










Reently, an epidei naed "new type of oronavirus pneuonia" has spread widely aon the population. All the infeted people will have syptos suh as fever, ouh, expetoration and fatiue. If it is serious, it will ause life daner. This virus was oriinally transitted fro Wuhan. But why did it spread fro Wuhan? This is beause in the arket of South hina in Wuhan, it is illeal to resell the ae infeted with the virus. It is the reed of soe people that akes the eoloy of nature out of balane, and huan beins suffer fro this fate.


In these days when the virus appears, there are suh a roup of people who are not afraid of infetion. They rush to the front line, devote theselves to work silently, protet the health of patients silently, and even soe people fall in the front line with the virus. They wear white lothes, and they heal people. These people are edial workers who are alled anels in white. They never ive up fihtin pneuonia, even in the new year, in suh a rand festival of faily reunion, they still fiht in their jobs. Althouh they an't be reunited with their relatives, they don't reret it, beause there are ore patients waitin for the to treat the, and the dotors are kind-hearted. Isn't it "rare in the world"?


Throuh the sall TV sreen, I saw a lot of touhin pitures, inludin a dotor in order to protet his faily and onsiously isolate hiself fro his faily. When his white haired other ae to visit, he ould only see eah other throuh the lass of the iron door, whih ade e ry. other's love is selfless. Faily's love in front of the war is sall love, while dotors are helpin patients and ontrollin the spread of the virus is bi love. In fat, dotors and nurses all know the daners and diffiulties faed in the "war" with the virus, but they are still retrorade and uardin the patients. What a reat spirit it is!


f ourse, fro this epidei, I also saw the strenth of the otherland, the unity of the people, and any edial staff strulin to fiht aainst the virus. What they put into the blood for the patients is not only the ediine for urin the disease and savin people, but also full of deep love.


What akes e ost proud is that y other is also a dotor. Althouh she didn't o to the front line, I adored and adired her spirit of urin illness and savin lives. o is always the last one to o hoe beause of work. I reeber just a few days ao, it was rare for our faily to have a reunion dinner toether. As soon as o sat down to eat, the phone ran. It was fro a patient. The voie on the phone was very anxious. After explainin the illness, o iediately put down the dishes and hopstiks and piked up her oat to o out. randa and randpa loved their dauhter very uh and said, "I'll o after dinner. It's not bad for a while." "other said:" the patient's ondition is serious, I have to o to see if he has a fever, oe bak to eat it Then she quikened her pae and rushed to her job. Althouh y other's work is very busy, I don't have uh tie to aopany e, but I don't blae her. n the ontrary, I always envy y other when she treats her patients.


The iae of y other Wei'an is fixed in y heart, whih also akes e understand that love hoe is sall love, and patriotis is bi love. When dotors and nurses treat patients, they know that the disease is a tier. The tier an eat people, but it an rush up and send warth to patients aainst daner. This is responsibility and reat love! When I row up, I will also like y other, beoe a soldier uardin the otherland. In the state-owned war, I will return and win!




What a novel oronavirus in 2020, why did I say this winter vaation is different? Beause there is a virus that oes fro Wuhan. In hina, the virus is alled "new oronavirus". And "SARS" 17 years ao, both belon to RHA virus, with stron variability, whih is still in the early and iddle stae. The disease starts with fever, ouhs, and then bubbles fill your luns.


Fro the first day of the first year to the 1th day of the first onth, y faily and I stayed at hoe every day. Today is the 14th day. Every day, I an only look at the outside of y hoe, whih is different fro the previous winter vaation. I an see the street where there are no pedestrians. In the past, it was briht and bustlin. In the past, it was red and fiery here, but now it is old and lear here. The hildren who should be playin happily outside, the adults who work outside, the old people who walk in the park... Are like a bird iprisoned in a ae, but the people who should have been frihtened are not afraid, beause there are anels in white, and ore beause there is hina. Now there are a lot of dotors and volunteers to help the overnent. y father also sined up to be a volunteer. At first, y other and I didn't aree with y father. I thouht it would be terrible if I was infeted, but y father patiently explained to e and y other: you three need a father, but now there are ore people out there who need to help the like a father, waitin for everyone to spend the tie toether Dad an oe bak to aopany you after a diffiult tie! There will be plenty of tie for Dad to aopany you, but when the ountry is diffiult, we ust stand up and do our best! After listenin to Dad's words, I feel ashaed! When I row up, I will be a responsible an like Dad! We really need to thank the for their hard work for us, and we need to believe those Anels in white and volunteers should believe in our hina.


This winter holiday is a little lon. As lon as we work toether, follow the arraneents and fiht aainst the epidei toether, it will be a eaninful winter holiday.



Novel oronavirus infetion is a very unusual year in the Sprin Festival. But a new outbreak of pneuonia in a new oronavirus infetion has swept the whole ountry in 2020, and it has touhed the hearts of illions of people.


The war on "epidei" is a bi test. In this resistane war without soke of unpowder, whether it is the "soldiers" in the front line or the asses of self-ontrol, the whole ountry, the whole people's Anti Japanese War, overoe the diffiulties.


People's hearts ove toether. First of all, the stron power to win the prevention and ontrol of the epidei oes fro the onerted efforts of hundreds of illions of people under the stron leadership of the Party entral oittee. eneral seretary Xi Jinpin novel oronavirus pneuonia prevention and ontrol work to ake a series of iportant instrutions, for our win the prevention and ontrol of the war of resistane aainst disease provides a fundaental uide to follow and ation.


At present, the key to preventin and ontrollin epidei situation is to ahieve the sae oal and the sae diretion. The key is to interate the broad asses of adres and asses' thouhts into orade Xi Jinpin's iportant speeh, the spirit of iportant instrutions and the deision and deployent of the Party entral oittee. Novel oronavirus is responsible for the prevention and ontrol of the disease. In order to win the epidei prevention and ontrol, the leadin roup of the party and overnent responsible for the new oronavirus infetion is set up by the Party entral oittee and the party oraniations at all levels. The leadin roup of the new type of oronavirus infetion pneuonia is unified leadership, unified oand, and lassified uidane to do a ood job in epidei prevention and ontrol.


"The viissitudes of the sea show the nature of herois.". The ore urent and ritial the situation is, the ore severe the hallenes and speial irustanes are, the ore we need to ive full play to our oraniational advantaes and the ore iportant the role of Party oraniations and Party ebers. We ust onsientiously study and ipleent the requireents put forward by orade Xi Jinpin and the relevant douents issued by the P entral oittee to the party oraniations at all levels and Party ebers and adres at all levels. We ust rely ore firly on the strenth and strenth of oraniations to obilie Party oraniations at all levels and Party ebers and adres to atively partiipate in the prevention and ontrol of the epidei situation, and transfor the party's politial advantaes, oraniational advantaes and lose ties with the advantaes of the asses. Stron politial advantaes of epidei prevention and ontrol.


In order to win the battle of prevention and ontrol of epidei, we ust arry forward the reat national spirit, obilie all the positive fators ontained in the asses of the people, and for a "national soldier" for prevention and ontrol of epidei and eliination of virus. The reat national spirit nurtured, inherited and developed by the hinese people in their lon-ter strule has provided a stron spiritual ipetus for opin with this ajor hallene. In the proess of winnin the Resistane War of epidei prevention and ontrol, the people of the whole ountry have been brave and deterined to build a steel reat wall to fiht aainst the epidei; they have ade reat efforts to love eah other and help eah other, forin a national hess ae of joint prevention and ontrol of all fores and eereny resue of various resoures.




In the Sprin Festival of 2020, the sky is ray and driled. It sees that the sky knows that people are sufferin and leavin tears. The novel oronavirus suddenly erupted, whih ade people feel at a loss. y father told e, "I an't o out to play," and y other anelled y lon-awaited vaation trip.

Fro TV, I know that this virus akes any people sik. Every day, I wathed the nuber of onfired ases ontinue to rise, espeially sad and nervous. It's sad that so any people are infeted with the virus and have to be hospitalied. They an't spend the Sprin Festival with their failies. And the virus is huan to huan, lose ontat will have ore people infeted, so the inea losed, the hotel losed, the all losed, the bustlin Sprin Festival has beoe a lonely. What I' nervous about is, will I be infeted, will y faily be infeted, will dotors and nurses in the hospital be infeted, or even life-threatenin?

After the outbreak of the epidei, we are united, stik to our posts, and quietly ontribute our strenth. Sientists are urently developin virus antibodies in the laboratory; any brave dotors and nurses in the hospital, reardless of their failies and lives, uard and take are of the patients day and niht; when they see their relatives ebrain and sayin oodbye, when they take off the ask, their faes are pressed with red arks, y tears an't help but flow down; workers in the fatory We are workin all niht to ake ediine and asks; the leaners are disinfetin and leanin in the orner of the ity

I also want to ontribute y strenth. I listened to y parents' words and stayed at hoe obediently to protet yself. I often washed y hands with hand sanitier. The tie should not be too short. At least I need to finish sinin a little star. When I sneee, I need to over y outh and nose with paper towels. I need to eat ore fruits and veetables, suppleent nutrition and drink ore water every day.

I believe that as lon as we work toether, we will have a safe, healthy, full of lauhter in the year of the rat, oe on!


In 2020, this is a speial sprin festival. Without the olorful fireworks, the busy street, the joy and sile of faily reunion

This is the new novel oronavirus to ause trouble, let a bath of edial staff to rush to the front line, so that they an not reunite with their failies, so that students an not learn, so that adults an not o to lass.

This tie, the virus is very powerful, and the nuber of onfired ases has reahed ore than 0000. But even so, edial staff are not afraid. They fouht day and niht to save the patients. When they were tired, they rested aainst the wall for a while. Their lothes were sweaty one after another.

Dotors, unles and aunts told us that stayin at hoe, not oin out is also a fiht aainst the virus, wash hands frequently, and wear asks when oin out. I firly believe that with the joint efforts of all of you, we an win this "war". oe on, hina! oe on, Wuhan! oe on, anel in white!


This winter vaation should have been a happy one, but soe unexpeted uests disturb our life. Novel oronavirus, whih is the asual visitor? Durin the holiday, it was also the one that people talked about ore. It was the one that was reported ost by the ajor edia. It was oriinally on anials, but beause soe people like to eat wild anials, it ae to us.

I also heard that this virus is very powerful. Now it is adaptin to the huan body. It is onstantly hanin in the huan body. It is diffiult to ure if you suffer fro this virus. Althouh the virus is very powerful, the honorable anels in white and soe researhers are fihtin aainst the aboinable virus in the front line. Yes, not only the anels in white and the sientifi researhers, but also soe polie, seurity and sanitation workers. They also stik to their posts day and niht to protet us fro the spread of those hateful viruses. We ust defeat the!

f ourse, when we live at hoe, we should also learn to protet ourselves and how to prevent it. By wathin news and takin online lasses, I sued up the oon sense of virus prevention into the followin points: 1. No lusterin, no lusterin. 2. No ontat with anials. 3. Not lose to others. 4. Try not to o out. If you have to o out, you ust wear a ask. . Do not touh anials. 6. Food should be ooked before eatin. 7. pen windows frequently and absorb ore fresh air. . Exerise frequently to iprove iunity. 9. Wash hands before and after eals. 10. Pay attention to work and rest tie, o to bed early and et up early. 11. Drink ore water. Eiht lasses of water is best every day.

Students, sunshine always after the wind and rain, in this last oent before dawn, we have to work hard toether, toether refuelin! Finally, let's all toether: hina refuelin! hina will win!




In the Sprin Festival of 2020, the sky is ray and driled. It sees that the sky knows that people are sufferin and leavin tears. The novel oronavirus suddenly erupted, whih ade people feel at a loss. y father told e, "I an't o out to play," and y other anelled y lon-awaited vaation trip.

Fro TV, I know that this virus akes any people sik. Every day, I wathed the nuber of onfired ases ontinue to rise, espeially sad and nervous. It's sad that so any people are infeted with the virus and have to be hospitalied. They an't spend the Sprin Festival with their failies. And the virus is huan to huan, lose ontat will have ore people infeted, so the inea losed, the hotel losed, the all losed, the bustlin Sprin Festival has beoe a lonely. What I' nervous about is, will I be infeted, will y faily be infeted, will dotors and nurses in the hospital be infeted, or even life-threatenin?

After the outbreak of the epidei, we are united, stik to our posts, and quietly ontribute our strenth. Sientists are urently developin virus antibodies in the laboratory; any brave dotors and nurses in the hospital, reardless of their failies and lives, uard and take are of the patients day and niht; when they see their relatives ebrain and sayin oodbye, when they take off the ask, their faes are pressed with red arks, y tears an't help but flow down; workers in the fatory We are workin all niht to ake ediine and asks; the leaners are disinfetin and leanin in the orner of the ity

I also want to ontribute y strenth. I listened to y parents' words and stayed at hoe obediently to protet yself. I often washed y hands with hand sanitier. The tie should not be too short. At least I need to finish sinin a little star. When I sneee, I need to over y outh and nose with paper towels. I need to eat ore fruits and veetables, suppleent nutrition and drink ore water every day.

I believe that as lon as we work toether, we will have a safe, healthy, full of lauhter in the year of the rat, oe on!


In the past years, hildren are lookin forward to the new year. They an pay New Year's reetins, reeive red envelopes and have reunion dinner But this year is very different. The new year, whih we are lookin forward to, has beoe heavy. People lose their doors and stay indoors. The roads and streets are very old. Even if there is soethin to o out, they need to open a ertifiate. They need to wear asks. They need to ask and take their teperature when passin the intersetion. Novel oronavirus pneuonia, novel oronavirus pneuonia, is what is oin to happen this year.

Every tie I see the TV news, I feel sihed. The ore I wath it, the ore people are frihtened. Dotors and nurses on the front line of the battle Bath after bath. Despite the relentless apain and the lak of supplies, the ountry, the edial staff and the arin people are all devoted to their own efforts. The front-line edial staff try their best to save the patients, and soe of the fell down or even died. But we have beoe the biest support to the at hoe. We wash our hands frequently, ventilate frequently, and do not have a party Also let e for a ood habit.

Winter has one quietly, sprin has arrived as proised, hope will be far away? Pray to ross diffiulties toether.


I've been payin lose attention to the developent of "new oronavirus" all the tie, but every tie I read the news, it's the 4 year old r. hon who is desperate in the fae of serious dotors, who has unfortunately died, who has forotten to sleep and eat, and who isses his faily, who rushed to the front line reardless of his own safety to treat patients. The post-0s of SARS proteted the post-90s, and the post-00s youn soldiers now I was oved to protet us.

I praise those heroes who are as tenaious and unyieldin as plu blosso. They are the odel of our study. Their spirit is worthy of our adiration. We should pay hoae to the edial staff. To do a ood job in self-protetion is their reatest ontribution. We ust do a ood job in epidei prevention, wear asks, do not o out, do not party, wash hands frequently and do not spread ruors.

I want to say to the rebel, you are not alone in the battle. The workers who rework in bathes, the irant workers who build hospitals for Wuhan and the hinese are all fihtin with you. We will win toether!

I a a hinese. We have the spirit of strule. It oes fro the yth that runs throuh five thousand years of history. We have the national spirit. hinese history is always full of heroes. We should be ood ivilian heroes. hinese people, sine they were born, have been able to prosper their ountry and show their aspirations. Will we win this war without unpowder? Will sprin be far behind when winter oes?



































难忘的寒假 2020年抗击疫情的作文500字






















