关于网络大学英语作文,800词 英语作文800字


篇首语:一个人必须学习与自己不同类型的人相处,不然生活何其孤苦。本文为你选取作文关于网络大学英语作文,800词 英语作文800字四篇,希望能帮到你。


1、关于网络大学英语作文,800词 英语作文800字(1)


3、关于英语作文:我的偶像,50词,看中文 我的偶像英语作文50字(3)

4、关于克服困难的英语作文300词 克服困难的作文300字(4)

关于网络大学英语作文,800词 英语作文800字


y favorite sport

There are any kinds of sports that I enjoy, suh as swiin, runnin, and danin.

However, the sport that I like ost is basketball. When I was in junior hih, I started to play

basketball in shool. At that tie, I found I had loved deeply this sport. Now, I would like to

wath basketball aes as uh as I an. The basketball aes have iven e the ost

wonderful tie in y life.

y favorite sport

y favourite sport is swiin, beause swiin is an aerobi exerise, and a kind of

sports that an exerise the whole body. What’s better, if we persist in swiin, we an avoid

diseases, inrease the iunity iprove etabolis.

When I was seven years old, I bean to learn how to swi, and y oah was y father.

There is a river flowin throuh y hoetown. I used to swi in this river, and it was also in this

river that I learnt swiin. I an still reeber when I started to learn swiin. I was so

sared of the water. As soon as I put y head in the water, the water would run into y nose, and

it ade e feel so unofortable. I even thouht I would die if I ontinued to swi. But y

father enouraed e by tellin e any athletes’ diffiult experienes. I ot the onfidene and

ained the skill finally.

When it is suer, I usually swi in the river. There is also a swiin park, where people

an use the failities whih are provided for the, suh as the bi lon slide. But now the river has

been polluted by the fatories nearby. They pour dirty and poisonous water into the river without

any purifiation, so it is not as lear as it was when I was a hild.

ur opany also provides us with a swiin pool. We an swi in it for free, and I like

to o swiin with y workates after work and on weekends. We an not only ake friends,

but also keep healthy by doin this, so we benefit a lot fro our opany. That’s y favourite

sport. I love it very uh. Do you like swiin?

y favourite holiday

y favourite holiday is Sprin Festival.It always takes plae in January or February.The date

is not fixed,beause it is based on the lunar alendar .Durin the festival ,all the ebers of

faily will et toether to elebrate it.People will dress up and deorate their house.hildren will

play and enjoy theselves.hildren an also et soe "Luky oney"as their Sprin Festival's

present.After the lok beats twelve ties ,the dinner will bein.Pepople will eat duplins as the

ain ours.

Water and life

Water is iportant in our life. As huans, we are water and oxyen based oraniss, as are

any oraniss on earth. Without water, we will dehydrate and die.

The earth's rust akes up less than 1% of the earth and all the oeans on the planet are in the

earth's rust. Therefore, water akes up less than 1% of the earth. "ne drop of water is one drop

of life." The huan body is soethin like 70% water. We heavily reply on water to survive.

We need to take are of water. As the proress of our soiety is onoin, ore and ore

pollutants have been released to the water resoures suh as rivers and oeans. A drop of water is a

life. As huan bein, we should take ood are of our water; we should save water!

Water and life关于网络大学英语作文,00词。

with the proress of industrialiation, the fresh water on the earth beoe less and less. life

an not extend without water, so people should treasure water.

water onservation should take ation fro e, start fro now, sine doin at one's side, start

fro inor atter. we ould save water by reylin the water, as usin bath water to flush toliet,

usin the rie washin water to water the plants. savin water is the thin that everyone an do

fro our daily life to iprove the environent.

A et-toether on ay Day Holiday

Dear Wan Hon:

How is everythin ettin alon with you? It is alost one year sine we raduated fro

university. I iss you very uh. What have you been doin all these days?

I have been a iddle shool teaher in y hoetown sine raduation. Teahin always

keeps e busy, but I like y students and I love teahin, you know. So everythin is fine here.

There will be a forer lassates' ettin toether durin this ay Day holiday at y shool.

You are y best friend. I never foret those happy days we spent toether. I hope you an

oe to y shool when the tie is due and you are free.

I a lookin forward to you reply.

Yours truly,



A ourse that has ipressed you ost in ollee

There are any ourses in eah ollee year. But the ourse whih ipressed e ost in ollee is Advaned Enlish Audio-Visual & Speakin. The reasons why I like this ourse are as follows.

The first reason is that I have learnt a lot fro this ourse. y listenin ability, speakin ability as well as translation ability has iproved reatly after takin this ourse. The seond reason is that I like the teaher of this ourse, r. Qin, very uh. He is a harin entlean with reat patiene. His oral Enlish is perfet, soundin like Aerian speakers. He treated us very strit but we still like hi extreely.

Just as the proverb oes, “A strit teaher produes outstandin students.” Thanks to r. Qin’s uidane and teahins in this ourse, all y lassates have ade reat proress in Enlish learnin.






The ost Benefiial Ativity in y apus(文都版)关于网络大学英语作文,00词。

It is well known that university is reatly different fro hih shool ainly due to that university will hold a lare nuber of ativities, whih benefits ollee students a lot. Fro y perspetive, the ost benefiial one is “Lon-distane Runnin for Love” oranied by the Students Union when I a a freshan. The oney olleted by this ativity is ontributed to Projet Hope.

It is really y honor to partiipate the lon runnin, beause it benefits e reatly not only in body but also in ind. To bein with, the ativity reinds e of the reat iportane of physial health. Before I o to ollee, I only fous on aadei ahieveents while the physial health isses y attention. But, the lon-runnin tells e in tie th

at a sound ind lies in a sound body. Additionally, durin y partiipation in this ativity, I a infored well that there are still any hildren in rural areas who have to drop out of shool beause of ipoverished failies. Thus, for one thin, I fully realie the reat iportane of helpin the fulfill their dreas. For another thin, I herish the opportunity to study in university ore, for when opared with those hildren in poverty-striken areas, we should harbor a rateful heart.

By and lare, althouh I have taken part in any apus ativities, I dee the lon runnin for love ost benefiial to e. And I a lookin forward to that ore wonderful and eaninful ativities will be held in our apus.





The ost Ipressive lassate in y ollee

Without question, Lisa is the person who has influened y ollee life ost. She is y lassate, who always leaves a deep ipression on you by deonstratin her passion for life and the spirit of never yieldin, even in the fae of extree hallenes. She is the ost ouraeous person I have ever known.

Durin y ollee years, it is Lisa that kept teahin e how to live throuh setbaks in the life journey. I’ll never foret that when I failed in y Enlish exaination and I felt overwheled, Lisa tauht e that failure teahes suess, everyone had to persevere and fae up to innuerable setbaks, as lon as I fae y probles bravely, I would reate y own wonderful life . With her help , I finally ained the onfidene and passed the exa.

Thanks to Lisa, I have learned the iportane of ourae, whih is the indispensable harateristi in y life. She also let e know the iportane of onfidene. It eans a lot to e and still in y head till this day.


毫无疑问,Lisa是大学里对我影响最深的一名同学。她是我同桌,她对生活的激情以及面临极端困境时永不服输的精神永远都能给人留下深刻的印象。她是我见过的最勇敢的女生。 在我的大学生涯中,是Lisa一直教导我如何面对生活中的挫折。我永远都不会忘记,当我没通过英语考试,灰心丧气时,是她教给我,失败是成功之母,每个人都会遇到无数的困难,都应坚持,只要我勇敢面对困难,我肯定能迎来自己美好的生活。在她的帮助下,我最终找回了自信,通过了考试。


1.n pen Poliy

The open poliy eans that our ountry is open to investent, trade and tehnial and eonoi ooperation with other ountries on the basis of equality and utual benefit. The purpose of open poliy is to aquire advaned tehnoloy, anaeent skills to serve our soialist onstrution so as to proote the realiation of the four oderniations.

We ust adhere to the open poliy. Beause eonoi relations between states today have beoe inreasinly lose, and no ountry an possibly advane behind lose doors. nly in this way, an we radually lose the ap between our ountry and the developed ountries.

Throuh the ipleentation of poliy, we an learn advaned tehnoloy and anaerial expertise fro abroad; ake full use of the forein apitals to set up reat enterprises; absorb useful and healthy ideas and new knowlede of the odern iviliation; and broaden our views and raise our level of opetene.


Fro: 第一,四级写作再现“反押题”的倾向。





我们今天在微博上和新东方在线的互动平台上,看到一些奇葩的评论和互动。有的同学说我的考试题目是《A lassate of yours who has influened you ost in ollee》“一个影响我最多的同学”,结果这个同学写完发现写的是一个影响我最多的老师,我们觉得这也不算跑题,应该是审题不够仔细,考场过于紧张,可能是考前缺乏听课的训练和素质提升,也没有进行模考,可能紧张了,但是这样的题目会扣分的,明明让你写一位影响最深的同学,你写了影响最深的老师,这个我们可以根据未完成题目指令的要求这一项来进行扣分。我想这方面的错不知道大家有没有去犯?如果没有的话自然是最好的。所以我们现在的题目普遍来说比较简单。



这么简单的一个主题,好像你会说的很多,又好象什么也不会说;好象你能写的很多,但是语言普通简单也不行。所以现在我们说现在四级作文第三个趋势是重在语言质量。同学们比拼的是驾驭英语语言本身的能力,对词汇、语法、固定句型套用的熟练程度和精彩程度。 第四,题目记叙、描述与议论并重



a apus ativity that has benefited you ost. state the reasons at least 120 No ore than10 words


urrently, students in ountin nubers pay attention to aadei ahieveent, neletin

apus ativities, like speakin ontest , son ontest and its like. However, fro y perspetive, we younsters should take partiipate in ore apus ativities.

I hold the notion that apus ativities has lots of benefits on various fronts. At the top of the list, soial ativities, suh as son ontest ould help us ake ore friends, expandin our

aquaintanes. In addition, students would widen horion, inrease knowlede durin the period takin part in apus ativities. Last but not list, just as a sayin oes, “ all work and no play akes Jak a dull boy”; therefore, students’ hoie to join in soe shool ativities would ease our ind and relief our burden, whih will be benefiial to the study.

In onlusion, younsters should take part in olorful and eaninful ativities at apus. Hene, I suest shools an hold soe ativities to ultivate students ability, physially and


I have et so any friends in y ollee life. They have exerted enorous influene on y life. However, one of y ost ipressive friends is y rooate, Li in.

In the lass eetin on the first day of shool, Li in did not ipress us at all. We started to notie hi beause he was always late for lasses. We were thus ipressed by his lainess. I ae to know hi and his situation beause we were rooates and spent uh tie toether: his

other was seriously ill and sik abed in lon-ter, his father left hi and his other erilessly. Hene, it was hi that shouldered the heavy burden of takin are of his sik other supportin the whole faily. Finally, under reat pressures, he balaned his life and study perfetly: he was no loner always late, took ood are of his other and even won the sholarship any years in a row.

The experiene of Li in an be one of the ost onvinin ases of the power of persistene and will. He left a deep ipression and iposed a durable influene on e. Indeed, friend suh as hi an be rearded as asset and property in our life. We have rihts to hoose our own friends,but we should also be prudent and sensible enouh to hoose friends who an brin us “positive enery”. (22 words)





Dotors and Nurses

hina nursin areer developent plan proposed that by 201, the proportion of the national pratie (Assistant) physiians and reistered nurses has reahed 1:1-1:1.2. It sees likely that the statisti annot arrest the attention of the publi beause of the vaue understandin of dotors and nurses. In spite of the siilarities on the surfae, there are soe differenes between the in the aspets of work environent and tie arraneent, work ontent and basi quality.

Firstly, dotors and nurses are very distint in the requireents of basi ability and quality. Dotors are profession staff that have a ood aster of edial and health knowlede and are enaed in disease prevention and treatent. In addition, what they are required inludes not only the ood edial talents and oprehensive analysis ability, but also ood physial and psyholoial quality. Besides, the requireent of polite servie for dotors is the sae with nurses. Nevertheless, the reulations of nurses involve a ood understandin of the onventional dianosis and treatent and nursin three levels of operation skills. With a hih deree of responsibility and basi professional ethis, nurses have the duty of asterin stron ouniation and lanuae


In ondition, one obvious differene between the is the work environent and tie arraneent. The averae workin tie of dotors is 9 hours per week, a tie of duration





Advantaes and Disadvantaes of the Internet.

Ten years ao, the Internet was pratially unheard of by ost people. Today, the Internet is one of the ost powerful tools throuhout the world. The Internet is a olletion of various servies and resoures. Aordin to Russ Brok, a diretor and onsultant at the enter for Innovation and Inquiry, the Internet’s ain oponents are E-ail and the World Wide Web. “There’s a lot ore to the Internet than E-ail, searh enines, elerity web sites, up-to-the-seond sports sores, and hat roos full of risqué disussions. The Net also ranks as one of today’s best business tools - if it’s used adroitly”. Alost all households ontain the Internet; however, before people onnet to the Internet, they need to be aware of its disadvantaes and advantaes.

any fear the Internet beause of its disadvantaes. They lai to not use the Internet beause they are afraid of the possible onsequenes or are siply not interested. People who have yet onneted to the Internet lai they are not issin anythin. Today’s tehnoloial soiety ust realie, it is up to the to protet theselves on the Internet “Half of U.S. adults, or 94 illion Aerians, aren’t online”.

hildren usin the Internet has beoe a bi onern. ost parents do not realie the daners involved when their hildren lo onto the Internet. When hildren are online, they an easily be lured into soethin danerous. When hildren talk to others online, they do not realie they ould atually be talkin to a harful person. As a result, there have been any ases where hildren have been onvined to eet people they have talked with online. In fat, “stories see to oe out every week: a hild or teenaer lured into soethin foolish, danerous, or even deadly on line” . athy leaver of the Faily Researh ounil lais that it is aainst the law for a olester to even attept to find hildren online . In addition, hildren ay also reeive pornoraphy online by istake; therefore, ausin onern aon parents everywhere. Whether surfin the Web, readin newsroups, or usin eail, hildren an be exposed to extreely inappropriate aterial. Pornoraphi sites tend to ake sure they are the first sites to be listed in any searh area; thus, hildren oe aross suh sites easily. A an fro Pearl, ississippi was arrested in 1996 for downloadin pornoraphi iaes of hildren fro the Internet. He was hared with 290 ounts of hild pornoraphy . Soe ritis say that parents are responsible for their own hildren on the Internet beause there are available servies to protet hildren. To keep hildren safe, parents and teahers ust be aware of the daners. They ust atively uide and uard their hildren online. Parents should talk to their hildren about what is online and what iht happen online, lais Howard Rheinold, writer of The Virtual ounity . There are a nuber of tools available today that ay help keep the Internet environent safer for hildren. Soe opanies, suh as Aeria nline, try to onitor everythin that is said and done on their online servie; however, beause thousands of hat roos are available, it is siply ipossible for everythin to be onitored, lais Triia Prirose, worker for Aeria nline . In other words, hildren want to explore thins; however, there are people on the Internet that are just too persuasive.


With the developent of hih tehnoloy, Internet is ore and ore popular. No atter hildren or the old know how to searh the Internet. The eerin of the Internet brin a lot of benefit for people, while people also find it brin har to the enerally.

First of all, Internet brins uh onveniene and a olorful world for people. With Internet, people an buy all the thins at hoe, searh various inforation, ake friends with people fro all the world and so on. Without Internet people an’t have those benefit. oreover, as there are a lot of people shoppin on line, the need for ouriers is inreasin. This brin eployent opportunities to any people. However, Internet also brin disadvantaes for peole. As the Internet is wonderful, any people are addited to it. Soe indule in playin oputer aes and nelet study or job. Besides, beause people an touh different kind of inforation online, they are easily learn soe bad essaes, whih is bad for their rowin.

To su up, everythin has two sides. Internet also has advantaes and disadvantaes. But as far as I’ onerned, Internet has ore advantaes than disadvantaes if people use it in a proper way.





usiians are also onerned with disadvantaes to the Net suh as, aessibility and freedo. They are upset beause the Internet provides their usi online at no hare to onsuers. File-sharin servies, suh as Napster, provides opyrihted sons to all Internet users. The ain onern is - the usi is free! usiians feel “they are not ettin paid for their work”. Beause of Napster, it is alost ipossible to lose down all file-sharin servies; there are too any of the to ount . Leal ases have developed aross the ountry with opyriht owners delarin that their usi is bein plaiaried by people on the Internet .

Another ajor disadvantae of the Internet is privay. Eletroni essaes sent over the Internet an be easily snooped and traked, revealin who is talkin to who and what they are talkin about. As people surf the Internet, they are onstantly ivin inforation to web sites . People should beoe aware that the olletion, sellin, or sharin of the inforation they provide online inreases the hanes that their inforation will fall into the wron hands. onsequently, they will beoe a viti of identity theft, one of the worst privay violations with potentially devastatin finanial onsequenes . When ivin personal inforation on the Internet, people should ake sure the Web site is proteted with a reoniable seurity sybol. n the other hand, this does not ean they are fully proteted beause anyone ay obtain a user’s inforation . In other words, “the ost oon Internet ries are frauds and on aes” .

Today, not only are huans ettin viruses, but oputers are also. oputers are ainly ettin these viruses fro the Internet; yet, viruses ay also be transitted throuh floppy disks. However, people should ainly be onerned about reeivin viruses fro the Internet. Soe of these danerous viruses destroy the oputer’s entire hard drive, eanin that the user an no loner aess the oputer. Virus protetion is hihly reoended.

Despite all of the terrible disadvantaes of the Internet, there are nuerous advantaes. In fat, the advantaes out weih the disadvantaes. Alestis ber uses elderly people as an exaple of those who benefit the ost fro the Internet; a REat deal of elders are shut in their hoes due to health probles. She also lais the Internet “beae one ore soial avenue in our lives” .

The ost oon thin the Internet is used for is researh. hildren and students are aon the top people who use the Internet for researh. Today, it is alost required that students use the Internet for researh. Thirty perent of teahers ive assinents requirin researh fro the Internet. In the lassroo, sixty-six perent of teahers use the Internet to teah . The Internet has beoe one of the biest soures for researh. Alost everyday, researh on edial issues beoes easier to loate. Web sites have beoe available for people to researh diseases and talk to dotors online at sites suh as, Aeria’s Dotor. Durin 199 over 20 illion people reported oin online to retrieve health inforation .

关于英语作文:我的偶像,50词,看中文 我的偶像英语作文50字




¡¡¡¡Have you ot soeone in your heart ?Is there anybody who you will think of when you are in trouble?If so , onratulations , you've ot an idol!

¡¡¡¡Like any adolesents ,I adired sport starts very uh.The one who I adored ost is Allen Iverson----an NBA baskeball player.It's well known that NBA is syboli of the hihest level of basketball in the world .It's the drea of all the basketball players around the world and it really athered ost of the best players fro every ountry .Aon all of the basketball stars ,Allen Iverson is a differt one . Allen is a sall uy in his workin field , only about 1.3 ,it's hard to iaine how to strule well with this stature in the ost fiere battlefield of NBA . However, it seeed that to be a little short annot stop his step for his drea .Everybody who has seen his show in basketball ourt has a deep ipression about his skills and the eaerness for vitory.And it's also a leend of his history .Soe fans suarie Allen's life into three words:"Blood,tears and sweat"Allen really set a ood exaple to younsters who like hi.Just like any Aerian neroes ,Allen led a poor hildhood,he had no oney to buy new lothes ,no bi roos to live in ,even had no father to love ause his faily is inoplete.What he had is basetball, the whole of his life.He knows only basketball an hane his life ,an brin his faily ood future ,an take his relatives far fro huner and death.So he tried hard to play basketball,he trained harder than anybody else .And finally, he sueeded !The faous sayin of Allen Iverson is :"nly the stron survive!"That has beoe the onvitions aon the youn people who want to ahieve their oals. ¡¡¡¡Life isn't a bed of roses,only the stron survive!I have rown up ,it's tie for e to strive for y own drea, like a real an , like y idol--Allen Iverson!


第二篇:《小学英语作文:我的偶像 y Idol》

小学英语作文:我的偶像 y Idol

I like playin badinton very uh. I play it every weekend. And I like wath badinton aes. The idol of ine is Lin Dan. He is the best badinton player in the world. His skills are so exellent. Wathin his aes is very enjoyable. We an say that he has no rival in the world, so people all hi as Super Dan. Besides, he is handsoe and attrative. So he has any feale fans. In y opinion, his hardworkin spirit is the ost adirable. I hope his lory will last.



y role odel

Everyone has a role odel in their. As the old sayin oes: An idol is an exaple to advise you what should do and what should not do. y role odel is y iddle shool teaher , a beautiful woan with a lon hair.

I an’t foret that tie whih I spent with y teaher. When I start y iddle shool life, I an’t adapt to the environent . So have a diffiulity akin a ood friend with y lassates . At that tie ,I ‘ very shy . I have no idea about how to solve this thin . When I lose onfidene in the shool life . y teaher starts to attention to e . She hats with e in a role of y friend and helps e how to enjoy new life .She also introdue any friends to e .

radually , I beae outoin and enery happy . So I thank y teaher very uh .Sine then ,I ade a deision to be a teaher to help students who need help.

She is the person just I want to be, so I endeavor to be a person like y teaher: a tolerant, responsible and an optiisti person.

y role odel is y teaher; I hope I will be the idol of y students , if I’ a teaher.

第四篇:《我的偶像蔡依林 英语作文》

The life story of a faous star y hero is alled Jolin,who was born in Septeber. 1th,190 in a workin faily.Her father was a aouter and her other took the responsibility of a itien as a volunteer.

She was very shy in her hildhood and disliked talkin with others.But sinin is her favorite.When she was in Jin ei hih shool,she

patiipated in a usi opetition held by TV usi Radio with the support of teahers and lassates.Finally,she won the first prie due to defeatin over thousands patiipants.What’s ore,she beae the last hapion as a son alled ‘The reatest love of all’ in the final ae. In the sae year in ay,her first sin test resulted her to enter into Fu Ren atholi University.

Teaher Wu disovered her in arh 1999.Then Jolin ot a opportunity to sin a ontrat witn the universal usi opany as the key in July launhed the first individual son ‘and neihbors around the world’.Pure and fresh air fro vularity teperaent ade Jolin quikly attrat the attention of students fans,whih leaded her to beoe a hot new artist of the year.

However,her sinin areer ountered into diffiulties on Auust

1,2001.Reardin the opany’s provision ‘reord a new albu every six onths’,she was dissatisfied with suh business requireents.In addition,lon-ter aounts is not lear in her opany,whih brouht into a press onferene announed that she deided to suspend the ontrat at all osts.This event shook Taiwan usi and Jolin’s sinin areer touhed the botto.

In July 2002,Jolin joined SNY usi opany, whih is a turnin point of her usi areer.Next,when the areeent is due,she entered into EI apitol Reords,whih ake her into the international stae.

Now,she has beoe the hinese pop usi siner,faous for rih fusion of diffiult dane usi.Durin her areer,she has won 12 andarin albu pries and sales of her reords are ore than three illion opies in Taiwan.Any way,she has ahieved a suess and beoes better and better.

第五篇:《英语作文y idol 我的偶像》

ourse nae: Enlish WritinⅠ

Instrutor: HU hunei (胡春梅)

Student: XIA ixue(肖米雪,1001010314)

lass: 3关于英语作文:我的偶像,0词,看中文.

Date: Sept.26.2011

y idol

As the old sayin oes: An idol is an exaple to advise you what should do and what should not do. Everyone has his/her idol. Who is your idol? Your parents, faous people or a ovie star?

y idol is y father who is not only an exellent father but also a responsible husband. First of all, in y eories, he doesn’t arue with y other all the tie. Exatly speakin, he is a tolerant husband. Whenever e o anry, the reat father always has any ways to ake y other delihted. Without y father, I an’t iaine the atosphere in y faily. Then, he is a responsible father. Last year, y brother was put into prison for a week sine he had a fiht with other uys. y other ried all day, however, y father went to prison to visit y brother and had a deep talk with y brother. A week later, y brother turned into another person just like y father. The reat father teahes his hildren how to fae instead of how to hide. The least but not last, beause y father works in a opany far away fro our hoe, he oes bak hoe every weekends. He would talk a lot with y brother and e as lon as he oes bak. Fro his talkin, I et lot and bein to know what a person y father is.

He is the an just I want to be, so I endeavor to be a person like y father: a tolerant, responsible and an optiisti person.

y idol is y father; I hope I will be the idol of y hildren.

第六篇:《小学英语作文:我的偶像 y Idol》

小学英语作文:我的偶像 y Idol

I like playin badinton very uh. I play it every weekend. And I like wath badinton aes. The idol of ine is Lin Dan. He is the best badinton player in the world. His skills are so exellent. Wathin his aes is very enjoyable. We an say that he has no rival in the world, so people all hi as Super Dan. Besides, he is handsoe and attrative. So he has any feale fans. In y opinion, his hardworkin spirit is the ost adirable. I hope his lory will last.


第七篇:《英语作文两分钟演讲稿关于我的偶像——Bi Shuin and Her Story》关于英语作文:我的偶像,0词,看中文.

BiShuin and Her Story

Hello everyone! Today I will introdue a faous person I look up to. I adire her various life experienes and her harater. She is BiShuin.

BiShuin joined the ary when she was 17 years old in 1969. She lived hard in Tibet plateau as a dotor. And eanwhile she ot interested in writin radually. Then she entered hina Writers Assoiation in 199. In 199, she earned a aster’s deree in psyholoy. She is a soldier, a dotor, a writer and a ounselin Psyholoist. She is a really stron, war-hearted,and onsiderate person.

She is like a irror, akin us see life learly. In her books, she warned youn people that our parents an’t wait for our filial piety forever. She told alive people to fae death with reason and respet. And she told us not to always reind terrible thins are oin. We need to usually reind happiness is all around us. She also said, a siple and sinere irl is really beautiful.

I understood any truths I’ve never ared before. In her books, she desribes her oprehension of love and beauty. So I want to share her books to you. I think it will be a reat experiene to read. Thanks for listenin!






The Real Sli Shady

arshall Brue athers Ⅲ,better known by his stae nae Eine and another Sli Shady,is a faous Aerian rapper.As a white,it’s so unbelievable that Eine ahieve suess in rappin,a world of blak.He has been listed and ranked as one of the reatest artists of all tie by any aaines,inludin Rollin Stones aaine whih delared hi The Kin of Hip Hop.In the eantie,he is in ontroversy all the tie beause his works is full of sex,violene,anti-hoosexual,drus and attak on other artists.You an find dirty words in every lyris.Nevertheless,he is still y idol.

A lot of elder people do not aept Eine beause they onsider hi a lunati at best,who is only apable of sayin soe vular and indeent words,ursin others as well as askin for trouble.They think the works of Eine’s refer to eotion of anti-hoosexual,disust to woen and exessive desription of violene,whih influenes the soial atosphere neatively to a lare extent.For all the bitter ritiis about hi,as far as I a onerned,they are just far fro understandin hi and what he have been throuh.He lived poor life sine he was born and his parents divored when he was six years old.You an hard iaine that he hasn’t known,as yet,who his father is.His other takin hi to run around all alon akes hi hane ore than 20 shools. He rew up with alnutrition and altreat fro his other,so he was thinner and saller than his shoolates,whih akes hi often bullied by others.He even one saw a orpse in the doorway of his hoe after shool.So he found the world violene in his youn ind.That’s why Eine hate his parents,violene,poliy,entleen,ions,even the whole world.And that’s also the reason I adire hi.What he has experiened didn’t destroy hi but ake hi stroner to onfront life. He had found his talent in adene and rhye then he showed these to people by rap .He diretly attak everythin ever hurt hi with sharp words,suh as the

overnent,violene,war,pop stars and his other,et.Havin been throuh suh a extreely painful hildhood,Eine,however,refuse to oproise to this touh life and reain a intensive hope.He aainst doesti violene and beoe involved with harities,anti-war and drus with an ative attitude.In the end,Eine is honoured as The reat White Hope throuh ontinuous perseverane.

In y eyes,Eine is not only a rapper but a ulture that will affet and inspire the youn eneration.His fabulous story present us with indeed stron and onfidene and his attitude towards life erits our adiration.












春 天来 了


春天来了,万物复苏;春天来了,万木吐翠;春天来了,百花齐放…… 春天,一个充满了生机与活力的季节。


我倚在湖边的栏杆上,感受着春风拂面,想到了正值青春的我们。 在人的一生中,青春是我们最美好的时光,青春是我们的春天。但时间不会停止,时间也不会倒流,青春除了有春天般的美好,也会如春天一样短暂。为了让我们的青春能够似春天一样万紫千红,绚丽多姿,这时的我们就要努力把握住方向,向着正确光明的方向前进。因为,唯有光明,能让春天变得生机勃勃……





still, Indeed, apparently, oddly enouh, of ourse, after all, sinifiantly, interestinly, also, above all, surely, ertainly, undoubtedly, in any ase, anyway, above all, in fat, espeially. bviously, learly.


like, siilarly, likewise, in the sae way, in the sae anner, equally.


by ontrast, on the ontrary, while, whereas, on the other hand, unlike, instead, but, onversely, different fro, however, nevertheless, otherwise, whereas, unlike, yet, in ontrast.


for exaple, for instane, suh as, take ...for exaple. Exept (for), to illustrate.


later, next, then, finally, at last, eventually, eanwhile, fro now on, at the sae tie, in the end, iediately, in the eantie, in the eanwhile, reently, soon, now and then, durin, nowadays, sine, lately, as soon as, afterwards, teporarily, earlier, now, after a while. 表示顺序的连接词

first, seond, third, then, finally, to bein with, first of all, in the first plae, last, next, above all, last but not the least, first and ost iportant.


probably, perhaps.



What is ore, in addition, and, besides, also, furtherore, too, oreover, furtherore, as well as, additionally, aain.


althouh, after all, in spite of..., despite, even if, even thouh, thouh, ,whatever ay happen.


however, rather than, instead of, but, yet, on the other hand, unfortunately. whereas 表示原因的连接词关于英语作文:我的偶像,0词,看中文.

for this reason, due to, thanks to, beause, beause of, as, sine, owin to.


as a result, thus , so, therefore, aordinly, onsequently, as onsequene.


on the whole, in onlusion, in a word, to su up, in brief, in suary, to onlude, to suarie, in short.


ostly, oasionally, urrently, naturally, ainly, exatly, evidently, frankly, oonly, for this purpose, to a lare extent, for ost of us, in any ases, in this ase,










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关于克服困难的英语作文300词 克服困难的作文300字


Last onth, I hurt y left le arelessly when I was havin the PE lass. The wound was so serious that I was not allowed to ove around freely. In the followin weeks, I ould do nothin but sit alone in the lassroo durin the PE lass. However, I anaed to keep walkin with slow steps in order to et better soon. It was hard at the beinnin, but day by day, I an take a walk without others’ help. Fortunately, I haven’t broken y bones, the dotor says I will reover in a few days. Thanks to the aident, I have learnt a lot fro it. I believe, fro now on, every tie I eet any diffiulty, I will not be afraid and et throuh it bravely.

I have faed lots of diffiulties this ter, but I have never iven up. A few weeks ao, I was very worried beause we are oin to have the PE exa in ay this ter and I a very poor in doin sports. However, I treated it in a riht way. In order to et a hih ark durin the PE exa, I ade up y ind to pratie join and playin basketball every day after lass. Whenever I ot tire, I opelled yself to keep doin the. y hard work was rewarded with the hih ark in the pratie last week and I felt very exited. I believe if I keep pratiin, I will et want I want in the end. The harder I try today, the ore I will be rewarded toorrow.

I ot a bad ark in a hinese exa at the beinnin of this ter. I was so upset that I didn’t think I had any ift to learn hinese.

At that tie, y hinese teaher told e not to be so sad. And she ave e soe suestions. So I pratied readin ore arefully and ouniated with the teaher. I also ade efforts to et ood arks in alost every test. In these days, I have ade proress in hinese.

I deterine to ontinue workin hard in the future. No pains, no ains. I believe that if I work, I will et ood arks and ake reat proress.

y life has haned a lot sine the beinnin of rade Nine. This ter, our study beae ore and ore diffiult. And soeties I felt I ouldn’t follow the teaher. y self-onfidene was hurt aain and aain beause of the low arks I ot.

So I started to think about those probles, why did y study beoe so hard? I wondered if I didn’t spend enouh tie studyin. So I deided to ake full use of y tie to study. Firstly, I did the hoework ore arefully than before so that I ould have to review what I had learned. And I didn’t wath TV any ore.

Fro then on, the serious situation has haned, I think I will keep doin these thins in the next half year. Beause I have realied that no atter how hard it is, just keep oin, for you only fail when you ive up.



,About TV Ads关于电视广告

Today ore and ore advertiseents are seen on the TV sreen. It's diffiult to find a prora without insertion of ads on TV. Food, lothes -- everythin you an think of --are presented on television. asionally, we an also see soe publi welfare ads, appealin to people to respet the old or to protet the environent. In eneral, there are two ain reasons leadin to the prevalene of oerials on TV.

As far as I a onerned, I a in favor of TV ads beause soe of the are interestin and inforative. But there is no denyin that soe of the are tedious and not trustworthy. Therefore, I think it is really hih tie that the TV stations strenthened the ontrol of advertiseents and ade the ore attrative.

译: 现在越来越多的广告出现在电视屏幕上显示出来。很难找到一个程序的电视广告没有插入。食物、衣服——所有你能想到的东西——在看电视。偶尔,我们还可以看到一些公益广告,吸引人们尊敬这位老或来保护环境。一般来说,有两个主要的原因导致的盛行率在电视广告。


9,Bad anners in Publi (在公共地方不礼貌的)

Althouh we onsider ourselves as hihly advaned beins livin in a ivilied soiety, bad anners an still be found here and there. For exaple, soe ylists run the red traffi lihts, any passeners litter waste papers and plasti bas in publi plaes, and soe tourists srabble in tourist attrations, let alone spit on the street. In the inea, soe people talk loudly on ell phones in front of others.I’ stronly aainst talkin loudly in the inea, for this behavior shows no respet at all to others; what’s worse, it upsets the audiene who are in the ood of havin fun.



10,Diffiulty in studyin Enlish英语学习困难

Nowadays, Enlish is widely used in any international onferenes and publiations. so a lare of people fous on study of Enlish. However, learnin Enlish is not effortless like we iained.

In the first plae, in y opinion, I believe that voabularies are the ost diffiult to overoe the obstale for us. There is no shortut that we an reain the in our eories in a period of tie. No pain, no ain. We ust ost ore tie in order to reeber the. In the final plae, it is a ood idea that we write soe Enlish opositions to express our eotions in blo. We will enhane our writin ability step by step.




,About TV Ads关于电视广告

Today ore and ore advertiseents are seen on the TV sreen. It's diffiult to find a prora without insertion of ads on TV. Food, lothes -- everythin you an think of --are presented on television. asionally, we an also see soe publi welfare ads, appealin to people to respet the old or to protet the environent. In eneral, there are two ain reasons leadin to the prevalene of oerials on TV.

As far as I a onerned, I a in favor of TV ads beause soe of the are interestin and inforative. But there is no denyin that soe of the are tedious and not trustworthy. Therefore, I think it is really hih tie that the TV stations strenthened the ontrol of advertiseents and ade the ore


译: 现在越来越多的广告出现在电视屏幕上显示出来。很难找到一个程序的电视广告没有插入。食物、衣服——所有你能想到的东西——在看电视。偶尔,我们还可以看到一些公益广告,吸引人们尊敬这位老或来保护环境。一般来说,有两个主要的原因导致的盛行率在电视广告。


9,Bad anners in Publi (在公共地方不礼貌的)

Althouh we onsider ourselves as hihly advaned beins livin in a ivilied soiety, bad anners an still be found here and there. For exaple, soe ylists run the red traffi lihts, any passeners litter waste papers and plasti bas in publi plaes, and soe tourists srabble in tourist attrations, let alone spit on the street. In the inea, soe people talk loudly on ell phones in front of others.I’ stronly aainst talkin loudly in the inea, for this behavior shows no respet at all to others; what’s worse, it upsets the audiene who are in the ood of havin fun.


10,Diffiulty in studyin Enlish英语学习困难

Nowadays, Enlish is widely used in any international onferenes and publiations. so a lare of people fous on study of Enlish. However, learnin Enlish is not effortless like we iained.

In the first plae, in y opinion, I believe that voabularies are the ost diffiult to overoe the obstale for us. There is no shortut that we an reain the in our eories in a period of tie. No pain, no ain. We ust ost ore tie in order to reeber the. In the final plae, it is a ood idea that we write soe Enlish opositions to express our eotions in blo. We will enhane our writin ability step by step.





11,Friendship (关于友谊)

Friendship is a kind of huan relations. It is a huan instint to ake friends. When in trouble, we need friends to offer us help ,support and enouraeent. With suess ahieved , we also need friends to share our joys. Friendship is one of the reatest pleasures that we an enjoy. It iplies loyalty, ordiality, sypathy, affetion, and readiness to help. In short, when we have established friendship, we ouht to herish and treasure it. nly thus, an we develop real friendship and keep the sared lap of friendship burnin all our life.


12,How I Spend y Spare Tie (我如何用我的空闲时间)

The ost iportant duties of ollee students are studyin. But besides studyin, we should also enjoy a ood life in our leisure tie. There are any ways of spendin the spare tie. y ways are as follows.

First of all, I spend about half of y leisure tie is listenin to usi. In this way, I an thorouhly relax yself both physially and entally; thus, I a able to study well in the future. Seondly, I onsue part of y spare tie by doin soe exerises. Basketball is y favorite sports ae. Join will keep e fit. Finally, readin is neessary. A ood book an take e to a ysterious plae where I have never been to.

These are the ajor ways I spend y spare tie. f ourse, I won't foret

"Tie is oney". After y spare tie, I will oe to study at one.

译: 最重要的职责的大学生研读。但是除了学习,我们也应该享受美好的生活在我们的闲暇时间。有很多种方法可以花的空余时间。我的方式是这样的。 首先,我花了大约一半的空闲时间是听音乐。这样一来,我就不能完全放松自己的身心;因此,我能学好。其次,我消耗的一部分由业余时间做一些练习。篮球是我最喜欢的体育比赛。慢跑,将我保持体形。最后,阅读是必要的。一本好书可以带我去一个神秘的地方,我从未去过的地方。



13,How to Keep Healthy (如何保持健康)

Nowadays ore and ore people are onerned about their health, but how to keep healthy ? First, it is neessary to take soe exerise every day. Researh shows that ettin plenty of exerise akes the heart beat faster and the luns work harder. Seond ,eat ore fruits, veetables and less eat. Third, ettin rid of bad habits like sokin and drinkin is also an iportant way to keep healthy. Sokin and alohol drinkin injure one"s health a reat deal, and therefore should be iven up. If people follow these three ways of keepin fit, they’ll reatly iprove their health


14,How to veroe Diffiulties in y Enlish Studies(如何克服困难,在我的英语水平的研究)

I have ade a lot of iproveents in Enlish. The followin is y way to overoe the diffiulties. Everyday, I do half an hour’s ornin readin to try to pronoune every word out. And I will then spend half an hour listenin to Enlish radios like BB to orret y pronuniation. Beause I have trouble in




第一节 书信










1. 信头(Headin):信头是指写信人的地址及日期,位于信笺的右上方,距信纸的顶头约一英寸。顺序是先写地址,后写日期。地址由小写到大,即门牌号→街名→城市→省份→国名,由小到大的顺序书写。如“江西省万载县康乐镇田下路19号”,英文写法是:

19 Tianxia Road, Kanle Town, Wanai ounty, Jianxi Provine;日期可按“日—月—年”的顺序或“月—日—年”的顺序写。

2. 信内地址(Inside Address):它是指收信人的姓名和地址,写在信笺的左上方,稍低于信头一至二行,在称呼语上方。顺序是先写收信人姓名,后写职务,再写地址(由小到大)。关于克服困难的英语作文300词.


3. 称呼(reetin):收信人的称呼,写在信纸的左边,低于信内地址。

4. 书信的正文(Body):是写信者所要说的话,正文信的内容,从左向右横写,低于称呼语,常在缩进四、五个字母处起笔。写信与写文章一样,要分段写,每段有一个中心思想,内容要表达清楚,语言要简单明了,态度要诚恳礼貌。给亲友的信还应亲切热情。考试时必须把规定的内容写清楚。正文结束时,还可写一两句表达心愿的话,如:

Best wishes to you /Reeber e to your faily /Hopin to hear fro you soon等。

. 结束语(losin):发信人表示自己对收信人的一种客套称呼,写在书信正文结尾下面低两行的位置上。一般它均从正中或偏右处写起。结束语的第一个字母必须大写,后面须加上逗号。收信人与写信人之间是朋友关系时常用:

Yours,/Yours ever,/Ever yours,/Always(Sinerely) yours, 等等。

6. 签名(Sinature):发信人自己的姓名,写在结束语的下面一行。可与结束语齐头或略向右靠一点儿。


A. 开头语

1. Thank you for your letter of Septeber 1.

2. any thanks for your kind letter whih reahed e yesterday.

3. You letter oe to e this ornin.

4. I was delihted to reeive your letter.

. I a in reeipt of your letter.

6. It‟s a lon tie sine I saw your last.

7. I have been issin you a lot sine we et last tie.

. I a sorry for not writin to you sooner.

9. I a writin to you tell that ……

10. I often think of you. How are you reently?

B. 结束语

1. ood luk!

2. Best wishes!

3. Take are of yourself, will you?关于克服困难的英语作文300词.

4. Send y love to your…

. Please write to e when you have tie.

6. Please write soon.

7. Let‟s keep in touh.

. I a lookin forward to your next letter soon.

9. Thank you for an early reply.

10. Please tell e if you need y help.



1. 你是一个中国学生,对美国攻打伊拉克很关注。

2. 战争已经持续十多天了。这些天来,大约二十万美、英士兵一直在攻击伊拉克(Iraq) 。到目前为止,已经有很多房屋被摧毁(destroy) ,数以百计的平民(ivilians) 在战争中被打死。伊拉克的儿童不能安静地上学,甚至连吃的都没有。关于克服困难的英语作文300词.

3. 希望美、英立刻停止战争,让伊拉克人民能重新过上平静的生活,让伊拉克的儿童重新回到课堂。


1. 这是一封写给美国总统呼吁停止战争的信。措词要恰当。要以学生身份去写。

2. 一些关键词:last 持续, two hundred thousand 二十万,be killed 被打死,live a…life 过着……生活,are about 关注。

3. 要正确使用被动语态。


No. 2 iddle Shool


April , 200

Dear r President Bush,

I a a student fro hina. All y lassates and I are arin about the war between your ountry and Iraq.

So far, the war has lasted about ten days. Durin these days, about two hundred thousand soldiers fro your ountry and Britain have kept attakin Iraq. any houses have been destroyed. Hundreds of ivilians have been killed in the war. What‟s worse, the hildren in Iraq ouldn‟t o to shool like the hildren in your ountry and all of us. They even have no food to eat.

r President Bush, will you please stop the war at one? Let the people in Iraq live a quiet life and let the hildren o bak to their shools, will you?


Li Lei


1. 假如你叫Li in, 中学生,经常收听音乐节目,请你用英语给节目主持人写一封信。信的要点如下:(1)你很喜欢这个节目,特别是英语歌曲;(2)学习很疲劳时,你会打开收音机,听这个节目;(3)从英语歌里你学了很多单词;你最喜欢“Take e to Your Heart”这首歌,希望得到歌词(the words of a son)。关于克服困难的英语作文300词.


2. 假定你叫周海,家住江西省南昌市北京西路 13号,你刚收到好友张辉月1日的来信。他说对英语学习失去了信心,准备放弃,你很吃惊。现请你给他复信,劝他继续学习,并告诉他英语是一门重要学科,要有克服困难的意志,要有好的学习方法。写信时间为月 20日,词数100左右。

3. 你是尚佳,在昆明大学英语系(Enlish Departent)一年级读书,九月十五日给你父母亲(辽宁省海城市八里镇头道村)写了一封信,信中说,你到昆明半个月了。这里很美,四季如春,昆明人更美,处处盛开友谊(friendship)之花。昆大的老师和同学们对你都很好,恐怕东北人在此不适应(fit),他们便常常关照你,这里就像一个欢乐的大家庭,请你父母亲放心,待家里活忙完后,也来昆明住几天。请你用100字左右写出这封信的全文。

4. 假如你叫李海,暑假里你和父亲去北京旅游。几天后你给你的同学赵涛写信,向他介绍首都北京及你们参观长城情况。(你住在北京西长安街09号)

. 假若你叫王梅,你的英国笔友Betty写信请你给她介绍有关中国春节的一些情况。请你给她写封回信。

6. 假如你是张吉,你的加拿大笔友Ti给你来信,告知你他将来宁波度假。请你根据所给提示用英语写一封回信。词数:60-0。


1) 欢迎他来宁波;2) 恰好你也有一个月的假期;3) 在宁波可以游泳、钓鱼、爬山、吃各种海鲜、浏览市容;4) 你们可以互相学习语言;) 请对方告知到达的时间和航班号,以便去机场迎接。

7. 假如你叫李平,参加了学校开展的“有烦恼向谁说”的调查活动,调查结果如图所示。请你用英语给校报编辑写一封信,内容包括:调查结果(不局限于用分数表述)、理由及自己的想法。

要求:1) 语句通顺,合乎逻辑;

2) 词数0-100(信的开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数)。

提示词:survey 调查,trust 信任


1. No. 2 iddle Shool


April , 200

Dear r Liu,

I‟ a iddle shool student. In y spare tie, I‟d love to listen to the radio, espeially the prorae you present. When I a tired, I usually turn on y radio to relax. I enjoy the Enlish sons in the prorae ost. Fro the sons, I learn new words. It is helpful in y Enlish study.

I was wonderin whether you ould help e find the words of the son Take e to Your Heart, as it is one of y favourites.

Yours sinerely,

Li in

2. 13 Beijin West Road

Nanhan, Jianxi

Auust 20, 200

Dear han Hui,

I have reeived your letter of Auust 1. I‟ surprised to learn that you have lost heart in your Enlish and that you want to ive it up.

In y opinion, Enlish is an iportant subjet for us iddle shool students. It‟s wron for you to ive it up. I hope you‟ll o on studyin Enlish. You should have ore onfidene and when you are learnin a lanuae you will ake istakes, this is part of learnin. Where there is a will,

there is a way. Besides, you ust develop a ood way of learnin. If you have any questions, please don‟t hesitate to ask your teaher for help. I‟ sure you‟ll ake reat proress in your Enlish very soon.


hou Hai

3. rade ne

Enlish Departent

Kunin University 60032

Kunin, Yunnan Provine关于克服困难的英语作文300词.

Septeber 1, 1999

Dear parents,

How are you? How tie flies! I‟ve been in Yunnan for nearly half a onth.

All is beautiful here and so are the people. All the year is just like sprin, and there are flowers of friendship here and there.

Here‟s a bi faily and we are brothers and sisters. They take ood are of e, for they are afraid it an‟t fit a friend fro the Northeast. So I‟ very happy here and you needn‟t worry.

Hope you oe and visit here after far work.

Yours lovin,

Shan Jia

4. 09 West han‟an Street, Beijin

July 20, 200

Dear hao Tao,

I‟ve been in Beijin for several days. I iss you very uh. Does everythin o well at hoe? Now let e tell you soethin about Beijin.

Beijin, our apital, is a very beautiful ity. There are too any people, ars and bi buildins in Beijin. There are all kinds of shops. They sell all kinds of thins. There are lots of plaes of reat interest. Now it‟s the best tie to visit Beijin. Too any travellers have oe here.

Yesterday y father and I visited the reat Wall. How reat! I was very exited when I saw the reat Wall. We took lots of photos. I saw lots of foreiners, they‟re very interestin. We enjoyed ourselves very uh there.

hao Tao, have you finished your lessons? I‟ oin hoe soon.

Please tell y other not to worry about us.


Li Hai

. Dear Betty,

Thank you for your last letter. I‟ ettin on well with all y subjets. I hope you an oe to hina one day. The followin is the answer to your questions. The Sprin Festival is the ost iportant festival for hina people. It always oes durin winter holidays. It‟s tie for failies to et toether. People all have a bi dinner in the evenin before the Sprin Festival. n the Sprin Festival, every people wears their new lothes. People say “Happy New Dear” to eah other. In the followin few days, people will be busy visitin friends and relatives. Everyone enjoys the Sprin Festival. ur winter holidays will oe soon, so will the Sprin Festival. I‟ busy with y lessons now. I have to stop writin. Thank you for helpin e with y Enlish.





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