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中国梦 英语作文

It is our president Xi Jinpin who first ae up with the view“hinese drea”。 What he said at that tie still reains in y brain“To realie the reat Renaissane of the hinese nation is the reatest drea of the hinese nation in odern ties”Reviewed the passed 100years,realiin the hinese drea is a onstant pursuit。Fortunately,we never ive up and we keep oin. As the word “the hinese drea”is put forward by president Xi,it has beoe ore and ore popular aon us and often appear on different edia.Inspired by President Xi quantities of hinese think about the deep eanins of hinese drea and have their own understandin.

Fro y perspetive of view,the hinese drea is all the people‘s oon drea.Suh as there will be less poor,ore and ore hildren are able to et exellent eduation and row up healthily and happily,there will be no war in the world ,and nobody will be hoeless any ore So uh and so on 。

As for e .y hinese drea is siple fro the very botto of y heart .I hope y faily and y beloved friends will live with happiness and joy.,and under no irustanes will we be separated。

篇二:《英语作文中国梦 HINA DREA》

hina Drea

ood ornin/afternoon/evenin:

Ladies and entleen! I’ L fro Shool of History. Here, I a oin to share y opinion on hina drea with all of you. At first, I would like to ask you a question. Suppose there are soe ites before you: beauty, oney, health, ood reputation, faily, and you are required to hoose the ost iportant one for you. Then, whih one would you hoose? That’s one psyholoial test one I have partiipated in last year. While ost people hose oney, health and other ites, I ade “ood reputation” y hoie. Surprisinly, They all lauhed at e: “ood reputation!”

“How ridiulous in this flashy eonoi soiety!”

Nevertheless, I stik to y hoie beause ood reputation to huan-beins is what beautiful voies to birds. It is the soul of a person. To be a person with ood reputation is y drea and what I’ve been pursin for y whole life. It ures e to study and work hard, iprove yself onstantly and also in line with the reat hina drea.

First, to be a ood-reputed person, I ake efforts to work and study onsientiously. Hiher eduation provides e with aess to in-depth knowlede, proper value syste, and basi ethis, akin e own the apabilities to tell oodness fro evilness. As an eployee, I o to work early and bak hoe late, takin all y responsibility as a teaher. As a result, I a affired by y students and awarded by y leaders for any ties.

Seond, bein a ood-reputed person ures e to iprove yself ontinuously. Was there anythin I did iproperly? Is there soethin I ould do better? Everyday, I do self-introspetion and try to find solutions to ope with probles around e. To iprove yself better, Last year, I hallened yself to prepare for the entrane exaination for dotor deree and finally ade it after perseverant hard work. With the drea of bein a an with ood reputation, I a willin to iprove yself despite efforts and pains.

oreover, the drea of bein a ood-reputed person oinides with the reat

hina drea. Known to all, hina drea pointed by President Xi enerally oes like this: hina drea is to ake the ountry stron, nation prosperous and people satisfied. It ay sounds diffiult to ahieve, however, it is not so hard as what we have iained.中国梦作文英文300字.

hina drea is just like a lon and wide river whih ade up of streas of individual dreas. y drea, your drea, is in fat part of hina drea. If everyone in hina has the willin to be a ood-reputed and dinified an, then vular and univilied phenoena would hardly appear. If everyone in hina has the onsiene to ake hina a ore advaned odern ountry startin fro bein ood-reputed, then a soiety of truth, beauty and kindness wouldn’t be far fro us, and hina drea of akin ountry stron, nation prosperous and people satisfied wouldn’t be far fro us!

篇三:《y hinese Drea我的中国梦英文作文》

y hinese Drea

“Aerian Drea” is well known all of the world, whih is stand for freedo, independene, hardworkin, suess and irale. So lots of hinese youn people take this spirit and look forward to be one of Aerian.But if soeone asks e what hinese Drea is, atually Iannot find the answer.

hina is the ountry with lon history and full of ulture. The first hineseepire an be realled to 000 years ao, fro that tie hinese people bean to build up their own ulture and valuation thinkin syste. Till now eneration after eneration of hinese are still influened by the philosophi thinkin of onfuius and enius. As tie pass by, aount of western new thouhts attahed the hinese youn people, ost of the ive up the traditionalhinese brain. What is the result? Soe the essenes of the hinese traditional ulture are disappearin day by day. Due to the fast developent of hina and hinese Eonoi, uh ore hinese youn people drea of suess, but the eanin of suess is narrowly understood to uh oney! So, a opetition of “earnin oney in short tie” quietly starts. Everyone is lookin for shortut to ake oney, so the whole soietybeoin ore frivolous.

n the other hand, hina's influene is risin steadily around the world.ore and ore foreiners start to learn philosophi thinkinof onfuius and enius. What’s ore, they love hinese Traditional Art, suh as ross talk, alliraphy, Beijin opera and so on. This fertiliation of ulture an show a real and harin hina to the whole world.

As one of the youth in hina, y hinese drea is to be proud of “hinese Drea”, one day “hinese Drea” an be stand for deep-rooted ultural, kind-hearted, oprehensive, and full of Enterprise. Ibelieve the day is oin soon.

篇四:《hinese drea中国梦英语作文》

Reently,we had a lass eetin on the topi of y hinese Drea . Everyone talked about their understandin of hinese drea on the eetin.I also talked about y own drea.

Now I a a hih shool student.I want to be an exellent obstetriian in the future like Lin Qiaohi who devoted herself entirely to serve the people throuhout her life.As an obstetriian, I an ease the birth of ore oies` babies and assure ore oies` rest so that their failies an trust us.

I think,I should study harder fro now on to be aditted to soe edial university.And that will ake e ore loser to the realiation of y oal,y hinese Drea.




五年二班 邹金亭









hina Voie: "hinese drea" attainable throuh down-to-earth work

12-01-2012 1:32 BJT

Text:A A A

ebers of the seven-seat Politial Bureau of the Standin oittee of the ounist Party of hina (P) entral oittee earlier this week visited an exhibition on the ups and downs of hina on the road of national revival sine 140.

As a ajor roup ativity for the new P helsen outside of the reat Hall of the People sine they were eleted about half a onth ao, the syboli visit sent the essae that the rulin Party will keep in ind its ission and responsibility.

The P has the resolve and onfidene in unitin and leadin people of all ethni roups in hina to realie the hinese drea. And the Party has every onfidene in its path, theories and syste. ver the past 10 years, hina has risen fro the world's sixth to seond-larest eonoy. And the ountry has underone histori hanes as its eonoi strenth, people's livin standards, overall national strenth and international opetitiveness have been enhaned substantially. hina has never been so lose to realiin the oal of the nation's reat renewal.

History has tauht a lesson that it was throuh the easeless strule and arduous work of one eneration after the other that the hinese nation has finally been able to ebrae the twiliht of revival.

It is an unpreedented ission in the history of the ankind to build a developin ountry with 1.3 billion population into a odern ountry and at the sae tie realie the nation's rejuvenation. hina faes any severe hallenes and diffiulties at present fro vexations at its peaeful rise, pressure fro eonoi and soial adjustent, and the ountry's overall developent. Under the new onditions, the rulin P also endures risks and pressin probles within the Party that need to be resolved, espeially those onernin orruption, bein divored fro the people, oin throuh foralities and bureauray aused by soe Party offiials.

All these probles entail the rulin Party to arry on the past and fore ahead into the future and individuals to be realisti and praati and toil in their daily work.

It is the people who have reated history, and the people are the soure of hina's strenth. When all the people are united as one, an awesoe power will be reated and all diffiulties will be overoe.

The hinese are the arhitet of their own fate and they will reate a better life with their own efforts.

Epty talks lead a ountry astray, while hard work sees nations prosper.

As lon as the Party and the hinese people stik to the path of soialis with hinese

harateristis and keep doin pratial jobs, the nation's reat renewal, whih will no loner be an中国梦作文英文300字.

unattainable drea, will surely beoe reality.


'hinese drea' is Xi's vision Updated: 2013-03-1 02:3

By hao Yinan ( hina Daily)

Xi Jinpin started his presideny proisin to deliver a "hinese drea" of national rejuvenation.

The vision will be the uidin philosophy of the new leadership over the next five years, experts said.

In his first speeh as president, Xi said on Sunday that people should strive to realie the hinese drea.

The reat rejuvenation of the hinese nation "is a drea of the whole nation, as well as of every individual", he said.

"The hinese drea, after all, is the drea of the people.

"We ust realie it by losely dependin on the people, and we ust inessantly brin benefits to the people," Xi told about 3,000 national lawakers at the lose of the National People's onress, whih eleted hi president on Thursday.

In the 2-inute address, he alled on the 1.37 billion hinese people to "bear in ind the ission, unite as one, and ather into an invinible fore with wisdo and power". "All hinese people deserve equal opportunities to enjoy a prosperous life, see their dreas oe true and benefit toether fro the ountry's developent."

To realie the drea, hina ust take the hinese way, Xi said. He has also alled for a fosterin of the "hinese spirit," with patriotis playin a ajor role and the unity of the people strenthenin the nation.

Xi vowed to honestly fulfill his duties as defined by the onstitution, sayin his eletion eans a "lorious ission" and "profound responsibilities".

"I will always be loyal to our otherland, be loyal to the people and dediate all y tie and to y duties and responsibilities to serve the people," Xi said.

"I will never let you down and will live up to the trust and expetations of people of all ethniities. We annot show the slihtest oplaeny, or display any slakness at work," he said.

Sunday's address was a further elaboration of the hinese drea, a onept that Xi addred in Deeber, shortly after he was eleted hief of the ounist Party of hina.中国梦作文英文300字.

"Nowadays, everyone is talkin about the hinese drea. In y view, realiin the reat renewal of the hinese nation is the hinese nation's reatest drea in odern history," he said in Deeber.

Experts said Xi's all for a hinese drea is to build a broad onsensus aon the people.

Xu Xin, a law professor at Institute of Tehnoloy, said Sunday's address ould be onsidered Xi's inauural speeh and the new leadership's overnin ideoloy in the followin years.中国梦作文英文300字.中国梦作文英文300字.

"Everybody has a drea," Xu said.

Xi's all for a hinese drea obines individual suess with the fate of the ountry, he said.

Xu said he expets ore onrete steps, suh as reater anti-raft efforts, to be taken to fulfill the drea.

NP lose

han Dejian, the newly eleted top leislator, alled for the rule of law, at the end of the national leislature's annual session.

He quoted the late leader Den Xiaopin to elaborate the point.

"Deoray should be safeuarded by the rule of law. And deoray should be

institutionalied and lealied. We need to ake sure that the syste and law will not hane due to a leadership swith, nor due to variations of personal opinions and fous of the leadership," said han, hairan of the NP Standin oittee, the top leislative body.

The stateent is part of a speeh delivered by Den in late 197, at a Party eetin that paved the way for openin-up and refor poliies.

An Baijie, Jin hu and Xinhua ontributed to this story.中国梦作文英文300字.


Beautiful ‘hina Drea’ requires hard work


0:02, Deeber 04, 2012

hina's new top leadership visited “The Road toward Renewal” exhibition in the National useu of hina on Nov. 29. Xi Jinpin, eneral seretary of the P entral oittee and hairan of the P entral ilitary oission (), delivered an iportant speeh durin the visit.

"akin epty talk is harful to the nation, while doin pratial jobs an help it thrive. We, this eneration of ounists, ust take what has been left to us by our predeessors as a departure for forin ahead into the future,” Xi said.

Rejuvenation of the hinese nation has been the reatest hinese drea in odern ties sine the piu Wars. “After ore than 170 years of hard strule sine the piu War, the hinese nation has briht prospets, is loser than ever to reahin its oal of reat renewal, and is ore onfident and apable of reahin the oal than ever. “ Xi’s words are quite thouht-provokin.

Fro foundin a New hina to buildin a New hina, it is hinese people that bein the oderniation proess of the state with their experienes of revolutionary and onstrution. hina has beoe the world’s seond larest eonoy, with rearkable eonoi suess, iprovin livin standard, rowin oprehensive national strenth and international influene. enerations of hinese people’s hard work has lihtened the future of “hinese Drea.”

It is the seond deade of the 21st entury and hina is still in an iportant period of stratei opportunities and faed with unpreedented hallenes and

opportunities. The 1th P National onress has painted a beautiful blueprint for hina’s future. However, there is a lon way to o before the blueprint oes true. This requires lon-ter efforts.


我的中国梦 梦是蓝的,梦是紫的 梦是五彩缤纷的 我的梦是那抹艳丽的中国红。

火红的旗帜 金黄的五角星 我的中国梦就在那里—— 在那里—— 太阳比不过那热血挥洒的旗帜 谷穗麦浪胜不过五角星的闪耀 那就是我的中国梦呵—— 中国梦—— 一声我的中国梦:国家在建设 二声我的中国梦:社会在进步 三声我的中国梦:科技在发展 四声我的中国梦:我们就是那祖国的接班人!











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2013-0-20 13:1 来源:在线投稿 作者:钟根生

 [ 标签: 中国梦 我的中国梦 中国梦的作文 ]

说到梦想,我们每一个人都有属于自己的梦,并且都正在为自己的梦想而努力打拼,充满着追求与憧憬。然尔,我的梦却是中国梦,中国的梦,等待着我们青少去实践。 自从祖国开放以来,发生在祖国身上的痛与笑,对于大海中的一粒水来说,就是无形的禁锢,有过悲伤同时夹带着欢喜。在祖国的每一个成功中,都有着一串串坚辛。如果没有先驱伟人的汗水和眼泪,是永远不可能成功的:如果没有智者的聪明与努力,是永远不可能取得进步的:如果没有勤勉的劳动人民的坚持与帮助,是永远不可能带来动力的。“中国梦”实现伟大复兴,中华民族近代以来伟大的梦想,让青少年为你撑起湛蓝的明天。









我的中国梦演讲稿700字 亲爱的老师、同学们:








我的中国梦作文700字 梦想照亮人生,梦想该变现实,梦想创造历史。梦想在长城脚下放飞,希望我在脑中点燃。黑暗中一盏明灯,指引着我们的去向,记得苏格拉底说过:世界上最快乐的事,莫过于为理想而奋斗。我们从不怀疑,因为梦想只要经过奋斗,就可能变成现实。那怕没有成功,我们也不后悔因为至少奋斗,努力过。我的中国梦读后700.





我想成为一名科学家,为中国发现更多的奥秘,为中国创造出更先进的东西。 我想成为一名医生,为中国减少很多悲伤痛苦,多出很多欢歌笑语。








关于我的中国梦的作文700字 每一个民族都有一个传奇,每一个人都有一个属于自己祖国的梦。我是中国人,我的中国梦——实现中华民族的伟大复兴。尽管说我的梦想有点夸张,有点遥远。可谁又能怀疑我的这个梦?毕竟每个国人心中都有和我同样的中国梦,只是有的人没有明说而已。







我的中国梦演讲稿700字 亲爱的老师、同学们:
















天上繁星点点,星下水波淡淡。日升日落、花开花谢,看吧:白鸽划破天际,人人笑脸相见、 幸福相伴。




金坪中学 八年级9班方淑 指导老师:方俊

















可是,随着我们国家变得跟强大,还有一个更严峻的问题等待我们去解决——雾霾。 雾霾,一个可怕的白色魔鬼!它盖住远处的青山绿水,遮住近处的车水马龙。它紧紧掐着中国母亲的咽喉,抓住她的心脏,北京。而在上海,雾霾的日子十分多见。来去匆匆的行人们都戴着密不透风的帽子,厚厚的P2。口罩保护着他们的鼻喉,脖上围了不知多少条围巾,衣服更是里三层外三层。同学们不能外出活动,不能上体育课,更不能在外面快乐地奔跑。我们能看到这种恶劣的天气对我们的影响有多大。汽车排出的废气,工厂腾起的黑烟,浪费奢侈的用电用水……一幕幕在我们眼前若隐若现。然而,造成这些问题的罪魁祸首究竟是谁呢?不正是人类吗?














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