







Today is the fifth day of the lunar new year. It's sunny and loudless outside. I was sittin at the window, lookin out into the distane: the traffi on the road in the past has now turned into a silene.

When I et up in the ornin, I hear several firerakers. Then I look throuh y irle of friends. There are pitures of the od of wealth and blessin words everywhere. f ourse, it's ore about the latest news of the epidei in Wuhan: new suspeted ases, new onfired ases, new death ases. And lookin for tourists oin bak fro Wuhan. The ountry is steppin up efforts to find passeners oin bak fro Wuhan and arry out fored isolation. Beause of the novel oronavirus pneuonia reently eruptin, it is hihly infetious, but the inubation period is two weeks. Loal edia all on people to onsiously isolate, but soe people an't. This behavior is understandable but unaeptable. ne people are isolated, it is inevitable to pani. But we should take it easy and believe that everythin will blosso and fo will disappear. We should believe in siene, be responsible for ourselves, for others, and for the soiety and huan beins we live in! Althouh the patients are infeted with the virus, they are our opatriots and even our relatives and friends. While protetin ourselves and our failies, we pray for the and wish the a speedy reovery!

Fro the beinnin of the new year, the entral overnent held an eereny epidei prevention and ontrol deployent eetin, followed by eereny eetins in various reions. We are required to stay at hoe durin the Sprin Festival, prohibit visitin relatives and friends, and prevent the spread of the epidei. It's the first tie in history to take suh a sinifiant easure to deal with the epidei!

The world akes a hero. Reently, aadeiian hon Nanshan is the person who swipes the sreen in the irle of friends. He alled on people all over the ountry to stay at hoe, and he, 4 years old, took the train to the front line of Wuhan in the evenin of 1930 to uide the anti epidei resue work. This fearless spirit is the bakbone of hina; this sared sense of ission is the road sin of all edial staff and a liht in our hearts! He said: "Wuhan is a heroi ity, with the support of the whole people, Wuhan will surely pass the ustos!"

In 2003, we have won the battle aainst SARS and auulated a lot of experiene and lessons. f ourse, we are onfident to win this battle this tie.

Let's stay at hoe and enjoy a oent of peae. Protet yourself and your faily.

Pay hoae to another roup of "rebels" in front of the epidei - rassroots workers fro all walks of life!

heer for the edial workers in the front line of the "epidei" Anti Japanese war!

Pray for hina!











The sudden outbreak of novel oronavirus pneuonia has haned our lives. This year's Sprin Festival has been extraordinary.

The oriinal lively Sprin Festival was beaten by the epidei and broke up unhappily. any people an't o hoe and et toether with their relatives. But a selfless anel in white did not leave his post at this risis oent, sayin: "where there is an epidei, there is a battlefield. It's oon sense that there will be sarifies in the battlefield. " hon Nanshan, an 4 year old aadeiian of the hinese Aadey of enineerin, rushed to the front line of the ost danerous anti epidei situation.

A selfless anel in white, beause Wuhan is losed but wants to ake soe ontribution to the ountry, so he would not hesitate to sneak into Wuhan. In sharp ontrast to others.

any anels in white wrote letters of invitation. They said that they fouht hard aainst SARS in 2003 and will not be absent this tie. oved all the hinese. They ave up the tie of reunion with their relatives, were not afraid of the risk of bein infeted by the virus, and rushed to fiht in the front line of epidei prevention and ontrol, reardless of pay, life and death, reardless of onditions. These busy fiures litterin with the brilliane of huan nature and fihtin in the battlefield of anti epidei athered into an invinible hinese fore!

Dotors, father and son, are enourain eah other throuh protetive lass. They are father and son, and even orades in ars For patients, "I don't know who you are, but I know who you are for." At the ritial oent, the anel in white beoes a steel warrior. Behind "walkin aainst the virus, bravely bein a rebel" is the boundless benevolene of dotors, who have built an indestrutible defense line of life hand in hand and shoulder to shoulder.

Dark louds an not over the sun, the hae will eventually spread, only efforts will not be failed. Who is the ost beautiful in this battle? Who is the ost tired? ur orades in ars fihtin on the front line and hinese people fihtin in the rear, let us respond to the all of the state. Don't ake trouble for the ountry. Keep the epidei away as soon as possible.

As lon as we work toether, unite and walk hand in hand. It will definitely defeat the epidei. Usher in the sene of war sprin flowers blooin and flowers ontendin.

oe on, anel in white! oe on, Wuhan! o hina!

The outbreak war happened so abruptly that when people were shoked, the virus had already hit Wuhan and other areas, and our ountry ould not follow the "ban on foot".

Althouh we are loked at hoe, we ay not foret to turn our obile phones and wath TV to pay attention to urrent affairs. any entrepreneurs have extended a helpin hand to Wuhan, donatin asks, protetive lothin and a lare aount of RB, but today we don't talk about these entrepreneurs. Let's talk about a strane and ordinary kind-hearted person.

I' sure you've seen in the news that a strane an was wearin a ask and drivin a private ar to and fro all the polie stations in the provine. He paked a box of asks in the trunk. Every tie he went to a polie station, he had to wear several bas of asks and put the into the hall quikly. Then he left quikly. The polie unles asked hi to leave his phone nuber and nae, but he left in a hurry with a wave of his hand. This sene was aptured by the surveillane. The polie unles sent this setion to the Internet, whih attrated any netiens to oent, praise and forward. We should all learn fro hi, his selfless dediation and his patriotis.

By ontrast, what do you think of other people who don't wear asks and are not subjet to professional inspetion? You are not only not subjet to the exaination of professional edial staff, but also resist the laws of the otherland. You are not worthy of bein a hinese at all, and you are not worthy to say that you are the hildren of the otherland. You should be expelled fro hina and never oe bak.

Five thousand years ao, we overae the flood; two thousand years ao, we overae the Huns; seven hundred years ao, we overae the foreiners; seventy years ao, we overae the invaders; seventeen years ao, we overae SARS. Althouh we are fain new hallenes today, we hinese have never failed to eet the. This tie, we will fiht the epidei to the end. I firly believe that with the onerted efforts of the hinese people, with our advaned tehnoloy, superb edial skills and our invinible onfidene and ourae, we will win the final battle of prevention and ontrol of the epidei!







Fro 10:00 on January 23, Wuhan ity bus, subway, ferry and lon-distane passener transport were suspended, and the airport and railway station departure hannel fro Han was teporarily losed. Faed with the novel oronavirus infetion of the new outbreak of pneuonia, Wuhan has taken ore and ore easures to prevent the spread of the disease.

To prevent the spread of the epidei, the key is to ut off the transission of the virus. In reent days, novel oronavirus infetion has inreased the inidene of pneuonia, and the nuber of people infeted with the disease has been inreasin. At the sae tie, durin the Sprin Festival, when the annual passener flow is at its peak, if the floatin population in the epidei enter is not ontrolled effetively, it will inevitably lead to further spread of the epidei and brin reater diffiulties to the prevention of the later epidei. Under the ondition that odern tehnoloy is not enouh to identify all potential patients, it is neessary for Wuhan to ut off the transission of the virus by the extraordinary eans of "liitin aess", and also to better protet the life safety and health of the people.

The sudden arrival of aidents and the upradin of various prevention and ontrol easures are bound to ause any inonvenienes to people's lives in Wuhan. The people of Wuhan have deonstrated their fir belief in fihtin the epidei with the spirit of sarifie that takes the overall situation into onsideration. Relevant aspets, we ust take effetive easures to ensure the noral life of the people of Wuhan. n the one hand, we should inrease the supply of edial and livin aterials to Wuhan. n the other hand, we should severely rak down on bad arket behaviors suh as prie bid up, aintain the noral prie order, use pratial easures to paify people, and let the people of Wuhan know that the people of the whole ountry are with you.

The whole ity of Wuhan has entered a "wartie state", but this is not just a "war" of Wuhan, but a "war" shared by the people of the whole ountry and even the world. The epidei is still spreadin. All people in all reions should attah reat iportane to it ideoloially, join in the fiht aainst the new pneuonia epidei, and work toether to win the hard battle of epidei prevention and ontrol.


































