










Today is the first day of winter vaation。 The students of lass 209 of Beihai priary shool are full of enthusias and brin their own ras and other labor tools to the Beihai ounity nursin hoe。 We lined up at the ate of the nursin hoe and listened to the work arraneent。 We bean to work。 Soe lean the windows, soe op the floor, soe lean the yard。 The old people have expressed reat weloe to our oin。


At the end of the ativity, the dean asked the elderly with speial spirit to ive our lass a olden banner and praised the 209 hildren of Beihai priary shool for their respet and love for the old。 Thank you for our onern for the for ore than a year。














All of us were very happy. Why? Beause we have one onths to do thins we love to do. We are free. Althouh we have soe hoework. But we an finish the in several days. And the rest tie we an ake ood use of. y od! We have been very tired after hard studyin.

In winter holidays, I want to have full sleep and eat ood food in order to replenish yself. Last but not the least, I will have a ood rest.

寒假英语日记 【2】

I felt ood. I felt I’ free. I had a lot of tie to do thins I like. y parents are in Beijin. So I live alone but I don’t feel lonely. But I didn’t do soethin speial. I stayed at hoe and wathed TV.

h! I wrote an Enlish daily oposition. It was y hoework. Today, I have slept for 14 hours. I thouht I was very tired. It was tie for dinner. I ust o! I a very hunry.


Today, there are any business in y other’s opany. So y other told e to help y unle who is the anaer of y other’s opany. I sat in y other’s offie and help her answer the telephone. While I was free, I was writin y hoework.

Althouh I also have a lot of tie to do y hoework, I still do it. Beause in y other’s offie, I had nothin to do. If I did nothin, I was wastin y tie and y life. I an’t do the foolish thin. We should take ood use of our tie.


It is a speial day today. y other sent one hundred basket of red bayberries. I like to eat red bayberries. It tastes nie. When they arrived in Shanhai, they were still fresh. But ost of the would be sent to y other’s business friends.

I hose the best basket of red bayberries to eat. I put the rest in y refrierator. Red bayberry is y hoetown’s speial produt. It is well-known in hina. any people like to eat it.


Today, I still went to y other’s offie. y other was very busy, so was y father. They always live in Beijin. They ust et up early. Beause they will anae the fatory. So I know they are very laborious. So I should save y oney. Also I should help the.

Althouh I an’t do soethin useful, but I think I should share the work with the. I a one of y faily eber. In the future, I will take a job and work. It’ tie for e to bein to learn how to work.




Today y father and I bouht ath rakers, so-alled ath rakers is arryin firerakers in a box on the ede of the spark of paper ently rub, after it was lit fireworks, firerakers exploded in the voie is very loud. Learned to set off firerakers on epty lots that were out of y brother and I ae to the villae put up, you one I a, we put the joy.

When brother aidentally throw firerakers into the strea, firerakers explodin in the river, throwin up a lot of sall water droplets, y brother and I found that playin in the river are uh ore interestin than playin on the field, then a barrae of throw firerakers into the river.

Splashin throuh the thik water in the river, a wave of a wave. Then an old woan had to say: "sall lassate I was washin lothes, how ould you set off firerakers? Do you see the water splashed on y fae, and one thousand throw firerakers in the body, isn't that danerous?." Listen to the words y brother and I are the bule et red in the fae. Fro set off firerakers on this ause e to understand, no atter what atter all don't hurt others.


As a student, I expet the winter holiday very uh, beause I don’t have to o toshool every day. So I an sleep and et up late. But this winter holiday, I anot very happy. I didn’t do well in the final exa. It akes y parentsdisappointed. I feel sorry to the.

Besides, I ot ill the whole winterholiday. I auht a old at first and then had a fever. I had to see a dotorevery day. y parents worried uh about e. Beause of the illness, I didn’t havea ood tie durin the New Year. Now, I a a little better. I hope I ould bewell soon, beause the new ter is beinnin. I don’t want to o to shool withillness.


y winterholiday is oin to the end. It alost lasts a onth, but I feel that I just havea week off. How tie flies. I had a woderful vaation. r I an say I had awonderful Sprin Festival. The first day of y vaation, I started doin yhoework. Beause I know if I didn’t work on y study now, I ouldn’ t have areat Sprin Festival later on. So I ade up y ind finishin y hoeworkbefore Sprin Festival.

How wonderful the expeted festival was oin. y housewas full of lauh and hapiness. y failies and ralatives ave e soe lukoney and wished e ake proress on y study. We also haned out with friendson the street. When the atosphere of Sprin Festivel was fadin away, theLantern Festival is oin.

After that, I think I don’t have too uh holiday tieleft. Two or three days later, I would o to shool for y new ter study. See,I was so happy that I feel I just have a week holiday.




Today is on the first day, randpa will be put off firerakers in the ornin, I ot up early on, the thouht of randpa randa happy New Year, I was partiularly exited, beause they ive e the bi red pakets. I, o and dad bouht a two boxes of oranes to randa's hoe, on the failies of the door is red paper.

The atosphere of the New Year's day is happy satisfied. The saw unle aunt say onratulation all the way throuh. Dad said I really polite. Unonsiously, we have to the publi, randpa hoe is busy, I wish randpa randa healthy body first, everythin oes well, ood luk in year of the horse.

They ave e a bi red envelopes, say I rew up faster this year hih, learnin proress. I thanked the one by one. The adults hat, we hildren all o to fireworks, all had a speial tie. New Year in the ountry, fro the first day to the fifth are busy every day. I espeially like the New Year in the ountryside. Reeive red envelopes I intend to keep for y other, I' oin to buy a pair of sports shoes to o. Beause y other you hard. I love you, o, I wish o happy year of the horse, health, ore and ore beautiful.


Today y father and I bouht ath rakers, so-alled ath rakers is arryin firerakers in a box on the ede of the spark of paper ently rub, after it was lit fireworks, firerakers exploded in the voie is very loud. Learned to set off firerakers on epty lots that were out of y brother and I ae to the villae put up, you one I a, we put the joy.

When brother aidentally throw firerakers into the strea, firerakers explodin in the river, throwin up a lot of sall water droplets, y brother and I found that playin in the river are uh ore interestin than playin on the field, then a barrae of throw firerakers into the river.

Splashin throuh the thik water in the river, a wave of a wave. Then an old woan had to say: "sall lassate I was washin lothes, how ould you set off firerakers? Do you see the water splashed on y fae, and one thousand throw firerakers in the body, isn't that danerous?" Listen to the words y brother and I are the bule et red in the fae. Fro set off firerakers on this ause e to understand, no atter what atter all don't hurt others.


For ost people, the winter holiday is a ood tie for a holiday, but, I an only hoose urtilae at hoe this winter break.

Atually I a very uh lookin forward to o to play around, but o and dad is so busy. y winter holiday is not so dull, in y opinion, it is olorful.

Durin the day, I an be at hoe with books, entered the world in the book, the virtues and vanities of feelin with the haraters. Soeties turn on the TV, an also and variety show host people lauhin. Durin the day, I a ofortable.

In the evenin, o and dad took e out for a walk. Square, trees and flowers under the hot, dry sun for a day, but by this tie also beoe ofortable any, sendin out the harin frarane, turbid did not ontain half of earth. There, also an hear all kinds of popular, anient usi, sellin the son, reeted is a roup of pereated with reen, enereti youn an, oh! No! arefully observed a look, is that a roup of iddle-aed woen and the old an by the year lead half hundred lare dane roup, this is the har of a square dane, art is not what, but they an not be aaed by the spirits! y parents often look into od. Winter niht, I was happy.

In the lass in the winter vaation, I also ake the various "wulin", strane an. All are eduated, they see to prodution, for the teaher's question, they are. Let e partiularly ipressive is a few boys, their thinkin ability is so stron, reardless of any "sharp ean" proble, they an answer up, often let e see.

I think y winter holiday life as ood as others at all. Suh a happy winter holiday, is irreplaeable.






























