Suess in Life
Suess eans different thins for different people. Soe ay equate it with oney, soe with work and still soe with ohter. For e, it eans fulfillin one's dreas. Whatever your dreas are, you have a oal there and then fous all your attention on it. Dreas brin you hope and happiness. ay be you ry, sweat, oplain or even urse, but the joy of harvestin akes you foret all the pains and troubles you have one throuh. So an old proverb says that the sweetest fruit is one that has underone the bitterest ordeal.There are several keys to suess. First, your oal ust be pratial and pratiable. If you set your oal too hih, aybe that you will never attain it. Next, you have to ake a plan of doin it. Sine the drea is quite touh, you need to be hard, Even if you eet with soe diffiulties, just take the in your stride. You an always tell yourself that there is nothin about. With this will and deterination, suess is sure to wait for you at the end of the tunnel!
The Personality harateristis That ake You Suessful
When we talk about those faous people, we all like to know how they sueed. eanwhile we all adire their personal speial virtues whih lead the to triuph. And it is obvious that any suessful people have soe personality harateristis in oon. As far as I onerned, I dee that persistene, prudene, onfidene and ourae are the ost iportant.
Firstly, I think persistene should oe first before the other three personality haraters. As we all know that a person annot always suessfully reah his ai at his first try, there are any barriers waitin for hi. Therefore the person will fail any ties before he ets his vitory. If he doesn't persist in tryin aain and aain and ake a breakthrouh, thus he will stay still, no proress. He ay not ove forward or even reress. A person without the personal harater of persistene an’t finally sueed in ettin his oal.
Seondly, a an who wants to be suessful should also own the harateristi of prudene. The inventor of the eletri bulb ives a ood exaple for explainin that. It is said that the inventor tried to use thousands kinds of etal to ake eletri bulb filaent in order to find the ost suitable etal whih an let the lap liht loner and brihter. I suppose that without the very prudential work, the inventor ould not triuph in the end. A self- ade an should do his jobs with prudene, soeties even should be areful doin a very trivial thin. Like when those sientists or atheatiians are dealin with a oplex atter, if they ake a sall istake, the efforts whih they ade before will be in vain. Aordinly, autiousness is neessary.
In addition, the self- ade en all are self-onfident and ouraeous. As the sayin oes, “fortune never helps the an whose ourae has failed.” Supposed that a soldier loses his onfidene and allantry to fiht when he is in the field of the battle, I a sure that he does not have the fortune to survive suessfully. Therefore people who want to ahieve their oals in their work all should be self-onfident and ouraeous.
In a word, y view reardin those faous people’s suess is that they persist in workin hard, do their jobs with prudene, are onfident in theselves and have ourae to overoe any kinds of diffiulties; it is the reason that they an ake theselves into a elebrity and adired by others.
ften ties it just sees like soethin too far out of reah.Nothin in the word is diffiult for one who sets his ind to it.Everyone wishes to be suessful in life.
In y eyes, opportunity is a part of suess. any reat people found reat thins by hane. It is true soe suesses an be won beause of unexpeted help and findins.
pportunities don’t oe often.They oe quietly and often o by without bein notied.
In fat, any opportunities have been lost on the wan to suess. so , it is neessary that we should treat opportunities with are. An opportunity just brins a proise but never realies it on its own. nly by workin hard, akin reat efforts and ettin prepared, wil we ath the oin opportunity et to our oal.
Different poople have different views on suess. Soe hold that akin a reat deal of oney eans suess. thers arue that holdin an iportant post in the overnent eans suess. Still others believe that havin a hih aadei title at a faous university or a researh institute eans suess.
In y opinion, suess eans brilliant ahieveent in our work. In other words, no atter what we do, akin outstandin ontributions to the developent of our ountry and brinin help and happiness to others is suess.
To ahieve suess, we should ,first of all, have a lear lon-ter oal in our life. Seond ,we be both perseverant and hardworkin. Whatever we do, there are always two possibilities: suess and failure. We should never lose heart when we oe aross diffiulties or when we are onfronted with failure. Instead, we should learn fro our experiene, build up our onfidene and work even harder and sarter towards our purpose. Third ,we should follow the exaples of those who are suessful and learn fro the. Finally ,we should try to et alon well with our lassates and olleaues. We should are eah other and help eah other in our study, our work and our life, beause work is of reat iportane in the realiation of our drea.
If we an follow these priniples, we will ertainly ahieve rearkable suess in our life.
1、亿万财富不是存在银行里,而是产生在人的思想里。你没找到路,不等于没有路,你想知道将来要得到什么,你必须知道现在应该先放弃什么! 2、失败是什么?没有什么,只是更走近成功一步;成功是什么?就是走过了所有通向失败的路,只剩下一条路,那就是成功的路。 3、经验固然重要,但观念的正确与否起决定作用。经验只能做好现成的东西,观念则决定长远的方向。思维观念高于工作经验。 4、世上本无移山之术,惟一能移山的方法就是:山不过来,我就过去。人生最聪明的态度就是:改变可以改变的一切,适应不能改变的一切! 5、用一个苹果交换一个苹果各此得到的仍是一个苹果,用一条信息交换一条信息彼此得到的是两条信息,网络具有倍增原理,信息的交换双方获多倍收益! 6、积极的人在每一次忧患中都看到一个机会,而消极的人则在每个机会都看到某种忧患。 7、给人金钱是下策,给人能力是中策,给人观念是上策。财富买不来好观念,好观念能换来亿万财富。世界上最大的市场,是在人的脑海里! 8、我永远相信只要永不放弃,我们还是有机会的。最后,我们还是坚信一点,这世界上只要有梦想,只要不断努力,只要不断学习,不管你长得如何,不管是这样,还是那样,男人的长相往往和他的的才华成反比。今天很残酷,明天更残酷,后天很美好,但绝对大部分是死在明天晚上,所以每个人不要放弃今天。 9、互联网对我们意味着:知识改变命运,网络改变生活,机会改变人生。今天互联网已经拥有20亿用户、覆盖世界五大洲,带来了人们生活方式的彻底改变。 10、互联网是影响人类未来生活30年的3000米长跑,你必须跑得像兔子一样快,又要像乌龟一样耐跑。 11、心态决定看世界的眼光,行动决定生存的状态。要想活出尊严,展现不凡,只有改变观念,敢于和命运抗争! 12、互联网好比是高速公路网,网站就是车,网址就是车牌号,电脑就是发动机,人就是驾驶员,货物就是南来北往的信息,它是信息时代的标志! 13、我觉得网络公司一定会犯错误,而且必须犯错误,网络公司最大的错误就是停在原地不动,最大的错误就是不犯错误。关键在于总结我们反思各种各样的错误,为明天跑的更好,错误还得犯,关键是不要犯同样的错误,我们是教人钓鱼,而不是给人鱼。 14、信念改变思维,思维改变心态,心态改变行动,行动改变习惯,习惯改变性格,性格改变命运。要改变命运,先确立信念! 15、提出问题远比解决问题难,因为解决问题是技术性的,而提出问题则是革命性的。我们身边并不缺少财富,而是缺少发现财富的眼光! 16、思路清晰远比卖力苦干重要,心态正确远比现实表现重要,选对方向远比努力做事重要,做对的事情远比把事情做对重要。成长的痛苦远比后悔的痛苦好,胜利的喜悦远比失败的安慰好! 17、拥有远见比拥有资产重要,拥有能力比拥有知识重要,拥有人才比拥有机器重要,拥有健康比拥有金钱重要! 18、观念改变并未改变事物本身,改变的只是对事物的认识,但观念可以改变人,人可以改变世界。做人最重要的是品格、态度、思想观念和人生价值观! 19、观念比能力重要,策划比实施重要,行动比承诺重要,选择比努力重要,感知比告知重要,创造比证明重要,尊重生命比别人看法重要! 20、在汽车上可以发信,在火车上可以银行转帐,在被窝里可以网上购物,时间和地点都不重要了,买台电脑,租个网站,申请个信箱,就可以做老板。 21、互联网是四乘一百米接力赛,你再厉害,只能跑一棒,应该把机会给年轻人。 22、互联网为我们提供的速度是光、范围是全球、距离是零、时间是24小时、容量是无限,互联网创造的是前所未有的奇迹! 23、思路决定出路,观念决定方向,性格决定命运,生活方式决定健康! 24、行动是治愈恐惧的良药,而犹豫拖延将不断滋养恐惧。投资知识是明智的,投资网络中的知识就更加明智。 25、有眼界才有境界,有实力才有魅力,有思路才有出路,有作为才有地位。政从正来,智从知来,财从才来,位从为来!相关参考