全家人吃饭的情境100 梦到全家人一起吃饭


篇首语:做一个俗人,要知世俗而不俗世,知世故而不世故。本文为你选取作文全家人吃饭的情境100 梦到全家人一起吃饭四篇,希望能帮到你。


1、全家人吃饭的情境100 梦到全家人一起吃饭(1)




全家人吃饭的情境100 梦到全家人一起吃饭



1.---Jiy ae lose to bein killed in a traffi aident the other day.

--- ______? He was drivin arefully all the tie.

A. When B. What . Pardon D. How

2. ---Do you think I an pass the test?

--- ______, I’ afraid.

A. Not a hane B. f ourse . You an D. A little bit

3. ---Next onday is y birthday.

---Is that so? ______

---Thank you.

A. I don’t believe so. B. I’ so lad.

. What presents do you need? D. any happy returns of the day!

4. ---h, ust you? Stay a bit loner. ______.

---Thanks anyway. I’ve ot an early start toorrow ornin.

A. It’s been suh fun havin you B. aybe you an have supper here

. It’s so pleasant to eet you D. Let’s have another hat

. ---ay I ask a favour of you?


A. It’s y pleasure B. I’ve no tie . Ask please D. Sure, o ahead

6. ---How would you like your tea?

--- ______.

A. Very quikly B. As it oes, please . Very uh D. I don’t like tea

7. ---How’s it oin, Joye?

--- ______.

A. h, okay, I uess B. Not doin wron . Sorry, I’ not so ood D. Nothin, thanks

. ---Ken telephoned you while you were out. He seeed worried about soethin.

--- ______?

---No, he’ll all you later.

A. Will he all aain B. What’s it about

. Should I all hi bak D. Do you know for sure

9. ---an I help you, sir?

--- ______.

A. Yes, you an help e B. No, I don’t need any help

. f ourse, if you like D. No, thanks, I’ bein served

10.---I think you should take ore exerise every day if you want to keep fit.

--- ______.

A. Yes, K B. That’s all riht

. Thank you for your advie D. It’s very kind of you to say so

11. ---Lon tie no see! You look well.

--- ______. You look fine, too.

A. Thanks B. reat . h, no D. Not at all

12.---I’ oin to Beijin toorrow. y plane leaves at :30 toorrow ornin.

--- ______

A. Is that so? B. How wonderful!

. Have a ood trip. D. Well, oodbye.

13. ---Don’t foret to post the letter for e, will you?

--- ______.

A. aybe I will B. No, I won’t . Sorry, I don’t D. I suppose not

14. ---I hope you don’t ind y turnin on the heater.

--- ______.

A. Never ind B. Yes, I won’t . That’s riht D. Not in the least

1.---Whose advie do you think I should take?

--- ______.

A. It’s up to you B. You speak . That’s it D. You ot it

16.---Did you o Duth after that eal, I ean, with the other five friends?

--- ______.

A. Yes, they did B. Yes, they paid for the eal

. No, they didn’t D. No, beause it was y treat that day

17. ---Thank you for your D-R. I’ll return it as soon as possible.

--- ______. I’ve ot another one to spare.

A. No proble B. No hurry . Nothin uh D. Be areful

1. ---I’ sorry I an’t o with you.

--- ______? Haven’t you areed?

A. How’s that B. What is it . Why don’t you D. What do you think

19. ---ood afternoon, __? The nae is David Parks .

---Two letters, sir, and a postard.

A. is there any ail for e B. ould you post these letters for e

. what an I do for you D. is that John speakin

20.---David, it’s Frank. Do you have a few inutes? I need to see you.

--- ______. But I hope “a few inutes” doesn’t turn into an hour.

A. I’ afraid not B. It doesn’t atter . I don’t think so D. I uess so

21.---Have a ood Woen’s Day, o.

---Thanks. ______.

A. You’re weloe B. That’s all riht

. It’s kind of you to say so D. The sae to you

22. ---Exuse e, ______?

---That’s $3.76 altoether, ada.

A. how uh is the eal we’ve had B. but an I take your order

. ould I have the bill, please D. would you please take the oney

23. ---How is To?

--- ______.

A. He is a teaher B. He is uh better . He is like his father D. He is twenty

24. ---I’d like to take a week’s holiday.

--- ______; we are too busy.

A. Don’t worry B. Don’t ention it . Foret it D. Pardon e

2. ---Exuse e.

--- ______?

--- ould you tell e how I an et to the First Departent?

A. Pardon B. Why . Yes D. Please

26. ---Do you ind if I soke here.

--- ______.

A. No, please don’t B. I’d rather you didn’t . I don’t want you to D. I’ afraid I don’t

27. ---I’ sorry, but I an’t follow you. ______

---K, it’s B-L-A--K.

A. Would you please walk slowly? B. I don’t understand you.

. Would you please repeat it ore slowly? D. What’s the eanin of this word?

2. ---Wish you every suess in the future.


A. Sure, I will B. Thanks . It’s not easy to do so D. I’ll do y best

29. ---How did you find your visit to the useu, John?


A. By takin a No. 3 bus. B. h, wonderful, indeed.

. I went there alone. D. A lassate of ine showed e the way.

30. ---Let’s o out for a drive toorrow. We an take a pini.

--- ______.

A. Yes, do please B. That’s K . ood idea D. any thanks

31. ---I’ oin to join the in the ae

--- ______

A. Have fun. B. I’ sure of it. . What a pity! D. aybe you like it.

32.---y dauhter has passed the ollee entrane exa.

---onratulations! She is really intellient.

--- ______.

A. No, no. She is nothin B. h, thank you

. Soeties she is D. The sae to your dauhter

33.---To, it is areless of you to have left your key in the lok hole of your ar.

---______ So I did. I iht have y ar stolen.

A. Thank you. B. I’ sorry. . y od! D. It doesn’t atter.

34.---ould I use your bathroo?

---Why, of ourse. Just ______.

A. be areful B. ake yourself at hoe . keep in ind D. o upstairs

3. ---Thank od. It’s Friday aain. A nie weekend.

--- ______.

A. The sae to you B. e too . That’s all riht D. Yes, I’ll be free then

36. ---Exuse e, iss, but ay I share your table?

---f ourse. ______.

A. Not at all B. Be y uest . As you wish D. I don’t ind

37. ---Have a sweet drea.

--- ______.

A. Yes, I will B. Thank you all the sae . All riht D. You too

3. ---I’ too busy to o to the inea with you, John.

--- __________ The fil is said to be a very ood one.

A. That’s all riht. B. I’ so sorry.

. What a shae! D. It’s too disappointin.

39. ---Do you still soke?

--- ___________. It’s two years sine I soked.

A. No, I don’t B. Yes, I do . Not too uh D. h, yes, but I wish I didn’t

40. ---Let’s o shoppin first and then o fishin toorrow.

--- __________. I’ll pik you up at 9.

A. Well, I don’t know B. You o yourself

. That’s a ood point D. I’ afraid I don’t aree

41. ---Do you want to o out toniht?

--- ___________; it’s up to you.

A. Yes, I want to B. That’s all riht . I’ easy D. No proble

42. ---ay I look at the enu for a little while?

---f ourse, ______, sir.

A. don’t worry B. it doesn’t atter . enjoy yourself D. take your tie

43. ---Let’s o skatin after shool.

--- ______ all for e at any tie.

A. Wait a oent. B. Sounds ood. . That depends. D. What for ?

44. ---Luy, y ood friend died in an aident yesterday.

--- ______.

A. That’s all riht B. h, well, that’s life . You’re luky D. Don’t worry

4. ---o for hikin this Saturday, K?

--- _____________. I like ettin lose to nature.

A. I ouldn’t aree ore B. I believe not

. I’ afraid not D. I don’t think so

46.---Susan, will you please o and epty the drawer?


A. What for B. What is it . How is it D. How oe

47.---Did you o Duth after that eal, I ean, with other five friends?

--- _____________.

A. Yes, they did B. Yes, they paid for the eal

. No, they didn’t D. No, beause it was y treat that day

4.---How would you like your offee?


A. It’s well done B. Very nie. Thank you

. ne up. That’s enouh D. The stroner, the better

49.---I’ so tired, u. I an’t walk any farther!

--- ____________, y dear. You an do it!

A. That’s K B. No proble . Take it easy D. oe on

0.---Bob, are you free at the oent? I have a favor to ask you.


A. It’s a pleasure B. o ahead . Help yourself D. Ask, please

1.---lass 7 won the ath.

---____________ they seeed very exited.

A. No doubt B. No wonder . Above all D. f ourse

2.---I think you should phone Jenny and say sorry to her.

--- ______________ It was her fault.

A. No way B. Not possible . No hane D. Not at all

3.---How often do you eat out?

--- _____________, but usually one a week.

A. It depends B. Have no idea . As usual D. enerally speakin

4.---You forot to feed the at aain!


A. I an’t reeber. B. I don’t ind feedin her aain.

. I’ll do it now. D. Yes, I did. What about you?

. ---u, I’ve ut y finer. It’s bleedin.

--- ______________.

A. Let e see B. Don’t worry . Be areful D. Let e have a look

6.---I’ afraid I’ve ot a bad old.


A. Never ind B. Keep away fro e . Better o and see a dotor D. You need to take ediine.

7.---It’s suested that we put on a short play at the party.


A. It doesn’t atter B. That’s all riht . You’re weloe D. No proble

.---Why isn’t Susan at the dane?

---She ouldn’t oe beause she hurt her foot.


A. Don’t worry about her B. Never ind . That’s a shae D. Bad luk

9.---ary, I have ood news to tell you. I have been aditted to Pekin University . ---______________

A. It’s ipossible! B. I’ so pleased. . onratulations! D. That’s all riht.

60.---I ot a rise in salary!

--- __________________



1 What’s your favourite sport?

Basketball. / Football, et

2 How lon do you usually play basketball with your friends?

Half an hour. / An hour./ Forty inutes.

3 What would you say if your friend asks you, “What shall I do this weekend?”

What about playin basketball? / How about oin shoppin? / You ould read. / You ould o to the inea.

4 What will you do if you don’t feel well?

o to see a dotor. / Stay at hoe and take a rest.

What tie do you usually o to bed?

At 9:30. / After ten o‟lok.

6 What should people do to keep the plants rowin well?

People should ive enouh sunshine and water to keep the plants rowin well. 7 How often do you borrow a storybook fro your shool library?

I usually borrow a storybook one every two onths / I usually borrow a storybook one a onth,et.

What kind of books is your favourite?

Storybooks / Tales are y favourite ones.

9 Whih storybook do you like the ost?

I like Harry Potter the ost.

10 What ity is the larest ity in the UK?

New York.

11 How any parts are there in the UK?

There are four parts in the UK.

12 Please tell the naes of the three larest ities in hina?

Shanhai, Beijin and honqin.

13 What should you do in the lass?

I should listen to the teaher arefully, answer the teahers‟ question aloud, et. 14 After soeone helps you, what would you say to hi?

I should say “thank you”.

1 What shouldn’t we do in shool?

We shouldn‟t be late for shool and ake noise in shool.

16 What would you say when a foreiner says that you speak ood Enlish?

I should say “thank you.” r “It‟s very kind of you to say so.”

17 What is your hobby?

I like learnin forein lanuaes/ olletin staps, et.

1 Why do you like learnin forein lanuaes/ olletin staps?

Beause I want to ake friends fro all over the world. / Beause I an learn a lot of the world by olletin staps.

19 What do you want to be in the future?

I want to be a teaher/ dotor/ an artist, et.

20 How do you learn Enlish?

















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