被谁感动英文作文100词 让人感动的作文100


篇首语:案头见蠹鱼,犹胜凡俦侣。本文为你选取作文被谁感动英文作文100词 让人感动的作文100四篇,希望能帮到你。


1、被谁感动英文作文100词 让人感动的作文100(1)

被谁感动英文作文100词 让人感动的作文100


1.Look at the sky

ne day, harley bouht a hot do in a snak bar after shool.

Suddenly, he stopped and raised his head hih. He kept lookin at the sky. It lasted two inutes.

A woan passed by. She saw harley lookin at the sky and she stopped and also looked at the sky.

The sky was blue. There were soe white louds. harley still looked at the sky and didn’t ove a bit. The woan also went on lookin at the sky.

ary passers-by stopped. They looked at the sky, too.

After a while, harley lowered his head. He lauhed and asked. “What are you lookin for in the sky?”

The woan said: “why are you lookin at the sky?”

“I didn’t look at the sky.” harley pointed to his nose, “y nose was bleedin.”

2. ne ood turn deserves another

I was havin dinner at a restaurant when Harry Steele ae in. Harry worked in a lawyer's offie years ao, but he is now workin at a bank. He ets a ood salary, but he always borrows oney fro his friends and never pays it bak. Harry saw e and ae and sat at the sae table. He has never borrowed oney fro e. While he was eatin, I asked hi to lend e $2. To y surprise, he ave e the oney iediately. “I have never borrowed any oney fro you,” Harry said, “so now you an pay for y dinner!”

3.ood news and bad news

An artist asked the allery owner if there had been any interest in his paintins urrently on display. "I've ot ood news and bad news," the owner replied. "The ood news is that a entlean inquired about your work and wondered if it would appreiate in value after your death. When I told hi it would, he bouht all fifteen of your paintins."

"That's wonderful!" the artist exlaied, "What's the bad news?". With onern, the allery owner replied, "The uy was your dotor."


"I an always tell a raduate lass fro an underraduate lass," observed the instrutor in one of y raduate enineerin ourses at alifornia State

University in Los Aneles. When I say, “ood afternoon,” the underraduates respond, “ood afternoon”. But the raduate students just write it down.

.hare for Bread and Butter

Soe years ao, y dad, an attorney, took e to a fany restaurant in Now York ity. When the bill arrived, there was a $1.0 hare for bread and butter. Dad paid the bill, inludin the hare for bread and butter. However, the next day, he sent a letter to the restaurants statin that the hare was unalled for. Enlosed in the sae envelope was a bill for $ 00 in leal servies.

Soeone fro the restaurant alled iediately and asked, "What is this $00 bill for? We never ordered any leal servies."

Dad replied, "I never ordered any bread and butter."

The $1.0 was returned without delay.

6.Sleepin Pills

Bob was havin trouble ettin to sleep at niht. He went to see his dotor, who presribed soe extra-stron sleepin pills.

Sunday niht Bob took the pills, slept well and was awake before he heard the alar. He took his tie ettin to the offie, strolled in and said to his boss: "I didn't have a bit of trouble ettin up this ornin."

"That's fine," roared the boss, "but where were you onday and Tuesday?"

7.This Proble with as(生词稍多但幽默)

A little old lady oes to the dotor ... and says, "Dotor, I have this proble with as, but it doesn't really bother e too uh. They never sell and are always silent. As a atter of fat, I've farted at least 20 ties sine I've been here in your offie. You didn't know I was fartin beause they don't sell and are silent." The dotor says, "I see. Here's a presription. Take these pills 3 ties a day for seven days and oe bak to see e next week." The next week the lady oes bak. "Dotor," she says, "I don't know what the hell you ave e, but now y farts ... althouh still silent... stink terribly." The dotor says, "ood! Now that we've leared up your sinuses, let's start workin on your hearin."

.Your oat Is on Fire

The aster, to ipress on his pupils the need of thinkin before speakin, told the to ount fifty before sayin anythin iportant, and one hundred if it was very iportant. The next day he was speakin, standin with his bak to the fire, when he notied several lips ovin rapidly. Suddenly the whole lass shouted: Ninety-eiht, ninety-nine, a hundred. Your oat is on fire, sir!

9. ay I have your attention please, now I will ive you a basi introdution of ountain Tai. It is one of the "Five Sared ountains" and is a natural useu aboundin with ultural relis and artworks, suh as Red ate Palae, id-Heaven ate and so forth. Now it is half past eiht, and all the visitors an stay in the ountain for hours. You should leave at 4:30p and the sihtseein bus is waitin at the entrane .It is iportant for you to reeber the bus nuber. When you et off the bus please brin your bas and lose the bus windows. Now please enjoy your tie! Thank you.


It was too sufferin to see the eye of a vulture every day. It seeed that I ould not endure hi anyore. Therefore, I invited hi to oe to y house for a drink – his last wine. Anestheti, hypnoti and psyhedeli drus whih I putted his up, so that he losed the sary eye. I sashed the lass by y riht hand, and opened his eyes by left hand slowly. His one eye was full of fear, whih ade e so exitin. However, another eye was still upset e.The fear turned into y rae, and there was a erry sile on y fae.It was rainin all day, the sky was so dark, and there were no people outside. I stuk, and an old an died.



1. iportant =ruial (extreely iportant),sinifiant(aount or effet lare enouh to be iportant)

2.oon=universal, ubiquitous(if soethin is ubiquitous, it sees to be everywhere)

3.abundant=aple(enouh and usually extra), plentiful(enouh for people's needs and wants)

4.stik=adhere, lin(hold on soethin tihtly)

.nelet=inore.(differene: nelet eans soeone has not paid enouh attention to soethin; inore eans no attention.)

6.near=adjaent(twothins next to eah other), adjoin(the sae as adjaent)

7.pursue=woo(an woos woan, old-fashioned), seek(if you seek sth, you try to obtain it. FRAL)

.aurate=preise(preise is exat and aurate in all details), exat(orret in every detail)

9.vaue=obsure(unknown or known by only a few people)

10.top=peak, suit被谁感动英文作文100词.

11.opetitor=rival, opponent(espeially in sports and politis)

12.blae=onden(if you onden soethin, you say it is very bad and unaeptable)

13.opinon=perspetive, standpoint(eans lookin at an event or situation in a partiular way)

14.fae=prestie(desribe those who are adired), reputation

1.build=eret(you an eret soethin as buildins, FRAL), establish

16.insult=huiliate(do soethin or say soethin whih akes people feel ashaed or stupid)

17.oplain=ruble (oplain soethin in a bad-tepered way)

1.priary=radial (very iportant and reat in deree), fundaental

19.relieve=alleviate (alleviate eans you ake pain or sufferins less intense or severe)

20.fore=oeres into(oere eans you ake soeone do soethin s/he does not want to),opel

21.enlare=anify(anify eans ake soethin larer than it really is)

22.oplex=intriate(if soethin is intriate, it often has any sall parts and details)

23. Lonely=solitary (if soeone is solitary, there is no one near hi/her)

24.sall=inusule(very sall), inute,

2.praise=extol(stroner than praise), oplient(polite and politial)

26.hard-workin=assiduous(soeone who is assiduous works hard or does thins very thorouhly)

27.diffiult=arduous (if soethin is arduous, it is diffiult and tirin, and involves a lot of efforts)

2.poor(soil)=barren, infertile(used to desribe the soil is so poor that plants annot be planted on it)

29.fraile=brittle, vulnerable(soeone who is vulnerable is easily hurt eotionally or physially)

30.show=deonstrate (to deonstrate a fat eans tp ake it lear to people.)

31.bi=assive(lare in sie, quantity, or extent), olossal(use this word, you ephasie soethin」s lare), treendous(INFRAL)

32.avoid=shun(if soeone shuns soethin, s/he deliberately avoid that soethin or keep away fro it.)

33.fair=ipartial(soeone who is ipartial is able to ive a fair opinion or deision on soethin.)

34.attak=assault (physially attak soeone), assail (attak violently)

3.dislike=abhor(abhor eans you hate soethin to a extree extent for oral reasons), loathe(dislike very uh)!

36.ruin=devastate (it eans daae soethin very badly, or utterly destroy it.)

39.always=invariably(the sae as always, but better than always)

40.forever=perpetual(a perpetual state never hanes), iutable(soethin iutable will never hane or be haned)

41.surprise=startle(it eans surprise you slihtly), astound(surprise you to a lare deree),astonish(the sae as astound)

42.enthusias=eal (a reat enthusias), ferveny (sinere and enthusias)

43.quiet=tranquil(al and peaeful), serene(al and quiet)

44.expensive=exorbitant(it eans too expensive that it should be)

4.luxurious=lavish(ipressive and very expensive), suptuous(rand and very expensive)

46.borin=tedious(if you desribe soethin tedious, you ean it is borin and frustratin)

47.respet=estee(if you estee soeone, you respet and adire hi/her. FRAL)

4.worry=fret(if you fret about soethin, you worry about it)

49.old=hilly(unpleasantly old), iy(extreely old)

0.hot=boilin(very hot)

1.danerous=perilous(very danerous, haardous(danerous, espeially to people's safety and health)


3.only=unique(the only one of its kind), distintive;

4.stop=ease(if soethin eases, it stops happenin or existin)

.part=oponent(the oponents of soethin are the parts that it is ade of)

6.result=onsequene(the results or effets of soethin)

7.obvious=apparent, anifest

.basedon=derived froan see or notie the very easily)


61.patheti=laentable(very unofortable and disappointin)

62.field=doain(a partiular field of thouht, ativities or interest)

63.appear=eere(oe into existene)

64.whole=entire(the whole of soethin)

6.wet=oist(slihtly wet), dap(slihtly wet), huid(very dap and hot)

66.wron=erroneous(inorret or partly orret)


6.hane=onvert(hane into another for)

69.typial=quintessential(this word eans represent a typial exaple of soethin)

70.areful=autious(very areful in order to avoid daner), prudent(areful and sensible)

71.ability=apaity, apability(the sae as ability)

72.strane=eentri(if soe one is eentri, s/he behaves in a strane way, or his/her opinion is different fro ost people)

73.rih=affluent(if you are affluent, you have a lot of oney)

74.use= utilie (the sae as use)

7.dubious=skeptial(if you are skeptial about soethin, you have doubts on it.)

76.satisfy=ratify (if you are ratified by soethin, it ives you pleasure and satisfation)

77.short=fleetin, epheeral(if soethin is epheeral, it lasts a short tie)


79.anry=enraed(extreely anry)

0.selly=alodorous(used to desribe an unpleasant sell)

1.uly=hideous(if soethin is hideous, it is very uly or unattrative)

2.attrative=appealin(pleasin and attrative), absorbin(soethin absorbin an attrat you a reat deal)

3.diverse=isellaneous(a isellaneous roups onsists of any different kinds of thins)

4.disorder=disarray, haos

.raily=frantially(used to desribe soeone who behaves in a wild and unontrolled way)

6.rapid=eteori(ATTENTIN: eteori is only used to desribe soeone ahieves suess quikly)

7.ordinary=undane(very ordinary and not at interestin or unusual)


9.best=optial(used to desribe the best level soethin an ahieve)

90.sharp=aute(severe and intense)

91.unbelievable=inoneivable(if you dee soethin inoneivable, you think it very unlike to happen )被谁感动英文作文100词.

92.pule=perplex(soethin perplex soeone eans it onfuses and worries hi/her beause he/she does not understand it)

93.ethod=avenue(away of ettin soethin done)

94.faous=distinuished(used to desribe people who are suessful in their areer)

9.anient=arhai(extreely old and extreely old-fashioned)

96.deorate=ebellish(ebellish eans ake soethin look ore attrative via deoratin it with soethin else)

97.possible=feasible(if soethin is feasible, it an be done, ade or ahieved)被谁感动英文作文100词.

9.so=onsequently, aordinly

99.rare=infrequent (doesn」t happen often)

100.reedy=rapaious(reedy and selfish)

高三的孩子们来看看 高考英语常用替换词 有着些作文是可以加分的~!以前新东方老师教的 我刚刚翻出来了~保真!

1:individuals,haraters, folks替换(people ,persons) 2:positive, favorable, rosy (美好的),proisin

(有希望的),perfet, pleasurable , exellent, outstandin, superior替换ood

3:dreadful, unfavorable, poor, adverse, ill (有害的)替换bad

如果bad做表语,可以有be less ipressive替换

e.An ary of ollee students indule theselves in playin aes, enjoyin roane with irls/boys or killin tie passively in their dors. When it approahes to raduation ,as a result, they find their aadei reords are less ipressive.



题目:Flea arkets on apus

In the reent years, flea arkets are extreely popular on apus.Lots of ollees students are pleased in onsuin in the flea arkets with less oney.Aon these ollee students, they have a oon psyholoial whih is alled obtain extra profit by unfair deal.Therefore, the rowd without any inoe would et what they need eonoially.

Every oin has two sides.n the one hand, flea arkets offer a platfor sellin various of heap produts onveniently.n the other hand, flea arkets in result plenty of issues.We viewed fro this anle, and flea arkets are not supposed to exist on apus.ne of the proble is that soe illeal ar-hants sell inferior freiht.ollee students would be triked by the.What's ore, this will lead to a ass onernin safe surroundins on apus.f ourse, the disordered arkets brins safety trouble to hide.There are nuerous atters owin to flea arkets.被谁感动英文作文100词.

For y part, flea arkets are essential.However, the shools ust strenthen anaeents to the ar-hants.


第一篇 Health





As Eerson said "The first wealth is health", health is iportant to everyone of us. nly when we have healthy bodies, an we work and study better. nly when we are in a ood state, an we enjoy the work and life. However, there are still soe people not so onerned about their health and forin any bad livin habits, whih inlude drinkin, sokin, stayin up, surfin the internet for a lon tie without break and so on. Therefore, we all should learn how to keep healthy. In y opinion, it's neessary to et rid of the bad habits entioned above. What's ore, forin the ood habits of exerisin reularly is essential. 第二篇 n friendship





No one an live alone for we all need friendship. The preious thin in the world is not oney but friendship. Whereas, what is the real friendship in the real life? Friendship is ivin but askin nothin in

return. It is what an ofort and enourae you when you are not in ood ood and be riht there for you whenever you are in need. A friend who inores you and keeps you away when you are in trouble is not a real friend. Friendship eans brinin in and takin away. It's not just askin without ivin. If you want to et a real friendship, you should learn ivin first. Besides, do not foret to be with a sinere heart. 第三篇 ood eatin habits



ood eatin habits

As we all know, we are what we eat. Therefore, it's very iportant for us to for healthy eatin habits. ood eatin habits ake ood bodies, and ood bodies ake ood life. Forin a ood and healthy eatin habits is the preise to lead a better life. In our daily life, washin hands before eatin, havin eals reularly, never exerisin soon after a eal and not often eatin ie food as well as junk food are all ood habits of eatin. ay every one of us for a ood eatin habit and lead a healthy life. 第四篇 关于失败的




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