Spare-tie Ativities
Spare-tie ativities in ollee are olorful. Beause ollee students have uh ore spare tie than not only senior shool students but also people who o to work.
Aordin to different personalities, I found any kinds of different spare-tie ativities students had in ollee. utoin students, quiet students and workaholis have different hoies. But no atter what ativities they hoose, they enjoy theselves. That is iportant.
utoin students are who like stayin with friends but hate to be alone. These students in their spare tie, enerally speakin, would rather han out with others. They ay o shoppin, travelin, do soe sports, or have eals with their friends. utdoors ativities are ore appreiated by outoin students, whih is suitable to their personalities. However, they also have their own hoies of who to o out with. ost of the tie, they like to han out with their lovers or failiar friends; but they also like others to join the soeties. Thus, they an keep knowin ore friends who have the sae hobbies as the.
Quiet students are those who are opposed to the outoin. They dislike noisy oasions; instead, they enjoy their own woulds. So indoors ativities are popular aon these students. For
instane, they like stayin in doritories, playin oputers, sleepin or readin in a quiet plae. By doin these they an think a lot and do lots of thins they want but do not worried to be disturbin by others. Quiet, shy and a little restrained personalities ake they suit these kinds of indoors ativities well.
Workaholi are not who opletely are outoin or quiet. It is totally up to their work. They work hard, no atter on their jobs or studies. Thus, in their spare tie, they are still fous on thins related to their work. Researhin, doin projets or havin part-tie jobs are oonly seen aon the. They find those hallenin and full of experiene; soeties they even an earn oney fro the. Soe of their spare-tie ativities also need to o out, soe need to hit on books. So their ativities are ore opliated than the outoin and the quiet.
utdoors ativities, indoors ativities and ixed ativities are three kinds of spare-tie ativities in ollee. They are separately suit for outoin students, quiet students and workaholis. It is not possible to define whih one is the best. But as lon as students think they are useful and interestin, that is the best spare-tie ativities.
Weloe to the diet instrution of honNan University.
First, let’s start with refetory. You ust have heard that the ollee refetory is diversity of food with different tastes and types, beause the students it’s faed are fro aross hina. There are seven in all in our ollee whih aren’t naed the first to the seventh, whatever, I don’t know. I’ll relate to four of the. The first is the tenth retory whih is also the one stands nearest fro y dor, It’s heap and of ourse not so deliious, but if you are not hyperritial about the food, it’s a ood hoie, after all, I spent one third of y ealtie there. Then oe to the fifth refetory whih is nearby the playround and another doritory area—honQu, and it’s also the first refetory I patronied durin ilitary trainin, you an enjoy different loal olor of different ountries. The third is BinHu refetory that I reoend ost for its quality and reasonable prie. The last one is popular aon y lassates; it’s a pity that I haven’t tried it.
If you want to eat outside, I wonder to divide it into three parts—XiYuan, NanYuan and BeiYuan. NanYuan is faous with barbeue, BeiYuan is olleted with XiYuan. So I’ll stress on XiYuan alled Deenerate Street as well and oupies y two thirds of ealtie. If you want to have porride, then there is a dinin ar alled haoShan, appeared half a year after y arrival in this shool. It’s the best hoie
without doubt .If you want to have noodles, I’ll take you to a Noodle Shop alled LaoJia or another dinin ar sell fried bean urd and beef with ayenne pepper. ertainly, one you are in WuHan, you an’t iss the hot dry noodles. If you want to have rie, DaTaninFen is an alternative. Soe people all it Snak Street beause it’s a losed house with any shops of any kinds of food. If you want to have fruits, I hope that you’d better buy it in shool on aount of avoidin bein heatin for the weiht that ay take you a little ore oney .Also; there are a lot of restaurant, bakery, duplin house and Stewed ixed eats house. In addition to that, we have Western Food, but not Donald and Kentuky Fried hiken, anyway, it’s totally fine to enjoy it.
All riht, I hope that will help you with your bite and sup.
Different Kinds of ovies
商务英语1002 周雯
There are varieties of ovies in the ovie industry. They eah have the ray fans. ovies an siply be lassified into four ateories by e, aordin to their ontents. The four ateories are ation ovie, oedy, horror ovie, and war ovie. I think the lassifiation of ovies is very iportant beause the audiene need an know the ain plot by the lassifiation, so they an hoose their favorite ovies later.
The ation ovie, enerally speakin, is ainly used to display the wonder of hinese artial arts. f ourse, there are any ation ovies in the western ountries. However, I think the ost faous ation star ust be Brue Lee. People who enjoy ation ovies are ostly the boys for they an obtain the exiteent in the ovies.
oedy ust be the ost popular type aon audiene. People like wathin oedy to kill their tie. They do not need to think of the oplex plots arefully, instead, they just need to lauh and pay attention to the volue of their lauhter. People who like wathin oedy are those who suffer fro stresses and unhappiness, espeially the students and workaholi. They need soethin interestin to relax the.
Horror ovie is y favorite type. This kind of ovies is popular in Japan, I think. Japanese horror ovies are very splendid and popular in any other ountries. There are any horrible plots and sounds in this kind of ovies. What’s ore, the endins of this kind of ovies are
usually nauseous and soeties, very surprisin. I think the people who enjoy wathin horror ovies ust be adventurous and not afraid of the hosts. oreover, the western horror ovies are soeties very bloody and not suitable for the little hildren.
War ovie, at least for e, is the unpopular type. This kind of ovies is ainly to oeorate soe speial histori days, suh as National Day, the day of birth of hinese ounist Party and so on. Thouh this kind is not popular aon audiene, I think it is sinifiant to produe this kind of ovies. The oentous histori events should be reebered by us and our desendants.
At last I want to say, different types of ovies eah has their erits. It is better for us to wath ore kinds of ovies to broaden our horion.
Students in ollees
商英1002 覃瑶
It is said that ollee life onsists of aadeis and soials. So how to deal with aadeis and soials is very iportant for ollee students. Aordin their attitudes towards study and party, ollee students an be divided into four kinds: work hard students, play hard students, no pursuit students and both work hard and play hard students.
The first kind of students work very hard, but what they do only in ollee is work hard. Study is the ost iportant thin in their ollee lives. They seldo attend parties and see never have tie to take part in those ativities whih relate nothin to their studies. Absene will never happen on the, only if they are ill. These students iht be “teaher’s pets” and do pretty well in their studies, but I don’t think they live a real ollee life.
The seond kind of students lives an opposite life to the first kind of students. Playin is the ost iportant thin or the only thin of their lives. They believe that ollee is a tie and plae for fun. So they hold parties frequently; they o to bars very often; they attend lubs, sports teas or other oraniations. There are so any ativities they want to
partiipate that they an do justie to their studies. Therefore, fail the ourses iht be noral for the.
The third kind of students is those who see to are about nothin. They neither work hard nor play hard. What they usually do is attend the lasses every day, then take part in soe indifferent or required ativities in their spare tie. They have no pursuit, so they don’t need to fore theselves to beoe the A students. But they do what they are required to do, so they usually won’t fail the exas.
The last kinds of students have a ood balane of word and fun. They work hard to do their best in their studies. eanwhile, they onsider soial life as iportant as aadei life. So they also play hard and learn a lot about life and people outside the lassroo. “Work Hard, Play Hard.” This is a real ollee life.
Work hard is very iportant, beause “no pains, no ains”. However, ollee is about uh ore than study. If we don’t have a soial life in ollee, we do not have a real ollee life. Havin a ood balane of work and fun is what should we do.
The plae I herish ost in y eory is alled The Protetion ounity whih used to be y hoe for 12 years. It looked neither splendid nor noble, but the oy and plain one haunted often in y ind.
While I was 11, it was delared to be reonstruted to an instant noodles fatory so that we had to ove away.
I still reeber the vaue struture of it. The entrane of the ounity stood a hue iron ate. n the left of the ate was a buffet, the shopkeeper of whih was also in hared as a uard. n the riht of the ate was a stall for breakfast, the shopkeeper of whih used to y neihbor. As you walked into the ate, there was a lon ain road straiht forwards to a blak pot. It witnessed any thins of ine as a fresh starter suh as the first tie to ride a biyle, the first tie to skate, the first tie to fly a kite, et. It was ore than I an ount. Every niht of the weekend we would ather on this road to have fun. It was a habit ore than a ather for us. There were three buildins ranked one after one on the left of the road. They were not the sae as what we have now. Eah layer had seven hoe residents, and the household were the side by side instead of fain with another. Also the doors were ade of sreen opened for a whole day instead of thik iron losed for a whole day. Durin the hot days, we all took out our ats on the orridor, I really iss the life there. n the riht of the road you ould soe
bunallowsand, pool and ropland Durin the suer, we iht swi in the pool as well as playin with fros, butterflies, draonflies, antis and lousts in the ropland. It’s a pity that I have rarely seen soe of these speies these days. At the end of the road was a arae opened by y lassate’s parents. All the kids in our ounity were alost in the sae shool and even soe of us were in the sae lass, we went to shool toether in a triyle whih is not so oon now. That’s also ade us ore lose to eah other.
How I wish I ould have a aera at that tie so that I ould reord down the preious fraent of y life in the past few years!
n that day, as soon as the teaher ae into the lassroo, they said that there would be an earthquake drill in the seond lass, so that everyone had to take a book and run to the playround overhead. We don't are, beause this is not a shokproof drill.
In the seond lass, when the ath teaher talked about the plae I was ost interested in, suddenly the alar ran, and we just ran out.
After arrivin at the playround, the teaher talked about soe knowlede of the earthquake, and then said that the students with books went bak to the lassroo, and those who didn't have books stood here. We didn't have a sinle person with a book. I had to stand up to lass.
Althouh I only stood for a few inutes, but I understand - listen to what the teaher said.