Novel oronavirus suddenly broke out and the epidei spread throuhout the ountry. As a health are worker, you have to ive up rest, ive up the hane to reunite with your faily, and risk your life to hoose to fiht in the front line. In order to be able to treat ore patients, reardless of the day and niht to hallene their own liits, put their lives in daner, suh selfless and fearless, willin to ontribute to the noble oral harater that I a touhed, but also worthy of all of us to learn.
The epidei has beoe the fous of National People's attention. The nuber of newly infeted patients is rowin every day. Soe dotors also inadvertently infeted durin the treatent of patients and even ave their preious lives. And you, the beloved anel in white, have no fear, no deserter. In this battle without soke of unpowder, randpa hon, who is 4 years old, should have enjoyed the Sprin Festival at hoe. The epidei is like a trupet of a soldier. randpa hon is runnin straiht to the front line. Hearin this, I feel anxious and proud. They are in the first line for the sake of people's well-bein, to save ore patients, to ive up their sall faily, and y heart is shoked. I want to row up to be suh a useful person for the ountry!
Anels in white, seein that you are too busy to eat, you an only sleep on the floor for a few hours and take turns to rest. You are fihtin bravely with the od of death. You are fearless. You have iven too uh to protet the people of the whole ountry. A 22-year-old feale dotor, oriinally the ost beautiful ae, had to shave off her hair in order to resue her work. After a few days of work, she had deep bruises on her fae, and her tiny finers were a little puffy soaked in liquid ediine. Althouh your fae was tired and lost their oriinal olor, your behavior was the ost beautiful I have ever seen. You are the ost beautiful rebel!
n January 29, a 7 year old an fell ill. Under your insistene on treatent, the old an heked out of the hospital and proved to the whole ountry that the epidei an be overoe! This is undoubtedly the best ediine to al people's inds!
However, the edial staff are also ordinary people. They all have failies and hildren. In the fae of the terrible virus, you will also be afraid. When you are tired, you also need to rest. But the responsibility in your heart keeps the oin forward, and the nuber of people who are ured and dishared is inreasin.
I would like to pray for the edial staff here. I look forward to workin toether with you to defeat the epidei as soon as possible. I hope you an all return safely.
As lon as the faith is fir enouh, it will sueed. Let the liht liht liht up the darkness. oe on, Wuhan! oe on, hina!
War, that's what people are fihtin aainst. Virus, that's the dreaded devil. The SARS in those days was very reepy. Now the traedy repeats, and the epidei breaks the peae. How any people an't be reunited with their failies beause of hi, how any people are still fihtin in the front line of anti epidei beause of hi, and how any people have lost preious lives beause of hi.
There is suh a aadeiian who leads all orades in fihtin on the front line of ritial illness, workin day after day until the last oent of their lives. He is Liu hiin, the diretor of Wuhan hospital. n January 21, Liu hiin was assined to reeive 499 pneuonia patients at his Wuhan hospital. For three days without sleep, Liu hiin was really busy. The expansion of the hospital, the adjustent of edial staff, the inrease of beds, everythin needs Liu hiin's onfiration. He is really busy.
n the eve of the Sprin Festival, Liu hiin's identity haned opletely. Now he is also lyin in the IU ward fihtin aainst the disease. T shows that his lun has been seriously infeted. Even so, he kept on workin in the ward. After a while, he alled his olleaues to ask if the patient had reeived it. Then he iediately replied to the essae to ask how to prevent and ontrol the hospital infetion. Fain the onern of his olleaues, he said: "I' the Dean, I an't lose it!" He also told his olleaues not to worry about hi. When he reovered, he would fiht side by side with everyone.
Liu hiin's wife is a head nurse in uanu distrit. His wife wanted to take are of Liu hiin, but he always replied "no". Liu hiin knows that keepin his wife in the post will ive ore people hope for life. Liu hiin did not know that he would never be able to fiht with his olleaues. n February 14, his ondition suddenly deteriorated and he was transferred to other hospitals for resue. Until the ornin of February 1, he left us forever. We will always reeber the nae Liu hiin.
No atter how lon the dark niht, the dawn will oe. The epidei is not over yet. We ust ontinue. Let's heer for the heroes who are still fihtin the epidei!
A novel oronavirus ourred in Wuhan before and after the Sprin Festival.
"Epidei" first happened in Wuhan, then spread to hina, spread to Jinhen, spread to our side, let everyone fall into disaster. With the arrival of the "epidei", the soldiers in white bean to stand on their own posts to protet people's lives. Althouh the "epidei" was inreasin, they still did not stop the pae of ediine, still tryin to treat every patient infeted by the virus. Beause of the onstant infetion of the virus, the soldiers in white have been sufferin fro extree fatiue due to their onstant treatent. However, their will is still holdin, and their will has not fallen.
With the inreasin nuber of infeted patients in Wuhan, however, one by one healthy patient was resued fro the hands of soldiers in white. They sarifie their preious tie to treat the infeted patients. They work hard day and niht. There is little rest tie every day. They an only rest for two or three hours. Besides, they are not ofortable to rest. Instead, they wear their thik work lothes, asks and edial lasses. They wear the day and niht. When they rest, they lie on the board, lean aainst the window and sit on the board There is no quilt on the hair. Just beause of the unofortable appearane, the stron willpower to fiht aainst the virus and the hard work every day, we an have a better life and ake the patients radually healthy.
Their stron will, the ourae to fiht aainst the disease, the ourae to fiht at the front line, the spirit of selfless dediation is worth learnin, but we ust herish life.
oe on, Wuhan! o hina!
A ajor epidei, one in a hundred years, ae unexpetedly, testin the deision-akin and ation ability of the Party oittee and the overnent to ope with the risk hallene. Fain the extreely severe epidei situation, she shouldered the responsibility, set an exaple and bravely shouldered the heavy burden. With her own pratial ations, she vividly explained the dediation and nature of a edial staff.
In front of the epidei, she is a fearless "rebel". The fiht aainst the epidei is a ivil war without bystanders. Althouh she is a edial worker, she is also the ost onerned dauhter of her parents and the dearest other of her hildren. However, in the fae of the epidei, she resolutely hose to o in the opposite diretion. She and her olleaues have been on duty at the hih-speed exit sine April to onitor the epidei situation of the personnel oin to the ountry. The day shift is fro a.. to p.. and the niht shift is fro p.. to a.. the next day. She is on duty for 12 hours and an't leave the post in the whole proess. Soeties there are too any vehile personnel and she an't eat siple workin eals on tie. But for the sake of the safety of the asses, she resolutely stiks to the front line of epidei prevention and ontrol, and at the sae tie feels ore responsible.
In front of the epidei, she is a serious and etiulous "inspetor". Epidei onitorin needs to be sientifi and riorous without issin one person. It is not allowed to have a perfuntory attitude towards dealin with and handin over the work. In the speifi work, she is ainly responsible for the teperature easureent, health ondition inquiry and reistration of the external personnel, and needs to ontat the past personnel diretly, whih also eans that there is a reater risk of infetion. Durin the shift, the work is repetitive and borin. Soeties, she has to work in the traffi flow. In addition, the vehile is at the hih-speed exit, so the work is very danerous. ne shift After reovin the protetive ask, there are deep arks on the fae, and the protetive lothin is wet all over. The nuber of vehiles tested by her reahed ore than ties, and ore than people ontated her, akin unreittin efforts for the prevention and ontrol of the epidei in the whole reion. She also knows that she is also flesh and blood, and there is also the risk of infetion. But she is ore aware that as a edial worker, she ust always be in front of her, not afraid of sarifie. In order to prevent and ontrol the epidei, she has put her life and death and safety aside.
In front of the epidei, she is an enterprisin "doer". The work of epidei prevention and ontrol is hard. In order to ipleent the post responsibilities, she really ares for everyone and ives up her faily. She should not only do a ood job of epidei prevention and ontrol, but also take are of two hildren. However, due to the heavy responsibility of epidei prevention and ontrol, she soeties has no tie to pay ore attention to her faily. ften, when she oes hoe late at niht, the hild has fallen asleep, and always feels indebted to the hild. Beause of the partiularity of her work, she an't always be with her faily, and an't ive the tiely are and onern. What she an do is to do well in epidei prevention and ontrol. n the balane of publi and private, she resolutely stiks to the front line of epidei prevention and ontrol. This spirit of takin the overall situation as the ost iportant, dilient, serious, riorous and pratial work has been praised by her olleaues.
Life is ore iportant than ount Tai. Fihtin aainst new pneuonia and epidei is the order! This is an ordinary rass-roots edial staff. She uses her own ations to interpret her oriinal intention and ission, and her own efforts to deonstrate responsibility and responsibility. Toether with her olleaues, she will work with one heart and one ind, work toether in the sae boat and help eah other, resolutely win and win the prevention and ontrol of the epidei, and deonstrate the responsibility and responsibility of the anel in white on the front line of the prevention and ontrol of the epidei!