







hinese there are a lot of traditional ulture, suh as the Lantern Festival, the Draon Boat Festival Draon Boat lutinous Rie Balls to eat, to elebrate the id Autun Festival, suer e fiht...... I love ost is the beinnin of the e fiht.

The day of the beinnin, I invited y buddy to fiht y es. At the beinnin of the e, other prepared an e for eah of us and said, "who is the last of the es, who is the kin of the e!" First of all, I and Yao Peiyu, both of us e head to the e, who will not let anyone, to fiht eah other up. We just fiht soon, they heard the lik sound, there is a broken e! I was so surprised that I looked at y es, and thank od, y es were not broken. It was Yao Peiyu who aidentally hit the epty head with y tip! We saw it and lauhed all the tie. He bites and says, "oe aain!" This tie, we all put out the strenth of the ilk, but his strenth was not bi, so he was defeated by e! Left Xiao Yuxuan, althouh she is a irl, but not a ood deal.

All of a sudden, I ae up with a ood plan and a sealess plan. I used to fiht with her on the epty end and broke up in a oent. I thouht to yself, "this is the end of you. Your sharp head has been daaed. I will fiht with you with a ood and sharp tip." So, I tried to wipe the e head, and suddenly blows, ive strenth to y es. At first, her es were daaed, and she was not so bi as I was, so I was easily defeated. I juped up with joy. other loudly announed, "the end of the ae, Sun Yie is the kin of es!" Now everyone beins to eat es. " We eat es, and all the people are in the atosphere of joy.

The e not only brouht us happiness, but also let e understand a truth: everythin should be brain, with wisdo to win!


Sprin Festival is y favourite festival. This year's Sprin Festival is in February th. n New Year's Eve, everyone will wear new lothes. y parents and I will o to the randpa and randa's hoe to eat Nian Yefan. This is the tradition of our faily. At the dinner table, y randother will prepare a lot of dishes for us to ook hot pot. These dishes are very deliious. Everyone ate very happy. We have forotten the troubles of the past year, happy to reet the new year. After dinner, I will o bak hoe with y parents. In eiht, I will be fireworks at the threshold of our hoe. They are very beautiful. Doin this will ake e feel very happy. After I put the fireworks, I will wath the Sprin Festival ala. The ala adds a ood of elebration in the house as people lauh, disuss and enjoy the perforane. At eleven, y parents ave e 200 yuan. This is y year's new year's oney. 0 o'olk, the new year's bell sounded, we have ushered in the new year. I ade a wish. I hoped that that we ould have a happy and healthy life next year and everyone in y faily ould be happy.

The first day of the new year, y father and I had the red antithetial Sprin Festival ouplets on our doors. Every Sprin Festival, both urban and rural areas, eah household ust selet a red ouplets affixed to the door in order to inrease the festive atosphere. I also leaned the roo with y o. After the event, I will visit friends and relatives with y parents. This is the usto of the hinese people to elebrate the Sprin Festival.

This is y Sprin Festival holiday, I had a very happy. What about you?


If the ost beautiful season of the year is sprin, for e, the ost interestin festival of the year is the new year's Eve! n that day, we should not only eat faily reunion dinner, but also stayin-up late on new year's eve.

Reeber that the day to eat reunion dinner, people bean to play ards, hat, play ahjon, our hildren, bean playin the fun of firerakers, there are all kinds of varieties, "this" and "Sud", "delta ray" and so on, we played awfully.

I also went to the house to see fro tie to tie and funny TV oi sketh "Sprin Festival ala" perforane, I and y buddy will lauh and lauh, see ai in those bi aiian perforin ai show, we were aaed.

Tie flies, blink of an eye to 11:4, suddenly ran out a loud bursts of firerakers, we are exited to join the, just open the door, I saw the fireworks are riotous with olour dark sky daners.

At 11:0, we an't wait to just wrapped duplins into the boilin water, o and dad put a over on the pot, ook for a while, 12 o'lok, finally boil the duplins, randa and randpa a sun, I sell fro afar duplins frarane, went straiht to the kithen, when the taste deliious duplins, happy in the heart.

ne year spent siilar, eah year is different, when the new year's Eve, it eans sprin is oin, the new year has beun!!!


It sees we are livin in the onflit between odern and traditional ultures every day. Hearin the blarin of horns the oent you step out of your house, seein the so alled "pop" the oent you open your eyes, you an't help thinkin, "Will the traditional ulture be radually lost?"

any people believe so. They ay put riht in front of you all the evidenes they an di out. They ay arue that people are rushin to restaurants instead of ookin at hoe, listenin to pop usi but not traditional, wearin in a way people ouldn't iaine ten years ao. odern people like the air of freedo, not to be restrained by traditions. They offer this lon list, only tryin to onfir that this world is full of fashion,opetition and teptation and the traditional ulture is fadin and will be lost at last.

Thouh we are now livin in a world in whih undelared aression, war, hyporisy, hianery, anarhy are part of our daily life. Thouh this is a skeptial ae, and our faith has weakened, our onfidene in soe aspets of the traditional ulture should and would never be lost.

Wouldn't you aree that our traditional ulture is always redited with odesty, politeness and respetfulness, whih have always been treasured for ore than five thousand years?Even in this odern world, people still adire those with ood anners, those who are polite to others or respetful to old people.

Wouldn't you aree that our hinese traditional usi is beautiful and artisti and our hinese tea ulture is always an appealin treasure to people around the world?

So there ay just be soe hanes in our lifestyle or our attitudes towards life, but little hane ours to soe fundaental aspets of our traditional ulture that people still treasure in heart.

The traditional ulture will never be lost, I believe.


hina has the history of ore than ,000 years and we are so proud of the profound ulture. Every year, we are so lookin forward to spendin the holiday durin the traditional festivals. They are the iportant part of hinese traditional ulture. But for youn people, the eanin of these festival is fadin away.


When youn people are asked about the eanin of traditional festival, soe of the have no idea. For exaple, soe youn people believe that id-autun Festival is to in honor of the anestors, or it is a day to eat oonake. Atually, ost festivals have been advoated by the oerial ads, and they show people to buy ore produts to spend the festivals happily. Soe ads try to iplant people the wron idea about the eanin of festival, just to attrat ore ustoers.


The loss eanin of traditional festivals brins the neative side to the preserve of traditional ulture. The ass edia should advoate the essene of the festivals, so as to let the youn eneration learn ore about our ulture and be proud of it.



The Sprin Festival is our hinese nation fro anient to odern ties, the ost autious hinese traditional festival, durin the Sprin Festival tie, always waitin for the one faily reunion toether, talkin about the year's harvest, for the New Year filled the briht vision. The hildren enjoy the tihtened and joyful holidays.

Wath the Sprin Festival is oin, this year's other had said but antithetial ouplet, let e down, a few faily, it is not a "projet" ah, ha ha. Two days before the Sprin Festival, I bean to et busy, sall "allirapher" to start the projet, throuh y huihaopoo, less than half of the artial arts, hoe with the red antithetial ouplet, "by ountains and rivers show sins, ushered in the" sprin "; drop thousands of onforts illion flowers, Huan, sript the sript, a piee of art was born, wathin the house full of Sprin Festival ouplets, o repeatedly praise not shut up.

Thirty in the ornin, I and o posted antithetial ouplet window Ronaldo, look at y work on the door, red, a new sub population; we took the other to the hoetown of antithetial ouplet posted on y hun Wen, see the two father, repeatedly said ood, a randfather of the past rae. At that tie I randfather alliraphy is quite a New Year ouplets, all relatives, the house is filled with randpa wrote. The subsequent to the lady hoe, hoe to the lady on the wall, see y work has been useless, I really felt flattered.

This year the Sprin Festival, two aunt aunt, our three faily ebers aopany lady toether; of the Sprin Festival last year, we raised the lass, not a fireraker loud, not a fireworks shine, but in the beautiful blessin of new year's day, the niht is so al and peaeful. 20XX I had a speial sprin festival.


Far and away the ost iportant holiday in hina is Sprin Festival, also known as the hinese New Year. To the hinese people it is as iportant as hristas to people in the West.

The dates for this annual elebration are deterined by the lunar alendar rather than the reorian alendar, so the tiin of the holiday varies fro late January to early February.To the ordinary hinese, the festival atually beins on the eve of the lunar New Year's Day and ends on the fifth day of the first onth of the lunar alendar. But the 1th of the first onth, whih norally is alled the Lantern Festival, eans the offiial end of the Sprin Festival in any parts of the ountry.


The passae ainly tells us the iportane of protetin traditional hinese ulture, whih is hallened or fain extintion beause of the developin soiety and hanin lifestyle. Besides, hina is nationwide sparin no efforts to do it.

The protetion of national and folk ulture is of reat sinifiane to hinese ultural diversity and also to the haronious developent between loal eonoi and soial developent. It is reported that the uandon overnent pays speial attention to protetin haoju(潮剧), a loal draa born in haohou in the eastern uandon provine.

In y opinion, soe easures should be taken to protet traditional ulture effetively. To start with, we should ake a law to reulate the soiety’s perforane. Besides, we should draw ore people’s attention to it, for the ore they know about the iportane of ulture protetion, the stroner the support we an et fro the publi.

In a word, it is hih tie for us to treasure and develop our own valuable ulture.


It’s widely noted that lots of traditional ultures are disappearin alon with the developent of tehnoloy. any anient arhitetures and traditional ways of livin have been deserted. It sees that the traditional ulture and raftsanship will be replaed in this odern era.


The followin reasons an aount for the above phenoenon. Firstly, traditional tehnoloies are always onsidered ineffetive while the new sienes are always hihly effiient, beause odern siene and tehnoloy failitate both our daily and aadei life a lot, with whih we an save uh oney and tie. Seondly, it is ostly to protet the traditional ulture, espeially the aintenane and repair of the historial buildins.


In y opinion, althouh traditional ulture is an anient heritae, it ouldn’t keep pae with the developent of soiety. It is the tide of history that the traditional ulture and tehnoloy will no doubt be eliinated in the end.

















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