










This is a speial sprin festival, a different holiday, for everyone, is a test, a test of self-ontrol.

The infletion point of the epidei has not yet appeared, and the shool openin tie has been delayed aain and aain. Parents are afraid of the ipat of the epidei and worried about their hildren's learnin. Those students in the raduation lass in the irle of friends also expet the shool to start abnorally. They iss the shool and teahers. The epidei is not over. How an we fae the new seester's learnin?

The shool teahers assin hoework every day and ask the parents to punh in the ards. Every day, they should learn about the battle situation, understand the spirit of the epidei situation, and understand the urrent affairs. n the first day, everyone is very ative, and on the seond day, they are ore ative. n the third and fourth days, only a few people ay still adhere to it, fousin on persistene and self-ontrol. The epidei situation should ake us realie that learnin is the solution to ost of life The key to the proble, so don't foret to learn.

So what should parents do? All of a sudden, all of the pressure on parents.

First, we should popularie epidei knowlede to hildren, understand the auses and onsequenes of the epidei, and ake the love nature ore;

Seond, understand the hinese spirit and the people's strenth under the epidei situation, learn fro the exaple, suppleent enery and enrih their spiritual world;

Third, review the past knowlede and learn fro the past. If your foundation is not ood, now is the tie for you to ath up with the people ahead and understand the real eanin of learnin;

Fourth, learn to disover "beauty in the epidei", herish the present tie, et toether with your faily, learn ore labor skills, and learn to ar yourself with the spirit of the epidei;

Fifthly, there are beauties in the book and olden houses in the book. If life is too onotonous, read ore books, you will iprove your readin ability and ultivate your ood habits. As lon as it is your hobbies, you an develop ore at this tie.

Finally, it is iportant to persist. If you want to beoe ore exellent, you ust persist. nly by persistin an you reah the other side of suess. nly by understandin with heart an you realie the true eanin of life

Wish you and e a war and better life after the epidei!


Durin this epidei, I felt a lot. Today, let's talk about the online lessons that ade e row up.

hildren offiially open shool, tie as before, ontent as before, the way has haned, network lass. n the first day, I was busy learnin steps, readin and typin ards early on the nail. After bein in a hurry, I finally found the button that was always in front of y eyes but didn't oe into y eyes. The hild has been anxious beside, after enterin the video onferene, a failiar fae juped into the obile phone. hildren no loner noisy, lik the eetin ode, left and riht row an see all students; on rid ode, up and down row, an see all students. But the hild will not be able to sit for a while, and an not wait until lass is over, he will et up to do this and that. In order to ake the hild feel at ease in lass and study with hi, I opened the learnin power app, and I also studied on the side. The first day was spent in the fresh.

The next day, beause of the network reasons, the effet of the letures was not very ood. Throuh re-entry and tossin, today's online lasses are lear and sooth. After tutorin the hildren how to upload and subit hoework, it sees that the hildren are very interested in ultiple hoie questions. I think the diffiulty is sall and the for of answer is easy. The third day, the hild early into the early readin state, the outh kept readin for ore than ten inutes, very enaed, very onsious. The freshness of video learnin and the sense of responsibility under the state of epidei prevention ake the hildren and his lassates enthusiasti. But in the afternoon, when I saw the hild, I was lay. I was walkin for a lon tie with the video on. I ouldn't sit down. I ate snaks, went to the toilet and so on. I bean to et anry. "If you don't listen well, I'll tell your teaher." And the hild also does not show weakness: "o, I see you study, the obile phone is also liht to let it play, not ood to listen to, you are foolin yourself." After listenin to the hildren's words, I iediately realied that y learnin attitude is not as ood as that of the hildren. Is daily learnin really ettin into your ind? What kind of odel iae have you set for your hildren!

The way of video teahin, suh distane learnin and suh unilateral aeptane are definitely different fro fae-to-fae letures, disussions, thinkin and Q & A. But after all, it's a way of learnin. The effet depends on hildren's onsiousness and learnin ability.

When it oes to onsiousness and learnin ability, this is also the ability that parents have always stressed that students need to develop. And it turns out that hildren with hih self-disipline enerally do well. If we an self-disipline and be ood at learnin, there is no doubt that learnin heeony. Bein ood at learnin doesn't neessarily ean answerin questions or askin questions in lass, but the kind of hildren who an rasp the ain ontent and be ood at independent thinkin. At present, this kind of learnin ethod has hiher requireents on students. Without the anaeent of teahers, the supervision of students, the enouraeent of sloans around the lassroo, and in a usually relaxed environent, if you an anae your brain and ake ood use of your brain, it will ertainly beoe the real benefiiary of online learnin. Not only in knowlede, but also in learnin harater.

Throuh ettin alon with y hildren these days, I have learned a lot. No atter the students who study or us who work, we should keep learnin and orret our attitude towards learnin. We should not learn for the sake of learnin. We should onstantly adapt to the hanin situation in order to adapt to life. Beause life will not stop beause of any hanes, will not hane rhyth beause of tie, will only leave those who an not keep up with its rhyth behind.


In the fae of the epidei, how an students learn at ease? The teahers of Taoyuan No.9 iddle shool atively use the "air lass" to suspend their lasses. Based on the lass, the head teaher of the third senior hih shool quikly establishes or interates the oriinal QQ roup and wehat roup, pulls all the teahers into the learnin roup of the workin roup of the lass, and obines the atual situation of the lass, so as to ensure that the teahers in the lass an teah, tutor and answer questions online in a flexible and diverse way in a fixed period of tie. The head teaher uses the network to oranie and anae all day, teahers of all disiplines, all parents and students atively partiipate in ooperation, feedbak probles at any tie and solve the in tie, so as to uarantee the online preparation of "no suspension of lasses". nline tutorin by teahers. Students learn online. In addition to fousin on learnin, the shool also oranies students to arry out "at this oent, I want to say to you" essay opetition, "aftertaste lassi quiet reation" hand opyin ativity and speial iro video ativity for epidei prevention and ontrol. The whole shool wathed "I a the suessor" network lass and "epidei" speial ourse in Hunan Provine throuh the Internet.

In order to iprove the psyholoial anti epidei ability of teahers and students, the psyholoial onsultin roo of the shool opened the onsultin servie in tie to uide everyone to know about oronavirus, strenthen exerise, iprove iunity, learn to adjust bad ood, reasonably plan winter vaation tie, and learn to be healthy.




The serious epidei situation in Wuhan affets the hearts of the people of the whole ountry. This winter vaation is dooed to be unstable. The traffi that used to run on the road sees to disappear now. The park and square that used to be hot and noisy are also old and lear. They ould have a party with relatives and friends to elebrate the Sprin Festival, but now they an only stay at hoe and "look at the door and sih".


The arh riinal of novel oronavirus is the ain ulprit. The inubation period of the virus is up to 14 days, and it is ainly spread by droplets and ontat, so it is very likely to be infeted. In front of the ajor epidei, the first to stand up is our anel in white. In this war without unsoke, they built a bank of life protetion for the patients, so that we an see a ray of sunshine in the old winter, sprinkled on everyone, brinin us infinite warth and hope. Anels in white are dediated and fearless, shuttlin between life and death, savin others' lives with their own lives.


In this battlefield, there is another 0 year old randfather, Professor hon Nanshan, who deserves our adiration. Novel oronavirus is still in the forefront of the war, and it is adirable to fiht with the new oronavirus.


Like Professor hon Nanshan, we should also be knowledeable, knowledeable and assiduous. Knowlede an not only hane our life, but also save people fro water and fire. When enounterin diffiulties, o forward bravely and use knowlede to overoe the.


I firly believe that this epidei will be onquered and onquered with the joint efforts of all of us. It is just the so-alled "unity of purpose, sharin diffiulties".


Finally, I would like to say that every youn person should obey the oand, do a ood job of their own seurity, try to avoid oin out to play, try to o to densely populated plaes, not to add haos, and ontribute to the vitory of the epidei apain. oe on, Wuhan! oe on, hina!













The new year eans a new beinnin, and also the beinnin of happiness and well-bein. In the ordinary novel oronavirus, a new type of oronavirus has been a popular devil in hina, and has brouht hina into an unpreedented risis. In Wuhan, where the epidei is the ost serious, edial workers are reatin irales related to life and death.


That day, the wind outside the window was like a wild anial runnin at full speed, bitin the old baffle erilessly and repeatedly. A few fallen leaves floated down, and other leaves fell on the rass, while one leaf wanted to return to the top of the tree but was trapped in the distane forever by the stron wind. I sat on the sofa, lookin around bored. I aidentally saw y other sittin by starin at the sreen of y obile phone. Her expression haned fro al to surprise, and fro surprise to seriousness. I uriously approahed and asked, "o, what are you lookin at?" she didn't respond to e, just touhed y head. I looked at the sreen of y obile phone, and several lines of bi blak words ae into y eyes: the epidei in Wuhan is ettin worse step by step, and the edial staff is about to ollapse! Here is a olor //www.riji.net/pipleted 37 resue operations in 4 hours, and when he is about to ollapse, he just keeps tellin hiself "I' still youn!" shoked e. He only relied on these four words to save the lives of ountless patients. As the old sayin oes, "not for ood looks, but for ood dotors", it an be seen that dotors are so reat that they should have one hoe for a reunion dinner durin the new year and still strule in the front line of epidei situation, fihtin a war without soke of unpowder.


I believe that with the joint efforts of the world, we will surely win the battle aainst the virus. Here, I also wish the whole ountry a happy new year and all the best!















After the outbreak of the epidei in Wuhan, all reions supported Wuhan and bravely went to the front to ontain the epidei!


In these days when the virus appears, there are any ovin pitures every day. Those soldiers who are fihtin in the front line are workin silently in their posts to protet the health of patients. They ive up rest and ive up the tie to be reunited with their failies to fiht with the virus! Althouh they are fain daner and diffiulty, they are still retrorade. Soe dotors and nurses fall asleep when they lean on the door for 24 hours. They wear white isolation lothes for several hours. Their lothes are wet. There are traes on their faes beside their eyes. Every tie I see these, I a oved to ry!


Pay hoae to the edial staff on the front line! You have worked hard! It is your selfless dediation that brins ountless people 's health! We are onfident to defeat the epidei situation! hina refuelin Wuhan refuelin!


oe on, anel in white!



This virus ade all edial staff on the first front in Wuhan ive up the opportunity to aopany their failies for the Sprin Festival reunion


I always think about what to do in ase of bein infeted by the virus. Every day, I rae with the od of death, pullin patients bak fro the ede of death.


The edial staff in Wuhan, wearin heavy isolation lothes, thouht it was diffiult to take the off. In order to buy ore tie, they all went to the hills with diapers. I' proud of the red and swollen faes of dotors in their 20s and 30s.


I want to salute you. It's your sarifie that ives us peae. oe on, hina. We an defeat the virus。


Today, our shool issued a book alled "very touhed durin SARS"

When I ot hoe, I quikly opened y book and read an artile about Aunt Ye Xin. The eneral ontent of it is that Ye Xin, who was the nurse eneral of uandon traditional hinese ediine hospital sine 194, piked up a patient who was very ill and had to be resued iediately and in tie. "It's danerous here. Let e do it!" Ye Huhan said at the risk of bein infeted with SARS. In a blink of an eye, four days later, the hateful SARS finally sneaked into Ye Xin's body, and Ye Xin finally fell. When the edial staff ae for exaination and treatent, Ye Xin said: "don't et lose to e, it will infet!" The edial staff's eyes are red.

I was oved. Here I want to say: "what is an anel like? I' afraid nobody knows. But today, I see a real anel in white - Ye Xin. She, in order to save ankind fro the devil, fouht with the devil with her flesh and blood at the last oent of her life. She has always been a hero, leavin daner to herself and hope to others.

Here, I also want to pay tribute to the vast nuber of edial staff! And learn fro the. row up to be a ontributin person to soiety.






























