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¡¡¡¡Have you ot soeone in your heart ?Is there anybody who you will think of when you are in trouble?If so , onratulations , you've ot an idol!

¡¡¡¡Like any adolesents ,I adired sport starts very uh.The one who I adored ost is Allen Iverson----an NBA baskeball player.It's well known that NBA is syboli of the hihest level of basketball in the world .It's the drea of all the basketball players around the world and it really athered ost of the best players fro every ountry .Aon all of the basketball stars ,Allen Iverson is a differt one . Allen is a sall uy in his workin field , only about 1.3 ,it's hard to iaine how to strule well with this stature in the ost fiere battlefield of NBA . However, it seeed that to be a little short annot stop his step for his drea .Everybody who has seen his show in basketball ourt has a deep ipression about his skills and the eaerness for vitory.And it's also a leend of his history .Soe fans suarie Allen's life into three words:"Blood,tears and sweat"Allen really set a ood exaple to younsters who like hi.Just like any Aerian neroes ,Allen led a poor hildhood,he had no oney to buy new lothes ,no bi roos to live in ,even had no father to love ause his faily is inoplete.What he had is basetball, the whole of his life.He knows only basketball an hane his life ,an brin his faily ood future ,an take his relatives far fro huner and death.So he tried hard to play basketball,he trained harder than anybody else .And finally, he sueeded !The faous sayin of Allen Iverson is :"nly the stron survive!"That has beoe the onvitions aon the youn people who want to ahieve their oals. ¡¡¡¡Life isn't a bed of roses,only the stron survive!I have rown up ,it's tie for e to strive for y own drea, like a real an , like y idol--Allen Iverson!


第二篇:《小学英语作文:我的偶像 y Idol》

小学英语作文:我的偶像 y Idol

I like playin badinton very uh. I play it every weekend. And I like wath badinton aes. The idol of ine is Lin Dan. He is the best badinton player in the world. His skills are so exellent. Wathin his aes is very enjoyable. We an say that he has no rival in the world, so people all hi as Super Dan. Besides, he is handsoe and attrative. So he has any feale fans. In y opinion, his hardworkin spirit is the ost adirable. I hope his lory will last.



y role odel

Everyone has a role odel in their. As the old sayin oes: An idol is an exaple to advise you what should do and what should not do. y role odel is y iddle shool teaher , a beautiful woan with a lon hair.

I an’t foret that tie whih I spent with y teaher. When I start y iddle shool life, I an’t adapt to the environent . So have a diffiulity akin a ood friend with y lassates . At that tie ,I ‘ very shy . I have no idea about how to solve this thin . When I lose onfidene in the shool life . y teaher starts to attention to e . She hats with e in a role of y friend and helps e how to enjoy new life .She also introdue any friends to e .

radually , I beae outoin and enery happy . So I thank y teaher very uh .Sine then ,I ade a deision to be a teaher to help students who need help.

She is the person just I want to be, so I endeavor to be a person like y teaher: a tolerant, responsible and an optiisti person.

y role odel is y teaher; I hope I will be the idol of y students , if I’ a teaher.

第四篇:《我的偶像蔡依林 英语作文》

The life story of a faous star y hero is alled Jolin,who was born in Septeber. 1th,190 in a workin faily.Her father was a aouter and her other took the responsibility of a itien as a volunteer.

She was very shy in her hildhood and disliked talkin with others.But sinin is her favorite.When she was in Jin ei hih shool,she

patiipated in a usi opetition held by TV usi Radio with the support of teahers and lassates.Finally,she won the first prie due to defeatin over thousands patiipants.What’s ore,she beae the last hapion as a son alled ‘The reatest love of all’ in the final ae. In the sae year in ay,her first sin test resulted her to enter into Fu Ren atholi University.

Teaher Wu disovered her in arh 1999.Then Jolin ot a opportunity to sin a ontrat witn the universal usi opany as the key in July launhed the first individual son ‘and neihbors around the world’.Pure and fresh air fro vularity teperaent ade Jolin quikly attrat the attention of students fans,whih leaded her to beoe a hot new artist of the year.

However,her sinin areer ountered into diffiulties on Auust

1,2001.Reardin the opany’s provision ‘reord a new albu every six onths’,she was dissatisfied with suh business requireents.In addition,lon-ter aounts is not lear in her opany,whih brouht into a press onferene announed that she deided to suspend the ontrat at all osts.This event shook Taiwan usi and Jolin’s sinin areer touhed the botto.

In July 2002,Jolin joined SNY usi opany, whih is a turnin point of her usi areer.Next,when the areeent is due,she entered into EI apitol Reords,whih ake her into the international stae.

Now,she has beoe the hinese pop usi siner,faous for rih fusion of diffiult dane usi.Durin her areer,she has won 12 andarin albu pries and sales of her reords are ore than three illion opies in Taiwan.Any way,she has ahieved a suess and beoes better and better.

第五篇:《英语作文y idol 我的偶像》

ourse nae: Enlish WritinⅠ

Instrutor: HU hunei (胡春梅)

Student: XIA ixue(肖米雪,1001010314)

lass: 3关于英语作文:我的偶像,0词,看中文.

Date: Sept.26.2011

y idol

As the old sayin oes: An idol is an exaple to advise you what should do and what should not do. Everyone has his/her idol. Who is your idol? Your parents, faous people or a ovie star?

y idol is y father who is not only an exellent father but also a responsible husband. First of all, in y eories, he doesn’t arue with y other all the tie. Exatly speakin, he is a tolerant husband. Whenever e o anry, the reat father always has any ways to ake y other delihted. Without y father, I an’t iaine the atosphere in y faily. Then, he is a responsible father. Last year, y brother was put into prison for a week sine he had a fiht with other uys. y other ried all day, however, y father went to prison to visit y brother and had a deep talk with y brother. A week later, y brother turned into another person just like y father. The reat father teahes his hildren how to fae instead of how to hide. The least but not last, beause y father works in a opany far away fro our hoe, he oes bak hoe every weekends. He would talk a lot with y brother and e as lon as he oes bak. Fro his talkin, I et lot and bein to know what a person y father is.

He is the an just I want to be, so I endeavor to be a person like y father: a tolerant, responsible and an optiisti person.

y idol is y father; I hope I will be the idol of y hildren.

第六篇:《小学英语作文:我的偶像 y Idol》

小学英语作文:我的偶像 y Idol

I like playin badinton very uh. I play it every weekend. And I like wath badinton aes. The idol of ine is Lin Dan. He is the best badinton player in the world. His skills are so exellent. Wathin his aes is very enjoyable. We an say that he has no rival in the world, so people all hi as Super Dan. Besides, he is handsoe and attrative. So he has any feale fans. In y opinion, his hardworkin spirit is the ost adirable. I hope his lory will last.


第七篇:《英语作文两分钟演讲稿关于我的偶像——Bi Shuin and Her Story》关于英语作文:我的偶像,0词,看中文.

BiShuin and Her Story

Hello everyone! Today I will introdue a faous person I look up to. I adire her various life experienes and her harater. She is BiShuin.

BiShuin joined the ary when she was 17 years old in 1969. She lived hard in Tibet plateau as a dotor. And eanwhile she ot interested in writin radually. Then she entered hina Writers Assoiation in 199. In 199, she earned a aster’s deree in psyholoy. She is a soldier, a dotor, a writer and a ounselin Psyholoist. She is a really stron, war-hearted,and onsiderate person.

She is like a irror, akin us see life learly. In her books, she warned youn people that our parents an’t wait for our filial piety forever. She told alive people to fae death with reason and respet. And she told us not to always reind terrible thins are oin. We need to usually reind happiness is all around us. She also said, a siple and sinere irl is really beautiful.

I understood any truths I’ve never ared before. In her books, she desribes her oprehension of love and beauty. So I want to share her books to you. I think it will be a reat experiene to read. Thanks for listenin!






The Real Sli Shady

arshall Brue athers Ⅲ,better known by his stae nae Eine and another Sli Shady,is a faous Aerian rapper.As a white,it’s so unbelievable that Eine ahieve suess in rappin,a world of blak.He has been listed and ranked as one of the reatest artists of all tie by any aaines,inludin Rollin Stones aaine whih delared hi The Kin of Hip Hop.In the eantie,he is in ontroversy all the tie beause his works is full of sex,violene,anti-hoosexual,drus and attak on other artists.You an find dirty words in every lyris.Nevertheless,he is still y idol.

A lot of elder people do not aept Eine beause they onsider hi a lunati at best,who is only apable of sayin soe vular and indeent words,ursin others as well as askin for trouble.They think the works of Eine’s refer to eotion of anti-hoosexual,disust to woen and exessive desription of violene,whih influenes the soial atosphere neatively to a lare extent.For all the bitter ritiis about hi,as far as I a onerned,they are just far fro understandin hi and what he have been throuh.He lived poor life sine he was born and his parents divored when he was six years old.You an hard iaine that he hasn’t known,as yet,who his father is.His other takin hi to run around all alon akes hi hane ore than 20 shools. He rew up with alnutrition and altreat fro his other,so he was thinner and saller than his shoolates,whih akes hi often bullied by others.He even one saw a orpse in the doorway of his hoe after shool.So he found the world violene in his youn ind.That’s why Eine hate his parents,violene,poliy,entleen,ions,even the whole world.And that’s also the reason I adire hi.What he has experiened didn’t destroy hi but ake hi stroner to onfront life. He had found his talent in adene and rhye then he showed these to people by rap .He diretly attak everythin ever hurt hi with sharp words,suh as the

overnent,violene,war,pop stars and his other,et.Havin been throuh suh a extreely painful hildhood,Eine,however,refuse to oproise to this touh life and reain a intensive hope.He aainst doesti violene and beoe involved with harities,anti-war and drus with an ative attitude.In the end,Eine is honoured as The reat White Hope throuh ontinuous perseverane.

In y eyes,Eine is not only a rapper but a ulture that will affet and inspire the youn eneration.His fabulous story present us with indeed stron and onfidene and his attitude towards life erits our adiration.












春 天来 了


春天来了,万物复苏;春天来了,万木吐翠;春天来了,百花齐放…… 春天,一个充满了生机与活力的季节。


我倚在湖边的栏杆上,感受着春风拂面,想到了正值青春的我们。 在人的一生中,青春是我们最美好的时光,青春是我们的春天。但时间不会停止,时间也不会倒流,青春除了有春天般的美好,也会如春天一样短暂。为了让我们的青春能够似春天一样万紫千红,绚丽多姿,这时的我们就要努力把握住方向,向着正确光明的方向前进。因为,唯有光明,能让春天变得生机勃勃……





still, Indeed, apparently, oddly enouh, of ourse, after all, sinifiantly, interestinly, also, above all, surely, ertainly, undoubtedly, in any ase, anyway, above all, in fat, espeially. bviously, learly.


like, siilarly, likewise, in the sae way, in the sae anner, equally.


by ontrast, on the ontrary, while, whereas, on the other hand, unlike, instead, but, onversely, different fro, however, nevertheless, otherwise, whereas, unlike, yet, in ontrast.


for exaple, for instane, suh as, take ...for exaple. Exept (for), to illustrate.


later, next, then, finally, at last, eventually, eanwhile, fro now on, at the sae tie, in the end, iediately, in the eantie, in the eanwhile, reently, soon, now and then, durin, nowadays, sine, lately, as soon as, afterwards, teporarily, earlier, now, after a while. 表示顺序的连接词

first, seond, third, then, finally, to bein with, first of all, in the first plae, last, next, above all, last but not the least, first and ost iportant.


probably, perhaps.



What is ore, in addition, and, besides, also, furtherore, too, oreover, furtherore, as well as, additionally, aain.


althouh, after all, in spite of..., despite, even if, even thouh, thouh, ,whatever ay happen.


however, rather than, instead of, but, yet, on the other hand, unfortunately. whereas 表示原因的连接词关于英语作文:我的偶像,0词,看中文.

for this reason, due to, thanks to, beause, beause of, as, sine, owin to.


as a result, thus , so, therefore, aordinly, onsequently, as onsequene.


on the whole, in onlusion, in a word, to su up, in brief, in suary, to onlude, to suarie, in short.


ostly, oasionally, urrently, naturally, ainly, exatly, evidently, frankly, oonly, for this purpose, to a lare extent, for ost of us, in any ases, in this ase,










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In January 2020, novel oronavirus was attaked in Wuhan, Hubei. Aon the any anels in white who are fihtin aainst the virus and savin lives, I have notied a 4 year old an with ray hair. He is aadeiian hon Nanshan who I adire ost.


The novel oronavirus is hihly infetious. It is infeted with the virus and is danerous when it is heavy. You have been appointed oander in hief of the "war epidei" by the state. When you went to Wuhan, when you were interviewed by reporters, you earnestly warned the people of the whole ountry: "nothin, don't o to Wuhan." Then he boarded the hih-speed rail without hesitation. The photos of you takin a rest on the hih-speed rail seat ake people all over the ountry oved and tearful. After arrivin in Wuhan, you have repeatedly appealed throuh the edia to everyone to pay attention to safety and isolation, but you have put yourself into the battle without unsoke reardless of your personal safety.


Today, the nuber of onfired infetions and deaths is inreasin day by day, whih is a reat test and threat to the anels in white partiipatin in the battle. But you didn't flinh, but you took out your own skills and ourae to take on the responsibility of protetin your ountry. With your ations, you show the heroi spirit of "die in national alaity, and see death as return". Your white robe is your battle arent, and your wisdo is your sword. You work day and niht to lead the anels in white to overoe diffiulties and devote yourself to huan health. In a reent interview, you said with tears of heroes in your eyes, "Wuhan is a ity of heroes, whih an pass the ustos." ne aain, your feelins of servin the world in a tearful anner.


Aadeiian hon Nanshan, I adire you! You have sueeded in arryin out an assinent, o forward with reat strenth and viour, and novel oronavirus, whih has aused the destrution of huan beins, and have already sown a sharp sword. It is a reat blood for Wuhan, for the otherland and for huanity.


Aadeiian hon Nanshan, I adire you! Not only you, but also tens of thousands of anels in white who partiipated in the "war epidei" like you and ran retroradely to the ost danerous battlefield. You are the ost beautiful hinese, thank you!


I adire Wen Tianxian, who is still deterined to die in the fae of the teptation of senior offiials of the Yuan Dynasty, Yan Jinyu, who is still fihtin aainst Japan despite runnin out of food and aunition, and Xia inhan, who is still willin to die in the fae of fiere reationaries They are all reat heroes of the hinese nation, and they are all worthy of our adiration. But the hero in y heart, as well as aadeiian hon Nanshan who is fihtin in the front line of epidei prevention.

hon Nanshan, an 4 year old an, is also an aadeiian of the hinese Aadey of enineerin, a faous respiratory expert, and a leadin fiure in the prevention and ontrol of respiratory infetious diseases in hina.

17 years ao, with the outbreak of SARS, people fell into pani in the fae of unknown viruses. Aadeiian hon Nanshan was al and fearless. He saved lives with the kindness of dotors, treated ritial patients reardless of his own life risks, and fouht for lives with the od of death, the old an, and beae a fihter. "If there were no aadeiian hon Nanshan in the fiht aainst SARS, the result iht not be like this," soeone oented In 2003, hon Nanshan was awarded the honorary title of "anti non hero" by uanhou ity.

17 years later, aadeiian hon Nanshan, 4, is still ovin all hinese people. When the novel oronavirus pneuonia appeared, he still fouht aainst the virus in the first line of battle to find the best ediine to overoe the virus. Now, in the ritial oent of pneuonia, aadeiian hon Nanshan has beoe the bakbone of the people. With hi, there is a belief in vitory. You are the sea od needle in our heart!

Let's pay tribute to the old an and all the edial workers who are fihtin in the front line!



钟南山,一位4岁的耄耋白叟, 也是中国工程院院士,闻名呼吸病学专家, 而且是当之无愧中国呼吸系统传染病防治的领军人物。

17年前,非典型肺炎疫情爆发,面对未知的病毒,人们坠入恐慌,钟南山院士冷静、无畏,以医者的妙手仁心拯救生命,不顾自身生命危险救治危重病人,与死神争夺生命——白叟,变成了战士。有人评价说:“抗击非典假如没有钟南山院士,结果可能就不会是这样。” 2003年,钟南山被广州市授予“抗非英雄”荣誉称号。




Dr. hon Nanshan was born in tober 1936 in Nanjin, Jiansu Provine. He is one of the faous edial sientists in the 21st entury.  He studied at uandon experiental hih shool in 193 and raduated fro Beijin edial ollee in 1960. In the first hinese National aes, hon Nanshan ot the hapionship of the en's 400 Hurdles and set up a National reord at that tie.

In the sprin of 2003,the SARS epidei broke out in hina and aross the lobe. hon Nanshan not only led but also took an ative part in the battle aainst SARS. At that tie no one really knew uh about SARS and ost people had no natural defenses aainst the disease.Danerous as it was,hon Nanshan worked hard day and niht treatin the patients.Throuh their hard work for several onths, hon Nanshan and his workates ahieved rearkable result. Soon the SARS epidei was stopped in its trak.

hon Nanshan was awarded one of the top ten people ovin hina in 2004. He has been workin in the edial field for over 60 years. He is a ood dotor in the ountryen' eyes and respeted by all the people in hina.

我的偶像 初一英语作文附译文

Nowadays, ost people have their idols. Their idols ay be siners, ators, athletes and so on. People an et or learn soethin fro their idols. I like swiin very uh and y idols is a swier. He is Sun Yan, the ost faous and popular swier in our ountry. He is the old edalist of London lypi aes. He beae the national ion last year, beause he won the old edal in Shanhai World Swiin hapionships and broke the world reord. Expet for his exellent perforane, Sun Yan is an attrative youn an. He has war sile and any lovely expressions. Besides, he sins well and he perfors in any shows. People speak hihly of his perforane.




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