圣诞节的作文1000字 篇1
圣诞节的作文1000字 篇2
小时候,最喜欢两个节日“六一儿童节” “圣诞节”。小时的我一直深信着圣诞白叟会在晚上送礼物,睡前将袜子挂在客厅……这个布满了但愿和奇迹的“神奇”的日子,陪伴我很长的岁月,相信四周每个孩子的经历都跟我相似。我们同样在这个日子幻想着,同样为那份礼物等待着和痴迷着,同样的在别的日子听到“圣诞节”这三个字而尖叫……
我所渡过的每一次圣诞节好像都是相似的。平安夜,家中会闪烁着彩色的毫光,小灯珠点缀着客厅,把一桌香喷喷的菜照得也发了光。大街上,一棵棵圣诞树与一张张红绿相间的贴画,在每家店的橱窗里,发出雄厚的“哈哈”声。人们的脸是五彩的,表情各是不同的,此刻好像是存在于天堂一般,这个源于外国的节日,同中国的佛教节日差不多,都发源于宗教信奉,执着于想像中的人物,崇拜于每个人心中最夸姣的品德象征。还有一些人是为喜欢这样的拥有异国风情的美景,而喜爱这一天。这是一个爱的节日,之所以有这么多的孩子喜欢它,是由于在这一天父母支持他们的幻想。“驯鹿” “圣诞白叟” “红帽子” “圣诞树”……简朴易记的节日象征,可爱的图像,使得这个节日被全世界接纳。有些节日习俗严厉单调,就像《新闻联播》,只有有这方面爱好的人才去细细品味它。说其实话,中国一些节日在外国流传的也有,可外国的节日“流”到中国的好像更多。好比“万圣节”,“复活节”、“感恩节”……也许是一些人对于欧洲文化的好奇和爱好而去尝鲜,而更多的是为了体验那份有趣,如游戏般的习俗和夸姣祝福。
圣诞节的作文1000字 篇3
圣诞节的作文1000字 篇4
圣诞节的作文1000字 篇
圣诞节的作文1000字 篇6
圣诞节的作文1000字 篇7
比利时 圣诞夜,欢庆流动由小饮和小吃开始,然后是“开胃”菜,如海鲜。接下来的菜是填满佐料的火鸡。甜点是一种带奶油的蛋糕。圣诞白叟叫做“圣尼古拉斯”。他在12月6日这一天为孩子们带来礼物。“圣尼古拉斯节”时间远在圣诞节前。
巴西 圣诞白叟被叫做“圣诞阿爸”。巴西良多的圣诞节习俗与美国或英国类似。对于那些有钱的人家,特别的圣诞宴有鸡、火鸡、火腿、米饭、沙拉、猪肉,以及生果和干果,通常还有啤酒。穷人只是食用鸡和米饭。
法国 在法国,每人都有一棵圣诞树。有时圣诞树按传统的方式用红绸带和真正的地蜡烛装饰。庭院中的冷杉树也常常被装饰起来,通宵都亮着小彩灯。圣诞白叟被叫做“圣诞阿爸”。圣诞宴是一次重要的家庭聚会,席上满是美酒佳肴。圣诞卡不是每个人都寄的。
拉脱维亚 拉脱维亚人相信圣诞白叟在从圣诞夜开始的12天中天天都带给人们礼物。通常礼物放在家中的圣诞树下。独特的拉脱维亚圣诞节宴有褐豆加火腿酱、小馅饼、洋白菜和腊肠。
葡萄牙 人们假装圣诞白叟在圣诞夜给孩子们带来礼物。礼物放到圣诞树下面或者壁炉旁的鞋里。圣诞夜子夜之时,人们开始享用有腌制的鳕鱼和煮土豆的特别的圣诞宴。
瑞典 最重要的日子是圣诞夜。特别的圣诞宴安排在圣诞夜,有猪肉火腿、鲱鱼和褐豆。这也是各家互赠礼物的时候。良多人在圣诞节这一天一大早便去教堂参加聚会。
It was one of the last days before hristas, and the as sistants in the lare store had their hands full servin eaer hristas shoppers.
At one ounter an old lady was hoosin loves red ones for her dauher in law, liht blue ones for her niee, pink ones for her rand dauhter, reen ones for her sister and by the tie she had found what she wanted, the ounter was overed with pairs of all olors and sies.
When the salesirl had finally written out the bill and was about to turn to the next ustoer with a tired voie. "Thank you very uh, ada," the old lady suddenly ried out, "h, I alost forot..."——"Anythin else, ada?" said the irl, "Yes," bean the old lady, "I'd like to buy another pair, but I' not quite sure about what exatly I should loose. I wonder if you ould help e." "ertainly, ada", was the irl's reply. The old lady then went on to explain that what she was lookin for was a pair of loves for a irl of her ae. She was not at ail sure what olor to hoose, and the desin was a proble too.
The tired irl did her best to help the old lady ake up her ind, showin her ail kinds of loves.
At last the hosen pair of loves were wrapped up and paid for as well, and as the irl was about to turn to the next ustoer, the old lady handed her a little parel and said, "These now, dear, these are for you and thank you for bein so patient. I do hope you have a erry hristas !"
hristas is a tie for irales.It is also a tie when the dull thins of daily life and the foreast of huan hature ives way to a spiritual awakenin.Allow e to share with you one truly wonder of hristas.
ur irale story oes fro an inident that ourred in Flanders, Beliu, at the dawn of World War I. n Deeber 24th ,1914, eran and Enlish troops faed eah other fro the relative safety of their dithes aross whih no an's land lyin between the. Suddenly, the silene was broken, not by unfire, but by the strains of Silent Niht arisin fro the eran position. It wasn't lon before the Enlish troops responded with a Yuletide hyn of their own. Then an aain siht surprised the eyes of the Enlish soldiers. A eran soldier holdin a sall tree arraned with lihted andles bean to walk aross the land toward the Enlish lines. This iraulous sene oasioned the delaration of a true followed by Enlish and eran troops reetin one another, exhanin sall ifts and sinin sons of hristas. Word of this inredible phenoenon reahed the Hih oand of both sides.
n hristas Day, both aries oved fro their positions to enae in the killin of war at other battlefields. However, on hristas Eve 1914 on a field in Flanders, there was Peae on Earth.
hristas is a truly aain phenoenon. The day and season perpetuate a iraulous, historial event as an annual presene that hallenes an often rouh, ruel, and eotistial reature -- the huan bein -- to beoe open and aenable to their reator's vision. The reat irale of hristas ontinues in the perforane of huane ats, oral honesty, and in the spiritual awareness of illions strulin to lead a life of rae.
I like hristas, it is just like our Sprin Festival.
aybe the Sprin Festival is uh ore iportant and interestin than hristas, but I like hristas Day better. Beause we an spend tie with our friends and lassates durin hristas. When it is snowy,
hristas beoes uh ore lovely, just like in fairytales. I an iaine I a in a fairytale, the irl who sold the athes is y friend, the uly duk beoin ore and ore beautiful and so on. What a beautiful plae! So we an also all hristas “Snowy Lovely Day.”
n hristas Day, shops are red and reen. There are so any hristas ards, hristas hats, hristas dolls and any olourful thins. So shops look very beautiful. We an ive a ard or a doll to our friends and say “erry hristas.” By the way, I think studyin an also beoe uh ore interestin.
hristas is oin, it also eans a new year will oe. Let’s study harder to weloe the new year!
hristas is the ost iportant festival in the western world. It falls on Deeber 2th. When y other and I stayed in Aeria, we were invited by one of y other's friends to have hristas with an Aerian faily. We bouht soe presents for our Aerian friends on our way to their house.
They had prepared different kinds of ifts for their faily and uests when we ot to their house, suh as hristas andles, akes, ards, little toys, bisuits and so on. A hristas tree was plaed in the oer of the brilliant hall. How beautiful it was! We were ipressed by these. We had a bi eal. After dinner, they told us soe interestin stories about hristas. We learned that hristas had soethin to do with od. We went to bed at idniht. Thouh we knew the Santa laus was not true, we were still waitin for the Santa laus with white beard to brin us presents.And we reeived any beautiful presents the next ornin.
This hristas was really unforettable. Not only did I have a ood tie, but also I knew soethin about forein ulture.
hristas Day,the 2th of Deeber,is the biest festival elebrated in the hristian ountries of the world.Althouh everyone enjoys hristas Day,it is partiularly enjoyed by hildren,who et very exited beause of the presents they know they are oin to reeive.Sall hildren believe that their presents are brouht by Santa laus. Santa laus (also alled" Father hristas)is a kind of old an who,the hildren are told,lives at the North Pole.He travels throuh the sky on a sleih whih is pulled by reindeers and loaded with presents.Stoppin on the roof of houses,he enters by libin the hiney.When sall hildren o to bed on hristas Eve,they han a stokin at the end of their beds.Their parents warn the not to try to look at Father hristas,or he will not leave the anythin.When they wake,they find their stokins filled with presents.hildren are very exited on hristas ornin and always wake up early.
hristas is also a faily elebration.As any ebers of the faily as possible.
The annual hristas arnival oes aain! Everybody happy rih robes, ready to elebrate hristas.
In our lass popped up an eleant priness and a handsoe prine, and a lovely elf tree, bad wiard, ool without fae, kind an wiards and the anients, and so on, all lothes are arefully desined, really very ood, our sweet teaher, is dressed as Santa old woan, toether with our hristas, ready to end, we are ihty to the playround.
In this year's hristas arnival arraned any wonderful perforanes, there are jupin rope tea fany rope skippin! Their perforane to y eyes for one of the briht, the podiu and lively kinderarten hildren, brouht exitin dane for us, there are soe popular pop sons fro sixth rade, ake e ray, shows a than a wonderful festival, hristas arnival is really very busy this tie, is also y priary shool life last hristas, I will be fine to this unforettable eory in y hildhood eories in the box.
Thank the teaher always enouraes us to partiipate in any ativities, let us hildhood full of lauhter, let e an always be full of bas and benefited fro these ativities ore ave e any preious eories.
Today is hristas day, y faily is very happy, I love hristas.
Just in tie for hristas, dad said: "the evenin 12:00, be sure to eat fruit." Waitin for ah, ah, I fast asleep, I just don't wait any loner. At this tie, father and sister said to e: "your lean soks, on your bed, at niht, Santa laus will ive you a hristas present." Put the soks after, I will wait for the arrival of the 12:00, I o out, see a lok, ha ha! What a oinidene! Dad, dad eat fruit peae! "h, I know."
In the ornin, I have a look at y soks, bulin, I see, hey! Really have a ift, elder sister, elder sister, LK! y soks ift, hristas is Santa laus, elder sister said: "the ift is not Santa laus, is our o and dad." "h, I know."
hristas I know a seret, is that Santa laus is not Santa laus, but y o and dad.
it is hardly ake e foret the hristas party that i spent a whole niht whih y friends.
this hristas,i invited soe frineds to y hoe to elebrate.we ade the house up ,like a ai world. to be honest ,i haven‘t ot any experiene like that.we ot toather,son and daned. one of y frineds was dressed like santa----the father of hristas.he olleted all the presents of us.put the into a ba ,then let us hose one of the.so we an et all the best wishes fro all of us.
we talkde so uh what about our friendship and other interestin thins. all of us thouht that niht was very priesuress
hristas is one of the ost iportant elebrations of the year for the western ountries. it falls on the twenty- fifth of deeber and has the sae iportane as hinese new year to people with enlish bakrounds. the elebration is for the birth of jesus hrist, who is the son of od in hristianity. now days hristas is no loner only elebrated by the hristians, but by ost people fro all over the world.
on the twenty- fourth of deeber everyone ets exited for it’s the day before hristas whih is alled hristas eve. the hildren are usually sent to bed early and are warned that “santa laus will only oe and ive you a present if you be ood.” the youner kids atually believe that santa will oe down the hiney on the sleih that’s pulled by his reindeers. food like short bread and beer are prepared for santa when he oes, however ost ties parents just eat the. soe hildren put soks and saks up for the holdin of the presents (that their parents put in).
rise and shine on hristas ornin! the hildren are always the first ones to wake up, soe even do at four. present wrappers everywhere! they look into their presents with a bi sile on their fae and oh dear….i hope no one’s disappointed. i feel sorry for anyone that ot pink underwear. hildren play while dinner is prepared by the adults. the hristas dinner are usually eaten toether by relatives. the tradition of hristas puddin and roosters are usually eaten with deserts afterwards. the rest of the day is usually aes and fun before the ood days all oe to an end.
i wish everyone a erry hristas and a happy new year!
hristas Day falls on the twenty-fifth of Deeber. It is a very happy day for any boys and irls. Before the ter ends in soe shools, the hildren at a nativity or “birth” play, showin how Jesus was born in a stable.
n the twenty-fourth of Deeber, all hildren are very exited. Usually they are sent to bed early so that their parents an et the presents ready. The youner hildren think that Father hristas will oe down the hiney or fireplae, so they han up a sok for hi to put presents in. The reedy ones even han up a pillow-ase or a sak to try to et ore presents. Later that niht, father or other will put presents in the sok, and leave others at the side of the bed.
n hristas ornin, the hildren wake up very early. Soe even turn on the liht at two o‘lok, and ost of the are awake by six o’lok, and the youn ones play while the dinner is prepared. At about one o‘lok in the afternoon, the hristas dinner is brouht in. The turkey or hiken is quikly eaten. hildren searh in their hristas puddin for new oins whih are hidden in it. The rest of the day is full of aes and eatin until the happiest of all hristas hollidays oes to an end.
hristas is aain lookin forward to day, espeially kids. We held a hristas party at shool, any of y friends to oe to the party. After we said "erry hristas", we bean to sin hristas sons, suh as "edelweiss". Then we speak hristas stories, suh as "Santa laus", we all had a ood tie. When the party is oin to an end, we wish eah other "happy New Year".
i like hristas, it is just like our sprin festival.
aybe the sprin festival is uh ore iportant and interestin than hristas, but i like hristas day better. beause we an spend tie with our friends and lassates durin hristas. when it is snowy,
hristas beoes uh ore lovely, just like in fairytales. i an iaine i a in a fairytale, the irl who sold the athes is y friend, the uly duk beoin ore and ore beautiful and so on. what a beautiful plae! so we an also all hristas “snowy lovely day.”
on hristas day, shops are red and reen. there are so any hristas ards, hristas hats, hristas dolls and any olourful thins. so shops look very beautiful. we an ive a ard or a doll to our friends and say “erry hristas.” by the way, i think studyin an also beoe uh ore interestin.
hristas is oin, it also eans a new year will oe. let’s study harder to weloe the new year!
Today is a wonderful hristas Eve. A shool, I was skippin oin hoe with y lassates.
ot hoe, y father told e that today's unle and aunt went to the restaurant to eat outside, I have heard, ore un-ho juped happily. But other hasn't oe bak, so it have to wait for y o to o hoe.
After a while, other ae hoe, I will push the father took y other o out. Alon the way, I saw toniht pedestrians are pereated with sile on the fae, ive a person a kind of lose and sweet feelin. o to the door of the international buildin felt a war urrent, lass outside the bitter, pushed the door and into the war. Buildin of Santa laus waved to us. The hristas tree in the reen branhes thousand lap han above the liht olorful lihts. Flash blinkin shiny eyes.
ne into the buildin, I was headed to the seond floor, a western restaurant by a hristas son, son, to ake feel better. n the wall is a piture of kind of Santa laus. Unle aunt had first arrived, I went over to y father and other, and they say "hello", and then sit down, everybody sees to be a bi faily.
Not too lon, the deliious food. Saw the deliious duk, I an ontrol yself, Wolf down, et. After I eat, nauhty I and any hildren runnin around in the international buildin, run, run, for a while to see the kind of Santa laus, a oent to look at the shinin with olorful liht of the hristas tree, is really fun.
I love hristas!
Every year we have all kinds of festival, in the festival, I ost like hristas, beause Santa laus will ive us ifts.
n Deeber 24, at niht, I was writin y hoework, suddenly ae the other's ry: "Den huo for, soeone said you write Sprin Festival ouplets outside a nie words, you o and see who it is?" I slowly walked to the door, open the door, a look, and surprised ried: "wow! Santa laus!" The oriinal one was wearin a briht red lothes, wearin a pair of lasses fro Santa laus. Santa to ive ifts! I looked at hi joy and exiteent. He took a lot of ifts fro a lare ba, I' nervous hand are a bit shaken. Santa laus entle said to e a lot of, want e to study hard, do a ood hild! y other ave e and Santa laus took a lot! Santa laus is leavin, he said to a lot of hildren ifts. I didn't know that Santa laus is how hard ah! Suh a old winter, the rain, oe out to so any hildren had brouht a war and happy.
hristas is a rand festival of the west, is every hild's favorite holiday, beause the hild's parents will buy soe Santa ostues, dressed as Santa laus, after the hild fell asleep, the hildren want presents on soks, et. Let the hild find toorrow ornin, ive the hild a surprise.
ne, when other woke up I was sleepin, yi! Soks had the a ift, it was a beautiful rown priness headdress, let e happy all day.
At shool, students are asked e why I so happy, oriinally, beause I reeived a hristas present. ade e lad hristas ift, ake e happy, akes e very exited that I...
hristas is a tie for irales.It is also a tie when the dull thins of daily life and the foreast of huan hature ives way to a spiritual awakenin.Allow e to share with you one truly wonder of hristas.
ur irale story oes fro an inident that ourred in Flanders, Beliu, at the dawn of World War I. n Deeber 24th ,1914, eran and Enlish troops faed eah other fro the relative safety of their dithes aross whih no an’s land lyin between the. Suddenly, the silene was broken, not by unfire, but by the strains of Silent Niht arisin fro the eran position. It wasn’t lon before the Enlish troops responded with a Yuletide hyn of their own. Then an aain siht surprised the eyes of the Enlish soldiers. A eran soldier holdin a sall tree arraned with lihted andles bean to walk aross the land toward the Enlish lines. This iraulous sene oasioned the delaration of a true followed by Enlish and eran troops reetin one another, exhanin sall ifts and sinin sons of hristas. Word of this inredible phenoenon reahed the Hih oand of both sides.
n hristas Day, both aries oved fro their positions to enae in the killin of war at other battlefields. However, on hristas Eve 1914 on a field in Flanders, there was Peae on Earth.
hristas is a truly aain phenoenon. The day and season perpetuate a iraulous, historial event as an annual presene that hallenes an often rouh, ruel, and eotistial reature — the huan bein — to beoe open and aenable to their reator’s vision. The reat irale of hristas ontinues in the perforane of huane ats, oral honesty, and in the spiritual awareness of illions strulin to lead a life of rae.
The nae of hristas is short for “hrist ass”. hristas is a hristian holiday that elebrates the birth of Jesus hrist. In 4th entury is a holiday for the hurh. By the 12th entury, hristas had beoe the ost iportant reliious festival in Europe. In 19th entury, two hristas ustos beae popular-deoratin hristas trees and sendin hristas ards to relatives and friends. any well-known hristas sons were written durin this period.
For ost people who elebrate hristas, this is a speial holiday for atherin of faily and friends, enjoyin deliious foods, and ivin ifts. A traditional hristas dinner in Aerian inludes stuffed turkey, ashed potatoes and so on. ne of the ost iportant hristas traditions is reeivin ifts fro Santa laus. Today, Santa laus brins presents to hildren in any ountries, inludin the Unites States, anada, reat Britain and Australia
hristas is the biest festival in the western world, whih people all over the hristian ountries elebrate. It is on the 2th day of eah Deeber. hristians onsider it as the birthday of Jesus hrist. But now any ustos and habits are beyond reliious eanin, The hristas season beins five or six weeks before the exat holiday. There is always a shoppin boo durin this period. So it's really a happy season for shop owners.
hristas Day-Deeber 2-whih elebrates the birth of Jesus hrist, the founder of the hristian reliion, is the biest and best-loved holiday in the hristian World.
Aordin to the Bible, the holy book of hristians, od deided to allow his only son, Jesus hrist, to be born to a huan other and live on earth so that people ould understand od better and learn to love od and eah other ore. "hristas"- eanin "elebration of hrist "- honors the tie when Jesus was born to a youn Jewish woan ary.
ary was enaed to be arried to Joseph, a arpenter, but before they ae toether, she was found to be with hild. Beause Joseph, her husband, was a rihteous an and did not want to expose her to publi disrae, he had in ind to divore her quietly.
But after he had onsidered this, an anel of the Lord appeared to hi in a drea and said, "Do not be afraid to take ary hoe as your wife, beause what is oneived in her is fro the Holy Spirit. She will ive birth to a son, and you are to ive hi the nae Jesus, beause he will save his people fro their sins."
Althouh the exat date of the birth of Jesus nearly 2,000 years ao is not known, the alendar on the supposed date divides all tie into B.. (Before hrist )and A.D. ( a Latin phrase, Anno Doini, "in the year of our Lord.") For the first 300 years, Jesus' birthday was elebrated on different dates. Finally, in the year 34, hurh leaders hose Deeber 2 as his birthday.
hristas is one of the ost iportant elebrations of the year for the western ountries. It falls on the twenty- fifth of Deeber and has the sae iportane as hinese New Year to people with Enlish bakrounds. The elebration is for the birth of Jesus hrist, who is the son of od in hristianity. Now days hristas is no loner only elebrated by the hristians, but by ost people fro all over the world.
n the twenty- fourth of Deeber everyone ets exited for it’s the day before hristas whih is alled hristas Eve. The hildren are usually sent to bed early and are warned that “Santa laus will only oe and ive you a present if you be ood.” The youner kids atually believe that Santa will oe down the hiney on the sleih that’s pulled by his reindeers. Food like short bread and beer are prepared for Santa when he oes, however ost ties parents just eat the. Soe hildren put soks and saks up for the holdin of the presents (that their parents put in).
Rise and shine on hristas ornin! The hildren are always the first ones to wake up, soe even do at four. Present wrappers everywhere! They look into their presents with a bi sile on their fae and oh dear….I hope no one’s disappointed. I feel sorry for anyone that ot pink underwear. hildren play while dinner is prepared by the adults. The hristas dinner are usually eaten toether by relatives. The tradition of hristas puddin and roosters are usually eaten with deserts afterwards. The rest of the day is usually aes and fun before the ood days all oe to an end.
I wish everyone a erry hristas and a Happy New Year!!!
hristas Is oin
I like hristas, it is just like our Sprin Festival.
aybe the Sprin Festival is uh ore iportant and interestin than hristas, but I like hristas Day better. Beause we an spend tie with our friends and lassates durin hristas. When it is snowy,
hristas beoes uh ore lovely, just like in fairytales. I an iaine I a in a fairytale, the irl who sold the athes is y friend, the uly duk beoin ore and ore beautiful and so on. What a beautiful plae! So we an also all hristas “Snowy Lovely Day.”
n hristas Day, shops are red and reen. There are so any hristas ards, hristas hats, hristas dolls and any olourful thins. So shops look very beautiful. We an ive a ard or a doll to our friends and say “erry hristas.” By the way, I think studyin an also beoe uh ore interestin.
hristas is oin, it also eans a new year will oe. Let’s study harder to weloe
The hinese sprin festival and the western hristas.
Evely nation has its own folk festivals. Those festivals ive people a hane to be away fro their reular work and everyday worries to enjoy theselves and to develop kindship and fi'iendship. The sprin festival is the hief holiday in hina while hristas is the ost iportant redletter day in the western world.
The sprin festival and hristas have uh in oon. Both are prepared hefiorehand to reate a joyous atosphere; both offer a faily reunion with a square feast: and both satisfy the hildren with new lothes, lovely presents and deliious food. However, the hinese sprin festival has no reliious bakround while hristas has soethin to do with od and there is santa laus with white heard to brin hildren presents. The westerners send eah other hristas ards for reetins while the hinese people pay a all on eah other.
Nowadays, soe of the hinese youth has beun to elebrate hristas, followin the exaple of the westerners. Perhaps they do so just for fun and out of uriosity.