










In fat, soeties people are very innoent, espeially when they have a serious relationship with their parents. The thouht of the post-90s is different fro that of the Post-70s and post-0s. Therefore, there will be any probles, soe of whih will be very serious, soe of whih will be very sliht, and the deree will be reatly different.

Nowadays, ost failies will have at least one oputer, and soe failies will have one oputer for one person. Therefore, oputer is no loner a luxury of the post-90s, but with the addition of oputers, it also brins onflits to failies.

The Internet world is rih and olorful. It hanes thousands of ties, akes us fasinated, broadens our horions, akes us infatuated, akes us diffiult to rasp, and even akes us lose ourselves, lose our diretion, and sink in. As a post-90s I was one of the: beause of the need of study, the teaher often asked us to searh for soe inforation and oe bak hoe, so I asked y parents for a oputer. But od is aainst e. I didn't arrane any hoework about hekin data that onth. Therefore, the oputer has beoe a tool for e to wath ovies and TV plays online. But I didn't foret to study.

QQ hattin on the Internet is the trend of the ties. When we eet at ordinary ties, we dare not say what we an't say. We an do it on the Internet. QQ far, QQ ranh, QQ arden, QQ flyin ar, QQ restaurant, parkin spae And so on. It oes fro life. There are any thins on the Internet that an be realied, but only in the virtual world. These aes wind o 10 whole lass, even whole shool, teaher, student, shool polie, leaner Everyone is playin with this. What I haven't played is very "earthy", so I often play in y spare tie, and it's not too uh fun! But these aes are all "rubbish" in y parents' eyes. I' not allowed to play the. I' allowed to use oputers to hek data, listen to usi, write opositions and pratie alliraphy Soon, I fell in love with QQ, beause y parents didn't let e, I just played with y bak. y other solded e. When I reasoned with hi, she said bluntly, "play, play all day lon. I knew I would not buy it. I'll pull out the Internet able one day."

To this, I have no hoie but to say, who alls the y parents? Hey! The relationship between y parents and I is ettin worse and worse, whih akes e stupid When an we solve this proble? Everyone wants to know!







Soeone said: "there is a kind of knot in the world, alled a heart knot, whih is hard to untie.". There is a door in the world. It's hard to open it. There is a ap in the world, alled the eneration ap, whih is insurountable. "

With the rowth of ae, I radually step into aturity and row up. I never o out to play with y parents, nor have I tie to sit on the sofa and wath TV with the, let alone y other quietly ae to y bed at niht and told e stories. y other radually refused to talk with e and listened to e. I didn't even know when to start. y father and other were ettin far away fro e. I wanted to ath up, but I ouldn't ath up with the

o and dad always see to look down on e. They always sold e fro beinnin to end. They always like to opare e with other hildren. They always talk about who's ot the key hih shool, key university and how sart and onsious their hildren are. I was in a bad ood.

In this way, it adds a lot of pressure to e. I often think that I a just a learnin ahine, just to ive y parents a fae tool, althouh I know y idea is wron, beause it is y parents after all. When I was solded by y parents, I felt wroned and felt that I was the ost unfortunate person. However, who an listen to e to tell these diffiulties? Soeties, I ry alone quietly, althouh I know it's no use ryin aain, but often I feel ore ofortable after a bi ry.

When niht falls, the liht in the livin roo is still on, but y fiure and happiness are issin. When I want to o to the livin roo to pour a lass of water or have a rest, I an iediately hear y father's ajesti voie: "what are you doin out? o bak to study. " When I went out, the door losed tihtly aain, leavin e only darkness.

Now that I' in iddle shool, I know that y parents and I should have their own roos. When they rest, the doors an be losed naturally. But I hope o and Dad don't lose the door of the heart when they lose the door. I really hope that soeties you an turn around and look at e.

In an oasional opportunity, I saw a sayin on the Internet: "we ust know that not every parent is like this, every parent has different personality, we an't and don't need to hane. All parents love their hildren selflessly. But love is a double-eded knife. ne you et in the wron diretion, it will beoe endless eotional violene. How deep love is, how sharp the knife inside will be, and at the sae tie hurt the loved one and the loved one. Parents are not saints, and adults an't rasp the diretion and law of love very well, whih an be foriven, so we don't seek the riht love, only the selfless love. Let's think about it arefully. The ost unselfish love in the world is iven by parents, but it is not neessarily the sweetest, the happiest or the happiest, but this kind of love is the only one. No atter what kind of love is unique, we should herish it. It's hard to hear. Your parents are dead, and the ost selfless love is one. Even if you eet your lover in the future, that love will never replae the love of your parents. You an define it as I do: y parents and I are always irreonilable ontraditions, but you an't deny that they are the ost selfless love for you. If you want the to live, the love will never stop. I hate y parents, but I know their love is the ost selfless, and always enjoy, it is not ontraditory. Reeber, love doesn't need the riht expression, it just needs a heart that will understand her

I've learned that in the fae of parents, we an't just hate and repel. After all, they are for our ood. If they have any opinions or onerns, they an try to talk with their parents. However, I also hope that every student's parents an think about their own hildren, think about the transposition, and properly let their hildren relax their inds. In this way, our so-alled eneration ap will not appear naturally.










In hina, there is an old sayin that every faily has a hard book to read. There are always soe probles between parents and hildren. It sees that parents and their hildren an never et alon peaefully. Their eneration ap beoes ore obvious after their hildren enter adolesene. There are any reasons for this.

When hildren reah puberty, they are eaer to be independent. They want to stay away fro their parents' ontrol. Adolesene eans that hildren row up, they are no loner hildren, they want to ake their own deisions, so they will beoe so rebellious, disobeyin their parents' requireents all day, they do this to prove that they are adults.

ost parents think of their hildren as hildren. In the eyes of ost parents, their hildren will never row up, no atter how old they are. Parents still reard their hildren as hildren, so they will ake soe deisions for their hildren. Parents don't want to aept the fat that hildren have rown up and an ake deisions in isolation, so ouniation barriers happen.

The eneration ap between hildren and parents is a faily proble. Parents should learn to let o, and hildren should also have a ood talk with their parents and ouniate ore, so that probles an be better solved.








The 21st entury, the thouht of the teenaers, we and our beloved one eneration, will never be able to elt toether, sees to have no why, I do not know why. Adults like to ipose their ideas in a new eneration of us, and we, ust also aept the ideoloy of "unreasonable", if not aept, perhaps, in the eyes of an adult, our behavior is what is alled a rebellious, not sensible, wins hard, but, you never know what we arry in our hearts, an only silently bear all this, buried our own thouhts, not ove to the attration.

We are the -- the future of The Ties. We have our own dreas, we have our own in the future, we have our own life to live, all this, o to our own, you an never be with us life, the way bak, but also to o on our own. Please let o of your enerous hand, let us fly yourself.

Ties are hanin, the life also is hanin. Different tie, different people, have their own way. Dear, father, other, we row up, learn to walk, bupy road ahead, let's fae it alone, raisin ore than ten years, we won't foret, you also should have a rest.


Aordin to the variety of soial bakround, personal experiene and personal eotion, differernt people have different opinions towards thins. Thus, there is no doubt that eneration ap exists everywhere. We always find that there are bi differenes between us and the old eneration. We always reard the old are outdated, while they think us are ray. They an’t bear the dress we like, the fashion we pursue or even our hildish thinkin. Instead, we ould put up with their standpat thinkin and their “feudal rulers”. Thus, the eneration ap beoes ore and ore obvious and serious. However, why don’t we realie that opinions an be haned, while people an’t. So, we an think in an other way, learn to aept. It is ertain that we an narrow the eneration ap to live a ore haronious life.

因为社会背景,个人的经历和个人情感的不同,不同的人对事情有不同的看法。因此,毫无疑问代沟随处可见。 我们老是发现我们和老一代之间有很大的差异。我们老是以为他们思惟保守,而他们却觉得我们疯狂。他们不能忍受我们喜欢的衣服,我们追求的时尚甚至是我们幼稚的思维方式。相反,我们觉得他们思惟守旧,“封建独裁”。因此,代沟越来越显著和严峻。但是,为什么我们没有意识到设法主意是可以改变的,而人却是不可以的。所以,我们可以尝试换位思索,学会去接受。可以肯定的是,我们可以缩小代沟过上更和谐的糊口。


eneration ap refers to the isunderstandin between the old and youn. The ter ae into fashion after the 190s. However, in reent years, the phenoenon is ettin ore and ore fiere.


How does eneration ap oe into bein? The first reason is that the two enerations have rown up in different aes, thus they have different attitudes toward life. Seondly, due to havin little in oon with eah other, they are unwillin to sit down and talk fae to fae. Besides, as odern life is so stressful, both of the are so busy with their study or work that they have not enouh tie to exhane their ideas.


To bride the eneration ap is not easy at all, but we an do soethin to shorten it. For one thin, hildren should respet their parents as well as aept their ood advie. For another, parents should not only show their love and are to the kids, but also support their ood life view. As lon as the old and youn an understand eah other, it would be ore haronious in faily and world.



The 21st entury, the thouht of the teenaers, we and our beloved one eneration, will never be able to elt toether, sees to have no why, I do not know why. Adults like to ipose their ideas in a new eneration of us, and we, ust also aept the ideoloy of "unreasonable", if not aept, perhaps, in the eyes of an adult, our behavior is what is alled a rebellious, not sensible, wins hard, but, you never know what we arry in our hearts, an only silently bear all this, buried our own thouhts, not ove to the attration.

We are the -- the future of The Ties. We have our own dreas, we have our own in the future, we have our own life to live, all this, o to our own, you an never be with us life, the way bak, but also to o on our own. Please let o of your enerous hand, let us fly yourself.

Ties are hanin, the life also is hanin. Different tie, different people, have their own way. Dear, father, other, we row up, learn to walk, bupy road ahead, let's fae it alone, raisin ore than ten years, we won't foret, you also should have a rest.


Aordin to the variety of soial bakround, personal experiene and personal eotion, differernt people have different opinions towards thins. Thus, there is no doubt that eneration ap exists everywhere. We always find that there are bi differenes between us and the old eneration. We always reard the old are outdated, while they think us are ray. They an’t bear the dress we like, the fashion we pursue or even our hildish thinkin. Instead, we ould put up with their standpat thinkin and their “feudal rulers”. Thus, the eneration ap beoes ore and ore obvious and serious. However, why don’t we realie that opinions an be haned, while people an’t. So, we an think in an other way, learn to aept. It is ertain that we an narrow the eneration ap to live a ore haronious life.












而今,越来越多的学生的人生已经被父母安排的满满的,好像父母已经为他们铺好道路只要他们走下去。但就是由于如斯,良多学生好像过的并不充实,并不快乐。在《熊出没奇幻空间》中的反派男人物,他从小就没有童年,天天都是各种培训班:奥赛,物理,化学,美术、钢琴……甚至还在培训过程中失去了他最好的朋友--薛定锷,正由于父母给孩子定排好了路程,导致代沟越来越大,实在儿女应多和父母出去披发步,谈论各种事情,过不了多久我们就会发现,父母与孩子之间的代沟变小了。 实在,良多时候并不是由于自己不听奉劝,也并不是由于父母不理解自己,而是对方没能够彻底地舆解对方。在当今社会,有百分之八十以上的工作都和理科有关,因此在选科时,父母是为了我们将来能够更好的就业的基础上去让我们选理,但对于有些人来讲选择理科并不是自己的意愿,可能自已喜欢文科,这时父母与儿女之间的代沟就暴露出来,父母但愿孩子能有个好工作,而儿女但愿父母尊重自己的意见,只要多多交流,互相理解,就是可以达到双方和解的情况。 现在,缩小儿女与父母之间的代沟非常有必要,但步履实在在儿女,儿女应该更要懂得父母的心思。这样儿女与父母之间的代沟才有机会变小。




































高三议论文400字 父母和孩子的代沟






渴望理解 关于代沟的议论文500字




