shool.At that tie, the sky always very blue and sunny.I was so happy in there, everyday.

y priary shool was very beautiful.There were all kinds of trees and flowers everywhere.y teahers were friendly to e and y lassates,So we liked the very uh.I had a lot of lose friends in there,After lass, we often played aes or did sports in the playround.

What a happy life!

y life in priary shool told e a lot, I know any thins and i' rowin up, I will never foret those years, i' lookin forward to the future life just like y life in priary shool——relaxin and interestin!

A day in my life一年级英语作文

y faily lives on this street。 In the ornin, y father oes to work and all the hildren o to shool。 y other takes us to shool everyday。 She does the housework。 She always has her lunh at hoe, and sees her friends in the afternoon。

In the evenin all the hildren oe hoe fro shool。 They always et hoe early。 y father oes hoe fro work and he is often late。 After supper y two brothers and I do our hoework。 We o to bed at ten。y faily lives on this street。 In the ornin, y father oes to work and all the hildren o to shool。 y other takes us to shool everyday。 She does the housework。 She always has her lunh at hoe, and sees her friends in the afternoon。

In the evenin all the hildren oe hoe fro shool。 They always et hoe early。 y father oes hoe fro work and he is often late。 After supper y two brothers and I do our hoework。 We o to bed at ten。

【A day in y life一年级英语作文】相关文章:

1.A day in y life

2.A day in y life作文

3.y day 英语作文

4.y day英语作文

.y past life英语作文

6.英语作文y Healthy Life

7.y shool life英语作文

.英语作文y happiness in life

9.y university life英语作文


A day in my life一年级英语作文


my daily life我的日常生活


我的学校生活(My shool life)


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my daily life


My holiday life


My low carbon life


My after school life


初中英语作文:My Life


My new school life


My life 五年级英语作文
