都江堰环境英语作文 介绍都江堰的英语作文
篇首语:不为外撼,不以物移,而后可以任天下之大事。本文为你选取作文都江堰环境英语作文 介绍都江堰的英语作文四篇,希望能帮到你。
都江堰环境英语作文 介绍都江堰的英语作文
第一篇:《都江堰水利工程双语简介 中文+英文》
The Dujianyan Da, 4k north of hendu, is an anient tehnoloial wonder of the ountry. ore than 2000 yers ao, Li Bin(20-200B), as a loal overnor of the Shu State, desined this water ontrol and irriation da and oranied thousands of loal people to oplete the projet to hek the injian River.For any years the river,flooded the hendu ariultural area and loal farers suffered a lot fro the water disaster. Due to the suess of the projet, the da autoatially diverts the injian River and hannels it into irriation anals. For any years the da has ontinued to ake the ost of the water onservany works。
Expansion has been undertaken sine 1949 and at present the syste does a ood job of irriatin farin land aross 33ounties of the western part of Sihuan Provine. Loal people feel proud of the syste beaude it has supported a lare aount of people in their daily life。
What akes this syste so ood?
The syste is a lare hydrauli water projet whih onsists of three ain parts: the Fish outh Water-Dividin Da, the Flyin Sand Fene, and the Bottle-Nek hannel。 该系统是一个大型的水利工程,主要由三部分组成:鱼嘴分水大坝,飞砂栅,和瓶颈通道。
The Fish outh funtions to divide the flow of water into an inner river and an outer river. Lon ao, when Li Bin worked as the loal overnor of the Shu State, he found the old river anal was too narrow to hold uh water, whih often overflowed the banks and aused disastrous flood. Based on natural eoraphi onditions, he oranied the people to build a an-ade da. The whole da looks like a fish, and the front da has a irular one shaped like a fish outh. It is the da that hannels water into an outer anal and an inner anal. The outer water anal funtions as the ain strea and holds sixty perent of water in the river. The extra water oes throuh the inner anal for irriation in hendu areas。
The Flyin Sand Fene joins the inner and outer anals. The fene funtions to
ontroll the flow of water and dishare exess into the inner anal fro the ain strea. Durin the dry season the fene doesn't work uh, but when floods our, the river rushes forward alon the outer anal. As it approahes the fene, the fene,the river beins to turn round fast and soon any whirlpools are fored. The volatile whirlpools sweep away sand and pebbles and, throw the into the outer anal. For any years hue baboo baskets were used as the fene. They were filled with stones and pebbles. However,at present, reinfored onrete weir has replaed the anient fene。
So now, let's disuss the Bottle-Nek hannel. A trunk anal was ut throuh the ountain into two parts whih link up the inner anal for irriation. The sall part is later alled Li Dui, whih eans an isolated hill. hendu looks like a lare bottle and the trunk anal between the ountain and the hill takes shape of the bottlenek. The trunk anal tehnially has two funtions: First, it leads the water to irriate the farin land in western Sihujan; Seondly, the trunk anal works toether with the Flyin Sand Weir to keep the flow below a ertain point in the inner anal durin flood season.Soe stone tablets, whih stand on the isolated hill, are enraved in Buddhist Sanskrit. The loal people hope that the Buddhist tablets an exert the Buddhist superpower to harness flood disaster. For over two thousand years, in fat, the Fish outh Water-Dividin Da, the Flyin Sand Weir, and the Bottle-nek hannel autoatially work toether to ontrol foods and sweep away sand and stones in the ain stra. The loal people benefit a lot fro this projet。
Not far fro the Dujian Da, a Daoist teple oplex was wrwted was ereted to oeorate the benevolent rule of Li Bin and his son who sueeded hi. Li Bin and his son were ranted the posthuous title of Wan. The folk story says that July 24of the hinese Lunar alendar is Li Bin' birthday. n the day any loal people visit the teple where they prostrate theseles before the iae of Li Bin and his son and burn inense to honor the. The larer-than-life painted statues of father and son overlook the rushin river below. Nearby a stone tablet os enraved with a faous six-harater quotation fro Li Bin,"when the river flows in ias, ut a straiht hannel. When the
riverbed is wide and shallow, di it deeper." The teple whih is built near the ountaintop, is a popular stoppin plae for sihtseers. There one an enjoy a unique view of the ost odern parts of the water onservation projet。
People appreiate the anient wonder, whih still works to benefit people today。 人们欣赏古代奇迹,今天工程仍然在造福人民。
In hina, hendu is always praised as the Tian Fu hi uo,
whih eans 'Nature's Storehouse'. ver 2,200 years ao, the ity was threatened by the frequent floods aused by floodin of the injian River (a tributary of the Yante River ). Li Bin, a loal offiial of Sihuan Provine at that tie, toether with his son, deided to onstrut an irriation syste on the
injian River to prevent floodin. After a lenthy study and a lot of hard work by the loal people, the reat Dujianyan
Irriation Projet was opleted. Sine then, the hendu Plain has been free of floodin and the people have been livin peaefully and affluently. Now, the projet is honored as the 'Treasure of Sihuan', whih still plays a ruial role in drainin off floodwater, irriatin fars and providin water resoures for ore than 0 ities in the provine.
Dujianyan is the oldest and only survivin no-da irriation syste in the world; and a wonder in the developent of hinese siene. The projet onsists of three iportant parts, naely Yuui, Feishayan and Baopinkou sientifially desined to autoatially ontrol the water flow of the rivers fro the ountains to the plains throuhout the year.
Yuui, like a bi fish lyin in the injian River, is a watershed dividin the river into two parts: inner river and outside river. Feisha Yan is a spillway that diverts the sand and stones of the inner river into the outer river. Baopin Kou, like a nek of a bottle, is used to brin water into the inner river fro injian. At the sae tie, Baopin Kou ontrols the aount of the intake water due to its reasonable loation. These three parts interat with eah other perfetly to for an effetive water
onservany projet. Durin the low-water season, 60% of the injian water is brouht into the inner river for irriation while 40% of the water is drawn into the outside river. The situation is reversed in the flood season ensurin the water supply for irriation and protetion fro floodin on the hendu Plain.
There is a anifient bride alled the Anlan able Bride rossin the injian River above Yuui, whih is the ost seni plae in Dujianyan. The onstrution of the bride
oriinally oened before the Son Dynasty (960-1279). At that tie, the body of the bride was onstruted with wooden bloks and the handrails were ade of baboo. Reently the wood and baboo were replaed with steel and reinfored
onrete to ensure the seurity of the visitors. Seen fro afar,
the bride looks like a rainbow hanin over the river. Fro the bride, you an learly see the entire layout of the Dujianyan syste.
; The Dujianyan Da, 4k north of hendu, is an anient tehnoloial wonder of the ountry. ore than 2000 yers ao, Li Bin(20-200B), as a loal overnor of the Shu State, desined this water ontrol and irriation da and oranied thousands of loal people to oplete the projet to hek the injian River.For any years the river,flooded the hendu ariultural area and loal farers suffered a lot fro the water disaster. Due to the suess of the projet, the da autoatially diverts the injian River and hannels it into irriation anals. For any years the da has ontinued to ake the ost of the water onservany works.¡¡¡¡Expansion has been undertaken sine 1949 and at present the syste does a ood job of irriatin farin land aross 33ounties of the western part of Sihuan Provine. Loal people feel proud of the syste beaude it has supported a lare aount of people in their daily life.
¡¡¡¡What akes this syste so ood?都江堰环境英语作文.
¡¡¡¡The syste is a lare hydrauli water projet whih onsists of three ain parts: the Fish outh Water-Dividin Da, the Flyin Sand Fene, and the Bottle-Nek hannel.
¡¡¡¡The Fish outh funtions to divide the flow of water into an inner river and an outer river. Lon ao, when Li Bin worked as the loal overnor of the Shu State, he found the old river anal was too narrow to hold uh water, whih often overflowed the banks and aused disastrous flood. Based on natural eoraphi onditions, he oranied the people to build a an-ade da. The whole da looks like a fish, and the front da has a irular one shaped like a fish outh. It is the da that hannels water into an outer anal and an inner anal. The outer water anal funtions as the ain strea and holds sixty perent of water in the river. The extra water oes throuh the inner anal for irriation in hendu areas.
¡¡¡¡The Flyin Sand Fene joins the inner and outer anals. The fene funtions to ontroll the flow of water and dishare exess into the inner anal fro the ain strea. Durin the dry season the fene doesn't work uh, but when floods our, the river rushes forward alon the outer anal. As it approahes the fene, the fene,the river beins to turn round fast and soon any whirlpools are fored. The volatile whirlpools sweep away sand and pebbles and, throw the into the outer anal. For any years hue baboo baskets were used as the fene. They were filled with stones and pebbles. However,at present, reinfored onrete weir has replaed the anient fene.
¡¡¡¡So now, let's disuss the Bottle-Nek hannel. A trunk anal was ut throuh the ountain into two parts whih link up the inner anal for irriation. The sall part is later alled Li Dui, whih eans an isolated hill. hendu looks like a lare bottle and the trunk anal between the ountain and the hill takes shape of the bottlenek. The
trunk anal tehnially has two funtions: First, it leads the water to irriate the farin land in western Sihujan; Seondly, the trunk asnal works toether with the Flyin Sand Weir to keep the flow below a ertain point in the inner anal durin flood season. Soe stone tablets, whih stand on the isolated hill, are enraved in Buddhist Sanskrit. The loal people hope that the Buddhist tablets an exert the Buddhist superpower to harness flood disaster. For over two thousand years, in fat, the Fish outh Water-Dividin Da, the Flyin Sand Weir, and the Bottle-nek hannel autoatially work toether to ontrol foods and sweep away sand and stones in the ain stra. The loal people benefit a lot fro this projet.
¡¡¡¡Not far fro the Dujian Da, a Daoist teple oplex was wrwted was ereted to oeorate the benevolent rule of Li Bin and his son who sueeded hi. Li Bin and his son were ranted the posthuous title of Wan. The folk story says that July 24of the hinese Lunar alendar is Li Bin' birthday. n the day any loal people visit the teple where they prostrate theseles before the iae of Li Bin and his son and burn inense to honor the. The larer-than-life painted statues of father and son overlook the rushin river below. Nearby a stone tablet os enraved with a faous six-harater quotation fro Li Bin,"when the river flows in ias, ut a straiht hannel. When the riverbeb is wide and shallow, di it deeper." The teple whih is built near the ountaintop, is a popular stoppin plae for sihtseers. There one an enjoy a unique view of the ost odern parts of the water onservation projet.
The Dujianyan Da, 4k north of hendu, is an anient tehnoloial wonder of the ountry. ore than 2000 yers ao, Li Bin(20-200B), as a loal overnor of the Shu State, desined this water ontrol and irriation da and oranied thousands of loal people to oplete the projet to hek the injian River.For any years the river,flooded the hendu ariultural area and loal farers suffered a lot fro the water disaster. Due to the suess of the projet, the da autoatially diverts the injian River and hannels it into irriation anals. For any years the da has ontinued to ake the ost of the water onservany works. Expansion has been undertaken sine 1949 and at present the syste does a ood job of irriatin farin land aross 33ounties of the western part of Sihuan Provine. Loal people feel proud of the syste beaude it has supported a lare aount of people in their daily life.
What akes this syste so ood?都江堰环境英语作文.
The syste is a lare hydrauli water projet whih onsists of three ain parts: the Fish outh Water-Dividin Da, the Flyin Sand Fene, and the Bottle-Nek hannel.
The Fish outh funtions to divide the flow of water into an inner river and an outer river. Lon ao, when Li Bin worked as the loal overnor of the Shu State, he found the old river anal was too narrow to hold uh water, whih often overflowed the banks and aused
overnor of the Shu State, he found the old river anal was too narrow to hold uh water, whih often overflowed the banks and aused disastrous flood. Based on natural eoraphi onditions, he oranied the people to build a an-ade da. The whole da looks like a fish, and the front da has a irular one shaped like a fish outh. It is the da that hannels water into an outer anal and an inner anal. The outer water anal funtions as the ain strea and holds sixty perent of water in the river. The extra water oes throuh the inner anal for irriation in hendu areas. The Flyin Sand Fene joins the inner and outer anals. The fene funtions to ontroll the flow of water and dishare exess into the inner anal fro the ain strea. Durin the dry season the fene doesn't work uh, but when floods our, the river rushes forward alon the outer anal. As it approahes the fene, the fene,the river beins to turn round fast and soon any whirlpools are fored. The volatile whirlpools sweep away sand and pebbles and, throw the into the outer anal. For any years hue baboo baskets were used as the fene. They were filled with stones and pebbles. However,at present, reinfored onrete weir has replaed the anient fene.
So now, let's disuss the Bottle-Nek hannel. A trunk anal was ut throuh the ountain into two parts whih link up the inner anal for irriation. The sall part is later alled Li Dui, whih eans an isolated hill. hendu looks like a lare
bottle and the trunk anal between the ountain and the hill takes shape of the bottlenek. The trunk anal tehnially has two funtions: First, it leads the water to irriate the farin land in western Sihujan; Seondly, the trunk asnal works toether with the Flyin Sand Weir to keep the flow below a ertain point in the inner anal durin flood season. Soe stone tablets, whih stand on the isolated hill, are enrxdyed in Buddhist Sanskrit. The loal people hope that the Buddhist tablets an exert the Buddhist superpower to harness flood disaster. For over two thousand years, in fat, the Fish outh Water-Dividin Da, the Flyin Sand Weir, and the Bottle-nek hannel autoatially work toether to ontrol foods and sweep away sand and stones in the ain stra. The loal people benefit a lot fro this projet.
Not far fro the Dujian Da, a Daoist teple oplex was wrwted was ereted to oeorate the benevolent rule of Li Bin and his son who sueeded hi. Li Bin and his son were ranted the posthuous title of Wan. The folk story says that July 24of the hinese Lunar alendar is Li Bin' birthday. n the day any loal people visit the teple where they prostrate theseles before the iae of Li Bin and his son and burn inense to honor the. The larer-than-life painted statues of father and son overlook the rushin river below. Nearby a stone tablet os enrxdyed with a faous six-harater quotation fro Li Bin,"when the river flows in ias, ut a straiht hannel. When the riverbeb is wide and shallow, di it deeper." The teple whih is built near the ountaintop, is a popular stoppin plae for都江堰环境英语作文.
sihtseers. There one an enjoy a unique view of the ost odern parts of the water onservation projet.
People appreiate the anient wonder, whih still works to benefit people today.
五年级一班 王子赫都江堰环境英语作文.
我们进入景区,首先映入眼帘的是一个喷泉,这个喷泉的池子里有两根木头, 木头上刻的有字。具体是什么字,我也不知道。而且,这个喷泉不太大。
我们走到了宝瓶口,我看见这里像是一个水坝的样子 。这里的水清澈见底,波涛汹涌,时不时还会出现漩涡和乱流,可是还让人感到凉爽。现在的工业污染却并没有将这里的水污染。都江堰环境英语作文.
都江堰包括宝瓶口、飞沙堰和鱼嘴三个主要工程。首先我们来到了宝瓶口,因其外形像个瓶口而得名,它的作用是把岷江多余的水引入四川平原,这样既可以减少水患,又可以供人们糊口和浇灌所用。接着我们又来到了飞沙堰,它是为了不让上游冲来的大大小小的石头堵住宝瓶口而修建的。然后我们继承向前走,来到了鱼嘴,它由于修建得像鱼儿的嘴巴所以被叫做鱼嘴。鱼嘴的作用是把岷江水一分为二,一部门流入外江,一部门流入内江,这样就使得流入宝瓶口的水大大增多了。鱼嘴的旁边是 一座横跨岷江的铁索桥,走在上面瑶瑶晃晃的,低头看着下面滔滔的江水,确实让人觉得有点恐怖。走过了铁索桥,我们就来到了二王庙,它是后人为了纪念李冰父子而 修建的。二王庙建在玉垒山的半山腰上,非常宏伟和壮丽。走出二王庙,我们拾阶而上,来到了山顶,我们就能看到都江堰的全貌了,那景色真锦绣!