We are oin to have the winter holiday.Durin the holiday we will have the Sprin Festival.So all of the failies in hina are havin a busy tie.All of the hildren in hina like Sprin Festival very uh,beause they an eat any deliious food and et any oney.But hildren in hina have to do the hoework for Winter Holiday.So that the ould reeber what they have learn the year before.Eah of the hildren likes Winter Holiday.
I think everybody did a lot of thins in the Winter Holiday. But I didn’t. Let you to listen to y story of Winter Holiday.
I spend a lot of tie on the hoework.. Every day in y Winter Holiday, I always ot up late. Then I listened to the tape, it was nine o’lok. Then I ate breakfast and then I did y hoework durin the daytie! I’ not very slow but the hoework was too heavy!
y winter holiday is very dull. I stay at hoe for ost of tie. soeties I visit y friends and play basketball with the. soeties we o shoppin.
ne day, we o to the kf. We have haburers, hiken oke and frenh fries. We have sore throats. We o hoe and have a rest. then we feel better. We o and play oputer aes! how ad we are!
This is the only thin i an talk about in the holiday.
rade four finally over the lon ter, usher in the suer vaation, y lon-awaited how exitin it is! In the suer vaation, the ost eorable to e is to attend this ativity "hinese suer ap". n July 12, o 'lok in the ornin, we went to yun xian teple ate, the students partiipatin in the ativity, respetively, with less and Su in fro nanxian eleentary shool. First of all, we had a ap openin ereony, and three other lassates very honored to, I was seleted fla-bearer are enaed. After the openin ereony, we visited the nanxian alleries, understand the ustos of soe old nanxian. In the afternoon, we in the yun xian teple library, listen to the teaher's leture.
Leture is divided into three points, the first is "ouplet", ouplet is ore oon in our life, suh as New Year's day when stik Sprin Festival ouplets. iss hen in others out of the exhibition have opiled a few words, he also said that beautiful ouplet an ake the artile. The seond point is "poetry", throuh the leture we knew before the tan dynasty for the arhais, after the tan dynasty is the odern ulture. The third point is the "alliraphy", iss hen told us about three stories of wan xihi, also tells us the pleasure of writin alliraphy... Soon to half past three in the afternoon, students are deeply attrated by the teaher's leture, we understand the ulture of our ountry is so extensive and profound, understand hinese is hinese traditional aadei, is the essene of the hinese traditional ulture. The seond day of the suer ap of our ativities in the faous national 4 a level seni spots uyi arden. Just uyi arden exhibition, held in lotus park put the tank with lotus everywhere.
y winter holiday life rih and olorful, travelin, wathin ovies, ountain libin, a lassate birthday party... Aon the, the ountain libin is y favorite.
n one oasion, y parents and I o to lib the east seni ountain. That day, it sees that od to test our will, blowin wind, we aainst the wind, o after a flat front path was one, turned into a stone and lay. We didn't ive up, ove on, walk, y les slowly beae soft, look at o and dad, they are in hih spirit. At this oent, as if to see y dad idea, enourae a way: "oe on! Let's not far fro suess!" I have heard, nodded, and suon up ourae to one aain, hard to lib to the top of the suit, rawlin rawlin, and I was tired, looked up to the heiht, ah! Isn't that the suit? We is oin, I was so happy, run out whole body enery to lib. Finally, we libed to the suit. I stood on the suit to look down, wow! "Infinite sene in the perilous peak" ah!
The ovies I also in the winter holiday liked leisure ativities. ne day, I see a ovie, o and dad to V international studios we see is "od steal dads 2", is, used to steal the oon the bad personality of lu turn over a new leaf three little sons and dauhters when dad.
rie roups, however, "oalition aainst the wiked" oe, put a blow bi task in the hands of the wiked. And he deeply in love with his partner, Luy. Finally, when the two of the were trapped in the wron hands, Dr uton hoe with three sall sons and dauhters to resue the, but Luy haven't untie the rope, then, the bad uys to raise the hen peked at the launh of Luy be tied down the button, lobal and Luy is about to fly into a rater. At this tie, the lobal and Luy juped into the sea, finally, lobal dotor send sall boats to resue the. After 147 days, lobal and Luy finally arried.
y winter holiday life rih and olorful, you?
Winter oes aain, this is the third sine I was in priary shool winter vaation. Holiday that day, the teaher the assinent is ore on the blakboard. For e, the teaher assined winter vaation hoework to oplete or need a lot of tie, beause it is very diffiult, and a lot of. Due to the winter vaation hoework ore, need reasonable arrane tie to oplete, so I ade a plan for the winter vaation studyin life.
y plan is this: every ornin in the xinhua bookstore to buy of the "hinese winter vaation hoework" and "atheatis winter vaation hoework eah finish one pae (two sides); For ore than 30 inutes every ornin tie of extraurriular readin; Finished winter vaation hoework in the ornin and after readin the rest of the tie free ativities, you an wath TV, play oputer aes, et. Noon lunh break after an hour of sleep, we finished the afternoon arraneent: adhere to write every afternoon a piee of alliraphy, learn an hour of oputer appliation knowlede, after the read ooked a ood artile to read to the parents aain. Finally is in before you o to bed after supper every day to write a diary: an write of what happened in your own oents, stories and substane, et.; Before sleepin to delve into a really, finally under the exitin TV hildren's hypnoti sleep - it's not a ood habit!
The above is y winter holiday life plan? y winter vaation plan is ood! I finish y winter vaation hoework should not only, also want to help o and dad to do soethin, so o and dad won't be happy, and it had to be eaninful. Finally, is lose to the New Year, this is our iportant traditional festival of the hinese nation, I a here to wish you all a happy and prosperous New Year.
hinese New Year's day, we at hoe the next day to disuss where to o. Beause these days the weather is lear, sunny, loudless, and we unaniously deided to o to pini in the ountains. So, we have infored Yidie Aunt the, ready to pini the next day when the duplin skin, eat, ondients and bowls, hopstiks, pots and so on. The next day, we are ihty walked to the hill.
After a lenthy one hour, we finally boarded the suit. Then, we started the division of labor: Yidie had to base lesions, aunts duplins, soe of our kids went to the olletion of firewood. A oent later, a ood stove base, and reat people to iediately lift the pan up, doped Sheun Shui. This is, hai has Pikin is runnin out, we started to liht a fire. Fire is ettin bier wan, the boil was the dark. 3 Yidie saw, and said huorously: "with a sall double (y niknae) is the sae as blak." Listenin to other people, have a lauh.
oent, duplins have been wrapped, and five aunt arryin his duplins to the pot was about to fall, the three Yidie lookin duplins, and shook his head and said: "The pakae was too fat, and nothin like the sall pairs only skinny onkey." ne aain, other people lauh, I lauh aain and ood as, not help then added: "with the sae lowin three-Yi Die." ther people lauh even ore fierely.
The winter vaation.
We in the "prisoner" finally released. ne day, the sky was neither snow iddle. You look at the snow all over the sky, look fro the top down, the air, the roof, the round, the round, are pure snow in disuise into a white world.
In winter, it is so borin, but at this point, also ive us the hildren brouht a lot of fun, I looked at the white snow. Inspiration oes iediately, play snowball fihts.
Riht now, I all several elder brothers iron donkey ride to shool play snowball fihts. y an is also very happy, "iediately" eah one like to eat the dopin.
Snowball fiht is about to bein. I there will be people points first, and then. To find "abush", an play a un in one plae.
And in the winter vaation, lookin forward to, lookin forward to, the pae of the Sprin Festival is near, sprin is oin. hinese New Year, y father took e to randpa and randa's New Year's day in the ountry.
When I was a kid, I've also been to the ountryside, but at that tie is too sall, in rural areas don't have uh ipression. Annual lunar alendar at noon, the weather is very ood, dad took e to the ountryside shelf-spae turned a irle, standin, lookin for shelf-spae look, wheat seedin flies in the distane, the reen one, near the foot of naeless flower lusters, here, there, olorful and fantasti, now I know what is alled life, what is the real sprin. I was so happy, ath a differene with the hand, areful observation, the differene of sprin reen, two piees of leaves and a lare tender alt, dad told e that this is the tender alt row blosso finally will for what we want to eat the wheat. Then I was auht with the hand a little flower, flower petal is hexaonal, there is a little faint sent, sell touh will also leave a little bit of pollen in hand, slippery, is not the nae of, I asked y father said he also don't know, he told e that in the ountryside like this are too any unknown flowers rass, ount you oe over? Sprin ountryside was so beautiful!
As a student, I expet the winter holiday very uh, beause I don’t have to o to shool every day. So I an sleep and et up late. But this winter holiday, I a not very happy. I didn’t do well in the final exa. It akes y parents disappointed. I feel sorry to the.
Besides, I ot ill the whole winter holiday. I auht a old at first and then had a fever. I had to see a dotor every day. y parents worried uh about e. Beause of the illness, I didn’t have a ood tie durin the New Year. Now, I a a little better. I hope I ould be well soon, beause the new ter is beinnin. I don’t want to o to shool with illness.
Lots of thins in the winter vaation is like piees of olorful fireworks. Happy and like piees of fallin snow lihtsoe, I arefully piked up one piee, that is y ost eorable a eaninful thin.
It is a fine day in winter, y ood as the weather is ood, too. I told dad "the auntlet" - see who playin hess under hih level. To bein with, I shortly after the father died, so I put the two bulbs are used to eliinate the pawn, father died when I happily to eradiate the, only heard daddy said happily: "y Lord!" I rush to see y teaher, the other side of the un is to take our handsoe, I look to the help of overed her eyes, but y photoraph is not ove; I have to ove the loation of the handsoe, the riht of the position oupied by ar, so we have to ove to the left, "see this safe!" Just at that oent, I saw y father horse jup, y handsoe will live aain. At this oent, I, the front-runner, into also an not, bak to bak also don't o, just aept to ive up.
Year of the niht, lihts, joy. Way hoe deoratin, jubilant Yihanhan neon lihts ore dressed up the street. A faily reunion toether to wath the Sprin Festival et-toether, eat dinner toether. Is the ost interestin of fireworks. When the niht falls, 14 loations in the ity, residential areas to also put the fireworks.
Soe, suh as a strin of pearls; Soe stone suh as eteor; Soe, like a blossoin hrysantheus; Soe, suh as strips waterfall... Let e dalin, too any thins to see. The frequent loud firerakers, the flae of a radiant and briht and linkin flower, flyin in the sky, shinin on the earth, the explosion. The sound, the olour is endless, is to ake the whole luhen is full of joy, lively atosphere.
Look! "Weather" lon tail; "Bee" and "bu" in: "jinlon" wutherin swa to the sky; "Flash ball; liht is not your eyes...
Look at the olorful fireworks, y heart ith. So, y sister and I, y unle bouht a variety of fireworks and firerakers, ready to in y house downstairs. Listen to 1 of "bursts --" unle lit a fire with lihter, y heart is strethed tihtly, I overed y ears, the oent of waitin for the fireworks blooed. "Sou -" the flowers blooin in the "ai bullet" fro the barrel, into the sky has five stories hih. That is no olour profusion olor! Red, reen, silver, olden. Intertwined, like flowers in full bloo, the fireworks into the sky, fallin down, like a fairy satterin flowers, is really beautiful! I a happy to have to lap, everyone with a sile on his fae.
The New Year, new hope, in the New Year I' fireworks briht openin door!
Winter holiday oinides with the lunar New Year, 20xx, on the seond day that day, the sky was liht rain, inled with underround let a person not happy, also does not have what ood plae to o.
Father said, "let's to" rt-art shoppin all!"
"ood!" y other and I iediately to the spirit, with one voie replied.
Take the door, I involuntarily ran towards the toy departent. Look at the olorful barbie dolls, think they are lovely and beautiful, let e liner. Suddenly, I felt soeone aside quietly starin at e. Lookin bak, it was a briht yellow, fluffy teddy bear, it is about 60 lon, lare head, the body of rollin, blak nose on a pair of intense bi eyes. She stared at e unblinkinly, is really very ute, I just attrated by it in the past.
Dad standin to the side sees to see throuh y ind, "do you want to the ubs?"
I looked at the little bear, then see barbie dolls, put on a pair of dispensable. In fat, I espeially like the ubs, but aain afraid not oe true. So, pretendin that you didn't are.
Dad asked, "do you want a barbie doll or teddy bear?"
I like an ant replied: "I... I will bear." The voie is very liht very liht, alost ade a outh.
When dad put the lovely teddy bear on y hands, like a bunh of war sunshine on y heart.
In this way, with the 20xx winter and sprin, a lovely apple bear walked into y life, this is really a happy thin!