dragonboatfestival怎么读 dragon boat festival
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1、dragonboatfestival怎么读 dragon boat festival(1)
dragonboatfestival怎么读 dragon boat festival
odule 1 Unit 3 Draon Boat Festival (第1课时)
I.Teahin ais:
1. Understand and say the passae “look and read”.
2. Know soethin about the Draon Boat Festival.
3. Say soe ore hineseTraditional Festivals
4. Try to ake soe rie duplins for your parents after lass.
ⅡLanuae fous and diffiult points:
1.Understand this passae
2.Retell the story.
3.Know how to say the date of the lunar onth
Ⅲ.Teahin aids:
1. A tape-reorder
2. pitures
3.soe rie duplins
IV.Teahin Proedures
Pre-task preperation
Show soe pitures and ake dialos with the students.
Who’s he? (Qu Yuan)
What are they doin? (They are havin draon boat raes.)
Why do people havin draon boat raes? (To reeber Qu Yuan)
(设计意图: 通过一组图片引入与文本内容相关的人和事,由最后一个问题导入新课)
While-task proedure
1.Show soe pitures of hinese trational festivals and talk about the
Piture 1: (Sprin Festival 正月初一)
1)Whih festival is it?
2)When is Sprin Festival?
Write the sentene on the blakboard: It’s on the first day of the first lunar onth.
Students learn to say this sentene.draonboatfestival怎么读.
3)What do people do on Sprin Festival?(生自由回答)
Piture 2 (The Lantern Festival 正月十五)
Piture 3 (The id Autun 八月十五)
Students hoose one festival and talk about it in roups.
2.Show soe pitures and introdue the story of “Look and read”.
3.Look at the piture and answer the question:
When was Qu Yuan born?
4.Listen to the reordin of “look and read” and irle the new words.
. Show the ards of the words ,read the one by one.
elebrate, advie, ountry, lunar, reeber
6. Play the reordin and the students repeat
7.Read the story in roups and then let soe volunteers read the story.
.Answer the questions about the story:
1)What was Qu Yuan’s job?
2) What did he do when his ountry was in daner?
3)When is Draon Boat Festival?
4) How do people reeber Qu Yuan?
1.Look at the pitures and retell the story.
2.Talk about soe hinese Trational Festivals by answerin these questions:
1)en is Draon Boat Festival?/ Sprin Festiva/ The Lantern’s Festival/ the id Autun?
2)What do people eat on those days?
3)What do people do on those days?
1.Listen and read “Look and read at hoework”.
2.Lean to ake soe rie duplins.
3.Find out soe ore hinese trational festivals.
odule 1 Unit 3 Draon Boat Festival(第3课时) Teahin ais
1.Undrestand and say the dialo of Listen and say.
2. Do a role-play about the food they likedraonboatfestival怎么读.
3. Do a survery to know the favourite food of the lassates.
ain points:
Know how to use odal verbs to indiate preferenes..
E: I’d rather have a piee of pia.draonboatfestival怎么读.
Teahin aids:
Tape-reorder ,soe pitures
Teahin proedure:
Pre-task preparation
Talk about their favourite food
1.Ask: What’s your favourite food?
2. Students show the pitures of their favourite food and talk about the in roups.
3. Let volunteers oe to the front and introdue their favourite food.
While-task proedure
1.Show soe pitures of the food and introdue the one by one.
haburer, bisuits, oonake, duplins, puddin
2.Students introdue the food aordin to the pitures
3.Use the food ards and ake dialos with the students.
T: Now it’s tie for breakfast. Here are soe food.
Peter ,would you like soe rie duplins?
T:Kitty, would you like soe bisuits.
Yes, please.
No,thanks. I’d rather have…
4.Play the assette.The students listen and repeat.
.ive the students tie to read Listen and say
6.In pairs, students pratise Ask and answer.
Post task ativities:
1.Devide the whole lass into three roups. Role play the dialoue in soe different situations.
roup 1 At hoe
roup 2 In a restaurant
roup 3 At a birthday party
E: Would you like soe…?
Yes, please. I like…
No,thanks. I don’t like… I’d rather have…
2. Let volunteers perfor the dialo in the front.
1.Listen and read Unit 1 at hoe.
2.Draw soe pitures of your favourite indoor and outdoor ativities.
第三篇:《The Draon Boat Festival教案》
odule 3 Food and drinks The Draon Boat Festival
Knowlede ais:
et the students to learn soe inforation about the Draon Boat Festival and other festivals. Have the students express their love or hate. Ability ais:
Train the students the abilities of olletin inforation, self-learnin and
workin in roups.
oral ais:
ultivate the students to love the ustos in different ountries, espeially in
our otherland.
Iportant points:
love /hate with/without Diffiult points:
et the students to express their love or have in their daily life orretly and fluently.
Teahin aids ulti-ediu objets ards
第四篇:《The draon boat festival》
The draon boat festival
Draon Boat Festival, often known as Tuen N Festival or Duan Wu Festival, is a traditional hinese festival held on the fifth day of the fifth onth of the hinese alendar. It is also known as the Double Fifth.[itation needed] It has sine been elebrated, in various ways, in other parts of East Asia as well, ost notably Korea.
The exat oriins of Duan Wu are unlear, but one traditional view holds that the festival eorialies the hinese poet Qu Yuan of the Warrin States Period. He oitted suiide by drownin hiself in a river beause he was disusted by the orruption of the hu overnent. The loal people, knowin hi to be a ood an, deided to throw food into the river to feed the fishes to prevent the fro eatin Qu's body. They also sat on draon boats, and tried to sare the fishes away by the thunderin sound of drus aboard the boat and the fiere lookin draon-head in the front of the boat.
In the early years of the hinese Republi, Duan Wu was also elebrated as "Poets' Day", due to Qu Yuan's status as hina's first poet of personal renown.
Today, people eat oni (the food oriinally intended to feed the fishes) and rae draon boats in eory of Qu's draati death.
odule 1 Unit 3 Draon Boat Festival(第2课时) Teahin ais
1.Undrestand and say the dialo of “Listen and say”.
2. Do a role-play about the rie duplins they like
3.Know how to ake soe different rie duplins.
4.Do a survery to know what kind of the duplins our lassates like best
ain points:
Say soe different kinds of rie duplins.
Teahin aids:
Tape-reorder ,soe photos,
Teahin proedure:
Pre-task preparation
Talk about soethin about Draon Boat Festivaldraonboatfestival怎么读.
Ask: When is the Draon Boat Festival?
Why do people elebrate it?
What do people eat on Draon Boat Festival?
While-task proedure
1.Show soe pitures of rie duplins and ask:
What are these?
What kind of rie duplins do you like?
2.Introdue soe kinds of rie duplins:
1) sweet rie duplins, salty rie duplins
2) sweet rie duplins with…
salty rie duplins with…
sweet rie duplins without…draonboatfestival怎么读.
salty rie duplins without…
3.Show soe pitures of the rie duplins and students introdue the one by one.
4.ake dialos with soe students aordin to the pitures.
T: Do you like rie duplins?
T:(If the student say „yes‟) What kind of rie duplins do you like?
.Play the assette for Listen and say. The students listen and repeat.
6. Play the assette for Listen and say aain. The students listen and repeat with their books losed.
7.Role play the dialo in roups.
.Let volunteers perfor the dialo in the front.
Post-task ativities
A survey
1.Students interview eah other in roups,then oplete the survey by irlin the
1.ake dialos with your parents and know their favourite rie duplins..
2.Write ore kinds of rie duplins.
3.Draw the pitures of your favourite food.
第六篇:《端午节英语作文:端午节的由来Draon Boat Festival》
端午节英语作文:端午节的由来Draon Boat Festival
The festival is best known for its draon-boat raes, espeially in the southern provines where there are any rivers and lakes. This reatta(赛舟会)oeorates the death of Qu Yuan , an honest
inister who is said to have oitted suiide by drownin hiself in a river.
Qu was a inister of the State of hu situated in present-day Hunan and Hubei provines, durin the Warrin States Period (47-221B)(战国时期)。 He was upriht, loyal and hihly esteeed for his wise ounsel that brouht peae and prosperity to the state. However, when a dishonest and orrupt prine vilified Qu, he was disraed and disissed fro offie. Realiin that the ountry was now in the hands of evil and orrupt offiials, Qu rabbed a lare stone and leapt into the iluo River on the fifth day of the fifth onth. Nearby fisheren rushed over to try and save hi but were unable to even reover his body. Thereafter, the state delined and was eventually onquered by the State of Qin.
The people of hu who ourned the death of Qu threw rie into the river to feed his host every year on the fifth day of the fifth
onth. But one year, the spirit of Qu appeared and told the ourners that a hue reptile(爬行动物)in the river had stolen the rie. The spirit then advised the to wrap the rie in silk and bind it with five different-olored threads before tossin it into the river.
Durin the Duanwu Festival, a lutinous rie puddin alled on i is eaten to sybolie the rie offerins to Qu. Inredients suh as beans, lotus seeds(莲子), hestnuts(栗子), pork fat and the olden yolk of a salted duk e are often added to the lutinous rie. The puddin is then wrapped with baboo leaves, bound with a kind of raffia and boiled in salt water for hours.
The draon-boat raes sybolie the any attepts to resue and reover Qu's body. A typial draon boat ranes fro 0-100 feet in lenth, with a bea of about . feet, aoodatin two paddlers seated side by side.
A wooden draon head is attahed at the bow, and a draon tail at the stern(船尾)。 A banner hoisted on a pole is also fastened at the stern and the hull is deorated with red, reen and blue sales eded in old. In the enter of the boat is a anopied shrine behind whih the druers, on(铜锣)beaters and ybal(铙钹)players
are seated to set the pae for the paddlers. There are also en positioned at the bow to set off firerakers, toss rie into the water and pretend to be lookin for Qu. All of the noise and paeantry reates an atosphere of aiety and exiteent for the
partiipants and spetators alike. The raes are held aon different lans, villaes and oraniations, and the winners are awarded edals, banners, jus of wine and festive eals.
第七篇:《端午节Draon Boat Festival》
端午节Draon Boat Festival
The Duanwu Festival, whih is also alled the Draon Boat Festival, is an anient hinese traditional festival, elebrated on the fifth day of the fifth lunar onth. For thousands of years, various elebratin ativities are held all around the ountry. Eatin oni and rain draon boats are the ost pertinent ones, whih are said to be in eory of Qu Yuan, a reat poet. In soe plaes, people spread realar wine on the hildren in the hope of protetin the fro the evil spirits. any people onsider ay as an espeially danerous tie for diseases in a year, and therefore they han oxa and alaus and thins like that around the doors to ward off evil and diseases and pray for ood luk.
my spring festival
This year I have a happy sprin festival with y faily.
n New Year's Eve,all the faily people et toether to have a bi dinner in the resturant.Durin the dinner we have a sall talk and play soe aes.We say soe ood hope to eah other.For exaple,keep ood healthe,try your best to do everythin,have a ood ood in this year,happy everyday and so on.
Thanks to this sprin festival,it ake our faily people et tohther.We enjoy ourselves and in the new year we all fihtin.
Qingming Festival
In ontrast to the sadness of the tob sweepers, people also enjoy hope of Sprin on this day. The Qinin Festival is a tie when the sun shines brihtly, the trees and rass beoe reen and nature is aain lively. Sine anient ties, people have followed the usto of Sprin outins. At this tie tourists are everywhere. People love to fly kites durin the Qinin Festival. Kite flyin is atually not liited to the Qinin Festival. Its uniqueness lies in that people fly kites not durin the day, but also at niht. A strin of little lanterns tied onto the kite or the thread look like shinin stars, and therefore, are alled "od's lanterns." The Qinin Festival is also a tie to plant trees, for the survival rate of saplins is hih and trees row fast later. In the past, the Qinin Festival was alled "Arbor Day". But sine 1979, "Arbor Day" was settled as arh 12 aordin to the reorian alendar.
Qing Ming Festival
Today is the hin in Festival. The anients said: Qinin season rain have. This is heavy overast weather, we have a o Ta-Qin hihu. n the way we are oin to see that a stron rass and indoitable perseverane, with its staed to reet the sprin, not to be outdone, it put on the new reen lothes, reen flowers in the ovie, there is red, there is reen, yellow has the ... ... we o for a road, ae to a field, the eyes are a feast for the eyes everywhere in old, stood the rape in hih spirits, and for any pearl-like dew-like in the olden slip slide sall rollin on ... ... hee lake, willow willow braid a setion on reen leaves and shoots have deoration, is the first irl ore than any jewelry would also like to look ood. After hihu eetery, we an not help but o inside. Lookin at the raves of artyrs and wathed a wreath of sall white flowers looked pure, y ind is not flutuatin. I think any, any: of us happy today, a better life for us by the revolutionary artyrs reated, but also with their paid for in blood. So, y ind had an idea: the suession of artyrs want behest, studyin strenuously strive to beoe the pillars of the national onstrution. Next, we went to the yellow folder Ao, the ountains are paked, everyone's fae is filled with nostali, lookin at this piture, y ind, there has been soe reret. I hope all y elders a lon life and ood health. The Qinin Festival Ta-Qin to y feelins ore, and one aain I know the nature of the ellow side, y reat harvest ah well!