I' in y third year now in Environental Sienes. And what do I want to do with y B.S. one I raduate? Beoe a librarian. Yes, I know it sounds opletely rando and unrelated, but that's y aster plan. Riht now I' preparin for all those ray rad shool appliations that I'll be sendin in next fall.
I bean thinkin about what kind of skills I have and what kind of jobs would opleent y natural interests. I've thouht about beoin a librarian doens of ties rowin up but for soe strane reason, I never took it seriously. But it popped bak into y ind as I was onteplatin all this. So I bean to do soe researh and I also talked to a lot of faily and friends.
It's ray beause everyone I shared with ave e a lot of affiration and enouraeent about pursuin it! If there's anythin you an et out of y strane journey I hope it's the ofort and reassurane that you don't always have to know what you want to do in the near future. And it's okay to hane ajors or even pursue a ajor that ay not neessarily be related to your future areer. You should enjoy what you're studyin. But also seek after what you really love.
Should ollee raduates Start Their wn Business?
With the opetition in the job arket beoin inreasinly fiere for ollee raduates, soe abitious students have tried their hands at launhin their own businesses. ver the years, there have been any suessful ases of student entrepreneurship and suh attepts should be enouraed and prooted by both the universities and the soiety at lare.
ollee students who start businesses are pioneers, aon who will be born hina’s future business leaders. Faed with unknown hallenes, they are audaious enouh to ebark on a perilous journey while ost of their peers enjoy stable salaries by workin as white-ollars at hih-end offie buildins. Nevertheless, they are the asters of their own destiny and, exposed to any ore unertainties and setbaks, they develop perseverane, staina and the indoitable spirit that are indispensible to all the reat entrepreneurs. Even if they fail, they are not down; they keep explorin for new business opportunities and work tirelessly until they sueed. As people of vision, of individual initiative, of leadership, and of reativity and innovation, they represent the future and the hope of a nation.
Not all ollee raduates are suitable for undertakin entrepreneurial projets. To launh a business, one needs to have a sound business idea, a viable business plan, the harisa to reate a ohesive tea where ebers ake onerted efforts for a oon objetive, effetive anaerial skills, and above all, the ourae to opete aainst powerful rivals and ultiately to prevail. The essential differene between the students who beoe ivi servants in overnent oraniations or eployees at leadin doesti or ultinational opanies and those who reate their own businesses is that the forer are doile followers whereas the latter are aressive trailblaers. For this reason, business-launhin ollee raduates are ore adirable, and thus they oand our deep respet.
Nowadays, ollees and universities enroll an inreasin nuber of students year after year. After four years of study, they have to eet ore and ore rivals in the labor arket, usually any of the oin hoe with no work at all, disappointed.
With ore raduates and less job vaanies, students are enouraed to start business of their own when they raduate fro university. They ay start take up anythin they are interested in, ake deision on their own, and obtain the fruit of their own labor. In this way, raduates will beoe ore independent, iainative and reative.
Yet this proess should be supported by our overnent. The overnent should provide speial poliies for these students, and when neessary, uide the onto a orret road.
先参与创业,再主导创业——李开复给想创业的毕业生的一封信 二十年后,中国最伟大的企业,和成功走向世界舞台的企业很可能就是在下五年所创立的。因此,很多大学生现在的跃跃欲试地想毕业后创业。另外,创业...