关于手机看法的作文 对手机的看法英语作文


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1、关于手机看法的作文 对手机的看法英语作文(1)

关于手机看法的作文 对手机的看法英语作文


Sartphone Addition

As the developent of odern tehnoloy, Sartphone has beoe quite popular all over the world with its outstandin funtions. People an use phones to surf the Internet, update their personal iro blo, and upload their latest pitures at any plae, anytie. It sees that sart phones have already beoe an indispensable part in people’s daily lives. However, soe people are indulin in sart phones, whih already have side-effet on their noral life.


Soe people, espeially teenaers, are easily fall for Sartphone for these reasons. First of all, nowadays, people are under reat pressure, while ell phone provides a platfor for people to relax theselves. By playin ini-aes, voal hattin with friends, wathin ovies and listenin to usi, people an easily foret their probles teporary. Seond, there are always soethin new on the phone. It is an be interestin, ysterious and various. So people are eaer to turn on their phones, want to know what is happenin around the. When people spend too uh tie on the phones, they don’t have enouh hane to ouniate with their friends or parents. Their attentions have been drawn away by the virtual world. Lak of ood self-ontrol, they are fraile to the sart phone addition, while they supposed to fous on their study and work.


I think people should take sart phone addition seriously. Quittin addition needs tie and patiene. People should turn off their phones, o outside and ouniate with others fae to fae. Do ore exerise and for optiisti attitude towards life! 我认为人们应重视把智能手机成瘾症。戒掉它需要时间和耐心。人们应该关掉手机,走出家门与他人面对面的沟通交流。多做运动,培养乐观积极的心态!

相关范文:Nowadays ore and ore students played their ell phone durin the lass . and i think there are several key reasons for this oasion ours. the first is that they think the teahers lass are borin and this is a beautiful ause . the seond is that there is not a strit rule .the third one is that the students don’t have a oal of their life .And we all know that not only the phone has radioative but also ruined the orale in studyin .you just want to kill the tie durin the

lass...we should take an ation to inase its deteriorate .first we teahers should be vividly and huorous and know soe basi skills of teahin students instead of readin the books for students in the lass..the seond

we need to ake a strit rule about phone and the punishent will be needed too. the third students should be enlihtened about akin their plan of their future . we all know that if we don’t have plan we ant ake a differene ..we should be fast , aurate, and without ery the situation will be haned and everythin will fine.



Diretions:Study the followin raph arefully and write an essay in whih you should

1) analye the raph, and

2) ive your oents on the trend.


In reent years there has been a draati rise in the ell phones, whih are now essential to illions of people as a onvenient for of ouniation. In 2004 the nuber reahed 31,000,000, with an averae annual inrease at 7,00,000. Soe people an now no loner iaine life without their ell phones. The fat that they are so popular proves that they are useful and onvenient. ell phones enable people to easily and quikly ouniate with one another; wherever you are, you an instantly reah soebody. ell phones eliinate the trouble of not bein able to eet soeone in person, and therefore inrease business's effiieny. obile phones neessarily also harbor disadvantaes. The radiation suh phones eit is haardous to one's health. Furtherore, if people beoe too reliant on the use of ell phones, our fae to fae skills ay deline. Any new invention has its drawbaks, and suh neative aspets annot always diinish its popularity. Despite the neative effets of television, for exaple, the nuber of people who own televisions ontinues to row at a treendous rate. This is also the ase with obile phones. People won't stop eatin just beause of the risk ofhokin. In addition, the swift developent of siene and tehnoloy will likely eliinate the haards ell phones ay ause. ne an safely predit, therefore, that with the introdution of new tehniques, obile phones will have ore appliations and beoe even ore appealin to ustoers.






As is shown in the hart, ell phones are beoin ore and ore popular within hina. In 2000, the nuber of ell phones in use was ,260,000; in 2001, the nuber was 10,000,000; in 2002 206,600,000; in 2003 269,000,000. In 2004, the nuber is

31,000,000. Fro these statistis, we an see the inreasin use of ell phones.

Why have ell phones ained so uh doinane in our lives? There are any fators ontributin to this developent. Firstly, a ell phone has no wires and an be arried everywhere easily. It is sart. If you need to rin soeone, you an just dial a nuber and the phone will onnet you to the riht person. It an be a reat help for you to be onneted with the world. Seondly, a ell phone is soethin wonderful that we an have fun with: news, aes, usi and hat throuh sendin short essaes. Thirdly, the drop in prie and the siultaneous iproveent in the

funtions have ade it possible for an averae person to ake use of a ell phone.

The wide use of ell phones has ade the ore and ore indispensable in people's daily life. The any funtions of the ell phone have ade ertain people relutant to separate theselves fro their ell phone.关于手机看法的作文.

这个图表向我们展示了手机在中国变得越来越普遍。在2000年,全中国的手机使用量为26万部;2001年为1.亿;2002年为2.066亿;2003年为2.69亿; 2004年的手机使用量迅速增加到






Fro the artoon iven above, we an observe that there are any people rossin the street. Instead of lookin at the way, they are starin at their ell phones and usin walkin stiks to see. It is obvious that they are fasinated with ell phones while even inore their seurity.

We learn fro the artoon that ell phones have been inreasinly widespread in people's life. ell phones are of reat benefit to all of us. ne of the ost obvious advantaes is that we an ontat with our friends and relatives ore onveniently than ever before. However, it is obile-phones' advantaes that lead soe people to overuse or be addited to the, whih tends to exert a neative ipat on our life. For exaple, overusin ell phones will redue fae-to-fae ouniation aon people. It sees that ost of us enjoy the onveniene of ontat at the expense of interpersonal relationships. oreover,entertainin eletroni aes, ananious inforation and a bewilderin variety of soial networkin tools in obile phones have oupied uh of our tie. Inforation distribution tools and soial networkin tools, in partiular, have attrated all of our attention, whih tepts us to keep our eyes on the sreen around the orner of every seond. Then, do not expet us to talk with the people around us, we don't have tie! This, has resulted in a phenoenon of "alienation between aquaintanes and failiarity between straners".

Siene and tehnoloy and odern tools should be served as an "anel" to iprove our livin standard, rather than a devil to disturb our noral life and ouniation. Just iaine, live one day without obile phone, will you be relaxed? r anxious? (279words)







都说科技造福人类,但唯物辩证法告诉我们,事物都有两面性,类似于手机这样的高科技产品也在不知不觉中为人类带来了一系列负面影响,例如,空调开的时间长了对身体不好,对环境不好,电脑用多了对眼睛不好,对身心不好。因此我认为,被越来越多的中学生随身携带的手机有必要去研究它的利弊。 随着科技的不断进步,手机越来越智能化,多样化,人性化,受到社会上绝大多数人的喜爱。同时,随着人们生活水平的提高,手机的价格也能让大多数家庭所能接受。手机已经不再是有权有势人的私有财产。回想90年代初,大哥大就像一块大砖头,能配得上它的是和它成正比的重量级人物,它的地位不亚于现在的任何一辆名牌跑车,是所有有权有势的人的重要代表物,谁又能想到,十多年后,手机已是旧时富人手中机,飞入寻常学生中。如今的信息发达,中学生们的视野越来越广,开始像成年人一样追求时尚的东西,当下时尚的智能手机成了他们的心上之物,许多家长抓住天机以手机作为学业的奖励,或作为节日的礼物送给孩子,这样就造成手机不光在成年人中普遍出现,也在中学生中掀起了一股热潮,中学生玩手机成为一道亮丽的风景线。从某种意义上说,手机,已经成为他们生活中极为重要的组成部分。拥有手机的中学生人数也日渐增多,手机的档次也大有水涨船高之势。从最便宜的到价格不菲的能拍照的,各种品牌、各种款式的手机都能在校园里找到它们的拥有者。 中学生有大量的时间是在学校,特别是在校住宿的学生,有的学生会以用来与父母联系的名义把手机带进学校。那么,中学生在校使用手机的到底是利还是弊呢?答案自然是有利也有弊。 其中利有: 1手机作为高科技产物,确实可以给我们带来许多生活上的方便,学生可以通过手机及时与家长联系,也可以向老师汇报学习等。 2与以前同学多交流,可以保持原有的友谊;与现在同学多交流,可以增进友谊,遇到疑难问题时,可以用手机进行讨论。 3一些手机的拍摄功能,可以随时拍下一些有意义有价值的东西。 4里面的闹钟装置,可以随时使用。 通话记录功能,手机不像家里的电话一样不在家的时候别人打电话来不知道,在手机里是有记录的。方便查阅。 6手机的本身小儿玲珑,占很小的面积可以随身携带。 7当学生外出游玩或在其他地方遇到危险时可以及时向家长,老师或警察求助。 虽然手机的利有很多,但是它的弊也有不少: 1短信聊天,影响休息,贻误学业。多数家长反映,孩子用手机谈论学习的内容少,用于同学之间联系或发短信的多。调查的两个班中,甲班成绩明显高于乙班,说明手机必会给学业造成大的影响。 2不良信息,玷污心灵。据了解,北京市一所中学曾做过一个调查:在学生发送接受的手机短信息中,70%是与正常学习和生活无关的信息,10%以上是黄色短信息,部分学生甚至把相互转发黄段子当作时尚。 3助长学生攀比成风。每到课余时间或放学以后,一些学生就会围在一起,相互切磋手的款式和功能。校园里的手机越来越多,档次也越来越高,对那些没有手机的学生很容易造成心理上的不平衡。在攀比之风的影响下,有些学生开始盲目追逐,因为手机更新换代十分迅速,外形、功能都日新月异,学生会炫耀自己的家境,父母地位。这样会让学生把父母当成靠山,不思进取。 4额外增加父母负担。在学校进行的抽样调查显示,学生购买手机的资金全部直接或间接来自于父母,另外,还有每月几十元到上百元不等的话费也需要家长掏腰包。以一年计算,家长花在孩子手机上的费用至少要00元。对于经济条件并不宽裕的家庭来说,给孩子买手机等于是给家长增添了新的负担。 手机为考试作弊提供了条件。本校高2007届学生中就曾发生利用手机作弊而被惩罚。用手机舞弊是公开的秘密了,而且一条信息可以发给好几个同学,作弊的范围很广。 6影响校园治安。手机是贵重物品,若有不良行为的学生会发生偷盗现象。据反映,我校有个别班级出现钱、钱包被盗,手机如果不随身携带,也会被盗。在一些发达国家,学校的管理者比我们更早地遇到了这一问题,手机所带来的恶劣影响也更为突出,已经引发了中学生的犯罪,有手机的中学生也成为一些犯罪分子欺骗和抢劫的对象。 7使用手机会妨碍学校的教育教学秩序。上课时有的同学手机没有关机,突然来电话,影响

全体同学听课。会给整个教室带来不愉快的情绪。本人初三月考时曾因为前座突然来电话而受影响。 手机对人有辐射。许多广告只说手机有很多很多先进功能,却从未提对人体伤害。青少年正处在生长发育的黄金阶段,如果因为手机而对身体伤害,岂不追悔莫及。 从上述观点中我们不难发现,中学生在校使用手机的弊还是大于利’的,不少校方都深知手机对学生的危害,所有学生都知道,学校是不允许带手机的,但还是有很多学生偷偷地带,而且声称老师不敢没收他们的手机,原因有: 1打着家里路远或家长长期在外地的幌子,轻松地从老师手上骗走已被没收的手机。 2打着帮派的名号恐吓知情的同学不告发他们。 3老师惩戒不严厉,看到学生玩手机只是口头教育,或视而不见,放虎归山。 4家长听信谎话,包庇错误,硬说只不过是由来联系的,反而指责老师不该把事情说严重了。 我认为这些现象都是十分严重的,应该重视。首先一点要明确,学校和家长都是为了学生好,要互相信任,我们作为学生要明白手机的危害,提倡使用校园公共电话,避免携带手机,如果特殊情况一定要带手机回学校的话,要向老师申请,但上课期间要关闭手机或交由班主任保管。初二:刘怡珑


现在越来越多的中学生拥有了自己的手机。中学生使用手机有利有弊。优点 给我们提供了很多方便,可以很容易找到朋友,可以给朋友发短信,发短信很流行

缺点 带来不少麻烦,有些同学在课上打电话,发短信在考试中用短信作弊 有些同学炫耀自己的新手机

dear editor,

as we know, the 21st entury is a od...

as we know, the 21st entury is a odern ae and full of inforation. a obile phone is one of the quikest tools for us to exhane inforation. the obile phone is a fashionable and useful invention, so we ouht to ake the best use of it. suppose there’s a sudden aident, it is ore onvenient for us to dial for help iediately. there’re also soe aes in the obile phone. we an relax ourselves by playin the when we’re tired of our studies. in y opinion, it’s not wron to follow the fashion, but the ost iportant thin is how to use the obile phone in a riht way and do not disturbed others.






1. 认为用手机发短信、玩游戏浪费时间、浪费金钱。

2. 使用手机会响学习,有些同学在课上打电话,发短信

3. 有些学生在考试中用手机作弊


if students have the neessary to have a ell phone is the ain topi of our lass eetin. there are 70% of the whole take pro and the left 30% ive on. as i see this proble, y opinion is i aree with the ost. i think students

should have a ell phone. the next three reasons do help e support y view. the first one its very onvenient for us to onnet with one another, espeially the danerous tie. the seond one its the trend of the world. people know the thins and inforation both the on ell phones. this tool helps us know anythin as quik as possible. and speed eans everythin! the last one we have ell phones and we an hoose if we use it. this point is uh better than we even dont have it.关于手机看法的作文.

thats all the proof our tea stik to. and we are willin to listen to different sound. are you ready for that?


reent deades have witnessed the prosperity of the soiety, and it is an ordinary phenoenon in ollee that every student possesses a obile phone. just as we all know, every oin has two sides. so does the obile phone.

soe students think obile phone an ake their life onvenient. first, it offers the an aeptable way to keep in touh with their parents, lassates and friends. seond, they an easily surf the internet at anytie in anywhere to et the essae they want to know. third, the software about study in their obile phone an help the learn well, suh as the e-ditionary.

while others are aainst this opinion. for it does har to their eyesiht that wathin obile phone for a lon tie. besides, students always heat in exas with obile phone ,whih led a bad influene on apus. in addition, students always pursue the hih quality of the obile phone, so it brins the reat pressure on eonoy.





假如你是李华,班会课上你们进行了以“中学生是否能佩带手机”为题目的讨论。请你结合以下材料给英语周报社的编辑写一封信,说明该情况,并附带表明你自己的观点。dear sir,

i ‘ll writin to tell you soe inforation of a survey with y senior iddle shool.

40% think iddle shool student an wear obil phone, but other student are aainst the idea. in y opinion,

iddle shool student should wear obile, for it do ore ood than har.

for exaple, it is onvenient if we ontat our friends; if we have poser, we an

solve it on internet ;soeties, it’s ipossible for us to reeber ore useful inforation, then we an put it in it; as a iddle shool student, we have ore and ore pressure, we need soethin to ake us relax. sure, we an play soe aes with it, too. as for its bad effet on our study, when it rins, oh, i think we an adjust it to vibration. the above are y survey result, and soe viewpoints of ine.

best wishes elody






次抽样调查,调查结果是:拥有手机的学生达到2人,占调查总人数的1.7%,其中以高中学生为主。在北京、上海等经济较为发达的地区,其比例更是达到了惊人的程度。就连一些来自发达国家的外籍教师也对此感到惊讶。 那中学生该不该拥有手机呢?对于中学生使用手机是利是弊,引起校方和学生家长们的极大关注。










据一位班主任统计,从9月1日开学至今,她的班上又有位同学新买了手机。有时,一到课间休息,就见学生们彼此“切磋”着自己的新手机。 手机是联络的工具,不过手机有了,联络家长的主动权在孩子手里,至于怎样联络和联络什么就要看他们出于什么目的。




Wherever you are, you an see any people equipped with obile phones. It sees that the world beoes saller nowadays. You ould be found wherever you are so lon as you take the obile phone with you. Soe people wonsider the obile phone neessary and useful to the, while others ay dislike it.

People who like the obile phone are uh ore onerned about its advantaes. It is onvenient, for you an onnet others easily and quikly. You don' t have to wait for an iportant all at hoe all day lon. The youth of today send essaes, surf on the net, listen to usi and even take photos by usin the obile phone. People find it advaned for its attrative funtions. In soe ountries, it even stands for a person' s status.

However, soe people don' t like it. Iaine that you o to spend your holiday with your faily after days of busy and tiresoe work. When you lay on the beah ofortably, your phone rins. Then you have to o bak to your offie only to find an uniportant ustoer waitin for you. At that oent, you ay even want to throw your phone away, for you just want to relax and et rid of your work.

However, whether you like the obile phone or not, it has alresdy affeted our lives and played an iportant role in the history of huan beins.




当然,有些人不喜欢它。想像一下,在接连几天的繁重工作后,你好不容易可以与家人去度假。当你舒舒服服地躺在沙滩上时,手机响了。你不得不赶回办公室,却发现只是一位无关紧要的客户在等你。那时你或许想把手机扔了,因为你只想远离工作、彻底放松。 然而,无论你喜不喜欢手机,它已经改变了我们的生活,并在人类历史上发挥着重要的作用。









喝了一口水,我继续翻着手机,当我翻到收件箱的那一刻我惊呆了,那条短信竟然还在。 那是这个学期刚刚开学的时候,一个上了三年半的课外班散了,是五个人的小班,大家都挺熟的,分别是也都有些许的不舍,最后一次上课,大家都把手机号留在了黑板上,方便以后交流。

当天晚上我便收到一条短信:“雪霏,是你吧,Would you like to beoe y irlfriend?”一查号码竟是同班的一个男生。我苦思良久终于想出一条妙计,用妈妈的口吻给他回了一条短信:“你好,我是雪霏的妈妈,请问你找她有什么事?你刚才发的短信只有‘雪霏是’三个字,剩下都是乱码,能麻烦重发一遍吗?”发出去后再没有回音。






Intellient obile phone is a invention that has a reat influene on our life and study. But the influene of it has ood side and a bad side too. Now, let's look at the perforane of the ipat it's on us.

First of all, It has brouht a lot of onveniene to our study. Usually, when we learn to enounter diffiulties, we an use our obile phone in the online query inforation, throuh this way, we an understand a lot of knowlede. obile phone in addition an help us learn, bak to our lives to brin ore fun, for exaple, when we are bored, we an with our obile phones play aes, wath ovies, listen to usi and so on.

In addition, with the developent of siene and tehnoloy, the funtion of the obile phone is ore and ore, ore and ore to eet the needs of our various aspets. For exaple, the sart phone an help us ahieve naviation funtions, whih brins us a lot of real onveniene. For exaple, obile phone pixel is ettin better and

better, I an use the phone to take photos when we travel ore onvenient. At the sae tie, a lot of features fous on the phone, we an save the oney to buy aeras and so on produts.

n the ontrary, obile phones in our life and learnin to brin a hue onveniene, but also to our huan, espeially our youn students roup aused a serious har. After the eerene of sart

phones, our junior hih shool students, hih shool students and ollee students spend a lot of tie in play on obile phones, so they spend in learnin tie less, whih resulted in the deline in their





























关于智能手机利与弊的英语作文80字 手机利与弊800字作文


