600字英语作文写给我的外交 我的梦想英语作文80字


篇首语:没有知识就不可能对生活作出正确的解释。本文为你选取作文600字英语作文写给我的外交 我的梦想英语作文80字四篇,希望能帮到你。


1、600字英语作文写给我的外交 我的梦想英语作文80字(1)




600字英语作文写给我的外交 我的梦想英语作文80字




事情的起因是爸爸出差到北京,给我带回了一台“读书郎”英语同步读书机。我立刻被它漂亮的外表吸引住了,因为它像一台高档的笔记本电脑。打开读书机,左边是音标,分为元音、辅音;右边是26个英语字母。最大的好处是它可以下载我上课用的PEP教材。妈妈让我打开英语课本,翻到第1页,把读书机中的页码调至相同页码,我再用那神奇的信号笔一点,点到哪儿,读书机就发出标准的读音,点第二遍时它就译出这个单词的中文含义,真是太神奇了! 刚开始几天,我每天一放学就抱着这台“读书郎”,渐渐地新鲜劲也就过去了。妈妈看准了时机,立即调动我的积极性,把老师当天教的英语单词分批教我,并慢慢告诉我这个字母在单词中所发的音。这样,日积月累,慢慢地我对有些字母的发音规律也有所掌握。正像妈妈所说的那样,一旦你会读准这个单词,那么这个单词的一半已被记住,只要稍一用心,就可记住全部。妈妈告诉我:学习英语要循序渐进,因为记忆会衰减,所以学单词时,先学一遍,过一会儿复习一遍,到第二天再复习一遍,一星期、一个月内再次复习,这样能把短期记忆变成长期记忆。这种方法叫作“思马德记忆”。按照妈妈所说的方法,我试了一下。哎,果真有效果!渐渐地我对背诵单词有点窍门了。这个学期六个单元所要求的四会单词,我全部做到了会“听、说、读、写”。








Thanks for your last letter.

I a writin just to infor you ……

In reply to your last letter, I a writin to explain the two questions as follows: …… 结 尾

Lookin forward to your reply/hearin fro you!

Thanks for your onsideration.

Do reeber e to your parents!


Nowadays, there are ore and ore __ _ in __ _. It is estiated that ___. Why have there been so any ____? aybe the reasons an be listed as follows.

The first one is ______. Besides,_____. The third one is _____. To su up, the ain ause of it is due to _____. It is hih tie that soethin were done upon it. For one thin,_____. For another thin, _____. All these easures will ertainly redue the nuber of _____.



It is quite obvious/lear that… ( 很显然……)

There is no doubt that… (毫无疑问……)

Take …as an exaple. (以……为例)

n one hand,… on the other hand… (一方面,……另一方面)

nly in this way shall we… (只有这样我们才能……)600字英语作文写给我的外交.

As far as…is onerned, I prefer…(就……而言,我更……)

easures/Ation should be taken to…(必须采取措施去……)

For the reasons iven above, I feel that…(鉴于以上原因,我觉得

What these people fail to onsider is that…(这些人没有想到的是..)

Undoubtedly there is a lon way to o before…(毫无疑问要……



Therefore, I stronly reoend that …(因此, 我强烈建议…

All the fats show that…(所有的事实显示……)

I like …not only beause… but also beause…(我喜欢……


I a writin to you to inquire about…(我写信给你想询问……)

I a writin to express y dissatisfation with/at…(我给你


I apoloie to you for…(我为……向你道歉)

I a rateful to you for…(我为……向你表示感谢)

r. reen, y best friend, is teahin…

r. reen, a favorite teaher fro the USA, is teahin…



(1) 要求论述两个对立的观点并给出自己的看法。





The topi of ①----------主题)is beoin ore and ore popular reently. There are two sides of opinions about it.

Soe people say A is their favorite. They hold their view for the reason of ②-----------------(支持A的理由一)What is ore, ③------------理由二). oreover, ④---------------(理由三).

While others think that B is a better hoie in the followin

three reasons. Firstly,-----------------(支持B的理由一).

Seondly (besides),⑥------------------(理由二).

Thirdly (finally),⑦------------------(理由三).

Fro y point of view, I think ⑧--------------(我的观点). The reason is that ⑨--------------------(原因).

As a atter of fat, there are soe other reasons to explain y hoie. For e, the forer is surely a wise hoie .


Soe people believe that ①----------------(观点一).

For exaple, they think ②-----------------(举例说明).And it will brin the ③------- (为他们带来的好处). In y opinion, I never think this reason an be the point. For one thin,④-------------

(我不同意该看法的理由一). For another thin,


For all what I have said, I aree to the

thouht that ⑥------------------(我对文章所





1. 阐述名言或主题所蕴涵的意义.


The ood old proverb ----------------(名言或谚语)

reinds us that ----- (释义). In deed, we an learn

any thins for it. First of all,---------- (理由一).

For exaple, ------------- (举例说明). Seondly,-------

(理由二). Another ase is that -------(举例说明).

Furtherore , ------------------(理由三).

In y opinion, ----------------(我的观点). In short,

whatever you do, please reeber the say---A.

If you understand it and apply it to your study

or work, you’ll neessarily benefit a lot fro it.






In reent days, we have to fae a

proble-----A, whih is beoin ore600字英语作文写给我的外交.

and ore serious. First, ------------

(说明A的现状).Seond, ---------------


onfronted with A, we should take

a series of effetive easures to ope

with the situation. For one thin, -----------

(解决方法一). For another -------------(解决方法二).

Finally, ------- (解决方法三).

Personally, I believe that -----------


onsequently, I’ onfident that

a briht future is awaitin us

beause --------------(带来的好处).






1. 说明事物现状

2. 事物本身的优缺点(或一方面)

3. 你对现状(或前景)的看法

Nowadays any people prefer A beause it has

a sinifiant role in our daily life. enerally,

its advantaes an be seen as follows. First -------600字英语作文写给我的外交.

(A的优点之一). Besides -----------(A的优点之二).

But every oin has two sides. The neative aspets600字英语作文写给我的外交.

are also apparent. ne of the iportant

disadvantaes is that ----------------(A的第一个缺点).

To ake atters worse, --------------(A的第二个点).

Throuh the above analysis, I believe that the positive

aspets overweih the neative ones.

Therefore, I would like to ---------------(我的看法).600字英语作文写给我的外交.



然后进行分析、概括和归纳。注意:1)图表和数据内容不必全部描述。2)善于抓住总的规律,趋势,归纳增减率。 3)时态:特定时间用过去时。经常出现的情况或自己的评述用一般现在时。


数字表:曲线图(line raph)

表格 (table)

图形表:饼状图(pie hart)

条状图(bar hart)



陈老师是我兴趣班教英语的老师,她个子矮矮的,身材偏瘦,最令人注目的是他那双充满智慧的眼睛,我可喜欢陈老师了。 她语言幽默、严谨细致、平易近人。上课时,常常逗的我哈哈大笑,课间休息时,他会一丝不苟的和我们谈论今天学到的有趣的知识。放学前,他会认真的布置作业,我也会认真的完成。我每次都可以在半小时以内把作业做完。放学后,当我们一一离开教室的时候,他会微笑的和我们说oodbye(再见)。 记得有一次,我们讲到蜡笔的制造过程。陈老师一会儿,学起机器的轰鸣声;一会儿,表演蜡笔怎么从一堆石蜡变成一支支蜡笔;一会儿,在白板上画出机器的样子。此时,他两眼放光,眉毛跟着手走,真可谓是眉飞色舞、神采飞扬。 讲着讲着,他从蜡笔的制作,说到了蜡笔的起源。从蜡笔的起源又讲到了沃尔玛的起源,从沃尔玛的起源讲到了家乐福的起源,从家乐福的起源又讲到了百事可乐的起源&&又从家乐福和沃尔玛是怎么争夺地域优势讲到它们是怎样的水火不容的全球争霸。他还为此语气坚定的下了一句豪言般的总结:我敢肯定,在昆明如果在一个地方有家乐福,那么在它的附近不出一平方公里至少会有一家沃尔玛。又从肯德基和麦当劳是怎样用各种产品来吸引客户,结果却因为太贵而没有把他吸引住。然后讲到他们在美国是快餐而在中国是一种享受逍遥时光的另类下午茶。 我喜欢我这个知识渊博、风趣幽默的陈老师。我相信在未来的某一天,他将带领我走入英文的殿堂。安徽六安解放路小学四年级:张妍








遍。然而还是有漏洞。今年真题有Q(学科类),BBA(一个学位),royalty rate,中等收入陷阱,低生育率陷阱,去杠杆化,三严三实,一带一路等等。所以也看出来,关注时政是必须的,hina daily热词是必须要看的!!!没时间就看微博上总结版的。段落翻译今年外交汉译英,英译汉各六段,题量也不小。英译汉是卫报编辑在卫报100年生日上的讲话,汉译英是中国外交关系。段落翻译看的就是功底了,我用了《二笔实务》,自己翻,对答案,找不足,总结技巧。叶子楠老师的书讲的是英译汉理论,我只把技巧篇提炼了一下,张培基散文翻译要看看,起码培养语言功底。书不在多,消化吸收才是关键。庄老师的那本我也看了,感觉有点简单就果断放弃了。

关于百科:百科可能是最让大家头疼的,漫无目的。当时我问微博上的考研老师怎么复习,感觉要看的太多了,他说要么掌握从地球诞生以来的知识,要么掌握常考点。显然,我们要做的是后者。此时也体现了真题的重要性,看看你所考学校爱出什么样的考题。外交就是时政和传统文化以及文学考的比较多。这次考试让我特别欣慰自己选了一个好学校,就算最后没考上,我只能说是自己能力不够。别的学校一般是2个名词解释,每个写三五行就好。外交去年改成了填空,我准备的时候挺难过,觉得填空更难。结果发下卷子,小伙伴们都惊呆了。。。今年是30个选择,20个填空,个名词解释(一带一路,新亚欧大陆桥,话本,唯美主义,AIIB)两篇应用文30分(会议通知与会议报告,重点看格式!)以及一篇1000字以上的半命题作文(______的滋味)0分。可见题型多么灵活,能考的形式都考了。还好我心态好,深呼吸一口气后埋头开始在答题卡上划线,开始答题。百科唯一空下的填空是今年矛盾文学奖的获奖作品和作者(谁叫我只关注了诺贝尔文学奖。。。)复习百科的时候要记得融汇贯通,你看政治时政,看hina daily热词的时候其实也是积累。还有我个人高中理科生,中国历史学的很差,但是外交挺爱考历史的,有空也要多看看。还有一个感悟就是:百科最后阶段要集中看,争取把你看的都记住,否则什么都是大概印象的话,填空题就可能吃亏,这是我感觉很多填空答的有些小错误,就像你知道填什么单词却偏偏单词拼写错了一样让人难受。





Aid the international viissitudes, hina has adhered to its independent forein poliy of peae and onduted fruitful diploati ativities in both bilateral and ulti-lateral ontexts. eanwhile, hina’s friendly relations and ooperation with other ountries and reions have developed stably. By stikin to priniple and resistin pressure, we have safeuarded our state sovereinty, territorial interity and national dinity, thus radually raisin our standin in the international ounity.

和平与发展仍然是当今世界的两大主题。国际局势正在发生重大而深刻的变化。大国关系继续调整,多极化的发展趋势日益明显,国际经济联系日益密切, 科学技术突飞猛进,对世界经济政治和社会的发展产生重要影响。在新的国际形势下,我们要一如既往的奉行独立自主的和平外交政策,进一步开创外交工作的新局 面。

Peae and developent reain the two thees of the world today. The

international situation is underoin ajor and profound hanes. Bi powers ontinue to reajust their relations. The trend developin towards ulti-

polarity has beoe inreasinly apparent. International eonoi links are ettin loser and siene and tehnoloy are advanin by leaps and bounds, both of whih are exertin profound influene on international eonoi,

politial and soial developent. In the new international situation, we will as always ontinue to uphold our independent forein poliy of peae and open up new phases in diploati work.


The suessful state visits by the heads of the state of hina and the united states have ushered sino-us relations into a new stae of developent. We hope the two sides an work toether, to seek oon round while puttin aside differenes and inrease ooperation on the bases of the three sino-us joint ouniques and sino-us joint stateents so as to proote new substanial developent in our bilateral relations.


Sino-russian relations ontinue to develop. hina and russia sined joint

stateents by the people’s republi of hina and russian federation on lobal ulti-polariation and the establishent of new international order. We have opleted the dearkation work in the eastern setion of our boarder. We should further enhane our ooperation and exhanes in the fields between the two nations in suh fields as eonoy, trade, siene and tehnoloy and step up utual onsultation and ooperation on international issues.


Developent in sino-japanese relations has on the whole aintained a ood proressive oentu. We support japan in takin the road to developent throuh peae. We aintain that it is neessary to draw lessons fro history, set our eyes on the future and properly handle the existin probles and disareeents so as to ake new iproveents in the friendly relationship and ood neihborly ooperation between the two ountries.

中国愿意同欧盟和欧洲其他国家发展长期稳定的互利合作关系,全面发展同其他发达国家的友好合作与交流,进一步发展同周边国家的睦邻友好关系,同东 盟建立长期睦邻互信伙伴关系,加强同亚洲,非洲,拉丁美洲广大发展中国家的团结与合作,在国际和地区事务中密切磋商,相互支持,共同维护发展中国家的正当 权益,要努力探索经济合作的新途径,发展互惠互利的新型经贸关系。

hina is ready todevelop stable lon-ter utually benefiial ooperative relations with the european union and other european ountries. We will

develop our friendly ooperation and proote exhanes in an all round way with other developed ountries. We will further develop our friendly and ood-neihborly relations with the ountries boundarin hina. We will establish a lon ter partnership of ood-neihborliness and utul trust with the

assoiation of south east asian nations. We will strenthen our solidarity and ooperation with the vast nuber of developin ountries in asia, afria and latin aeria. We will enhane utual onsultation and render utual

support in reional and international affairs so as to jointly safeuard the rihtful interests of developin ountries. We will explore new ways of

eonoi ooperation and develop new types of eonoi relation and trade of utual benefit and reiproity.


hina will ontinue to play a onstrutive role in the affairs of the united nations. hina will atively partiipate in the ativities of the asia-paifi eonoi ooperation and the asia-europe eetin and take part in other ulti-lateral diploati ativities of lobal, inter-ontinental and reional nature.

中国政府一贯主张国家之间的关系应该建立在和平共处五项原则的基础上,通过平等协商,和平解决各种争端,反对诉诸武力或以武力相威胁。中国坚决反 对任何形式的霸权主义,永远是维护世界和平与地区稳定的重要力量。中国政府和人民愿意与世界各国政府和人民一道,为建立和平稳定公正合理的国际政治经济新 秩序,为促进世界和平与发展的崇高事业做出自己应有的贡献。

The hinese overnent has on and on aintained that state-state relations should be establised on the basis of the five priniples of peaeful o-

existene and that disputes should be settled peaefully throuh onsultation on an eaqual footin. We oppose the use of fore or the threat of fore. We reain resolutely aainst heeonis in whatever for and will forever at as an iportant fore in safeuardin world peae and reional stability. The hinese overnent and people are ready to work with all other overnens and peoples of the world to ake their due ontribution to the establishent of a peaeful, stable, just and equatable new international politial and eonoi order and to prootion of the lofty ause of world peae and developent.

著名的旅游胜地黄山坐落在安徽省的南部,面积约1200平方公里。黄山有72座名峰,其中最出名的有莲花峰,天都峰,始信峰,青鸾峰。黄山景色甚 为独特,它兼有泰山之雄伟,华山之险峻,峨眉山之清秀。奇松怪石云海和温泉堪称黄山四绝。黄山的迎客松早以其特殊的造型而闻明于世。

Huanshan, a well known tourist ountain resort, oupies an area of 1200 square kiloeters in the south of anhui provine, boastin 72peaks, inludin the best known lianhua, tiandu, shixin and qinluan peaks. Huanshan blends the rander of ountain tai, the awe of huashan ountain and the eleane of ountai eei. Huanshan is ost noted for its four attrations

unparalleled else where, naely extraordinary pines rowin out of rok revies, rotesque roks, seas of louds whirlin around the peaks and hot sprins. The world faous visitor-reetin pine has lon been known for its sinular build.

当地流传着不少优美神话故事,为黄山披上了神秘的外衣。例如青鸾峰这一名字的来历就很富有诗意和传奇色彩。海拔170米的青鸾峰形状很像一只蹲伏的大鸟。鸟头微抬,仿佛在凝视远处的天都峰,尾巴下垂,两翼紧贴鸟身,绿树覆盖全身,因此得名青鸾峰。 any fairy tales about this ountain spread aon the loal people, hidin huanshan in ystery. For exaple, the tale about the oriin of the nae of the qinluan peak is one of poeti and leendary flavor. Risin 170 eters above sea level, the peak bears stron reseblane to a fabulous perhin bird, as if lookin fixedly at the tiandu peak in the diastane with its head raised slihtly up, its tail droopin down and the two wins linin to its body rowin all over with reen tress. Hene the nae of qinluan peak whih literally eans the reen bird peak.

台湾是中国神圣领土不可分割的一部分。我们将一如既往的坚持和平统一、一国两制的基本方针,坚持江泽民主席关于发展两岸关系,推进祖国和平统一进 程的八项主张,大力发展两岸经济,科技,文化等领域的交流与合作,增加人员往来,与台湾同胞共同努力,坚决反对制造台湾独立,两个中国,一中一台等分裂活动。

Taiwan is an inalienable part of the sared territory of hina. We’ll as always adhere to the basi priniples of peaeful reunifiation and one ountry two systes and to the eiht-point proposal put forward by president jianein on developin aross-straits relations and prootin peaeful reunifiation of the otherland. We will spare no efforts in expandin exhanes and

ooperation between the two sides of the taiwan strait in eonoi,sientifi and tehnoloal and ultural areas and proote utual visits of people. We will ake joint efforts with our opatriots in taiwan to firly oppose any splited ativites aiin at ahievin the independene of taiwan and reatin two hinas or one hina, one taiwan.

我们希望台湾当局以民族大业和台湾人民的根本利益为重,采取行动早日实现两岸直接通邮,通航,通商,并及早回应我们发出的在一个中国的原则下两岸 进行政治谈判的呼吁。祖国统一是不可阻挡的历史潮流,台湾问题是一定能够解决的。台湾的前途系于祖国统一,分裂是没有出路的。我们相信在海峡两岸全体中国 人和海外同胞的共同努力下,祖国完全统一,中华民族全面振兴的共同愿望一定能够实现。

We hope that the taiwan authorities take into onsideration the overall

interests of the hinese nation and the foundaental interests of the people in taiwan, take onrete steps for the early establishent of diret postal, air and shippin servies and trade between the two sides and they response as early as possible to our solon peal that the two sides ondut politial neoiation under the priniple of one hina. The reunifiation of the

otherland is an irreversible historial trend. The taiwan question will surely be resolved. Taiwan’s future hines on the reunifiation of the otherland and to split the ountry is no way out. We are onvined that with the

onerted efforts for all hinese people on both sides of the taiwan straits and the overseas opatriots, the oon aspiration of the oplete











我的梦想小学英语作文00字 篇1

I have a wonderful drea in y heart. It's to speak Enlish very well. Sine Enlish is everythin for e. Enlish is y best friend. Enlish is y soul. Enlish is y power. Without Enlish, I' nothin at all. Nothin. Now, I an think in Enlish, speak in Enlish, and write in Enlish. Soe people think I' an Indian. Soe people reard I' a Pakistan. And soe people even onsider that I' an Eyptian. But if I ould speak Enlish as ood as an Aerian, y future would be brilliant. So I work very hard.


我的梦想小学英语作文00字 篇2

I have a wonderful drea in y heart。 It's to speak Enlish very well。 Sine Enlish is everythin for e。 Enlish is y best friend。 Enlish is y soul。 Enlish is y power。 Without Enlish, I' nothin at all。 Nothin。 Now, I an think in Enlish, speak in Enlish, and write in Enlish。 Soe people think I' an Indian。 Soe people reard I' a Pakistan。 And soe people even onsider that I' an Eyptian。 But if I ould speak Enlish as ood as an Aerian, y future would be brilliant。 So I work very hard。


我的梦想小学英语作文00字 篇3

When I was alittle hild, I had any dreas. I wanted to be rih, so that I an live in abi and beautiful house. I an o everywhere ar. But now, y drea sees tobe better and ore realisti. I hope I an have a ood job. It will not takeuh of y tie, althouh I an’t earn uh. Every year, I have holidays totravel. Travelin is y favorite and it an redue y pressure. It’s ood fory life. Therefore, I hope travelin an be a part of y future life.


我的梦想小学英语作文00字 篇4

I have a wonderful drea in y heart。 It's to speak Enlish very well。 Sine Enlish is everythin for e。 Enlish is y best friend。 Enlish is y soul。 Enlish is y power。 Without Enlish, I' nothin at all。 Nothin。 Now, I an think in Enlish, speak in Enlish, and write in Enlish。 Soe people think I' an Indian。 Soe people reard I' a Pakistan。 And soe people even onsider that I' an Eyptian。 But if I ould speak Enlish as ood as an Aerian, y future would be brilliant。 So I work very hard。















Dear Sir,

We have a ood ooperation in the last year,we hope we will have soe oodbusiness in the new year。

erry hristas and Happy New Year

Best Reards,

your nae


Hello, Santa laus,

Toorrow is hristas Day. I hope you will oe to y hoe and ive e soeifts. I wish I an et andies, andles, notebooks and pens.

By the way, I like the stikers you ave e last year. an you ive e orestikers?

I’ waitin for your ifts.

Thank you


De, 24th


Dear Santa laus:


y nae is Yifan, hristas is oin, I wish you a erry hristas! Iwould like to et a ift like the "viadut" this year! y o and dad told ethat you would eet y requireents, riht? I proise: I will take ood are ofyou ave e the ift, and after the play, I will own the ood to lean up theirown toys, no need to help e. So, you will ontinue to ive e a ift next year,riht?

K, just write it, I' lookin forward to the oin of hristas. I wishyou a happy day!



Love you all


Dear randpa Santa laus,


I' a bi fan of yours! Listen to soe of y aunt said, you are to ivehildren ifts, so, every hristas, I spent y bed han hristas stokins,hope that the next day to reeive your ift, every ornin, I an see your iftin y stokin, I a very, very happy, beause I reeived your ift.

Santa laus randpa, I envy oh, ridin your sall reindeer, flyin in thesky, if I reeber orretly, you should have two rows of sall reindeer, yoursall reindeer row like what? I've always wanted to have one of y own. Flyinwith you in the sky!

Tie a year passed, I also rew up, at this tie, I just know that there isno Santa laus, that I soks in the sall ift, is the other sent, but I astill very happy, after all, this is y other ave e.

Santa laus randpa, I want a few ifts, I hope you an proise e: I wanta pink pink puppy, I want a super ute hristas doll......

Father hristas, I wish you a sile, ood health, ood luk in your work,and a happy faily.

Bye bye! Father hristas, I will write to you next tie!



Your loyal fans


Dear Santa laus:

Howdy!Arrive the hristas festival soon aain, did you want to" o towork" aain?Would you still ride the floret deer trailer to oe this tie?

an you arrive at y bed front?Do you put previous lists to line up the dryskates in the soks, like?I liked it too, puttin on it any ool!

an you arrive at the kid sister youner sister's bed front?Sin a lullabyfor her at the tie of she ry, oax her to enter the beautiful drea ountryquikly and quikly.

You an stop in the sky, to a peaeful seed?The people of now needed ittoo, for the sake of these the innoent peoples, lettin the feel thesweet.

Santa laus, you whih the ift that oe?You are how an anyone know thehildren deand what?

Wish you:

Happy every day!Healthy lonevity!





Dear Sir,

We have a ood ooperation in the last year,we hope we will have soe oodbusiness in the new year。

erry hristas and Happy New Year

Best Reards,

your nae


Hello, Santa laus,

Toorrow is hristas Day. I hope you will oe to y hoe and ive e soeifts. I wish I an et andies, andles, notebooks and pens.

By the way, I like the stikers you ave e last year. an you ive e orestikers?

I’ waitin for your ifts.

Thank you


De, 24th


Dear Santa laus:


y nae is Yifan, hristas is oin, I wish you a erry hristas! Iwould like to et a ift like the "viadut" this year! y o and dad told ethat you would eet y requireents, riht? I proise: I will take ood are ofyou ave e the ift, and after the play, I will own the ood to lean up theirown toys, no need to help e. So, you will ontinue to ive e a ift next year,riht?

K, just write it, I' lookin forward to the oin of hristas. I wishyou a happy day!



Love you all


Dear randpa Santa laus,


I' a bi fan of yours! Listen to soe of y aunt said, you are to ivehildren ifts, so, every hristas, I spent y bed han hristas stokins,hope that the next day to reeive your ift, every ornin, I an see your iftin y stokin, I a very, very happy, beause I reeived your ift.

Santa laus randpa, I envy oh, ridin your sall reindeer, flyin in thesky, if I reeber orretly, you should have two rows of sall reindeer, yoursall reindeer row like what? I've always wanted to have one of y own. Flyinwith you in the sky!

Tie a year passed, I also rew up, at this tie, I just know that there isno Santa laus, that I soks in the sall ift, is the other sent, but I astill very happy, after all, this is y other ave e.

Santa laus randpa, I want a few ifts, I hope you an proise e: I wanta pink pink puppy, I want a super ute hristas doll......

Father hristas, I wish you a sile, ood health, ood luk in your work,and a happy faily.

Bye bye! Father hristas, I will write to you next tie!



Your loyal fans


Dear Santa laus:

Howdy!Arrive the hristas festival soon aain, did you want to" o towork" aain?Would you still ride the floret deer trailer to oe this tie?

an you arrive at y bed front?Do you put previous lists to line up the dryskates in the soks, like?I liked it too, puttin on it any ool!

an you arrive at the kid sister youner sister's bed front?Sin a lullabyfor her at the tie of she ry, oax her to enter the beautiful drea ountryquikly and quikly.

You an stop in the sky, to a peaeful seed?The people of now needed ittoo, for the sake of these the innoent peoples, lettin the feel thesweet.

Santa laus, you whih the ift that oe?You are how an anyone know thehildren deand what?

Wish you:

Happy every day!Healthy lonevity!




...单从高考成绩来看,我也并没有什么提高,由于今年的数学英语文综比去年简单,所以说我的数学和英语没有进步,而我的文综和语文甚至退步了.     我有一些话想写给你们,不是作为一个复读成功者,只是作为一个经历过复读的人,...



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