怎么学习英语800字作文 英语作文800字


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1、怎么学习英语800字作文 英语作文800字(1)




怎么学习英语800字作文 英语作文800字


It is a oon knowlede that opanies like to ake soe advertiseents for their produts and the reputation of opanies. With the developent of tehnoloy, there is a new kind of advertiseent whih is the Internet advertiseent. Whether the Internet advertiseent is better or the traditional advertiseent is ore useful has been sparked a heated debate. Soe people hold the belief that Internet advertiseent is better, it is ore power. While others think the opposite. Now let us disuss the affetion of Internet advertiseent and traditional print advertiseent. We will see whih akes ore sense for a opany to spend their oney on. I prefer to the first view.

First, I a oin to talk about what is traditional print ad. Diret all, Yellow Paes, Radio, TV (Broadast able), aaines, and Newspaper, these are traditional print ads. The breadth of U.S. advertisers aross virtually all industries eans that rowths of advertisin spend is hihly orrelated with the DP, a easure of ountry’s produtivity. The story beoes different when disareatin advertisin spends by hannel. While TV, diret ail and newspapers aount for nearly three-fourths of all advertisin spendin obined, the Internet hannel has rown the fastest sine 2001, takin share away fro ost traditional hannels. Internet advertisin rew at an annual lip of 1% fro 2001-2006 and only able TV (10%) was lose to a double diit rowth rate. ther hannels basially kept pae with DP rowth (about 3%), with newspapers (1%) and radio (2%) ost neatively affeted. Total US internet advertisin was $21.2B in 2007, a 26% inrease over 2006. onsuer related advertisin ade up % of revenue. However, in the first quarter of 200, for the first tie in three years, quarterly internet ad revenues failed to set a new reord.(the fiures oe fro the artile whih is naed Ipat of Internet Advertisin.)So, we an see the iportane of traditional ads fro the DP, and the DP is related to opany profits losely.

Seond, I want to say soethin about Internet ads. The internet powerfully influenes industry struture and sustainable opetitive advantae. The Internet weakens industries’ profitability, as rivals opete on prie alone. And it no loner provides proprietary advantaes, as virtually all opanies now use the Web. The Internet is no ore than a tool-albeit a powerful one-that an support or daae your fir’s stratei positionin. The key to usin is ost effetively? Interate Internet initiatives into your opany’s overall stratey and operations so that they 1) opleent, rather than annibalie, your established opetitive approahed and 2) erate systei advantaes that your opetitors an not opy. Interatin Internet怎么学习英语00字作文。

initiatives enhanes your opany’s ability to develop unique produts, proprietary ontent, distintive proesses, and stron personal servie-all the thins that reate true value, and that have always defined opetitive advantae. Advertisin on the Internet has the dual benefit of bein enerally ore effiient and effetive opared to other edia hannels. A standard advertisin ost etri is P or ost per Thousand Ipressions. For exaple, a $1 P equates to a ost of $1 to reah 1,000 theoretial viewers or readers (theoretial beause not everyone will read or look at an advertiseent). Internet P rates in 2006 averaed $6, uh less than ost traditional edia (see table below). opoundin this lower ost is the effetiveness of Internet advertisin, whih an be easured usin a variety of trakin ethods. An advertiser an tell, for exaple, who liked on an Internet ad and even who bouht a produt or servie durin an internet session. opanies suh as oole and Yahoo have leveraed the easure-ability of the Internet to hare advertisers for liks rather than ipressions, further attratin advertisers with its pay-for-perforane odel. n the other hand, it is extreely diffiult to easure how effetively television, newspaper, radio or aaine ads drive sales.

(This raph oes

fro oole iaines)

Finally, I would like to put Internet ads and traditional ads toether to show soethin. It is well-known that ads an ake profits for opanies. So, no atter Internet ads or traditional ads all an brin oney for opanies. The differene is just whih an brin ore profit for a opany so that a opany likes to spend their oney on.怎么学习英语00字作文。

And we an see it very lear traditional ads an ake ore sense for a opany to spend their oney on. The traditional ads have been existed for any years. I hold the idea that traditional ads look like the rass live in individuals’ ind. It is ore aeptable. But with the new eneration born, and touh the new staff, aybe they will hane. In the upoin fifth stae, inforation tehnoloy will be used not only to onnet the various ativities and players in the value syste but to optiie its workin in real tie, hoies will be ade based on inforation fro ultiple ativities and orporate entities.(Stratey and the Internet, by ihael E. Porter P.14).

These years traditional ads is ore aeptable, beause it existed any years, and Internet ads just oe out, but Internet ads have a hue proress. So, I think Internet ads will ore sense for a opany to spend their oney on in the future.


1How to learn Enlish well

Learnin Enlish just like learnin any other lanuae, is hard work so y first advie is to spend uh tie pratiin usin Enlish every day. Besides, we should listen to the teaher and take notes arefully in lass. o over what is learnt reularly and finish doin our hoework arefully. Listen to Enlish radio proraes, read Enlish stories and newspapers, wath Enlish fils and TV proraes ,keep a diary in Enlish and attend Enlish debbates and speeh ontests. If we ake istakes, orret the at one and try not to ake the sae istakes. What's ore, we should look up new words in the ditionary before lass and prepare eah lesson arefully before lass. I believe if we work hard and have ood ways of learnin Enlish, we will learn Enlish well.学习英语就象学习其他语言一样是艰辛的。因此我的第一个建议是每天花多点时间练习使用英语。除此之外,我们应该上课认真听讲、记笔记。定期复习所学内容,认真做作业。听英语广播,读英语故事和报纸,看英语电影和电视节目,用英语写日记,参加英语讨论和演讲比赛。如果我们犯错误,就要立刻改正,尽力下次不要犯同样的错误。而且,我们在 上课前要查字典,认真准备每节课。我相信如果我们努力学习、有好的学习方法,我们会学好英语的。

2Learnin Enlish just like learnin any other lanuae, is hard work so we should spend tie pratiin usin Enlish. Besides, we should listen to the teaher arefully,review what is learned reularly, prepare eah lesson arefully before lass, do our hoework arefully, opy ood sentenes and reite the and attend Enlish debbates and speeh ontests. What's ore, be patient and onfident. Don't be shy and don't be afraid of akin istakes. We ust understand that istakes are unavoidable. So be patient with your istakes and try to awoid the other tie. I believe" pratie akes perfet". If we study hard, we will learn Enlish well.

学习英语就象学其他语言一样需要努力。因此我们应该花时间 练习使用英语。而且我们应该上课认真听讲、经常复习学过的内容、课前认真预习、认真做作业、抄写好的句子并背诵、参加英语讨论和演讲比赛。除此之外,要耐心有信心。不要腼腆、害怕犯错误。我们应该知道:错误是避免不了的。因此要耐心对待错误,避免下次再犯。我相信“实践出真知”。如果我们努力学习,我们会学好英语的。


The wonderful plae----Britain

Britain is a very beautiful ountry, any palaes of interests are loated there."Suh as ity of Flowers" London, "Northern Athens" Edinburh, ity University of xford, abride, antique ity of York, Shakespeare's hoetown .They have been known all over the world . urrently, sites listed by the United Nations World ultural and Natural Heritae Sites are reahin 14, that the Tower of London, Westinster Palae, Blenhei Palae. anterbury athedral , Bath, Stonehene, Salisbury, Iron Bride ore, side Hastins Abbey ,ardens , Durha athedral ,anient astles, Hadrian's Wall, wyn astle roup, the St. Kilda arhipelao of Sotland, Northern Ireland's "iants of the Road" and Anderson oral island. They are distintive, very popular tourist spots, attratin illions of tourists around the world. Absorbed in it, wantin to know ore? Don't worry and I will show you soethin neessary when you are on a tour.

Firstly, how an you et there? Sittin in a train is a ood hoie .Train railway syste there is perfet with ood equipent. There are several oonly used disount train tikets, the British national railway tiket. London etropolitan train, EuroStar,Rail Roverset. As an international transportation hub, you an find a fliht to Britain alost everywhere. Thus, oney perittin, please take a fliht.

British people are always talkin about weather. Do you know why? Britain's loated on the west side of the Atlanti .Due to the North Atlanti War urrent it is rainin nearly all the year round. Rih water resoure perits British people plant forae rops and pasture. However, the food they produt by theselves is still not enouh and they have to iport soe fro other ountries, resultin that their ookin style has been influened reatly. Fortunately, the UK has a lon history of ookin. So they still retain the old tradition of eatin habits and ookin tehniques soehow.

British people enerally prefer braise, rill and fry. Interestinly, they are keen on ookin beef, seein barbeue beef RASTED BEEF. Best known British food dishes are: STEAK KIDNEY PIE, ENLISH FISH HIP, HIKEN

A LA KIN and so on. British like huntin and there are any hotels and restaurants will serve soe speial dishes suh as VENISN,HARE, PHEASANT, oat WILDSHEEP all akin of wild anials.

Yorkshire puddin is a deliious British food, ade by the batter, soewhat siilar to the U.S. liht baked pastries. Usually eaten with roast beef, broth or soe other food and soup. Broth is onsidered neessary when eatin. It oriinated in Yorkshire, and then prevailed throuhout the UK.

A wide rane of UK hotels are there. Suh as the Youth Hostel series and ultra-luxury hotel's presidential suite. Visitors an selet where to live aordin to how uh oney there are in your poket. In fat, the British island is dotted with hotels. So don't worry about your aoodation.

London is a paradise of shoppin. Plenty of shops are there and soe even say there's nothin you an't buy in London.ost shops are open between

10:00 to 1:00, and till the late niht shoppin on Thursdays. Still a lare nuber of stores are not losed until 19:00 or 20:00. Reently, soe stores are open on Saturday and Sunday, hopin to attrat ore ustoers.

British retailers an be divided into departent stores, speialty shops, superarkets, street shops, arkets, hinatown stores. Traditional departent stores and speialist shops, the so-alled Hih Street Shop, enerally have better servies, and oods of hih quality. However, they are ore expensive. Superarkets an provide with variety of food and neessities in ood quality and affordable. Street shops are ore onvenient, but the prie is not heap. All thins really heap are in the oodities arket. Veetables buyin in the arket is always be of half prie of those in the Super arket.

There are any shoppin enters onsistin of a few stores. Even the town is not the exeption only of a sall sie . This is very different fro our ountry. Learn to seie the opportunity to shop in the UK. The annual suer (July and Auust )and hristas is the tie when oods are sailin in a bi disount soe brand-nae produts often hit half off and also people o shoppin frequently. In short, as lon as we take are of it, we will be able to buy thins we really want in the UK.

Workin tie of British ay be loner than other European ountries, but the British see to be ore eaer to relax after work. Aordin to a reent survey, the British are ore willin than other Europeans to o out and attend a party. British invent any sports, like football, riket, olf, billiards, tennis and so on. However, in reent years, espeially youn woen, they are not playin balls usually but oin to fitness enter, swiin and partiipatin in exerise lasses.

Soe people hoose to o outside to breathe fresh air. Aordin to fiures obtained, walkin is the ost popular physial ativity. Approxiately aon every five people, there is one hoosin to walk o exerise.

A an like walkin say that you an al down and relax while you are nappin. At the sae tie, you are doin exerise and you an breathe fresh air.

In addition to exerise, oin to the pub to drink is also the British favorite to kill tie. Last year, Britons drank about $ billion of aloholi beveraes. Why are they so keen on a pub? A bar owner nain Stuart say" I think that is a very unique plae. We like to hat in the pub in a kind of relaxin atosphere. Pub is a ounity enter. We often do soe sports here suh as playin darts. That's why the pub is so harin."If you don't do to a bar, you an't have been to Britain.

ne thin you should be are is tippin. British have the habit of tippin. When you are in a restaurant . If the bill does not inludin servie hares, you ay ive about 10% of your osts to your helpful staff. There is no tippin in theaters or as stations .

Want a tour to Britain? Don’t hesitate and let’s o.




this(这是什么)?’”我再次来到姐姐那里,指着冰淇淋,重复了妈妈那句问话,姐姐也笑了说:“h! (奥) Strawberryie-rea.(草莓冰淇淋)”“Thankyou!(谢谢)”这句谢谢我还会。我一溜烟跑到了吧台前,点了这杯好吃的草莓冰淇淋,这甜美的滋味我至今还记得。从那时起,在越南英国国际学校的半年时间里,我认真的学习英文,因为书上枯燥的英文字母组合,对我来讲是一个个好吃的食物,一句句可以和人沟通的对话。

























Spring Festival ,known as the Chinese New Year,is the most important holiday in China.From late January to early February,Chinese people are busy preparing for the New Year.They clean their houses ,have their hair cut,and buy new clothes .Jiaozi or dumpling is most popular.To those who live far away from their home,this festival is also a framily reunion occasion.

And they often go back home to celebrate the festival with their family.The first day of the new year is the time when people visit their friends adn wish each other good luck in the new year.


The Spring Festival, the most jubilant and important festival in China, is observed by most Chinese people at home and abroad. Our hometown is not an exception.

Similar with other places in china, we prepare for the festival about half a month before. With the lunar New Year approaching, the red lanterns are hung up along the main streets, making the ancient town filled with the festival atmosphere. While people clean up their houses, decorate it with traditional decorations such as Chinese knots and paper cutting. Each family pastes up Spring Festival couplets to convey their best wishes for the coming year.


Chinese New Year starts with the new moon on the first day of the new year and ends on the the full days later. In china,people regard Spring Festival as the most important thing.People studied and worked throughout the year.No matter how far and how busy, they must do their best to go back home.Thats a tradition and now becoming a habit. During this time,transport is extremely busy.Although the way is difficult,it cant reduce the urgent feeling of going home.I cant describe this feeling,only the people that experienced it can understand.Actually,on one hand,people miss their family,and they need to get comfort in the family.On the other hand,getting together is a symbol of blessedness and auspiciousness.People in other country dont have this consciousness that going home is necessary.For example,American could celebrate the Christmas in everywhere they like or with anybody.This diversity is occasioned by different culture between two countries.


Chinese Spring Festival celebrating the end of winter and the warmth of spring. It began in the last day of the lunar year, end in the 15th day of lunar New Year, also is the Lantern Festival. During the Spring Festival, people use red lantern and Spring Festival couplets decorate a house, put on all kinds of colored clothes, often visit friends and relatives or together eat dumplings, fish, meat and other delicious food. The children are looking forward to receiving red envelope money, and together they play each other the fireworks, with happy. Street with dragon and lion dance and some other carnival activities, CCTV will held the grand Spring Festival gala.


Chinese New Year starts with the new moon on the first day of the new year and ends on the the full days later. In china,people regard Spring Festival as the most important thing.People studied and worked throughout the year.No matter how far and how busy, they must do their best to go back home.Thats a tradition and now becoming a habit. During this time,transport is extremely busy.Although the way is difficult,it cant reduce the urgent feeling of going home.I cant describe this feeling,only the people that experienced it can understand.Actually,on one hand,people miss their family,and they need to get comfort in the family.On the other hand,getting together is a symbol of blessedness and auspiciousness.People in other country dont have this consciousness that going home is necessary.For example,American could celebrate the Christmas in everywhere they like or with anybody.This diversity is occasioned by different culture between two countries.

On Spring festivals eve,the whole family prepare the dinner.Of course,dumplings is essential.In the

evening,family members always sit at the television and watch Spring Festival Gala.At 0:00,people set off firecrackers and fireworks,at the same time,children pay New Year,s call to old people.The old people give money to the children as a lunar new year gift.Usually,people stay up late or all night.

On lunar New Years Day, the Chinese family eat vegetarian dumplings which imply they will plain and neat in this year. People change their new clothes,this stands for a new beginning.Next,people visit relatives with some gifts.The second day is son-in-laws festival,the husband and married women visit their side of the family.In a word,Chinese attach great importance to Spring Festival.




Since I was very small, I was very shy in the public place, so I always avoided giving performance in front of so many people. Though I tried hard to get over it in school, I still felt uneasy in the public place. When I came to the job market, I realized that I must get over my fear, or I would lose my stage.

I still remembered the horrible experience for my first interview. Early in the morning, I got a called that I was given a chance to the job interview. I felt so excited. When I came to the company, I found there were other six young people competed with me, then I started to feel nervous. The employers asked us to sit in the round table and introduced ourselves one by one. When it was my turn, I lowed down my head and spoke in low voice. Then the employers continued to let us give speeches in the stage. I lose confidence and made the horrible performance.

This interview taught me a lesson that I must get over my fear, or I will lose chances. So I practise hard and dare to stand in the stage.


When I was five years old, my mother decided to send me to learn dance class, at first, I was afraid, because I knew nobody there. But as when I went there, I found there were a lot of children who were at my age, we became friends soon. Now I like the dance class so much, I can dance with my friends, we have great fun.


I like dancing very much. I learn to dance from four years old. Until now, there are already nine years. I take part in many activities, because I think I want to perform in front of people. I have a good dance teacher. She dances very well. She is strict with me. once I make mistakes, she points it out directly. I learn a lot from her. Now, we are good friends. She always encourages me. I think dance is good to me. I make many dancing friends. And it’s good way to build my body.


I was a shy girl and I never dared to make performance in the public, but everything will have the exception. Last week, our English teacher gave us a job. All students needed to make performance in group. I was chosen to be the protagonist in my team. At first, I told them that I couldn’t make it, but they believed that I was the suitable person. So I practised hard and tried to get over my fear. It was my stage. I stood in front of my classmates. With my teammates, I finished my job. I felt so cool and dared to face so many people.


When the summer comes, the weather is so hot, it is rarely to see the rain. Today, when I wake up, I find the weather is chilly, it is going to rain. I am so happy, I miss the rain so much. Suddenly, the rain drops from the sky, I ran out of the house, looking at the sky, dancing with the rain. I feel so cool, then all my weariness has gone.




June 1st,2021

Dear mom and dad, How time flies! And it has been really seven years since I entered the middle school, during which time I spent the unforgettable time with my friends; what’s more, the most precious ages with my family. Instead of calling you regularly, I thought I’d write a letter to tell you exactly what I want to say. To be good parents is by no means an easy job as I imagined before. It includes patience, responsibility and affection. Through these years, I here really gained a lot from your experience. I still remember when I failed in maths and even wanted to give it up, you just patted me on the shoulder and encouraged me to have another try. Later, you praised me for my progress and earnest effort, which really gave me a sense of achievement. Looking younger children, I suddenly saw myself in teenage years. I was so rebellious and inconsiderate at that time. You must have gone to a lot of troubles for me. I am really sorry for the time I made you irritated. Mom and dad, thank you for being firm with me when I went through my rebellious stage. I do appreciate what you have done for me. I love you forever.

Yours loving boy,

Zhu Bajie


Dear Dad,

Today is father’s day, for so many years I’ve been seekig a way to express my heartfelt thanks for all you have done for me. Here comes it!

Thank you for always being there sharing my life when I need you most. Whenever I encounter difficulties, I never feel alone and vulnerable, because you will keep me on the right path. I’m blessed to have you.

Thank you for offering me education and teaching me how to be a man. You always inspire me not by words, but by what you have done! Your efforts in the work, your loyalty to your friends, your responsibility for the family and your persistence in the life have already set me good examples in my own life.

Thank you for always appreciating my work, no matter how tiny it is! You have made me realize that it’s capacity not scores that really counts.

Dad, I love you and I will love you forever!


Dear Amy,

I am happy to be your new pen pal. I live in China. I am in Grade Six.I like riding a bike, playing basketball, reading books and listening to music. My school is far from my home. Usually I go to school by motor bike. Sometimes I go to school by bike. I go to school from Monday to Friday. Tell me something about you. Write to me soon, please.

Your new pen pal,



Dear mother:


Dear mother, you have given me life, and my body has run through your blood. It is your milk, heart, blood, tears and sweat that have become the greatest liquid of human life and have nurtured me. It is you who feed me from a hungry child to a primary school student.

Dear mother, there are many kinds of love in the world, but maternal love is the most selfless, sincere, broadest and most merciful. When praising the affection of human beings, you are the eternal theme. When you sing the sincere love of the world, your love is called the first love in the world. Selfless is your character, dedication is your feelings. You are the embodiment of goodness. You are a symbol of greatness. Everything beautiful in women is condensed in your image.

My dear mother, though the hardships of life have made your hands rough, however, these hands are still so gentle, it always soothes my heart and gives me infinite comfort; although the heavy work makes your head white hair, but the body is still like the wing, caring for me all the time. The hard work of hard work makes your face wrinkle. However, the face is still so kind. It teaches me the true meaning of life and gives me confidence and strength at all times.

My dear mother, you are the resting place for your daughter. You are the harbor for your daughter to escape from the wind. With you, our home will be peaceful and warm. With you, our family will be happy and happy.

Dear mother, your great love is the greatest and selfless, your love in the heart of the daughter turned from the bottom of the heart from the bottom of the heart out - only the mother is good, the mother of the child like a treasure, into the mothers embrace can not enjoy happiness.


Dear mother:


Mom, this is my first time to write to you, very excited, many words do not know where to start, usually I am more willful, there are a lot of thanks to you, and do not want to say to you. Today, let me take this opportunity to tell you a daughters gratitude.

When I was young, you began to have long hair for me. You said girls had long hair and beautiful hair. But this is a lot of trouble for you, but for your daughters beauty, I wash my hair once every 32 days and comb a beautiful hairstyle. Every time I wash my hair, Im afraid Im cold or ironed. You always adjust the water temperature so well. The children in the community envy me that I have a good mother.

After I go to primary school, you always get up early every morning and wake me up after a good meal, but sometimes I still pick and pick, and dont eat well and make you sad. But you never get angry with me. Instead, you do it for me on the second day. On the way to school, I saw other children taking the cake and eating while walking. I wanted to tell you, Mom, how nice you are!

Remember last semester, when the math unit test, there was a simple formula, because of my carelessness made a mistake, you see after very angry, very hard to criticize me. At that time, I almost cried by your quarrel, but I knew in my heart that your severity was for my good.

Mom, here I want to say to you, Mom, I love you! You are hard!



期中英语状元:我是如何学习英语的 期中考试结束后,当我看到英语成绩时,我并没有感到奇怪,反而有一种失落感,尽管是班上第一,但我并不满足,这次考试并没有发挥出我的最佳状态。受老师的委托,要我谈谈我在学习...







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