







n February 1, beause of the severe situation of the epidei, we started a different learnin proess - online lasses.

This online lass is different. In fat, I don't need to et up early in the ornin. I an walk to shool and have a ood sleep. A ood day starts in the ornin.

The differene of this online lass lies in that it an sleep well with little hoework, but it has a fatal disadvantae. It an only stay at hoe, an't see dear teahers and students, and an't ouniate and play freely with the.

The teaher's leture is very areful, but the obile phone is a anet. If you don't pay attention to it, you will be attrated by the aes in the obile phone, althouh I have been attrated. But after y parents' disipline, I finally resisted the teptation of obile aes.

The tie of online lass is not lon. It's only one hour. It's not as oprehensive as usual, but the teaher also has a tie of prorastination. At first, the students were able to listen to the lass arefully, but for a lon tie, soe people ould not help oplainin. They heard that the teahers of other lasses delayed the lass, and soe people were still soldin in private. I was really anry when I heard it. The teaher worked hard to teah you for so lon, but I didn't all you tired, and solded the teaher, "won't your onsiene hurt?".

As the epidei situation radually iproves, I think the days of online lasses will not last too lon, and I hope to start early.

Beause suh days are different fro ordinary days.









Novel oronavirus was ray in 2020, and shools had to open online ourses.

Althouh online lasses an let us o to shool at hoe without riskin runnin to shool, I still prefer to o to shool.

There are always istakes in online lasses. For exaple: last tie, the teaher opened all the bans in the disussion area, but he didn't open the slide, we ouldn't see anythin, and we ouldn't type to reind the teaher, but he didn't know at all, and he was still talkin and talkin. Another tie, when the teaher was talkin, the sreen suddenly went blak, but he didn't pay attention to the students' speeh in the disussion area, but ontinued to talk. Until the end, ore and ore students said blak sreen, he finally found out. But it's tie. We have to finish lass. We didn't learn anythin in this lass.

Soe students often ake bi istakes, for exaple, when they write that they don't know whih key to press, they will quit autoatially; others, beause the teaher is abnorally offline, they think they have finished lass, and then they quit the lass. Unexpetedly, the teaher ae bak a few inutes later. oreover, the online lass will ake any students easily distrated, suh as just arin about who has sent inforation in the disussion area, or wonderin how to speak in the disussion area. Then, lik left and riht with the ouse to see how any funtions the online ourse software has

In shool physial eduation, oputer lass had to stop, the Internet lass also did not have the students' opposite disussion, akin the lassroo borin, far fro interestin in shool. oreover, beause of the Internet lass, any students were fored to wear lasses. This is also soe of the disadvantaes.

Internet lass, teahers are very hard, but our students are not easy ah. Althouh online lasses let us not stop, but I really hope to start shool soon! I iss y shool and y teahers and students too uh.








In 2020, the nae is as entle as a lipse. The novel oronavirus breaks all this. People have to be trapped at hoe, and we have to fae the old obile Internet lass.

Tie is always flowin ently, and the epidei is still aravatin. This tie, how any ties have we ahieved the expeted holiday extension, but it sees that everyone is not very happy. For these fresh raduates, we hope to o bak to shool. In order to prevent us fro delayin our study, the Eduation Bureau arried out "no suspension of lasses", that is, online lasses. But open the heart of the net lesson oriinally is ood, but it is advantaeous also have disadvantae.

The urriulu is oin on as usual. Behind the ell phone are our teahers, who at as the "anhor". What we see in front of the obile phone is only one ourseware arefully prepared by the teahers, and only one test paper that teaher han is oentin on. The teaher an't see us, we an't see the teaher, all of us are walkin in the dark. For soe students with hih self-disipline, online lasses are the sae as in the lassroo. But the proble is oin? What about those students with poor self-disipline. Yes, they would be ore unsrupulous when they used to work in shool. As soon as the alpratie oes, anyway, the teaher an't see us. We an do what we want. We are absent fro lass, don't listen to it, or just o in and wath it, and then bak out. We an open the live broadast at a hiher level and put it there, reardless of it. In this way, the effet of online lasses will be lost. "nline lasses are really ettin ore and ore borin. I an't see you, and I don't know whether you have learned or not. I really don't know at all." This is a sentene for our online teaher. The seond disadvantae is that the teaher an't see the students' learnin situation and doesn't know the effiieny of the students' online lass. Every day, the teaher is like leturin in the air, but he is anxious like an ant on a hot pot, always afraid that the students an't learn well.

"hi --", the door opened, as always, at half past five, dad told e to et up on tie. He said: "we should have lasses on tie, and online lasses an also inrease knowlede. What teahers teah you is no less than what you learn in shool. As lon as you study hard, online lasses are no worse than what you learn in shool." y parents are very supportive of our online lasses. The sae is true for neihbors, aopanyin their hildren in online lasses. They think that online lasses will not waste their study tie, but also inrease their knowlede and learn what they should learn. This is also a benefit of online lasses. The developent of "no suspension of lasses" is indispensable for the shool. The shool issued a notie and arefully planned the urriulu for us. They want students to study at hoe as if they had started shool, and they want to spend ore tie for us. nline lasses inrease our learnin tie. The painstakin effort of the shool to open the online lass lies in that we an't drop too any sores, whih is also a benefit of the online lass.

For e, online lasses let e no loner be afraid of ath finale questions, let e no loner be afraid of questions about epidei situation in hinese, let e do narrative ore handy, and other subjets are also slowly ovin forward. ne of the biest drawbaks is the lon tie to look at obile phones, oputers and other reat har to lasses. Nothin is perfet. It has its own advantaes and disadvantaes. Isn't it the sae with online lasses? But sine we have online lasses, why don't we try our best to play its advantaes and redue its disadvantaes?



































