I read the book "ood faily style in the new era", and I know a lot of stories about faily style, faily rules and faily instrutions. For exaple, Huan yehen treats people with kindness, Pan Fuyin inherits his faily with filial piety, en i kills pis for honesty All of these have set a very ood exaple for us, and the ood nae will be handed down forever.
Althouh I don't know what the faily style is, y parents ake e understand a lot with their ations.
ne, the hinese teaher asked to buy a olletion book to take notes in lass. In the superarket, y other told e to buy a hard shell one, so it's not easy to break it when I put it in the ba. I look around, I look around, y eyes flash, and I see a beautiful and exquisite book with a beautiful shell. I said happily to y other, "I want this, o?" other looked at the prie and frowned and said, "this is so expensive. Please take this." I read y other's notebook. It's so uly. There are square squares everywhere. The olor is either rey reen or rey. It's uly. "I don't want this. It's uly." I a very unhappy to say. "We don't have to be ood-lookin when we buy books. We need to be pratial. We need to save oney." After listenin to y other, I bouht this book relutantly.
It turns out that y faily style is thrifty. I hope that y faily style an be passed down fro eneration to eneration. Faily style is a positive enery. We should be strit with ourselves all the tie and arry forward the national spirit fro eah faily.
Thrift is a virtue of the hinese nation. As a new eneration of priary shool students, we should know how to be thrifty and be a ood thrifty student.
But now the livin onditions have iproved and we are all rih. We hildren livin in suar water don't understand the eanin of thrift. The shoolbas and stationery of the students have been haned one by one. Penils and erasers are dropped on the round and never piked up. There are a lot of toys to show off. I used to be suh a hild, but one thin haned e.
In the first rade, the parents of the students took turns on duty. ne, y other piked up a doen penils and erasers when she was on duty. n the way hoe, y other asked e, "why don't you pik up your penils and erasers when they are one?" I said indifferently, "it's not expensive anyway. If it falls, it will fall!"! What are you doin with it? " After hearin this, y other was very anry and said to e with a lon heart: "a penil is not expensive, but do you know how any poor hildren an't afford a penil to o to shool? And you are so wasteful and don't herish what you have. "
When I ot hoe, y other showed e soe inforation about poor hildren and the story of thrift. After readin it, I deeply realied the iportane of thrift. Sine then, I will always reind yself to be dilient and thrifty. When the penil and eraser are one, I will pik the up. When I use up y hoework book at shool, I will take it hoe to ake an alulus book. The sae toy will not buy a seond one. I want to donate the poket oney I saved to the poor hildren who an't afford to o to shool.
Fruality is not only a virtue, but also a responsibility. Let's start fro a sall ae, startin fro savin a piee of paper, a pen, a piee of rubber, little thins, and for a ood habit of fruality.
Ninety three perent of the world's water is salt water and annot be drunk. Fresh water only aounts for seven perent, while drinkin water only aounts for eiht perent. Five billion people in the world depend on drinkin only 0.% of the fresh water. Look, how valuable the water is!
How do we et the tap water we use every day? Don't think runnin water is all riht. It was the worker unle of the waterworks who introdued the river water or roundwater into the fatory, put the water in the sedientation tank, added the ediine for disinfetion and steriliation, and reoved the harful and ipurities. In this way, any pipes were buried underround. These pipes are onneted one by one. They are the result of the hard work of any workers in Waterworks day and niht. When we turn on the tap, we should think of how any workers' unles' hard work are ontained in the water!
Students, we are the little asters of the ountry. We should for a ood idea and ood habit of savin water fro hildhood. No atter in or out of shool, we should pay attention to water onservation to avoid waste of water resoures, do not let the tap drip, try to ake rational and reylin use of water resoures. We should be a ood hild who saves water with pratial ations.