u-play钢琴 weplay钢琴
篇首语:若我是万千繁星其中一个,你便是我的星轨,使我昼夜不知停。本文为你选取作文u-play钢琴 weplay钢琴四篇,希望能帮到你。
u-play钢琴 weplay钢琴
《Kiss The Rain 雨的印记》(Yirua) a
《Tears眼泪》(The Daydrea)
《YU&E》(The Daydrea)
《天空之城》钢琴版 arryin You
《erry hristas》 r.Lawrene(坂本龙一)
《anon In D》帕海贝尔 (最近发现湖南台周笔畅的勇往直前的广告
《小百合》(《云之彼端 约定的地方》中的曲子)
《Ave aria圣母颂》舒伯特
《天鹅》圣桑 (优雅的天鹅)
《a小调无伴奏长笛组曲》巴赫(这首曲子被认为是最不像长笛组曲的长笛组曲) 《沉思》马斯涅(浪漫的法国风格)
邱比特 instruental
irish lullaby 爱尔兰摇篮曲
妖精之森 钢琴曲
风之誓言 梁邦彦
夕焼け云 fro 《Furusato Reborn ~ふるさと~》作曲:加羽泽美浓 依然不能忘记深深打动我的第二首《晚霞》
静寂 fro 《香》 作曲:菅井爱里
红叶 fro 《Tofu 东风》 作曲:巨势典子
在70年代,Billy Joel常被和Brue Sprinsteen、Bob Seer相提并论,那两位是HEARTLAND的超级巨星,他们彰显的是蓝领阶层的价值观,做的是中年人的摇滚乐。与之相比,Billy Joel更为多样,他有缠绵的情歌,爵士味的小调,也有简单强劲的青少年音乐,以及大气的抗议歌曲,他唱落寞的钢琴手,美国梦,越战,异教徒,黑手党,人类历史,也唱无聊的郊区生活,不着边际的初恋,相貌平平的女孩。
《Piano an》,最好的钢琴手之歌,Billy Joel的成名曲,用细致的笔触描绘了酒吧中的各色人等,追忆往昔的老头,梦想成为明星的酒保,海军士兵,小职员,等等,他们分享一杯孤独的酒,这好过一个人孤单地喝酒,他们来听钢琴手,短暂地忘却一下生活。
It's nine o'lok on a Saturday 现在是星期六早上九点钟
The reular rowd shuffles in 老顾客们成群涌入
There's an old an sittin next to e 有个老人坐在我身边
akin' love to his toni and in 正在与他手中的汤力混琴酒缠绵
He says, "Son, an you play e a elody?
I' not really sure how it oes
But it's sad and it's sweet and I knew it oplete
When I wore a youner an's lothes"
La la la, de de da
La la, de de da da da
horus Sin us a son, you're the piano an Sin us a son toniht Well, we're all in the ood for a elody And you've ot us feelin' alriht 为我们唱一首吧,钢琴手 今晚为我们唱一首 我们都期待着你的旋律 你懂得我们的感情 Now John at the bar is a friend of ine He ets e y drinks for free And he's quik with a joke or to liht up your soke But there's soeplae that he'd rather be He says, "Bill, I believe this is killin e." As the sile ran away fro his fae "Well I' sure that I ould be a ovie star If I ould et out of this plae" 现在在吧台的JHN是我的一个朋友 他常会为我免费倒上一杯饮料 他很对笑话反应很快,有在你想抽烟时立即为你点上 但是他的心却不在这里 他说:"bill,这样下去不行,” 说着笑容从他脸上消失了 “ 我想,我一定能成为一个电影明星 只要我能跨出这里的话。” h, la la la, de de da La la, de de da da da Now Paul is a real estate novelist Who never had tie for a wife And he's talkin' with Davy who's still in the navy And probably will be for life PAUL是一个优秀多产的小说家 他一直没时间去找个爱人 现在他在跟dave,那个还在海服役军的人聊天 那个大概会在哪里待一辈子人 And the waitress is pratiin politis As the businessen slowly et stoned Yes, they're sharin a drink they all loneliness But it's better than drinkin' alone 女服务生正在发挥她的社交手腕 生意人们也慢慢醉了 是的,他们是在一起在共享一杯酒,那杯被称为寂寞的酒
无论怎样总胜过一个人独饮好 horus It's a pretty ood rowd for a Saturday And the anaer ives e a sile 'ause he knows that it's e they've been oin' to see To foret about life for a while And the piano, it sounds like a arnival And the irophone sells like a beer And they sit at the bar and put bread in y jar And say, "an, what are you doin' here?" 对于来说周六这已经算是很多人了 经理给了我一个笑容 因为他知道,这些人都是冲我而来的 来这里暂时忘记生活的烦劳 那个钢琴 听起来就像在嘉年华 那麦克风闻起有像啤酒的味道 他们坐在吧台上,把小费放入我的罐子了 并问到,你待在这儿干什么呢? (很有惋惜的味道) h, la la la, de de da La la, de de da da da
《The River f Dreas》,Suanne Vea的《Book of Dreas》可能是受了这首歌启发。《y Life》,一派西海岸流行味。《ovin' ut (anthony's Son)》,一首美国梦的讽刺歌,其中几个词(heart attakakakakakak、adillaaaaaaaa)某个音节的重复极具喜剧效果。《nly The ood Die Youn》,劝一个信教的姑娘要及时行乐,只有好人早死。《All About Soul》,唱的是超越了爱情的灵魂相依。《Just The Way You Are》,献给平凡的女孩,不用减肥,不用整容,这样最好。
《It's Still Rok n' Roll To e》,这首歌可以看做是对Bob Seer的《ld Tie Rok n' Roll》的回应,Seer在那首歌中哀叹如今的音乐远没老音乐那么有味,他宁愿听些老骚灵,也不愿去迪斯科或探戈。Billy Joel却说,无论是疯克朋克新浪潮还是什么别的词,“It's Still Rok n' Roll To e”,妙的是,这首歌是正宗的老摇滚味,布鲁斯,吹奏乐,听起来就像Bob Seer,V中,Billy Joel也是一身复古装。
《oodniht Saion》最好的越战歌曲之一,同类歌中,Brue Sprinsteen的《Born in the U.S.A.》涉及的面更广,Stevie Wonder的《Front Line》更为直接,Lou Reed的《Xas In February》更有一种冷酷感,Billy Joel的这首歌却最为震撼,开头和结尾都是寂寂
篇三:《Unit 2 练习答案》
. Translation
1. Translatin Sentenes
1). 现在有些家长对子女要求太高,要他们学英语,学钢琴,学画画,什么都要学。(be hard on)
Nowadays, soe parents are hard on their sons and dauhters, askin the to learn Enlish, to learn to play the piano, to learn paintin, and to learn any other thins as well.
be hard on soethin (inforal)
be unkind, strit or ruel
Don’t be too hard on her – she was only tryin to help.u-play钢琴.
Don't be hard on e, please.
2). 他下定决心戒赌,所以看见往日的赌友他惟恐避之不及。(disassoiate oneself fro)
He is deterined to ive up ablin, so when he sees his forer ablin friends, he is ore than eaer to disassoiate hiself fro their opany.
dissoiate yourself/soeone fro soeone/soethin
to show learly that soeone is not onneted with soeone or soethin
Ps have been urin the overnent to dissoiate itself entirely fro the war.
I wish to dissoiate yself fro those views.
It is ipossible to dissoiate lanuae fro ulture.
3). 记者们接到严厉的警告,没有官方批准不得前往地震灾区。(stern)
The reporters reeived a stern warnin not to o to the earthquake-striken area without offiial perission.
stern adj.
havin a definite hardness or severity of nature or anner
The president was prepared to resort to stern easures to et his way.
A sile suddenly transfored her stern fae.
The ourt issued a stern warnin to the driver.
4). 孩子读书不争气,家长的日子就不好过了。(keep up)
Life is touh for parents whose kids fail to keep up in shool.
keep up (with)
to ake proress or learn at the sae speed as soeone or soethin
By studyin hard she anaed to keep up.
We always try to keep up with our opetitors.
). 嫌疑犯打算逃走,但是他的家人把他劝说住了。(dissuade)
The suspet onsidered sneakin away, but his faily anaed to dissuade hi.
dissuade soeone fro doin
to persuade soeone not to do soethin
e.. apbell tried in vain to dissuade Paton fro quittin. You'd better dissuade hi fro doin that. y teaher dissuade e fro aeptin the job.
6). 电缆全部是明亮的黄色,以防行人绊脚。(trip over)
The ables are all briht yellow to prevent pedestrians fro trippin over the.
trip over/on
to hit your foot on soethin and fall down
I tripped over a rok.
He tripped up on a able and broke his ankle.
7). 他对那个决定深为恼火,举起双臂表示不满。(exasperation)
Infuriated by the deision, he threw up his ars in exasperation.
exasperation n.
the feelin of bein extreely annoyed and ipatient beause thins are not happenin in the way that you want the to happen
"o away!" I shouted in exasperation.
In the liax of his exasperation he hurled an oath at the do and a oarse epithet at his istress.
). 由于日晒雨淋,这幢老房子门上的漆已经斑痕累累。(bloth)
The paint on the door of this old house has been blothed and striped by years of weatherin. bloth n. a oloured ark on soethin, espeially a red ark on your skin
He pointed to a dark bloth upon the starry sky soe iles astern of us.
bloth of olor
2. Translatin Passae
Translate the followin into hinese.
While absorbin the essene of a forein ulture, we should not be ontent with iitation without reation. An obsession with siple iitation will sterilie reation, and as suh it will be ipossible for us to sale new heihts in art and ipossible to present to the world exellent works of our own reation. Siple iitation is by no eans equivalent to novelty and oriinality. n the ontrary, novelty and oriinality result fro the obination of odern and traditional styles, the obination of the distintive features of forein ountries with those of our own
nation, and the obination of artistry and eduation.
The United States is often referred to as a “eltin pot”, in whih ixin and assiilation between different ultures are oon. Please disuss how people of different ethni bakrounds in the U. S., onsiously or subonsiously, try every eans to aintain their ultures, and ive your reasons if possible.
The followin points iht be useful in your disussion:
1) The ulture of an ethni roup is the root of that roup. An ethni roup of no root is destined to beoe extint.
2) The Aerian ulture is just the su total of the ultures of different ethni roups.
. Listenin Exerises
Listen for the ain idea and details.
Task 1: Whih of the followin best states the speaker’s purpose?
A. To enourae Arab and Jewish hildren to study at the sae shool.
B. To infor the audiene that a bilinual shool opened in Jerusale.
. To report a projet of ross-ultural eduation in Israel.
D. To eliinate the onflit between Israel and Palestine.
Key: [ ]
Task 2: Deterine whether the followin stateents are true or false.
1. The iddle East is a reion arked with onsiderable hatred and distrust. [T]
2. There are very few shools in Jerusale, where Arab and Israeli hildren learn toether. [T]
3. A world-faous Lebanese siner san a popular son to the hildren of the shool. [F]
4. The oraniation, Hand-in-Hand, established the bilinual priary shool, whih ais to pro- ote peaeful oexistene between Arabs and Jews. [T]
. The shool opened in 1999. [F]
6. Arab and Jewish students in this shool learn side by side like alost every other shool in Israel. [F]
7. Instrutions of the shool are iven in both Hebrew and Arabi so as to ake the students equally fluent in both lanuaes, to learn about eah others ulture, and to enhane utual understandin and respet despite the violene between Israelis and Palestinians. [T]
. An assoiate diretor of Hand-in-Hand believes that Arabs and Jews in Israel an fully under- stand and respet one another’s lanuaes and traditions. [T]
9. r. Livienthal insists that both sides. Arabs and Jews, should know the truth about eah other’s beliefs fro an early ae thouh it is very hard. [T]
10. The shool has already beoe a odel for other shools in Israel. [F]
11. The shool has 123 hildren and rades, hopin to expand the projet into seondary eduation. [F]
12. Dalia Peret, the Jewish prinipal, believes throuh their eduation Jewish and Arab students fro their early aes will be able to see both diensions of the onflit between the two raes and between the two ultures. [T]
13. Students there, even at their youn aes, see to realie they’re involved in soethin reat.
Sript of Listenin
(1) In the iddle East, a reion arked with onsiderable hatred and distrust, there are still soe plaes where lessons in harony and respet are lived every day. ne of the is a shool in Jerusale where Arab and Israeli hildren learn toether.
(2) These hildren sin a son ade popular by a world-faous Lebanese siner. This iht see an ordinary event at a shool in Beirut or any other Arab apital, but this nursery is in Jerusale, and the hildren are both Arabs and Israelis. This is the younest roup of students enrolled in the Bilinual Shool, one of two suh priary shools founded by the oraniation Hand-in- Hand, whih ais to proote peaeful oexistene between Arabs and Jews. It opened durin a ore hopeful tie in 199.
(3) Here, unlike alost every other shool in Israel, Arab and Jewish students learn side by side. In eah lass, there are two teahers, one Arab and one Israeli. Instrution is in both Hebrew and Arabi and the ai is to ake the students equally fluent in both lanuaes. And throuh this proess, they are also learnin about eah other’s ulture, with the objetive of reater under- standin and respet between the two peoples. The usi teaher, an Arab, is exited about the prospets for the projet, offerin hope for a brihter future, despite the urrent violene between Israelis and Palestinians.
(4) r. Livienthal, who has worked as an assoiate diretor for Hand-in-Hand, believes that the hallene ahead is for Arabs and Jews in Israel to fully understand and respet one another’s lanuaes and traditions. “What we want to ahieve is full interation, Jewish, Arab eduation, fully bilinual and a full aeptane of the other,” he said.
() But applyin this theory an be unofortable, and r. Livienthal is the first to aknowlede that the task is not easy. Take for exaple, the proble of national holidays. Eah year, Israelis elebrate the foundin of their state on Independene Day. But at this shool the Jewish students learn that their Arab ounterparts oeorate the sae oasion as Nakbah, eanin “atastrophe.”
(6) But r. Livienthal insists that both sides ust know the truth about eah other’s beliefs fro an early ae. “We don’t see a threat by arkin the Nakbah day,” he said. “We don’t enourae hatred, we enourae listenin. It was very diffiult for both sides of ourse.”
(7) Refletin its unique harater. the shool has two prinipals. The Arab prinipal, Ali Khatib says the oal should be to enourae other shools to adopt the sae innovative approah. “If we sueed with this and any parents want to reister their hildren at the shool, it will be a odel for other shools in Israel,” r. Khatib said.
() So far, the shool has 123 hildren and there are lasses to the 4th rade. r. Khatib says the drea is to enroll ore students and expand the projet into seondary eduation. He works alonside with Dalia Peret, who is the Jewish prinipal. She believes the shool is prootin positive hanes by brinin Arabs and Jews toether fro an early ae.
(9) “I didn’t eet Arab friends until I was in university, and this is the oon ase,” she said. “And when you eet Arabs as a Jew in Israel, you eet the as your waiter, as your worker, soethin like that. It is very seldo on an equal level. And here at the shool, it is a totally different ase beause the hildren row up toether. Reality is oplex. There are Arabs and there are Jews, and the onflit does not have only one side, it has at least two sides.” The ability
of the students to see both diensions is evident.
(10) Ten-year-old Arab student Basil Aid answers in fluent Hebrew and oents that he ounts soe of his Jewish lassates as his best friends. And even at their youn aes, students here see to realie they’re involved in soethin potentially bier than just oin to shool. Eiht- year-old Jewish student, Jaie Einstein said. “I think it’s ood beause if Arabs and Jews will be toether, so aybe the people in the world will be toether.”
(11) Keepin suh hopes alive with the louds of war atherin one aain over the iddle East is not easy. But at this shool at least, the students and teahers are doin their best.
Text II
axine Hon Kinston
Questions for Disussion
1). Why did the villaers raid the house?
Adultery was onsidered as ioral and assoiated with evil. Punishent was diret and swift. It onsisted of subjetin a person onvited of adultery to publi disrae.
2). What was her other's attitude towards her aunt onvited of adultery?