







Last Qinin Festival,I return hoe to worship y randfather.Qinin

Festival is a folk Festival.In the past,In the past, the Qinin Festival was alled "Arbor Day". But Today, hinese visit their faily raves to tend to any underbrush that has rown. Weeds are pulled, and dirt swept away, and the faily will set out offerins of food and spirit oney. Unlike the sarifies at a faily's hoe altar, the offerins at the tob usually onsist of dry, bland food. ne theory is that sine any nuber of hosts roe around a rave area, the less appealin food will be onsued by the anestors, and not be plundered by straners.

With the passin of tie, this elebration of life beae a day to the honor past anestors. Followin folk reliion, the hinese believed that the spirits of deeased anestors looked after the faily. Sarifies of food and spirit oney ould keep the happy, and the faily would prosper throuh ood harvests and ore hildren.


The Draon Boat Festival is a lunar (阴历)holiday, ourrin (存正)on the fifth day of the fifth lunar onth (农历史蒲月第五天). Draon Boat Festival is y

favourite festival.Durin the holiday of Draon Boat Festival,I ot toether with y faily to have a bi eal.We ofen ate the oni.It tasted very nie.And we saw the Draon Boat Raes.I felt exited beause the rae was bustlin with noise and

exiteent.At Draon Boat Festival,we also drank realar wine.Soe people thouht drank realar wine an protet theselves fro illness.Draon Boat Festival was interestin and I like it very uh.

The hinese Draon Boat Festival is a sinifiant (有意义的)holiday elebrated (庆祝)in hina, and the one with the lonest history (历史最悠久). The Draon Boat Festival is elebrated by b

oat raes (龙舟赛) in the shape of draons. opetin teas (竞争团队) row their boats forward to a drubeat (击古)rain to reah the finish end first.

The boat raes durin the Draon Boat Festival are traditional ustos (传统习俗)to attepts to (试图)resue (搭救) the patrioti poet (爱国诗人)hu Yuan. hu Yuan drowned (溺死) on the fifth day of the fifth lunar onth in 277 B.. hinese itiens now throw baboo leaves (竹叶) filled with ooked rie into the water.

Therefore the fish ould eat the rie rather than the hero poet. This later on turned into the usto of eatin tuntu and rie duplins(棕子).

The elebration's is a tie for protetion (防护) fro evil (邪恶) and disease (疾病) for the rest of the year. It is done so by different praties suh as hanin healthy herbs on the front door, drinkin nutritious onotions (营养品), and displayin (展示) portraits (画像) of evil's neesis(邪恶报应), hun Kuei. If one anaes to (成功做...) stand (竖立)an e on it's end at exatly 12:00 noon, the followin year will be a luky one.

Today, people eat baboo-wrapped steaed lutinous(粘的) rie duplins alled oni (the food oriinally intended to feed the fish) and rae draon boats in eory of Qu's draati death.


Dear distinuished hief jude;

As the defense attorney of y lient, I have ade any surveys in seret after I took over the ase. Aordin to y lient and all the inforation I have inspeted about the ase, now I have an deep and oprehensive understandin about the ase . Therefore , I want to show y opinions to you, and I hope the hief would aept the .

. 1. The stolen ar was found abandoned three hours after thetheft with the enine still war; at the tie the ar was found, y lient was at the airport to eet the fliht of a friend who was flyin into town.

2. Lab analysis of uddy shoe prints on the floor at of the ar indiates that the prints ae fro a sie 27 shoe; your lient wears a sie 2.

3. Lab analysis shows the presene of iarette soke in the ar, but your lient does not soke.

4. The only eyewitness to the rie, who was 20 eters fro the ar, said the thief "looked like" your lient; yet the eyewitness aditted that at the tie of the theft she was not wearin her ontat lenses, whih had been presribed for iprovin distane vision.

. The ar was stolen at about I p..; your lient testified that he was in a town 400 kiloeters away at 11 a..

6. In a stateent to polie, the eyewitness desribed the thief as tall; your lient is short.

Beause of all the doubtful points , I think it is unfair to found uilty of theft to y lient. oreover, the basi standard of riinal santion is that takin fats as a basis and laws as the riterion, so I hope the hief jude will ive a reasonable judent to y lient finally.

That’s all ,thanks.


Dear ike,

How are you? I really lad that you are interested in traditional hinese festivals. There are any traditional festivals in hina, suh as Sprin Festival, id-Autun Day and so on. Id like to introdue the Sprin Festival to you. Sprin Festival is the ost iportant traditional holiday in hina. It usually lasts for 1 days.

Days before the festival, people lean their houses. They think leanin sweeps any bad luk. They deorate their houses with paper uts. n the eve of the festival, faily ebers et toether and have bi eals. Then they wath the Sprin Festival ala on TV. At idniht, they set off fireworks to weloe the new year. Durin the festival, kids et luky oney fro old people. People visit their relatives and friends. They wish eah a happy year and ood luk. How happy we are.


When the traditional festival oes, everybody is exited about it, beause they will have holiday to relax. The eanin of these festivals is reebered by the old eneration all the tie, while soe youn people do not know. So when we enjoy the holiday, we need to know ore about the traditional ulture.


A forein irl shot a video to ask hinese youn people soethin about id-autun festival. To everybody’s surprise, a lot of the did not know the story about this bi day. When I was very sall, I have wathed any TV series tellin about the yth of Hou Yi and his wife. I learned any hinese yths and leends fro the shows. Thouh soe people enjoy the festival, they should learn the ulture.


With the developent of hinese eonoi power, ore and ore foreiners are interested in learnin hinese. Soe are very ray about the traditional ulture. They study faous reat old poes and novels, treatin the reat haraters as idols.


The traditional festival is the iportant way to preserve our ulture, whih is the reat treasure of huan bein. We are so proud of it, beause it is prieless.



hinese Sprin Festival elebratin the end of winter and the warth of sprin. It bean in the last day of the lunar year, end in the 1th day of lunar New Year, also is the Lantern Festival.

Durin the Sprin Festival, people use red lantern and Sprin Festival ouplets deorate a house, put on all kinds of olored lothes, often visit friends and relatives or toether eat duplins, fish, eat and other deliious food.

The hildren are lookin forward to reeivin red envelope oney, and toether they play eah other the fireworks, with happy. Street

with draon and lion dane and soe other arnival ativities, TV will held the rand Sprin Festival ala.


id Autun Festival is a traditional festival of hina. It used to be as iportant as Sprin Festival .It is usually elebrated in Septeber or tober. This festival is to elebrate the harvest and to enjoy the beautiful oon liht. To soe extent, it is like Thanks ivin day in western ountries. n this day, people usually et toether with their failies and have a nie eal.

After that, people always eat deliious oon akes, and wath the oon. The oon is always very round on that day, and akes people think of their relatives and friends. It is a day of pleasure and happiness. Hope you have a wonderful id Autun festival!




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