








In sprin, you take life and hope, ride the sprin wind, step on the drile, walk lihtly, fly over the ountains, jup over the rivers, oe all the way, and all the plaes you o are full of vitality.


When sprin oes to the orhard, the briht red peah blosso, the snow-white pear blosso and the liht pink apriot blosso are opetin for splendor. They are atually open to eah other. Lookin fro afar, a sea of flowers. The hard-workin bees are busy in the arden, the beautiful butterflies are danin, the birds are sinin elodious sons, like sayin that I love you in sprin.


When sprin ae to the fields, the reen wheat fields waved to us, the yellow rape flowers showed a beautiful and ovin sile, and the farer's unle's fae showed a happy sile, breakin the silene and quiet editation in the ornin.


When sprin oes to the arden, pink herry blosso, olden jasine, white lily and olorful rose ake up a beautiful star river. The little irls put on beautiful flower skirts, run around the fountain and fly a kite happily. The aunts put on the oreous dane lothes, and with the beautiful usi, they daned the harin square dane.


I love sprin, love the reovery of everythin, love its sprin, love its flowers, love its vitality, love its flowers.



Sprin is not only a season full of vitality, but also a beautiful, aial and hopeful season.

春天到了,各种绚丽的花朵都开放了,都是那么绚丽夺目。田里农夫伯伯种的油料作物——油菜花也开了。金黄的油菜花,成了蝴蝶的天地,锦绣的蝴蝶在金黄色的舞台上跳着柔和而柔美的舞姿。 他们一会儿在空中飘动,一会儿悄悄地停留在油菜花上。恰是这样,给春天也增添了不少乐趣。油菜花的锦绣,同时也吸引了不少“劳动人民”——蜜蜂,蜜蜂老是不分日夜地不辞劳地给油菜花授粉。 偶尔一阵轻风吹来,金黄的油菜花立即涌起了高低起伏的'“金浪花”。远眺望去,其实令人美不胜收!

When sprin oes, all kinds of oreous flowers are in full bloo. The oilseed rop of the farer's unle, the rape flower, is also in bloo. The olden rape flower has beoe the world of butterflies. The beautiful butterflies dane softly and raefully on the olden stae. They are flyin in the air and stayin quietly on the rape flowers. Just like this, it also adds a lot of fun to sprin. The beauty of rape flower also attrats any "workin people" - bees, who always pollinate rape flower day and niht. asionally a breee blows, and the olden rape flowers iediately sure up the "olden spray". Lookin fro afar, it's really beautiful!

春天是人们所向往的季节,人们老是在这个季节里做好了自己的打算,俗话说:“一天之计在于晨,一年之计在于春。”它正告诉我们:一年的愿望应该在春天计划好,一天之中最重要的时间是早 晨,在春天里,人们就开始耕田插秧、栽树等之类的农活。候鸟们也从南方迁到北方来了,为田地里劳作的农夫们喝彩。鸟儿有的站在高树上,有的干脆在田坎上,还有的立在“五线谱”上。恰是这样 ,使田地里的农夫倍感到欢乐,一切都热闹起来了。

Sprin is the season that people yearn for. People always ake their own plans in this season. As the sayin oes, "the plan of a day is in the ornin, and the plan of a year is in sprin." It is tellin us that the wishes of a year should be planned in sprin. The ost iportant tie of the day is in the ornin. In sprin, people bein to work in fields suh as transplantin seedlins, plantin trees, et. The birds also oved fro the south to the north, heerin the farers who worked in the fields. Soe birds stand on tall trees, soe siply on the ride, and others on the staff. It was in this way that the farers in the fields were ore than happy, and everythin beae lively.


In sprin, anials wake up fro their deep sleep. The rass bean to sprout, and the earth was full of prosperity. At a lane, everywhere is a reen sene, like a waterolor.


Sprin is really beautiful!



The old wind took the winter away, and the swallow fro the South brouht the war sprin. White louds float in the blue sky. The ie in the river elts and flows to the distane with a loud son. The rass ae out of the earth, stuk out its sharp little head, and put on a reen dress for the earth. You see, the pink one is peah blosso, the white one is anolia, the red one is apriot blosso, the fan one is pear blosso, the butterfly one is orhid, there are spherial ones, there are bowl-shaped ones, there are sinle-layer ones, there are ulti-layer ones, there are sattered ones, there are any flowers All the flowers are blooin, and fro tie to tie they eit a refreshin frarane. Willows sprouted, daned in the breee, and looked like a little irl with a lon pitail. Birds are hirpin in the branhes, as if sinin a son of sprin.


n the rass, hildren fly kites happily. A kite flies up to the sky. Suddenly, flowers bloo in the sky. It's very beautiful. Adults also take fishin ear to the river to fish. They sit in their hairs and wait for the fish to hook. Farers also bean to work hard, fertiliation, sowin, transplantin seedlins. A busy sene appeared in the field.


Sprin flowers are blooin, the wind is blowin on your fae, the sunshine is briht and the olor is boundless. What a beautiful sprin! It's so olorful and beautiful.



The trees outside the window are reen aain. When sprin oes, I an't help thinkin of y hoetown uandon.


Sprin in the south is very beautiful. Around the Sprin Festival every year, there will be drile. lose look, like a sall silver needle, like a root of attle hair. Fro a distane, it looks like a layer of isty ist and a liht white soke Soke throuh the sun, forin a beautiful "sun rain.".


The sprin wind blows the Buddha, and the buds of the rass oe out fro the round one by one, weavin into a piee of reen rass blanket. "The sun rain" is still under, under several days, or so thin, dense, onstantly floatin down, as if it will never end. The rain drops on the tender rass, like beautiful pearls, shine in the sun. any nauhty hildren are flappin in the water barefoot, splashin all over the water, their lothes are wet, they are still playin in the water


There are any well-known and unknown flowers in the beautiful south, whih are blooin indoors and outdoors. It is no wonder that soe people all the south of the otherland "the land of flowers", and uanhou, the ateway of the south, as "the flower ity".


South - a bi arden full of life. I like the sprin in the south.



Sprin returns to the earth and everythin reovers. Sprin irl oes to us with liht steps.


She whispered to the sleepin rass, "et up, et up, sprin is oin!" The rass yawned and looked out of the soil. They said happily, "the sunshine in sprin is so war!" Sand, sand After a sprin rain, sprin irls put on a reen oat for the rass.


She whispered to the bare Beonia, "et up, et up, sprin is oin!" The Beonia tree opened its sleepin eyes and strethed out its lon branhes. They said happily, "the wind in sprin is so entle!" "Hula A ust of sprin wind blows. The rabapple tree is full of briht flowers, just like the pink sile of the sprin irl.


She whispered to the hibernatin anials, "et up, et up, sprin is oin!" The little squirrel strethed out half his head fro the tree hole, and the little earthwor and the little ant ae out of the soil. They slowly libed to the river and said happily, "the sprin strea is so lear!" "Hua Hua That's the usi played by sprin irl!


She whispered to the lovely hild, "et up, et up, sprin is oin!" The hildren put on their liht oats one after another and ae to the park and ran to the lake. They ried exitedly, "what a beautiful senery in sprin!" "Hahaha..." hildren play happily toether.


Ah, sprin is a olorful season. Sprin is a happy oveent.






























