Sprin is war and flowers are blooin. Everythin is revivin. Sprin is oin. In this sprin, a new type of virus "oronary disease" appears, whih brins us disaster and akes the red and fiery new year a iasa. At this ritial oent, let's join hands. Unite as one, unite as one, and fiht aainst the new virus. When the virus is eliinated, the whole ountry is jubilant. When sprin returns to the earth, the hero returns.
Beause of the arrival of the new invader "new oronary disease", people's ood radually sank, the hot and noisy streets beae old, people stayed at hoe, did not dare to o out, and responded to the all of the ountry. any shops are losed, and there is also an oasional passer-by on the street. Just in a hurry. Sprin is a ood season for outin and outdoor ativities. Nowadays, people live at hoe, isolated fro nature, full of fear and worry.
In the fae of these, any people flinh, but soe people still stik to their posts. They rush to the front line. They are not soldiers, but they have a stroner entality than soldiers. They are soldiers in front of the hospital bed. They are anels in white, our dotors. Have they ever been afraid? f ourse, when they saw the sik opatriots, they did not refuse to treat the patients beause of their fear. They reahed out to help and rearded the Wuhan people surrounded by the virus as their relatives. They hoose to sarifie their rest tie for the reovery of patients. The arks of asks and heavy protetive lothin ake the suffer fro physial and ental tests every day. So any patients reover slowly with their help.
Just as the front-line apain is in full swin, the arin people fro all walks of life in our otherland have donated oney and aterials to beoe the stron bakin of the brave en in front of us. They an support a piee of blue sky for the and let the know that they are not fihtin alone. As lon as the people of the whole ountry unite as one, hand in hand, side by side, they will surely win the battle. Now that the ilitary servie has been under ontrol, we will win the battle. I wish our heroes an early return and a better ountry. The tie of flowerin is the tie of return.
With novel oronavirus oin, thousands on thousands of edial workers are uardin our people with dediation and dediation to the ountry and people.
After the outbreak, as the first hospital to reeive patients in Wuhan, nearly 1000 edial staff fouht at the forefront of the front line. They are wearin heavy protetive lothin, riskin bein infeted, fihtin aainst tie to treat patients.
Novel oronavirus, a 4 year old aadeiian of the Nanshan ollee, should retire at hoe and provide pleasure for the draon. But when the ountry and the people need hi ost, he will take the lead in fihtin the new oronavirus aain. Lookin at the tired fiure of the edial staff, in addition to ovin or feelin, this will be the ost beautiful senery of the year of eni.
n New Year's Eve, it should have been a happy day for faily reunion, but they still stik to their posts and safeuard people's seurity.
It's bound to be a different sprin festival. Althouh it's been ore than a onth, think of the edial workers who have written down the invitation for war and rushed to Wuhan overniht to support the edial staff. The onstrutors who started to build huoshenshan hospital and the drivers who transported aterials day and niht proved what reat love is with their ations.
These reat edial staff, dressed in layers of protetive lothin and ared, use their preious lives to aintain the health of thousands of people in the ward full of reat life daner, and o on and on.
Here's a little story. In the ornin, dotors on both sides of the orridor of the hospital fell asleep aainst the wall. There was a dotor naed Yan Wenkai. He worked on the operatin table for two onseutive weeks, resultin in his transitional fatiue. When he ot off work, he walked into the elevator, and he fell asleep by the handrail of the elevator. When he ot off the elevator, he fell down and hit two bi ones Inisors. This is not a novel oronavirus ase, but I an still feel the spirit of the dotor's sarifie.
Therefore, we should pay hoae to these beautiful rebels, at the sae tie, we should respet nature and protet life. Let's overoe this war without unpowder toether, and look forward to their early return, faily reunion and prosperity toether.