中国梦英语作文500 中国梦作文500字
篇首语:古之立大事者,不惟有超世之才,亦必有坚忍不拔之志。本文为你选取作文中国梦英语作文500 中国梦作文500字四篇,希望能帮到你。
中国梦英语作文500 中国梦作文500字
1) 中国梦近来成为了人们热议的话题。
2) 不同的群体对中国梦有不同的解读。
3) 我的梦想
hinese Drea
“hinese Drea ” has beoe a hot topiaon hinese people .Aordin to a reent survey by TV ,different roups of people have different dreas.
For those people live in ities, theirdreas are based on traffi and environent. They drea of havin a bettertraffi situation .They wish that less traffi jas will take plae on busyroads. They also fous on environental probles .They wonder if they an havelearer skies. As for university students, it is their dreas to seek for betterjob opportunities . When it oes to those who work in rural areas, they wanttheir hildren have equal opportunities in eduation with those hildren in urban areas. edial aids also arouse a lot of onern aon farers.
y drea is to not only ahieve suess in aadei perforane , but also ake reater ahieveent in the future. A lot an be done to hane the probles suh as poverty, starvation and so on , whih ake the people in our nation happy and haronious.
译文: 中国梦
篇二:《hinese drea中国梦英语作文》
Reently,we had a lass eetin on the topi of y hinese Drea . Everyone talked about their understandin of hinese drea on the eetin.I also talked about y own drea.
Now I a a hih shool student.I want to be an exellent obstetriian in the future like Lin Qiaohi who devoted herself entirely to serve the people throuhout her life.As an obstetriian, I an ease the birth of ore oies` babies and assure ore oies` rest so that their failies an trust us.
I think,I should study harder fro now on to be aditted to soe edial university.And that will ake e ore loser to the realiation of y oal,y hinese Drea.
The hinese Drea, y Drea
ur president Xi first ae up with the view hinese drea.For the hinese drea,is a onstant pursuit.reviewed the history of the hinese nation 100 years the drea of power and unreittin exploration,shows a piture of the world national revival.
Reently we had a lass eetin on the topi of y hinese Drea everyone talked enthusiastially about his understandin of the hinese Drea. We all believe that this drea will oe true in the future. I also talked about y own drea. I have always wanted to be a dotor.Not only an dotors save people’s lives but also they are doin a respetable job.To realie y drea, I ust try to study hard fro now on. I ust learn as uh as I an so that I an beoe a dotor. nly in this way an I aoplish y oal.
y hina drea As we all know, everyone has a drea, every hinese has a hinese drea. I have a hinese drea, too. I a a student in a iddle shool. y hinese drea is to inherit on the eneration of their dediation, ake our otherland ore powerful, ore and ore people rih. At the sae tie, let the next eneration a better ondition to realie their drea of hina.
Before we state the poor and weak, sufferin fro bullyin, when every hinese people want to own a powerful otherland, the otherland stron, an we live a happy life? ake our ountry stron, let the hinese people stand up, this is our pursuit of the last eneration hinese drea! After a strule, a eneration of people's drea has been fulfilled, have a look have a look
around us, with a sile of you. As a eneration of people drea of witness, I feel honored, also feel a heavy responsibility, they put ore dreas ive us, today, we will the hinese drea ontinue. ur otherland is stron, the people rih. We have no reason to do better than the last eneration differene. I will insist, hard, don't ive up, even if the way in the pursuit of a drea ontinues to reeive serious rebuff, stuble, I will lib up, ontinue to o forward. We have to unite, work hard. A reular, but it is also true of iddle shool students, we should do their own work. Before university, alost all learnin is in layin the foundation for the future. Perhaps what frational equation, eoetri, appreiation of the interpretation of sentenes, et. in the future will not be used, but this is not ertain to be used. ath trainin our thinkin, hinese and Enlish to iprove our expression, without these how to realie our drea of hina?
Althouh today we don't need to o throuh the baptis of fire, but we have a responsibility to arry forward the national spirit, the strenth of its own for all ontribute to the otherland. Inheritane of a eneration of hinese drea, to the next eneration of hinese drea, this is y hina drea! Thousands on thousands of hih shool students drea will ollet a reat hinese drea, this is our hinese drea. When the thousands on thousands of parents to live a ood life, thousands on thousands of students to beoe the pillars of our nation, we have no reason not to realie the hinese drea! I know, althouh I a not a enius intellet, no
extraordinary talent, but I have a heart of old. any people think that annot realie the drea is the sloan, soeties drea existene value lies not in whether it an ahieve, but in the proess of quest. y hina drea built on our rowin prosperity and developent of ulture, to the otherland as the basis, therefore I feel proud and proud. I, a student of new ties, I a proud of y hinese drea, proud of our otherland. People toether an ake one person alone annot ake areer; wisdo, hands, in obination with the power, is alost universal. "It is not afraid of hard, attakin the book don’t afraid of diffiulties. Siene has daners, fihtin hard to pass." I took it as y otto.
We all have our own dreas, a an without a drea is like in the boundless sea, lost the diretion, the drea is like a opass, uide your diretion, a drea is just like a distant
lihthouse, flashin the lihts, liht your way, and throuh their own hard work, to realie their dreas, to oplete his beautiful and happy drea......
y drea of hina never fades.
y hina drea
篇五:《y hinese Drea我的中国梦英文作文》
y hinese Drea
“Aerian Drea” is well known all of the world, whih is stand for freedo, independene, hardworkin, suess and irale. So lots of hinese youn people take this spirit and look forward to be one of Aerian.But if soeone asks e what hinese Drea is, atually Iannot find the answer.
hina is the ountry with lon history and full of ulture. The first hineseepire an be realled to 000 years ao, fro that tie hinese people bean to build up their own ulture and valuation thinkin syste. Till now eneration after eneration of hinese are still influened by the philosophi thinkin of onfuius and enius. As tie pass by, aount of western new thouhts attahed the hinese youn people, ost of the ive up the traditionalhinese brain. What is the result? Soe the essenes of the hinese traditional ulture are disappearin day by day. Due to the fast developent of hina and hinese Eonoi, uh ore hinese youn people drea of suess, but the eanin of suess is narrowly understood to uh oney! So, a opetition of “earnin oney in short tie” quietly starts. Everyone is lookin for shortut to ake oney, so the whole soietybeoin ore frivolous.
n the other hand, hina's influene is risin steadily around the world.ore and ore foreiners start to learn philosophi thinkinof onfuius and enius. What’s ore, they love hinese Traditional Art, suh as ross talk, alliraphy, Beijin opera and so on. This fertiliation of ulture an show a real and harin hina to the whole world.
As one of the youth in hina, y hinese drea is to be proud of “hinese Drea”, one day “hinese Drea” an be stand for deep-rooted ultural, kind-hearted, oprehensive, and full of Enterprise. Ibelieve the day is oin soon.
(2)词数:100左右(开头已给出,不计入总词数) 。
Hih shool is rearded as the best tie in a person's life. As a senior 3 student, it won't take lon before I raduate.
【猜题理由】本篇书面表达能比较真实地反映学生的生活实际,话题内容关注学生的社交生活和树立健康的人生观,具有考查的现实意义和指导意义;在语言表达上,能够让学生充分运用所学知识,毫无词汇障碍地表达自己的思想;此外,在语言表达的设置上也有一定的伸展性,能有效地激发学生个 性观点的创建。
【构思点拨】本篇书面表达是常见 的提纲类型的写作,要点明确清楚,便于学生组织文章,理清脉络。行文时要注意处理好语言表达的控制性和伸展性之间的关系。
Hih shool is rearded as the best tie in a person's life. As a senior three student, I will raduate very soon. Now, I have any thins to share with you.
Firstly, I would like to show y thanks to those people who help and are about e, espeially y teahers, parents and friends Without their help and advie, y life would be different. Seondly, it's tie to say sorry to lassates who I hurt or isunderstood.
ouniation and siles at as brides to friendship. Above all, I've ade up y ind to ake an effort to study, for I believe hard work is the key to suess. Just as the old sayin oes, "no pains, no ains."
Finally I hope that all the youner students an ake full use of tie, beause tie and tide wait for no en.
Li Hua 我的中国梦y hinese Drea
When soeone asks e: What is your hinese drea? I will answer it without thinkin twie: to be a ood dotor. The reason why I want to be a dotor is that I want to save people’s lives as possible as I an. When I was youn, I had a terrible are aident. Thanks to the dotors, they brouht e bak to life. Fro then on, to be a ood dotor has always been an inspiration to e. I will study hard to ake sure that y drea will oe true in the future.
hinese drea is ade up of every ordinary people’s dreas. We should do our best to ake ourdrea oe true.
中国梦由每个普通人的梦想组成。我们应该尽自己最大的努力去实现我们的梦想。 中国梦初三英语作文中国梦英语作文00.
Reently we had a lass eetin on the topi of y hinese Drea. Inspired by President Xi’s hinese Drea, everyone talked about his understandin of the hinese Drea. We all believe that this drea will oe true in the future.
I also talked about y own drea. I have always wanted to be a dotor. Not only an dotors save people’s lives but also they are doin a respetable job. Dotors an also help people to live a better life with their professional knowlede.
To realie y drea, I ust try to work hard fro now on. I ust learn as uh as I an so that I an et into a ood edial ollee, where I
an prepare yself hard for the job of a dotor. nly in this way an I ahieve y oal。
篇二:我的梦y Drea
Yesterday, we had a disussion. the topi is. What is y drea? Every one has his drea. Soe want to be teahers,others want to be sientists. y drea is to beoe a dotor.
y friends asked e why. I told the y story. When I was a sall boy I was very weak. ne I was terribly ill. I had a hih fever. y parents sent e to the hospital but the dotors ould do nothin for e. then y parents heard there was a very ood dotor in another town. they took e there. I was saved.
A ood dotor an save people's lives. Fro then on I deided to beoe a dotor. I know it is not easy to be a dotor.But I ake a deision to study hard fro now on. I a sure y drea will oe true.
我们的心中有一个梦,那个梦肩负着民族的兴与衰!少年强则国强,少年智则国智,少年雄立于地球,则国雄立于地球!我们从不忘记那个梦!因为我们心中有这个民族,有这个国家,有这个梦!从不忘记。 女娲补天,大禹治水,盘古开天辟地,他们不辞劳苦为众生谋福,遇到挫折从未放弃。并且,他们以中国梦英语作文00.
一种饱满的情绪去迎接困难,那是热情的态度。热情,已经是我们必不可少的能量,坚持亦是一剂良药!并且,我们心中有着“国”,有着众人,不敢怠慢。 我的心中有一个梦想,那是中国梦。是为中国的富强与兴盛而奋发的梦想!
>我的梦想 ,是当一名动物学家,保护动物,研究动物。每当传来一种动物濒临灭绝的消息时,我都不敢相信地睁大了眼睛;每当看到猎人为了夺取犀牛角和犀牛皮而猎杀犀牛时,我都会伤心落泪;每当我看到流浪狗无家可归食不裹腹时,我就会毫不犹豫的给它们一些食物,看着它们心满意足的离去„„中国梦英语作文00.
为了实现我的梦想,我会努力一辈子,哪怕献出宝贵的生命,我也不会犹豫。只要看见一个个生命被挽救,一个个生命平安转移,我就会很高兴,很兴奋。看见动物们向我啼叫,向我表示感激,我会高兴的给它们一些水和食物表示>慰问 。我非常喜欢动物,会为它们做一切力所能及的事情。不同的人,也许会有同一个梦想,但努力不同,得到的效果也会有很大的差异。每当我做完一件善事,我就仿佛听见达尔文对我的鼓励、夸奖的声音,我就会感到骄傲和自豪。
我的梦,中国梦我的梦是一个充满理想的梦,是一个伟大的梦,我的梦中国 梦作文00 字。就是能当一个科学家,科学家是一个不平凡的职业。就像爱因斯 坦、爱迪生、牛顿那样的科学家一样,他们都是经历了千辛万苦才成为的科学家, 他们的诞生给世界带来了很大的影响。他们创造了许许多多的工具,这些工具给 了我们方便,比如说:电灯,橡皮,电车,电影,水泥,蒸汽车等等,我十分佩 服他们,因此,我也想做一个科学家,我想到太空上,去发现更多的生物,去观 察那更遥远的星球,到宇宙去探索,还要到黑洞里去探险„„ 但我知道,科学家不是想做就做的,美国科学家爱因斯坦说过:“科学家不 但要一个聪明的大脑,还需要一个科学家应有的坚定信念,还要保持一颗赤子之 心,要敢于说真话;在坎坷和磨难面前要乐观,要笑对待人生,00 字作文《我 的梦中国梦作文00 字》。人生不是平坦的,想要做出更好的成绩,就要先通过 信心和信念的考验。”但我深信,“只要有恒心,铁柱磨成针”这句话。为
了实 现这个理想,我花了不少努力。我每天按照自己的要求,去做好每一件事,我还 要多谢看书,还要多多学习科学家,这样我长大后也能想爱迪生一样,做一个伟 大的科学家了。 但在这个通往成功的道路上,不是完全没有风浪的,但我充满了信心,我相 信,我的信心一定能够冲破各个难关,我要去追求我的梦想,去实现我那未来的 梦。我的梦,中国梦,我要实现>我的理想,将来要为我们的祖国争光!
在邓亚萍眼里,梦想是坚持 心中永不服输的信念,只要你肯努力,就一定能够成功 。在杂交水 稻之父袁隆平的眼里,梦想是“杂交水稻的茎秆像高粱一样高,穗子像扫帚一样大,稻谷像葡萄一样结得一串串”,梦想是不停地突破和探索,是丰富的想象 和大胆的创造。在“千手观音”邰丽华的眼里,梦想是聋人可以“听”得到、盲人可以“看”得到、肢残朋友 可以“行走”,梦想是从不言弃、努力拼搏的精神 支柱。梦想,伴随着我们每一个人 。梦想是美丽 的,它是心底最美的期望,所以美梦成真也成了我们长久以来的信仰。梦想是阳光 的,它使人们由浮躁走向踏实,由彷徨走向坚定,并走向成功。梦想是有力量的,它是人生 前行的动力之源;高远的梦想可以激发一个人生命 中所有的潜能。上帝没有给我们翅膀 ,却给了我们一颗会飞的心,一个会梦想的大脑。于是让我们大家都拥有一双“隐形的翅膀”。人生因梦想而高飞,人性因梦想而伟大。从小给自己一个梦想,一个人生的远大的目标,从而让梦想带着自己在人生辽阔的天空自由地飞翔。梦想就是生命的一双无形的翅膀,惟有梦想的力量才能激励和激发我们的生命,摆脱平庸和低俗,克服人性的弱点 ,走向优秀 和杰出。有梦想的人是>幸福 的,有梦想的人生是充满希望的。愿每一个孩子在他们的童年 都能够拥有自己的梦想,无论这个梦想是什么,这个梦想有多大。
ur new president Xi Jinpin ae up with the drea of the hinese nation's rejuvenation-on Deeber 29, 2012. He said: the hinese drea is a drea of national strenth prosperity and people's happiness. ur people have an ardent love for life. They wish to have better eduation, ore stable jobs, ore inoe, reater soial seurity , better edial and health are, iproved housin onditions and better environent, They want their hildren to row well, have ideal jobs and lead a ore enjoyable life. To eet their desire for a happy life is our ission." 我们的新主席习近平想出了中华民族的复兴梦2012年12月29日。他说:中国人的梦想是一个国力富强和人民幸福的梦。我们的人民热爱生活。他们希望有更好的教育,更稳定的工作,收入更多,更大的社会安全,更好的医疗保健,住房条件的改善和更好的环境,他们希望自己的孩子长得好,有理想的工作,过一种更愉快的生活。为了满足对幸福生活的愿望就是我们的使命。”
2He also expounded his views of realiin our reat drea. He said : To realie the drea, hina ust take the road of soialis with hinese harateristis. The ountry ust also foster the hinese spirit,in whih patriotis and the spirit of refor and innovation play a ore role, and unite 1.3 billion people of all ethniities into a reat soure of strenth.
3I always ask yself what an I do for our reat hinese drea ? As we all know that the wiser the youths are ,the wiser the nation will be;the wealthier the youths are ,the wealthier the nation will be;the stroner the youths are ,the stroner the nation will be. Here the word wealthy eans: enrihin our knowlede reserve. As a new eneration of siene, every one here shoulderin the reat historial ission of akin hina powerful and stron. You ay say that this ay exaerate our role, but I want to say you are wron. If I a a little srew our
reat drea ay be a ultifuntion and oplex ahine. Throuh this exaple I just want to say I a very tiny but I a indispensable .
I believe that as lon as all of our university students unite toether and perfor our own funtions that study hard in shool and work hard after we raduatin fro university . we ust be able to ahieve our reat drea eanwhile enrih ourselves unwittinly! President Xi also said:We are loser than in any other tie of history to the oal of
rejuvenatin the hinese nation. We are ore onfident and apable of ahievin this oal than in any other period of history,"
lets us unite toether to realie hinese nation's reat rejuvenation to strule!
篇十:《高考英语作文“我的中国梦”y hinese drea》
y hinese drea
As we all know, Aeria has Aerian drea. I believe all hinese have hinese dreas.
I have a drea that our ountry will be stroner and stroner. I have a drea that eah hinese will live a happy life and have the opportunity to ahieve their dreas by workin hard. I have a drea that the air will be fresher and the sky is bluer so that people an live ofortably and healthily. I have a drea that one day eah hinese, poor or rih, youn or old, has equal riht and opportunity to et eduation and health are.
To realie the hinese drea, eah hinese needs to work hard. For students, we should love our ountry and keep it in ind. Besides, we ust study hard in order to ake our ountry stroner. ore iportantly, we should be a ood person.