










Today is the weekend. In the afternoon, y parents and I o to Lianhua superarket to buy thins. There are soe daily neessities, washin supplies and snaks to buy at hoe. I've ade a list of the thins I need to buy in advane. In the superarket, I'll hoose one by one aordin to the list and tik the ites I have bouht. I used the oney y father ave e in advane to hek out at the ash reister and found the hane. I a very happy to o to the superarket beause I an do what I an to eet the daily needs of y faily and serve y faily.












hinese New Year! hinese New Year! y other took e to the superarket to buy New Year oods. The streets are overed with olored lihts, the superarket's olorful balls fly, the red paper with the word "fu" is rustlin, and the atosphere is full of hinese New Year.

Walk into the superarket door, wow, the oods in the street of the New Year. That an, it is quite a lot, it is a sea of people.

y other and I pushed our shoppin art, and looked around, and I wanted to buy it, too. Look, that strin of ie-suar ourd, rystal lear and briht, sweet and sedutive, I pulled six root in one breath put into shoppin art. "How sweet! A word fro y other ade us o to the deli, and the roast duk was ooked and reasy, not to ention the sell. I hurriedly asked y other to take the biest, happily put into the shoppin art. Then we bouht hoolates, drinks, ookies... oe down in a irle, look at our shoppin art, eat, eat, eat...

Ha-ha, shoppin for a New Year's superarket, what a happy thin!


The Sprin Festival ae, and the outside beae ore and ore war. Sall tortoise and hedeho really ood about the superarket, the results bak to the ustoer on swollen, and sall an tail on rotten, Jane body stab his ustoers foot is broken, and bent in the tread, one thin they didn't buy, very worried and was lipin and down on his way hoe. n the way, he et the little fox, and the little deon told the, "I have a bell on y nek. The next day they hun the bell and went to the superarket, and sure enouh, the ustoer heard the lanin voie. See onkey baby at the door: you two buy so little? "We an only buy thins at the botto of the shelf," he said. Xiao A volunteered: I'll show you two toorrow. n the third day xiaoao and little an, true to the superarket, xiaoao libin up and down between the shelves, help they piked a lot of thins, wet with sweat to xiaoao sweater, sall an bouht a bottle of honey peah juie for ae.

Tortoise little an and hedeho sall true althouh buy a lot of thins, always feel not oneself favorite. So they went to the fox. Sall true say: little deon elder sister, we want to hoose the thin that likes on superarket shelf in person, but don't o up, you have ood ethod? The little deon say: onkey little hair not to help you? "He hose the one he liked, not the one we love," said little an. The little deon say: please iraffe sall ya. They both said: yes! n the fourth day the little an led the little an and the little real to the superarket. Her nek was like a ladder, and the little an and the little real stood on the top and bouht soethin of the heart, and went hoe happily.


Durin the Sprin Festival, I went shoppin with y father and y other. I was so happy.

We went to the wushan superarket. How bi the superarket is! I ouldn't see it. A: wow! There are so any thins in wushan superarket! I an't see a lot of thins. There are so any people oin to shoppin! et in and out, squeee in.

Beause I a a little at, I an't wait to et to the food area, there are so any "iported" food! There are sweet and rispy hips, and spiy and spiy beef jerky, strane ookies, olorful andy, it's so teptin! At this tie, I didn't know where to run out a frarane, and y outh was waterin. I followed the sent to find, finally found, the other end of the food area is sellin the faous Beijin roast duk. You see this roast duk, the whole body is olden olden yellow, and the oil slowly fro the skin is slowly oin down fro the skin, whih akes e ore reedy. I asked y father to buy a roast duk, and dad said yes! I hued dad happily and kissed hi on the heek.

Then we ae to the library, for y father was a fan of books. There are storybooks, oi books... I was so daled that y father looked around for an hour, and thanks to his other's urin, he left the book area. Did you say y father was a true fan?

Finally, we went to the life supplies setion, the toy distrit, the arent distrit... When y shoppin art was full of e, it was like a hill.

Laden with oods, full of joy, we left the wushan superarket and walked hoe.


As the Sprin Festival oes, there are ore and ore toys in the superarket. y dad and I are no exeption.

As the rowd approahed, we approahed the ounter, and y father was oin to buy e a trupet, and I said, "this is a hild of one to six years old. I' in sixth rade, and I' playin with baby toys?" So y father and I went on talkin to another lass of toys. At a turn, I stopped suddenly beause I found y favorite toy. It was a doll, with a straiht, straiht braid, a red poket, and bare feet, a happy fae, red and rosy, and very ute. But it was too expensive for e to keep silent. "Do you like this toy? y father asked. I seriously say: "this toy I althouh like, but 0 yuan is too expensive, you and the other ake oney not easy, so uh oney an buy a lot of benefiial the book of study." Then I notied a sile on y dad's fae. "Let's look around." "I said, holdin y dad's hand. "Well, listen to you." Dad ade a resined appearane.

Due to too any people, y father and I an't and the shoulder, aidentally, I was pushed into the east, dad was pushed into the west, is really helpless, I alost be twist twist, very not easy rabbed the father's hand. That, of ourse, was the result of dad's efforts. Finally, y dad took e to the pantry, probably beause I was too skinny. Dad bouht e two bi ift paks and a box of deliious snaks. I really want to share y ood friends with e and share the joy of the pleasure.

n the way hoe, y father and I were very happy.过年逛超市的英语日记1

hinese New Year! hinese New Year! y other took e to the superarket to buy New Year oods. The streets are overed with olored lihts, the superarket's olorful balls fly, the red paper with the word "fu" is rustlin, and the atosphere is full of hinese New Year.

Walk into the superarket door, wow, the oods in the street of the New Year. That an, it is quite a lot, it is a sea of people.

y other and I pushed our shoppin art, and looked around, and I wanted to buy it, too. Look, that strin of ie-suar ourd, rystal lear and briht, sweet and sedutive, I pulled six root in one breath put into shoppin art. "How sweet! A word fro y other ade us o to the deli, and the roast duk was ooked and reasy, not to ention the sell. I hurriedly asked y other to take the biest, happily put into the shoppin art. Then we bouht hoolates, drinks, ookies... oe down in a irle, look at our shoppin art, eat, eat, eat...

Ha-ha, shoppin for a New Year's superarket, what a happy thin!


The Sprin Festival ae, and the outside beae ore and ore war. Sall tortoise and hedeho really ood about the superarket, the results bak to the ustoer on swollen, and sall an tail on rotten, Jane body stab his ustoers foot is broken, and bent in the tread, one thin they didn't buy, very worried and was lipin and down on his way hoe. n the way, he et the little fox, and the little deon told the, "I have a bell on y nek. The next day they hun the bell and went to the superarket, and sure enouh, the ustoer heard the lanin voie. See onkey baby at the door: you two buy so little? "We an only buy thins at the botto of the shelf," he said. Xiao A volunteered: I'll show you two toorrow. n the third day xiaoao and little an, true to the superarket, xiaoao libin up and down between the shelves, help they piked a lot of thins, wet with sweat to xiaoao sweater, sall an bouht a bottle of honey peah juie for ae.

Tortoise little an and hedeho sall true althouh buy a lot of thins, always feel not oneself favorite. So they went to the fox. Sall true say: little deon elder sister, we want to hoose the thin that likes on superarket shelf in person, but don't o up, you have ood ethod? The little deon say: onkey little hair not to help you? "He hose the one he liked, not the one we love," said little an. The little deon say: please iraffe sall ya. They both said: yes! n the fourth day the little an led the little an and the little real to the superarket. Her nek was like a ladder, and the little an and the little real stood on the top and bouht soethin of the heart, and went hoe happily.


Durin the Sprin Festival, I went shoppin with y father and y other. I was so happy.

We went to the wushan superarket. How bi the superarket is! I ouldn't see it. A: wow! There are so any thins in wushan superarket! I an't see a lot of thins. There are so any people oin to shoppin! et in and out, squeee in.

Beause I a a little at, I an't wait to et to the food area, there are so any "iported" food! There are sweet and rispy hips, and spiy and spiy beef jerky, strane ookies, olorful andy, it's so teptin! At this tie, I didn't know where to run out a frarane, and y outh was waterin. I followed the sent to find, finally found, the other end of the food area is sellin the faous Beijin roast duk. You see this roast duk, the whole body is olden olden yellow, and the oil slowly fro the skin is slowly oin down fro the skin, whih akes e ore reedy. I asked y father to buy a roast duk, and dad said yes! I hued dad happily and kissed hi on the heek.

Then we ae to the library, for y father was a fan of books. There are storybooks, oi books... I was so daled that y father looked around for an hour, and thanks to his other's urin, he left the book area. Did you say y father was a true fan?

Finally, we went to the life supplies setion, the toy distrit, the arent distrit... When y shoppin art was full of e, it was like a hill.

Laden with oods, full of joy, we left the wushan superarket and walked hoe.


As the Sprin Festival oes, there are ore and ore toys in the superarket. y dad and I are no exeption.

As the rowd approahed, we approahed the ounter, and y father was oin to buy e a trupet, and I said, "this is a hild of one to six years old. I' in sixth rade, and I' playin with baby toys?" So y father and I went on talkin to another lass of toys. At a turn, I stopped suddenly beause I found y favorite toy. It was a doll, with a straiht, straiht braid, a red poket, and bare feet, a happy fae, red and rosy, and very ute. But it was too expensive for e to keep silent. "Do you like this toy? y father asked. I seriously say: "this toy I althouh like, but 0 yuan is too expensive, you and the other ake oney not easy, so uh oney an buy a lot of benefiial the book of study." Then I notied a sile on y dad's fae. "Let's look around." "I said, holdin y dad's hand. "Well, listen to you." Dad ade a resined appearane.

Due to too any people, y father and I an't and the shoulder, aidentally, I was pushed into the east, dad was pushed into the west, is really helpless, I alost be twist twist, very not easy rabbed the father's hand. That, of ourse, was the result of dad's efforts. Finally, y dad took e to the pantry, probably beause I was too skinny. Dad bouht e two bi ift paks and a box of deliious snaks. I really want to share y ood friends with e and share the joy of the pleasure.

n the way hoe, y father and I were very happy.


帮助是中华民族的传统美德。你帮助我,我帮助你,相互帮助,就产生了友谊。 妈妈特别喜欢逛商场。其实我并不喜欢去那里,可是橱柜里的玩具总是诱惑着我跟随的步伐,不可阻挡。今天,我们已经花费了大半天,逛呀逛呀,实在太累了,央求独自休息一会。1个小时过去了,仍不见妈妈的身影。想着想着,我越发地担心、害怕、恐惧,不由自主地大哭起来。我的哭声引起很多人注意,有些顾客围过来。“你知道你妈妈的`电话吗?”一个拿着手机阿姨说。我心想:打电话?这倒是一个好主意!我便转忧为喜地告诉了她。一会儿,妈妈那熟悉的声音从远处传来。 至今,那位阿姨热心的帮助仍留在我脑海中,每每想起都令人感到温暖。如果社会上多一些相互间的关爱,我们的生活定会充满灿烂的阳光。我想这就是帮助的真谛。

Help is the traditional virtue of the hinese nation. You help e, I help you, help eah other, and friendship oes into bein. o likes shoppin very uh. In fat, I don't like to o there, but the toys in the upboard always tept e to follow the pae, unstoppable. Today, we have spent ost of the day, strollin and strollin, it's too tired, bein to have a rest alone. After an hour, I still an't see y other. Thinkin about it, I was ore and ore worried, sared, sared, and ried involuntarily. y ryin attrated a lot of people's attention. Soe ustoers ae around. "Do you know your other's phone?" said an aunt with a obile phone. I thouht to yself: all? That's a ood idea! I told her happily instead of worryin. After a while, other's failiar voie ae fro afar. To this day, y aunt's war help is still in y ind, whih akes e feel war. If there is ore utual love in the soiety, our life will be full of brilliant sunshine. I think that's what help is all about.
































