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默写不及格作文 默写不及格反思800字


1 Businessan 面临着挑战

onsider businessen. They are onstantly onfronted with various hellaes ,for instane, opetition,deline in arket share,drops in profits,flutuations of stok pries. In eah situation ,a suessful businessan ust keep his hopes hih and do the best. Lee laoa ,aainst alost ipossible odds,onvined the federal overnent to uarantee a loan ,whih saved the strulin hrysler opany.

2 学习usi and art 有助于aadei perforane

First ,the study of usi and art an iprove students' aadei perforanes.It is beause usi and art have a soothin effet on students' inds,helpin the to onentrate better,and iprovin their learnin effiieny.A study an bak up this point . The study ,onduted by the USA Today,after followin thousands of hih shool students,found a ausal relationship between playin volin or piano and sinifiantly better PAs of those respondents.

3 outdoor ativities 有助于 physial health

First , outdoor ativities iprove physial health. By oin outdoors people an have fresh air and ore physial exerise. There is nothin ore refreshin and eneriin than a walk in the ornin. In ontrast ,indoor ativities involve less physial exerise and are relatively sedentary. A few hours' workin before a oputer auses pains in the bak and nek .As a result , it is ore likely for people to develop various diseases.


onsider students. It is abvious that the ability to write and the ability speak are equally iportant. Students should ahieve a well-rounded rowth,whih inludes well-developed abilities to write and to speak.In shools, students are required to attend various lasses and oplete different tasks whih require both the ability to write and the ability to speak. For instane, in an Enlish writin lass,students are required to write an Enlish essay.But if they run for the positions in a student oraniation, they have to ake publi speehes to et support fro the voters,whih requires a stron speakin ability. 对于政治家,说更重要

onsider politations. The ability to speak plays a bier role.It is beause odern politial life akes it neessary for politiians to have a stron ability to ake publi speehes and debate to et the support fro the voters.Barrak baa won the presideny beause he has a superior ability to debate than his ravals ,ain. But politiians seldo need to write their own speehes beause their staffs usually prepare all the stuff for the.

6 祖父母与我们在entertainent方面的差异

onsider entertainents. ur randparents had to wath television whih had fixed shedules and ould not be stored and wathed aain. In ontrast , we an visit youtube.o where we an have aess to illions of videos and store the in our oputers leally. When it oes to usi ,our randparents had to buy Ds.In ontrast,we an buy sons for 99 ents fro at iTuners shop and play the in our i-Pods .

7学生在ollees or universities 可以学习生活技能

In ollees or universities,students an learn various life skills.It is beause ollees or universities offer students a wider rane of extraurriular ativities,whih teah students ouniation skills,oraniin and plannin skills,leadship.For instane,if a student run for the presitent of the student union,he will et a taste of what politial life is like:talk to others,understand their needs,build utural trust,eventually et their votes.In the proess,all essential qualities and skills needed for a suessful politial areer an be developed and honed.

ollee eduation 与other fators opared with ollee eduation,other fators play a no less or even reater role in person's suess.any en and woen ,for instane,arie urie,Abraha Linoln ,had not attend ollees.any others dropped out of ollees or universities,for instane,Bill ates,Steve Jobs.Those reat people's suesses deostrate that other fators,like independene ,hard work an be ore powerful than a ollee diploa. 9增加老师的工资have undesirable onsequenes

Adittedly,inreasin teahers' salaries has undesirable onsequenes .For instane,it will ake eduation ore expensive beause shools iht raise tuions in order to pay their teahers.Suppose an eleentary shool raises the salaries of the faulty by 0perent.It will be hard pressed to strike a balaned budet without inreasin tuions .As a result, It is possible that any students fro underprivileed failies will have to drop out of shools beause they an't afford it.However, shools an obtain ore overnent subsidies and publi donations and inrease teahers' salaries without inreasin the osts of eduation.

10 diital books 比paper books 更方便

Diital books are ore onvenient to use than paper books.For one thin,diital books are ore easier to arry than lusy paper books.The shool bas of Korean and hinese students usually weiht ore than 10 kiloras,takin a heavy toll on students' physial health.But if all those paper books are onverted into diital version,all they have to arry is a laptop.For

another thin,diital books are faster to searh for inforation than paper books.We all have the unpleasant experiene of tryin desperately to find or reeber a quotation or fat in a bi, heavy book.With a diital book,all we need to do is to type in a key word ,then the result will oe up instantly. 11 paper books 将消失

To say that all paper books will disappear fro our future lives is an overstateent beause soe books have to exist in printed for.First,any reliious books,like Bible,play a unique role in billions of believers' lives and they will not be replaed by diital books.an you iaine presidents put their hands on a diital Bible,to take oaths in their inauuration or priests ,holdin a diital Bible ,delare a ouple an and wife.Seond,antique books have to be in the oriinal paper for beause that's where their value lies.Last,books for very youn hildren will not be supplanted by diital ones beause hildren are to youn to properly use oputers or diital readers. 12 有其它更好的options 能源保护与节约

any other options play a no less or even bier role in enery onservation.First,overnent an intensify efforts to develop renewable enery or unlear power.overnent an invest ore to build das to enerate hydro power or nulear power stations to utilie nulear enery.For instane,the faous Three ores Da of hina enerate treendous power and redue the onsuption of fossil fuels.overnent an also iprove publi transportation ,e..lowin hare and akin publi transportation ways ore ofortable .If the publi transportation is iproved ,a lare nuber of ity residents will ride buses or subway to work instead of drivin ars. 13 为了使anials obey orders

In order to ake anials obey orders or perfor tasks,trainers ust ive the proper rewards and punishents.If a dophin does what it is asked to do,for instane,to jup throuh a hoop,the trainer will ive it fish as a reward.If it fails,the trainer will ive it soe sort of punishent.By this way,dophlin quikly learn.This is the ase in huan soiety.A opany rewards its eployees who pull the quato by ivin the bonuses and prootions.It punishes eployees who do not oplete their tasks by uttin their salaries or even firin the the.

14 ads for ediines

onsider ads for ediines. Advertiseents for weih-lost drus lai that after takin the drus people will lose weiht without havin physial exerise and dietin .In hina ,onsuers are bobarded by various ediine ads laiin that the ediine an ure aner or AIDS. In fat, they have little real effets.

1 公共交通免费的坏处

akin publi transportation free ay have neative effets.For instane,it will redue the inoe of bus or subway opanies drastially,whih will be hard pressed to buy fuels,pay their eployees and aintain publi transportation.As a result,it is possible that any publi transportation opanies will have to o into bankrupty.However,as lon as overnent ives those opanies ore subsidies ,the probles will be solved.

16 advertiseents 的好处

Advertiseents provide a reat duel of useful inforation about servies and produts to onsuers.By advertiseents,we know that when we et hurt,we an use Band-aids to prevent infetion and aelerate the healin of wounds.By advertiseents,en know that illette raors an be a safer and ore ofortable way of shavin.By advertiseents,we know that we an use Rejoie shapoo to prevent dandruff.

17 人们将会越来越不做饭

With the pressure intensifyin and pae of life quikenin,it is foreseeable that twenty years fro now people will allot less tie to the preparation of eals.In stead,take-outs and fast-food will play a bier role.In etropolitans like New York or Tokyo people will be inreasinly rab a bite at Burerkin or Subway and et bak to work. r they will order ore take-outs fro hinese or Japanese resaunts.

1 在特殊情况,人们还是会做饭

n speial oasions,people will still take tie to ook a eal for personal,reliious,or ultural reasons.A wife will still spend a whole day on ookin a deliious four-ourse dinner for her husband who is away on business trip.Westers ook turkey on Thanksivin. The hinese have Nianyefan ,the hinese faily reunion dinner.ne of the stables of Nianyefan is Jiaoi,hinese duplins,whih are extreely tie-onsuin to ake.To elebrate the reat Enlihtenent of Buda,the hinese buddhists ook Labahou.

20 组团旅游更经济

Travelin with a roup of people an be ore eonoial .It is beause a roup of travelers an ain onsiderable disounts at airlines,hotels,restaurants,even tourist attrations. Take The Suer Palae for exaple. The palae,the royal residene of eperors of the Qin dynasty,is aon the "ust-sees" of Beijin.The full tiket prie an be as uh as 0 yuan,the equivalent of dollars a person. However the disounted prie an be 0 perent lower.As a result , travelers an save a onsiderable su of oney and the saved oney an be used to buy ore souvenirs for faily and friends. In ontrast ,If you travel alone,you have to pay the full pries.

21 导游的好处

Last but not least, a tour uide an ive ore useful inforation.By hirin a professional uide,a traveler an ain useful and interestin inforation about the trip as uh as possible.For instane,by travelin with a tour uide, a traveler an ain ore interestin inforation about the tourist attration. An Aerian traveler to hina's reat Wall will hear fro a tour uide various stories and leends about this reat buildin.The story of Lady enjian,a trai love story about a irl who died for her husband ,is aon the. 22 强制穿校服的好处

akin shool unifors andatory an iprove students' aadei perforanes.therwise, they will be distrated by atters like "what do I wear to shool?"and "whih pear of shoes o with that dress".A reent study an bak up this point .The study ,onduted by Seondary Eduation Researh Faility,after followin thousands of hih shool feale students,has found that ost respondents laied that they usually spend an averae half an hour on hoosin lothes before oin to shools.

23 entertainin ovies的好处 opared with serious ovies, entertainin oives provide audienes with plenty of useful inforation about history,ulture,and siene in an interestin way.any si-fi ovies have sientifi bakrounds and thus are an effetive soure of sientifi fats and theories. Tie travel,fodder for any a suessful ovie ,is based on Einstein's eneral Theory of relativity.The invisible an,deals with plenty of fats and theories about optis.Even Konfu Panda,a oedy based on a over-weihed hinese panda,teahes hildren about hinese ulture,the artial art and food. And the day after toorrow raises publi awareness of the dire onsequenes of lobal warin.

24 对于商人,ood ideas

onsider businessen. To ake hue profits, ood ideas about produts ,servies and prootion apains are definitely ore iportant.onsuers are ray about i-pod beause of its sleek desin and powerful funtions,not beause Steve Jobs looks exatly like Brad Pit. Windows estiblished a onopoly of operation syste arket beause of its friendly user interfae and powerful appliations whih are the results of the ideas of software developers not beause of Bill ates' look.

2 不健康饮食习惯的原因

Unhealthy eatin habitats have any ontributory auses.First,the root ause for the popularity of fast-food is the fast-paed odern life.People don't have ood or tie to wait half an hour for their eals.Seond,hih-fat food ,like





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