介绍香港的作文 介绍香港的作文300字


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介绍香港的作文 介绍香港的作文300字



香港,一个繁华并且令人向往的美丽城邦;香港,一个激情而又动感的游乐场;香港,文明又包容着人性的国际都市。 2014年1月20日7:30分我们怀着心潮澎湃的心情,踏上了去香港的旅途,生命中的一次飞跃,心灵的又一次洗礼。在陈女士的带领下我们一路顺风。享受着陈女士对我们无微不至的照顾和关怀。当地的人情味很浓人。在香港即使是陌生人他们也会热情的和你交谈,当你有困难的时候他们更会尽心尽力的帮助你们,我们人在香港问路时他们都会热心的帮助。 其次来说说香港市民的素质,先拿香港司机来说吧。当我坐上大巴车时驶向目的地时,发现了一个秘密,香港的公共交通非常发达,城市行车井然有序。可是香港的马路很狭窄,所谓城市交通是考验一个城市的现代化文明程度,像香港这么拥挤的弹丸之地, 我很好奇也很惊讶香港的司机为什么开车怎么那么井然有序。 在香港的第2天,我们乘坐了那里的地铁,那里的环境给人一种井井有条的舒适,虽然是有人打扫,但是没有行人的配合是不够的。走进地铁,展现在眼前的是一副温馨的场面:虽然车上人很多,但是大家都很好的相处。并且对于一些需要帮助的乘客,还有许多人会热情的让座,帮助,这是东莞这座同样是国际的大都市所缺乏的。 我最想说的是香港的风景,那儿真的很美很美,香港地处亚热带,水天相接,浑然一体,到处都是大叶子的绿色植物,显得生气盎然啊!被人们称为东方之珠的香港在我眼前就像是海市蜃楼。一座座高楼大厦,设计别致,非常独特。 香港的夜景最让人留恋,夜空下的香港有如无数繁星陨落,覆盖在一片富丽的土地上。星星的点缀,比世上最美的灯光要更灿烂,更辉煌。透彻的空气,就像香港透明的历史,预示了香港透明的明天,更加华丽的盛开。一朵紫荆花的帐绽放,吸引了世界的目光,它的香飘了每一位华人的身边,让人激动,感怀。它久久的盛开着,不思疲惫,正如它当初迫切的挣扎着回到伟大祖国怀抱一样的不思疲惫。我们爱香港,我们爱它的一切! 这次旅行真的让我收获很大,它让我学会了独立生活,增强了与别人交流的能力,认识了香港多姿多彩的多元文化。广东东莞大朗镇黄草朗小学六年级:刘鸿飞 篇一:小学作文:香港之旅





我们先来到游乐场,我急不可待地跑到了“威威至激之旅”。进去后,坐上了机器椅上,带好安全带。眼前的大屏幕上出现了许许多多的卡通人物。过了一会儿,大屏幕里出现卡通海洋生物。这时,机器椅也开始摆动。开始,看到了好多海洋动物和一些珊瑚, 突然,机器椅就向前动了一下,又摇动起来,大屏幕出现了鲨鱼的大肚子。这时候的感觉就像进了大鲨鱼的肚子似的。我坐在椅子上,一会儿向上;一会儿向下;一会儿向前;一会儿向后;一会儿向左;一会儿向右。我的心情一会儿紧张;一会儿害怕;一会儿慌乱;一会儿轻松;一会儿喜悦。真是非常刺激。游戏结束了,我在依依不舍的心情下离开了!





看,那儿有一群小丑鱼游过来了,小丑鱼的名虽然不好听,但是它美丽极了,鼓鼓的眼睛,圆圆的嘴巴,胖胖的身子,长长的尾巴。小丑鱼的尾巴像船浆,背像船帆。它们自由自在的在清水中游荡。这儿又来了一只大大的鱼,它的样子怪极了,它的眼睛小小的,身子大大的,尾巴长长的而且有一对非常大的翅膀,看起来有点怕怕的。令人心惊胆战!绕完海洋馆一圈,我们就出来了。 啊!这次香港旅游,真是又好玩,又好看,又刺激,真是让人流连忘返!

篇二:何佳怡-香港之旅 小学生作文





经过一整夜的折腾,我们七月二十九日早上四点半在深圳机场下了飞机,走出飞机场香港导游已经带车在等候我们,我们拖着疲惫的身子上了大巴车,直接到指定的饭店用早餐。大家经过一天一夜的旅途劳顿,此时已经很饿了,所以都认真地吃着早餐。饭后坐上大巴车直奔深圳的皇岗口岸,等待过海关。由于是假期,旅游的人很多,等待过海关的人摩肩接踵,真的是人山人海啊!在烈日下排着长队。等我们过了关已经接近中午了,于是在香港的一家饭店共进午餐,饭菜虽然不算太好,可是大家很劳累,吃起来比在家里吃饭要香得多。饭后赶忙上车,汽车在香港环城行驶 ,导游向我们介绍大街上比较有名的建筑,同时还顺便参观了香港首届最高行政长官董建华、华人首富李嘉诚、动作巨星成龙、著名的武侠小说家金庸、跳水皇后郭晶晶等人的豪宅,还看到了李嘉诚旗下的香港国际货柜码头„„因为下小雨,这些都是走马观花。听导介绍香港的作文.



香港之旅作文(三一口语考试四级) 香港之旅问题:

1、你为什么喜欢这次旅行?why do you like this trip?

beause this trip is the one of the ost enjoyable in y all travel. first of all, i have been dreain of have a visit to disneyland and this tie i realied y drea, and i have a ood tie there. seond, i have seen the ost wonderful dolphin show whih ake e exited. third, it’s shoked e that i saw the beautiful vitoria harbor. in fourth, i bouht any ifts that i loved, wath, penil box, wallet and so on. these thins are heaper and ore beautiful than beijin, i like very uh. in short, this trip akes e broaden y horions and experiene soethin new in hon kon. so, i like this trip. 因为这次旅行是我所有旅行中最愉快的一次。首先,我一直想到迪士尼乐园来玩,这回终于实现梦想了,我在那里玩的很高兴。其次,我看到了最棒的海豚表演,令我兴奋。

there are ountains of people there. we have to takes a lon tie to queue up for aes, but everyone is orderly.

i feel the tiket quite expensive. i see any foreiners that have different skin olors, white, blak, loal person and people all over the world. there are a lot of hildren here, and i didn’t speak enlish with the 迪士尼乐园/海洋公园人特别多,玩游戏都要排很长的队,但是大家都很有秩序。


3、你跟米奇拍照了吗?did you take a piture with ikey?

yes, i took a piture with innie, but i prefer innie, i think she is beautiful, and i also took a piture with pooh.


4、你在北京去过海洋公园吗?北京跟香港的有什么不同?你更喜欢哪一个?为什么?have you been to the oean park in beijin? what is different fro hon kon? whih one do you prefer and why?

i have been to the beijin aquariu, but it’s saller than hon kon, there are ore sea anials in

the oean park, and dolphins’ show is interestin, they are so lever, i prefer the aquariu in hon kon .



、你们去了多少个商店?你买了什么?你妈妈买了什么?她为什么不在北京买?买纪念品了吗?did you o shoppin? what did you buy? did you buy soe souvenirs?

o and i went to new world departent store, there’s also have a one in beijin. we spend a ouple of hours for shoppin, o bouht a lot of osetis, and she said it is heaper than beijin. i bouht soe souvenirs, soethin like key hain with hon kon fla, bauhinia ,ikey ouse, donald duk, et.介绍香港的作文.



我喜欢坐船,感觉很好,去年我在上海做过船,觉得比香港的船要大,景色也很美。香港的船有三层,不是很大,我们在船上吃了晚饭,但饭菜味道不好。船上有表演,我们看的一般吧。i like take a boat, last year, i have a boat tour in shanhai, i feel the boat is bier than hon kon and the senery is beautiful too. the ship in hon kon has three stories, the seond floor is a afeteria, we have our dinner in here, but the food is so so. there is also a show on the boat, but it’s not y taste.


香港食物比较清淡,跟北京比更甜一些,但是叉烧饭做的比北京好吃。我更喜欢北京的食物,如烤鸭、面条等等。how about hon kon food? what is different fro beijin? whih one do you prefer?


9、香港看起来怎样?how was the hon kon looks like?

10、除了去景点玩,你还干了什么?what did you do exept visit soe plae of interests?

我还去了酒店楼下的超市、餐馆,还看了酒店的空中花园。i also went superarket under the hotel, eat loal food and swiin in the pool of hotel.


how about the weather in hon kon?

香港比北京热,我们去的时候一直很晴朗。it’s war than beijin, it’s been sunny sine we arrived

篇二:《HonKon 香港英文简介》

ood afternoon, everyone! it’s our ‘on the way’ tie! we are happy to see you aain! Now we will et toether to o throuh a nie day.k let us enjoy the wonderful tie to learn the beautiful plae,that is HonKon,followin ‘on the way’.

We know that HonKon is loated in the South hina Sea east oast of the Pearl River Estuary.HonKon onsist of Hon Kon Island, Kowloon Peninsula, New Territories and ore than 230 islands.It lies to the north of Shenhen Speial Eonoi one,uandon Provine,beause of the Shenhen River. HonKon is lies to the west of aao,and it is about 60 k away fro aao.

About 10 years ao,HonKon was looked as a lonely plae.n the ontrary,HonKon has beoe a International finanial enter,and it is also a very faous ity in the world.People here are hardworkin,reative ,adaptable and et a ood eduation.All of these ause a bi hanes in KonHon.After a half entury overned by The UK,KonHon beae a Speial Adinistrative Reion of hina on July,1st,1997.

HonKon is a ity whose ulture is influened by the western ulture and hinese traditional ulture.Not only the partiular ultures attrat any tourists,but also it is a ity filled with fashion and oderniation.There is a lot of ultural Heritae in HonKon,suh as,teples,villaes in anient tie.

Honkon is suh a youner ity.it is fulfilled with irales and fairy tales.it always exites people all over the world.Honkon is built with odern arhiteture.people there livin in hih-pae lifes.attrations are exist everywhere.Honkon not just a youner ity but also a livin paradise.you an take a look at exeptional senery and feel the oerial ultures.

Honkon is also a ity fulled with leeny.it developed fro an unknown ity to flourishin,fro a settleent to the world-lass Two-systes of one.After historial baptie,it has beoe ore atual and forivin.it is a ovin apital and a plae whih people feelin lifes.



要点:1. 洛阳地处河南西部,是13朝古都,历史悠久。

2. 人口600多万(包括各个县),面积1000多平方公里。

3. 气候宜人,阳光充沛。


参考词汇:dynasty (朝代) peony (牡丹) Lonen rottos(龙门石窟)

Baia Teple (白马寺)

Dear To,介绍香港的作文.

I a lad that you are interested in Luoyan._______________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

I a lookin forward to reeivin reply.


Li Hua

Dear To,

I a lad that you are interested in Luoyan. Luoyan is an attrative ity loated in the west of Henan Provine. It overs an area of ore than 10,000 k² and is the apital of

thirteen dynasties with a lon history. Luoyan has a population of ore than 6 illion people, inludin those who are fro the ounties. The liate in Luoyan is pretty ood with plenty of sunshine. Faous sihts inlude Lonen rottos, Baia Teple, and other beautiful senery in the ity. I think you ust know the sayin“Luoyan’s peony is the best in the world”. So why not oe to y hoetown to see the peonies next year, and at that tie I will show you around y hoetown, besides, I will take you to the old ity and treat you with lots of sanks.

假定你是李华,你的美国笔友To 邀请你为他们校报的“世界名城”栏目写篇短文介绍一座中国城市。请你根据以下要点简要介绍一下香港:

1. 基本信息:面积约1104平方公里,人口700多万,地处中国南部,是亚洲重要的


2. 地方特色:① 商铺林立,汇聚来自世界各地的品牌;

② 有许多著名旅游景点,如迪斯尼乐园、海洋公园等;

③ 特色美食价格实惠。

注意:1. 词数100左右; 2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

3. 参考词汇:贸易trade 金融 finane 航运 shippin

Hon Kon is a beautiful seaside ity loated in the south of hina. It overs an area of about 1,104 square kiloeters and has a population of over 7 illion. It is an iportant enter for Asia’s trade, finane and shippin.

In this odern ity, there are ountless shops sellin oods of any different brands fro all over the world, whih akes Hon Kon an idea plae for shoppin.

In Hon Kon, you an have a relaxin holiday by visitin Disneyland, the ean Park and so on. You an also enjoy deliious loal food at a reasonable prie. So it attrats hundreds of thousands of visitors eah year.






然后,我们马不停蹄地来到了“明日世界”。来香港之前,我仔细地上网查阅了关于迪士尼乐园的介绍,看了这些介绍后,“明日世界”可是我最想体验的地方呀!这里聚集了用高科技成就的各种游乐设施。我在这里一饱眼福,玩了很多有趣的游乐设施,有飞越太空山、疯狂杯子、巴斯光年、星际历险、幸会史迪仔、太空飞碟等,过足了瘾!最让我流连忘返的就是飞越太空山了。置身于灯光营造的“太空”, 满天的星星闪闪烁烁,漂亮极了,各种各样、大大小小的星球围绕着我,伴着奇妙的音乐在“太空”中穿梭,不断地变换着方向,加快着速度,不断地听到身边游人啧啧的赞叹声:好美呀!好美呀!那身临其境、非同一般的感受真的是很难用语言来表达。真的是太刺激了,感觉真的象在太空遨游了一番!







Week 4

-E/E- Assinent: Interpret the followin passaes. Pay attention to unfailiar wordin. ake a list for the after interpretin.


n July 1, 1997, Hon Kon finally returned to the otherland. It has a population of 6.3 illion. Hon Kon is an inalienable part of hina. Sine anient ties, our anestors lived and labored on this land. Historially fro the Qin Dynasty to the Qin Dynasty, hina exerised jurisdition and sovereinty over Hon Kon. In id-19th entury after launhin two piu Wars, Britian fored the orrupt and inopetent Qin overnent to sin the unequal treaties. In 19, Britain oupied the entire Hon Kon reion.

In future Hon Kon, everyone will be iven an equal riht for opetition. The basi poliies of one ountry, two systes, Hon Kon people adinisterin Hon Kon and a hih deree of autonoy will reain unhaned. We believe that Hon Kon will ontinue to retain its status of funtionin as an international finanial enter.

Passae2本篇短文谈论的是中国外交中积极参与联合国的相关工作及人权问题。 这些都属于外事接待的热门话题,译员应该熟练掌握。




The Lon-ter Stable onstrutive Partnership Between hina and

the European Union


Durin ASE II in London in April 199, H.E. hu Ronji, Preier of hina, the Rt. Hon. Tony Blair, Prie inister of the United Kindo, the then EU Presideny, and H.E. Jaques Santer, President of the European oission, had the first hina-EU Suit. They issued a Joint Stateent on hina-EU Suit and reahed onsensus on their readiness to build and develop a 21st entury-oriented lon-ter and stable onstrutive partnership between the.

In their eetins and their Joint Stateent, the sides shared the view that hina and EU were both an iportant fore on the international arena and at an iportant developent stae. They both played an inreasinly iportant role in aintainin peae and prootin developent. As ajor and profound hanes took plae in the international situation, enhaned dialoue and ooperation between hina and EU served not only the fundaental interests of the two sides, but also the world peae, stability and developent. The hinese side weloed the positive attitude that EU had taken to uprade its relations with hina. And the EU side appreiated the deterination and easures of the hinese side to deepen its eonoi restruturin. The two sides stressed that stroner eonoi and tradin ties between the were an iportant foundation for loser relations between the. They believed that they should ake full use of the existin bilateral onsultation and ooperation ehanis for trade and work out a lon-ter plan and easures for deepenin their

eonoi, trade and tehnial ooperation. The two sides reiterated their oitents to hina?s aession to the WT on the basis of utual benefit. The hinese side expressed its appreiation to EU for its support to hina?s ebership in the WT and reiterated that it would like to beoe a eber of the WT at an earlier date on the basis of balaned rihts and obliations. The two sides would strenthen exhanes and ooperation in the international finanial and onetary field. The European Union offered an aid pakae to help hina establish a sound finanial syste. The two sides expressed their satisfation with the results of their huan rihts dialoue. They believed that it was iportant to ontinue suh dialoue and ooperation and ake proress in this reard. The two sides areed to hold an annual leadership eetin between hina and EU in order to aintain the oentu of the hih-level exhanes.

In reent years, in the spirit of their London Suit, the two sides have worked hard and ade proress in developin their relations. First, they have frequently exhaned hih-level visits and atively onduted politial dialoues at various levels. In 1999, President Jian ein toured West European ountries twie and suessfully visited Italy, Austria, the United Kindo, Frane and Portual while head of state or overnent of the Netherlands, Finland, erany and Luxebour visited hina suessively. The politial dialoues and onsultations between hina and EU at various levels ontinued to proress soothly. Forein inisters of hina and the EU Troika et reularly durin the UN eneral Assebly sessions and the ASE Forein inisters? eetins, and the Peranent issions to the United Nations of the two sides aintained reular onsultations. The hinese side appreiated the EU for takin the position of ondutin dialoue with hina on huan rihts instead of onfrontation. By then, the hinese side had onduted six rounds of politial onsultation at the diretor level, eiht huan rihts dialoues, 3 leal seinars and 2 Sino-European Seinars on woen?s Issues.

Seondly, trade and eonoi ooperation between hina and EU have rown steadily. The two-way trade reahed 4.6 billion US dollars in 199, 13.6% hiher than the previous year. It aintained a ood rowth oentu in 1999 and stood at .27 billion, up by 14.3% over that of 199. By Septeber 1999, diret investent that EU ountries had ade in hina aounted to 20. billion US dollars, hina?s iport of their tehnoloies about 4 billion US dollars and the pleded overnent loans by the eber states of EU and their offiial finanial institutions to hina 1.3 billion US dollars in total. hina has iported ore tehnoloies and obtained ore loans fro forein overnents and offiial finanial institutions fro European Union than fro any other reions in the world.

Thirdly, hina and EU have onduted extensive ooperation with eah other in any projets suh as environental protetion, ariulture, the trainin of siultaneous interpretation, hina-Europe International Business Shool, intelletual property rihts, involvin siene, tehnoloy, finane, industry, eduation, developent aid and others. In reent years, the two sides have sined a series of areeents, inludin hina-EU Areeent on Sientifi and Tehnoloial ooperation, U on Finanial ooperation, U on the Industrial ooperation in the Aeronautial and Teleouniations Setors, inutes of the Talks on Industrial ooperation Between hina and EU, hina-EU autoobile areeent and EU-hina Hiher Eduation Prora.

n 21 De. 1999, Preier hu Ronji et Prie inister Paavo Lipponen of Finland, whih was the EU Presideny, and Roanno Prodi, President of the European oission, in Beijin for the seond hina-EU Leadership eetin. The two sides spoke hihly of their first eetin and the positive proress ade in the relations between hina and EU sine their first eetin. The two sides were of the view that to enhane the utually benefiial ooperation between the were in keepin with their

fundaental interests and onduive to world peae, prosperity and developent. They reiterated their oitent to the developent of a lon-ter stable and onstrutive partnership in the new entury and the establishent of a ore balaned and equitable new international order. They reahed broad areeent on enhanin their ooperation and exhanes in various areas.


Passae 1




Passae 2

As a peranent eber of the UN Seurity ounil, hina atively partiipates in politial solution of reional hot spots. hinese peaekeepers have joined UN-sponsored operations. hina supports the refor of the UN and a ontinued iportant role of the UN and other ultilateral orans in international affairs. hina is firly opposed to all fors of terroris and has ade iportant ontributions to international anti-terroris ooperation.

The hinese overnent attahes reat iportane to the protetion of huan rihts. It has ade unreittin efforts to that end. hina hs joined 17 international onventions on huan rihts inludin the International ovenant on Eonoi, Soial and ultural Rihts, and sined another two treaties inludin the International ovenant on ivil and Politial Rihts, whih have yet to undero ratifiation proedures. Five of these douents all for periodi ipleentation reports fro the sinatories. Bein oitted to its obliations, the hinese overnent opiled and subitted reports in real earnest in aordane with those onventions. It also subjeted its reports to review in a sinere and ooperative anner.




























































