Everyone has their favorite sport, but I think you definitely sport I like what? Let e tell you! That is, ylin, oonly known as ridin a biyle.
To learn how diffiult this sport that it is not diffiult, that siply was not siple, the ost iportant thin is to aster the balane, in order to aster the balane I suffered, I a so anxious for the start did not rasp the essentials, and have its own les reen throw and hand abrasions, or an not have ood balane, I really wanted to ive up! At that tie y other often say in y ear the word reinds e: soeone else an do you an do! Is this sentene has been enourain e, I started down-to-earth, step-by-step learnin step by step, first of all, I sat on the bike, both feet on the round to the sae as in walkin
Forer "walk." Suh a pratie, suh as 3 days. I try to use a foot above the foot board to ride, and the other on the floor, "o." It ay do 12 weeks trainin. In the end, that is one of the ost ritial, whih is one foot on the pedal, the feet toether, so that forward oveent biyle. Do not think that has been done at this tie, I also happened, "the end of the air," the situation, but I do not despair, beause "failure is the other of suess", as lon as I ontinue to persevere, I believe I will sueed. Drainae into waterways, I now will not only ridin, and ridin a "thief away," ah!
The suer, I ride every day to 23 hours, whih not only allows the body fat I had a teper, but I do find a few ood friends! Look! I have y little partners to sport it!
I opened the "lihts" (an inrease on y own), they and a sall partner, "waitin" in the area at the entrane, waitin for the "taret" appearane. ur oal is not to another, that is, a vehile that the vehile entered the area, they have the Santana 3000, Hainan ada 6, a orolla, a Exelle ... ..., I put the loked pursuit of the oal for e, I would like to o beyond their beoe a rain driver, althouh in reality, I an not o beyond the, but into the ell, these ars tend to slow down the speed, these vehiles will lose y subordinates. Hainan ada 6 oes beyond the beyond
Audi, ore than the BW, eredes-Ben oes beyond, I feel how happy and exited too.
The Advantaes of Doin Physial Exerises
As the proverb oes, “no one knows the value of health until he loses it.” Fro this, we know
that health is very iportant to everybody. But how to keep fit? any people believe that sports an offer people health and pleasure. As far as I onern, I think doin physial exerises have lots of advantaes.
First of all, doin exerises in the ornin will refresh y body as well as ive e a ood appetite to eat y breakfast. What’s ore, the air in the ornin is really fresh and lean, so I an keep y ind lear and sound in the lass. By doin physial every day I an keep y ind alert that I an finish y tasks in tie. If I do not do any physial exerise, I will feel tired and y body beoes quite sluish. Durin the niht, I ay find it beoes harder to fall asleep. Seond, doin exerises everyday will help e to ound a better personality. It takes tie and patient to do exerises. Soeties I just want to ive up, but y friends enourae e to arry on, then I feel a lot of satisfation. Doin physial exerises akes e stroner and healthier. That’s y personal experiene.
As a student, sports are indispensable. You an pik up your favorite sport and do it every day. nly in this way, you an have both pleasure and a healthy body.
The Enthusias For Sports
Thouh PE lass is a part of hildren’s eduation, any teenaers didn’t for the habit of doin exerise, they don’t have interest in sports. Enthusias for sports is of reat iportane, youn people should treat it as their interal part of eduation.
n the one hand, prootin enthusias for sports aon teenaers helps the keep a healthy lifestyle. In the shool, students are fored to take exerise in the PE lass, they need to join ertain ativities. In this way, students live in a healthy lifestyle, they won’t et sik easily. But after they leavin shool, no one fores the to do so, so they are lay to take exerise, their bodies ets weaker.
n the other hand, the enthusias for sports an help students enhane their sense of teawork. As we known, ost sports need ore than one person to do, like badinton and table tennis, these sports needs ore than two people. When students are playin badinton, they need to ooperate, so that they an defeat others, if they just keep an eye on theselves, they ae an’t be played. Doin these sports will brin students the sense of teawork, whih is iportant for their areer. 另一方面,对体育的锻炼可以匡助学生加强他们的集团合作感。我们知道,大部门运动需要不止一个人来做,好比羽毛球和乒乓球,这些运动需要超过两个人做。当学生打羽毛球时,需要合作,这样他们才可以打败对手,假如他们只是关注自己,游戏就无法进行。做这些运动可以给学生带来合作感,这对他们将来的职业很重要。
People should keep the habit of takin exerise, the sound body ensures better future. Enthusias for sports an ake people feel it a happiness to take exerise.