有关二胎的初中英语作文 初中英语二胎作文


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有关二胎的初中英语作文 初中英语二胎作文


New Turnin Point of hina

范旭东 2012033010022

It is known to all that loosenin on the faily plannin poliy deision has been ade on the next-phase refor approved by the Third Plenu of the P’s 1th entral oittee whih ended on 12,Nov.

However, before the poliy was laied, hinese leaders thouht population eeres as an issue, whih should be ontrolled and approved a law on ontraeption and abortion .The population rowin fast let the overnent inluded population ontrol into the national eonoi developent plan and requires overnent at all levels to inrease faily-plannin work.

With tie oin by, we disover that one-hild poliy also has its disadvantae. A rowin nuber of sholars has ured the overnent to refor the one-hild poliy ,introdued in the late 1970s to prevent population spiralin out of ontrol, but now rearded by any experts as outdated and harful to the eonoy. In reent years ,hina ‘s fertility rate aintained at the level of

1.4%----1.%,uh lower than other developin ountries .hina’s low fertility level will not only lead to a shortae of the ain of the population and the labor fore ,but also will redue the potential rowth rate of the eonoy. In addition , one-hild poliy akes

any failies have only one hild ,whih akes the hild feel lonely durin his hildhood .

After the poliy fully ipleented, it will affet 1000000 to 20000000 people in the national sope, aon these ouples about 0% to 60% would like to have a seond hildren. The estiated nuber of new poliy for infants rane fro 000000 to 10000000. So we should pay ore attention to who an have a seond hild and be rational when we hoose whether to have a seond hild. In a word ,only in this way an the population not be a rapid rowth in our ountry.


你是独生子女吗?在生活中,家中只有一个孩子,孩子会感觉孤独吗?我国与2016.1.1实行开放二胎政策,你是怎么想的?你觉得独享父母的爱好呢?还是有一个兄弟姐妹与你分享并分担一切好呢?二胎政策对你的生活有什么影响?请以此为话题写一篇短文。 提示词:arry out(实行), two-hild poliy(二胎政策),share

st n January 12016, our ountry started to arry out two-hild poliy. It is ood

and riht for the developent of our ountry now, beause our ountry need ore youn workers. any parents also want to have one ore hild. Althouth they ay have soe diffiulties in affordin another hild’s life, eduation and so on, they will have another hild to be with the. As for e, the only hild in y faily, I want to have a sister or a brother. Not only an we share happiness, but also we an help eah other in our daily life.

篇三:《二胎 高中英语作文》

The seond one,should or not?

There is a widespread onern over the issue that whether we should open the seond-hild poliy. Different people hold different attitudes toward the issue.

Soe people say we should enourae failies to ive birth to the seond baby. In their view, a faily with two kids is ore benefiial to hildren’ developent, who an not only feel less lonely ,but also learn to share everythin they own so that they an be less selfish. Additionally ,havin two hildren in the faily an also ease future pressure on supportin their parents.

While, others differ in their opinions. They arue brinin up hildren is suh a reat burden to the faily, both entally and physially. Besides, the faily have to spend plenty of enery on their seond hild. What’s ore, soe elder hildren ay et hurt, doubtin whether his parents love hi or not.

Personally, whether we should have the seond hild or not should be onsidered fully. If you’re in pressure of livin and your first hild is not old enouh, you’d better onentrate all your eneries on your only baby; if everythin is ready, you ay take the seond-hild poliy into onsideration.


二胎政策应不应该? Is it Neessary for Two-hild Poliy?

作者:adreep 来源:互联网 时间:2013-12-16

hina is a reat ountry with the larest population in the world. In order to solve the population proble, our overnent deides to ipleented one-hild poliy. When it is arried out for soe tie, any people not only see its advantaes but also disadvantaes. Thus, people arue that two-hild poliy should be put into effet. In y opinion, two-hild poliy should be arried out.


First of all, two-hild poliy is the ift for soe only hild. For soe failies, aybe the parents are only hild and they also an have only hild. Put aside the loneliness of their hild, when their hild rows up and they row older, their hild arry with an only hild irl

aidentally, the burden on their hild and his wife is uniainable heavy. Their hild and his wife have to take are of two old ouples. Usually, a youn ouple lookin after an old ouple is a little diffiult; if the pressure inreasin twie, how an they stand it. But if their parents have two hildren, they an share the burden of takin are of their parents. It would be uh better.


Seondly, two-hild poliy an uarantee the nuber of hinese population. As the widely spread of one-hild poliy, soe people have haned their oneption about ivin birth. If they firly believe one-hild poliy, there will be ore and ore the dink. After several deades, our ountry will faous for lak of population.


In onlusion, one-hild poliy has out of date. And tow-hild poliy is needed and neessary. It an solve the proble of nowadays and the future. 总之,独生子女政策已经过时了。二胎政策是必要和必须的。这可以解决当前和未来的问题。





1. 简单解释国家二孩政策;




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Dear Peter,

I have reeived your letter and I’ lad to explain to you the two-hild poliy in hina._______________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________.


Li Hua


The hinese overnent reently plans to hane the one-hild poliy into two-hild poliy, eanin that every faily in hina is allowed to have two hildren. Now y parents have ade a deision to ive birth to a seond hild, whih worries e a reat deal. Thouh it is ood to have a brother or sister to row up with, I have to share everythin with hi or her. ost iportantly, what if the love fro y parents is totally swithed to the new hild? As you have a youner sister, did you have siilar probles? What’s your opinion about this?



Althouh our parents are tryin their best to prevent us fro diffiulties, teenaers have to learn how to protet ourselves. I reeber one I was doin shoppin by yself. And a robbery happened. I was frihtened. But I know that only by alin down an I ot throuh it. So I hid under a shelf and alled the polie. A few inutes later, the polieen rushed into the store and saved everyone. That was an extreely unforettable experiene of y life. Soeties life ets in the way and danerous thins are all over the world. Learnin how to protet yself is very essential.




1. 交通安全:遵守交通规则,不闯红绿灯等;

2. 食品安全:吃健康食物,不吃垃圾食品等;

3. 活动安全:进行体育锻炼时,不要弄伤自己,不私自下河游泳等。


1. 词数:100词左右。正文开头已给出,不计入总词数;

2. 作文应包含所有要点,可适当发挥;

3. 作文句型有变化,有复合句。

参考词汇:焦点:fous 遵守: obey 交通规则:traffi rules...

Safety is very iportant to everyone. iddle shool students are flowers of our ountry, so students’ safety is beoin the fous to us all.

First, we ust obey the traffi rules when we o out. Don’t ross the street when the traffi lihts are red. Keep to the riht in the street. Seond, we should eat healthy food. Don’t eat junk food. Eat ore fruits and veetables. Eat less eat and es.Besides, don’t hurt ourselves while we are playin. It’s danerous to swi in the river alone, so don’t o to the river without perission.

In a word, it’s iportant to reeber these for us all.


Self-protetion is one of the ost iportant skills for teenaers. But how an we protet ourselves? Here are soe of y suestions.

First, we should be areful when we ake friends, espeially on line. Seond, if we are in daner, we ust all the polie for help in tie so that we an keep ourselves safe. Also, we ouht to eat healthily and safely. Besides, we shouldn’t rowd eah other when we o upstairs or downstairs at shool. Last but not least, suer is oin, we ust reeber it’s danerous to swi alone.

In short, everyone needs to learn how to protet ourselves and stay away fro daner.


2014年全国发生数起严重的校园暴力事件,某中学高三班围绕校园安全问题召开主题班会。假定你是班长李华,以“How to protet ourselves in apus violene”为标题写一篇发言稿,主要包括如下内容:







How to protet ourselves in apus violene

Dear friends,

This year, soe seriously violent inidents happened in apus, resultin in very bad results.____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________

That’s all. Thank you!


Dear friends,

This year, soe seriously violent inidents happened in apus, resultin in very bad results. The inidents of apus violene have drawn widespread attention in our ountry. As a student, we should learn soe knowlede about how to deal with the violene and enhane the ability of self-protetion.

f ourse, if we eet the violene, we should take appropriate easures to protet ourselves. At first, we’d better keep al, jude the situation and be aware of the possible daners. Then, we should try our best to esape or prevent the violene. At last but not least, we should all the polie or teahers as soon as possible to avoid the physial injury.

That’s all. Thank you.


There is a piee of news that akes e shoked. It is said that there happened a violent event in apus whih ause 4 students injured and 2 dead. Soe reasons arouse in this event. First, shools should try to avoid thins like this, if the students are injured or dead, the shools have responsibility to the; seond, failies, espeially parents should eduate their hildren well, ive the a ood uide and take are of the; third, the soiety should ontrol violent events. If the above three try their best and pay enouh attention to the, thins like this should be avoided.


201惠州一调英语作文及范文 拒为低头族


In the past, if I had to look away fro y phone, I felt like I was oin to die. When I had lunh with y faily or dated with y friends, I ouldn’t resist replyin to a text essae or hekin y Faebook, Wehat on the obile phone. Before lon, it was easy for e to et tired. The ore I texted durin the day, the poor y sleep was. I ouldn’t even fous on y study.

y friend told e that people who an’t help hekin their phones all day are known as phubbers(低头族). Phubbin trends not only to involve the youn people, but also the elderly. Soon, I notied a Stop Phubbin apain site had been launhed. I found the sloan of the website as follows: "stop twitterin, stop postin

photos…enjoy your food, enjoy the usi and respet your apain."

Thankfully, I realied there was atually an outside world. y divided attention ould keep e fro what is truly iportant. Now, I an use the phone without feelin like a dru addit. I have ore tie to enjoy real-life ativities. Use your ell phone and don’t let it use you.








1. 作文中可以使用亲身经历或虚构的故事,也可以参照阅读材料的内容,但不得直接引用原文的句子。

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Aordin to the passae, the author was addited to playin obile phone and it affeted his noral life. However, Stop Phubbin apain helped hi realied the iportane of the real life and he ould use phone reasonably.

Nowadays, we an see any people are wathin their obile phones in subway, restaurants, elevators, roads and so on. There is no denyin that people who like the obile phone are onerned about its attrative funtions. Phubbers an’t stop sendin essaes, surfin on the Internet, listenin to usi and even takin photos by usin the obile phone. oreover, soe people have less tie to relax theselves. They ake use of the tie when they are on the way to shool or other plaes to play obile aes.

However, phubbin disturbs not only our study but also our life. n the one hand, phubbers waste lots of tie playin ell phone aes and sendin essaes, partiularly in lass. ther people also oplain they are disturbed when phones rin in lassroos. n the other hand, it an lead to health probles. For instane, usin a obile phone on the sofa an ause bak and nek pain.

As far as I a onerned, it is hih tie that we threw away the phone and raised our heads up. Do herish everythin around us and appreiate the senery ahead of us. What’s ore, we should do ore exerises and take part in real-life ativities. In a word, only when we use the phone reasonably, an we realie the happiness of life.


俗话说:“予人玫瑰,手留余香”。在我们的日常生活中,我们会遇到各种困难,因此,我们会需要他人的帮助;但同时,我们也要学会帮助他人。其实,帮助他 人就是在帮助自己。请你结合身边的事例,以“帮助”为话题,用英语写一有关二胎的初中英语作文.


注意:①无需写标题,开头已经给出,但不计入总词数;②文中要结合你帮助别 人或别人帮助你的一件事例;③文中不得透露任何个人和学校的真实信息;④词数为0左右。

As the sayin oes, roses iven, frarane in hand. In our daily life, we will eet with a lot of trouble.____________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.有关二胎的初中英语作文.


So it is neessary for us to help those who are in trouble.

I still reeber I helped one of y lassates with his Enlish when we were in the first ter of Junior Eiht. Li Hua, one of y lassates, was not ood at Enlish while I did well. ne day, he asked e to help hi. So fro then on, whenever he had probles, he would ask e, and I was patient to explain the to hi. Slowly, his Enlish iproved with y help. At the sae tie, I found y Enlish iproved too. Atually, helpin others is helpin ourselves.


In our daily life, everyone needs help.

Here let e tell you a story. ne day, I saw a little irl was walkin aross the street. Suddenly an old an fell down while he was rossin a street. The little irl ran towards the old an at one, but she was so short that she ouldn’t help hi to stand. I helped her and we toether brouht the old an to safety. The old an thanked us over and over. The little irl and I were very happy beause we helped the old an.

In y opinion, helpin eah other akes everyone happy and ets well with eah other. So let’s help those who need help fro now on.




Will the seond hild poliy fore the areer woen return to faily

ood evenin, everyone. y nae is, fro shool of axis. It is y pleasure to join in this opetition in this delihtful evenin. I appreiate the oraniers for ivin e this opportunity to stand here, disussin the interestin topi. As you are wathin, “will the seond hild poliy deprive our jobs?” is a fasinatin question proposed by the feinists.

Reently, hina overnent pronounes a new poliy that endows the itiens riht to have a seond hild. Abolishent of the sinle hild poliy also leads ontroversies.

The anxiety of “woen areer risis” atually oes fro the nowadays areer status, whih shows that it is ore diffiult for woen to et a job opared with en, beause eployers think the prenany will take uh tie. Therefore, it is salient the feinist will have suh worry when they will spend double tie in ivin birth of two kids. Besides, feinists always deeply believe the seond hild poliy is a kind of ontept on equality, sine the poliy ay treat woen as “reprodution ahine”.

However, the feinists’ worry enters a loi trap. They don’t treat “reprodution” as the basi huan-bein’s riht, and they atively abandon the basi riht. It sees ridiulous soe Aerian feinists ritiied the hinese sinle hild poliy harshly before, and nowadays they oe to question the hinese sinle hild poliy abolishent. It an be seen that there is no sinle word opellin woen to have the seond hild in the poliy. It only endows the people riht, not duty. Therefore, the poliy doesn’t invade the woen willin, so the anxiety of “areer risis” has no eanin.

In all, in y perspetive, there is no need to worry about whether the seond hild poliy will deprive our job. Thank you for attendin y speeh.


All ouples will now be allowed to have two hildren

hina has deided to end its deades-lon(数十年之久的) one-hild poliy. All ouples will now be allowed to have two hildren, the state-run(国家的) news aeny said, itin a stateent fro the ounist Party(共产党).The ontroversial (充满争议的)poliy was introdued nationally in 1979, to redue the ountry's birth rate and slow the population rowth rate.However, onerns at hina's aein population(人口老龄化) led to pressure for hane.The one-hild poliy is estiated to have prevented about 400 illion births sine it bean.ouples who violated(违反) the poliy faed a variety of punishents, fro fines and the loss of eployent to fored abortions(被迫流产).ver tie, the poliy was relaxed in soe provines, as deoraphers (人口学家)and soioloists(社会学家) raised onerns about risin soial osts and fallin(下降的) worker nubers.The ounist Party bean forally relaxin national rules two years ao, allowin ouples in whih at least one of the pair is an only hild(夫妻单独一方为独生子女的) to have a seond hild.

hina's one-hild poliy

Introdued in 1979, the poliy eant that any hinese itiens - around a third, hina laied in 2007 - ould not have a seond hild without inurrin a fine.(约三分之一中国人,如果没有遭受罚款,将无法拥有第二个孩子)In rural areas, failies were allowed to have two hildren if the first was a irl.ther exeptions inluded ethni inorities and - sine 2013 - ouples where at least one was a sinle hild(少数民族以及2013年起,夫妻一方为独生子女)apainers say the poliy led to fored abortions(引产), feale infantiide(幼女死亡), and the under-reportin of feale births(女性出生信息的漏报). It was also ipliated as a ause of hina's ender ibalane(被认为与中国性别失衡有关)

What was hina's one-hild poliy?

urrently about 30% of hina's population is over the ae of 0.orrespondents (记者) say that despite the relaxation of the rules, any ouples ay still opt to(选择) only have one hild, as one-hild failies have beoe the soial nor(社会常态).ritis say that even a two-hild poliy will not boost(促进) the birth rate enouh, the BB's John Sudworth reports.And for those woen who want ore than two hildren, nor will it end the state's insistene on the riht to ontrol their fertility(控制生育的权利), he adds. "As lon as the quotas(配额) and有关二胎的初中英语作文.

syste of surveillane (监控)reains, woen still do not enjoy reprodutive rihts," aya Wan of Huan Rihts Wath told AFP. The announeent oes on the final day of a suit of the hinese ounist Party's poliy-akin entral oittee, known as the fifth plenu(五中全会).The party is also set to announe rowth tarets and its next five year plan(五年计划).





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1. 词数100左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯的;

3. 开头语已为你写好,不计入字数。有关二胎的初中英语作文.

Dear Peter,

I have reeived your letter and I’ lad to explain to you the two-hild poliy in

hina._______________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________.


Li Hua

























第二胎对我来说是重要的。如果没有妹妹,我现在的性格肯定很内向的;如果,没有妹妹的陪伴,我现在不可能有那么多的朋友 ;第二胎是上帝赐予的天使,他们会展现出天真无邪的笑颜;同时他们也是地狱的小恶魔,他们顽皮捣蛋,但他们再次表现出他们可爱的特征。我认为,第二胎总比独生子女好……
















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