The virus is quiet, we don't know. In the battle between huanity and the epidei, ountless anti-epidei heroes have eered: dotors, experts, nurses, and any volunteers. In y heart, there is an adirable anti-epidei hero-han Dinyu.
In y hands, one after another, alost uninterrupted alls, and y steps are not stoppin, and I have not forotten to send lear and strit instrutions to people around e ... This is the hospital of Wuhan Infetious Disease Speialist Hospital-Jinyintan Hospital han Dinyu's first ipression. But he has any little-known exaples, and the ost adired and oved e is the faous story of "Fihtin Life and Fihtin aainst the Deon Rae".
Deeber 29, 2019, Wuhan, fo, loudy. In the winter season, a hill ae to han Dinyu. Before he ade a deisive deision, he quikly onentrated the first bath of seven unidentified pneuonia patients in the South hina Seafood arket of Wuhan ity into the isolation ward, put on protetive lothin, went to see the syptos in person, and analyed and juded. But the situation was worse than he thouht. In the followin days, the lok pendulu seeed to be on the aeleration trak to Jinyintan Hospital, to han Dinyu, to people known and unknown. The onstant transfer of new patients into the hospital is equivalent to the onstant "water exhane" of the hospital, whih ay ause a bi disaster without any etiulous attention. In this hurry, han Dinyu's teper beae ore and ore irritable.
At 7:30 in the ornin, the staff in the hospital hadn't been to work, you an see the busy fiure of Dean han Dinyu. ne soeone is areless, he is also very ood at soldin people. ore and ore people have found that han Dinyu, who has been walkin like a wind, has slowed down. So he onfessed to everyone: "I have radual freein disease, and I fell ill two years ao, strulin downstairs, and ore afraid of fallin." People ouldn't help but feel oved by the spirit of bein sik.
I adire this anti-epidei hero very uh, not in the air, but in y heart. He suffers fro frostbite and ay be paralyed in the future, but he still has a noble quality for the sake of others. oreover, his wife went to work in another hospital in Wuhan beause he was aidentally infeted with oronavirus, but he still did not foret his job and responsibilities, did not take are of her too uh, but invested a lot of work and ould not extriate hiself.
han Dinyu, he is an anti-epidei hero in y heart. He suffers fro radual freein, but he insists on workin. He is brave, stron, and deisive, and is an exaple for us to learn fro.
What is a hero? When the year 2020 does not oe, the word "hero" is in y eyes a person holdin a lare sword and a pistol to hare on the battlefield and fiht heroially in the battle. 2020 is oin, and an uninvited uest, "new oronavirus", is also here. When the epidei ae, people were terrified, not just how it was ood. It is suh a roup of people, they always protet our safety and ive us ofort, they are edial staff, white anels, they are the anti-epidei heroes in y heart.
In 2003, when SARS raed, Aadeiian hon Nanshan inored the personal safety and led the edial staff to fiht aainst the epidei. At the tie, he was 67 years old and he resolutely said: "Send the heaviest patient to e." Stay under pressure and fiht the epidei day and niht. In 2020, New rown Pneuonia swept aross the ountry. At the ae of 4, he was aain in daner and ordered to o to fiht aainst the epidei. He said to the publi "Try not to o to Wuhan", but he has beoe a retrorade. He is the anti-epidei hero in y ind!
How any anels in white, no atter sprin, suer, autun and winter, they always wear white owns. Reardless of the old, weak, sik and disabled, they take ood are of the. Reardless of the severe old and heat, they stayed in the hospital. They ake people happy and ake people healthy. How any days they fouht on the front line of savin lives and how any nihts they fouht; how any nihts they fouht aainst the sik and the dead. It is the dotor's ar durin treatent, the patient's friend durin inspetion, and the uardian of life durin resue. You serve with a sile, true love, save lives and inite the wounds, and inite the fire of life. You are you! Anel in white! They are the anti-epidei heroes in y heart!
f ourse, behind the anti-epidei, there ust be a roup of people who are silently devoted. In Shandon, a randpa wearin a sanitation hat ae to the polie station and left a paper ba and left. When the polie opened the paper ba, there was atually 12,000 yuan in it, and a note that read: "Turn to Wuhan , heer for the anel in white, y heart, Donan Sanitation. "This is Riky's body, reat bak, noble soul. There is also han hanxin, a veteran of Suihou, Hubei, who has arried ore than 30 pounds of disinfetion barrels for 20 days without an elevator to disinfet the ounity. The old people with iniu livin allowane donated 10,000 yuan without ivin their nae. han honde, who is fihtin at the forefront, is thin and shaped for the fiht aainst the epidei ... They are all anti-epidei heroes in y heart!
The epidei was an order, and the ilitary dotors beae retrorade on the danerous battlefield. 17 years ao, they were the ain fore aainst SARS. Seventeen years later, they pressed the red handprint on the hallene book one by one! Wipin off the white lothes, they are the bakbone of the faily and the hildren in the eyes of their parents. Puttin on white lothes, they are the vanuard soldiers who follow the dispath of the ountry at any tie, retrorade, and are the anti-epidei heroes in y ind! Tribute to our anti-epidei heroes!
Sine the beinnin of 2020, people have been iersed in the joyous atosphere of the New Year. In hina, new oronaviruses have appeared. The first ase of "new oronaviruses" ourred in Wuhan. ne person spreads all over the ity, and one ity spreads to another. This inexhaustible virus ade the joyous fun durin the Sprin Festival. The lively people fell silent, the streets were no loner busy, and the restaurants were no loner open. The store is no loner open, and the whole world feels lak of aner. We responded to the all of the state. We tried to keep ourselves at hoe as uh as possible. We ould not o out without oin out, in order to prevent virus infetion.
However, soe people are still retrorade in the epidei. They are not afraid of sarifie. They are fihtin on the "front line" of the anti-epidei. They are fihtin hard and riskin their lives to fiht aainst the epidei. They save lives in retrorade and eliinate viruses in adversity. Unfortunately, those who died of the virus ontinue their lives with others, and soe develop vaines in the laboratory day and niht. They are worthy of our eory and praise. Espeially the 4-year-old randfather hon Nanshan, who is the anti-epidei hero in y heart.
randpa hon Nanshan is a top-level expert in respiratory ediine. I still reeber that in SARS 17 years ao, he was the first to propose "to send severely ill patients to hi." At that tie, he was 67 years old, but he has been fihtin on the front line. When this year's new oronavirus pneuonia appeared, he went out aain. While repeatedly reindin everyone not to o to Wuhan, he went to Wuhan and ae to the forefront of the worst epidei. This spirit is indelible in y heart. . Think about it, how aain it is that an 4-year-old an an be so tenaious! Aordin to oon sense, he has reahed the ae of hedonis fro the ae of 60, but he is not at the oent when he is 4 years old. Stoppin, tryin to save ore patients, what a reat ind!
After readin the reat deeds about randpa hon Nanshan, and then I look at the praise of the hinese people, I feel quite deeply. The epidei is so serious, the situation is so risis, randpa hon Nanshan retrorade to the disaster area, reardless of personal safety. randpa hon Nanshan is really reat, I really should learn fro hi, learn his seriousness, learn his bravery, learn his tenaity Learnin his heart has reat love!
This virus has ade any people overwheled and frihtened, but there are still heroes like randpa hon Nan who spare their lives to save patients. Their awe of life and selfless dediation touhed e. They are a ood exaple for e to learn. The real hero in y heart!