








I had a eal in the ornin, walked with y other to exerise, and went to the drustore to buy soe asks, alohol and other thins, beause it's a very tie I dare not o too far.


I wear a double-layer ask to prevent the virus. I wear a bulky down jaket to prevent old. When I walk on the quiet asphalt road in the ounity, the adults and hildren are one. There is no noise in the ounity square in the past. "Hey, beause of the invasion of the oronavirus, I have to take shelter at hoe.".


ut of the ate of the ounity, there are a few private ars runnin on the road. Polie ars and speial polie ars patrol on the road, alost no pedestrians an be seen. asionally, one person is also ared, wearin a ask and a hat. The whole road sees to be in a bioheial risis without the usual traffi.


When she ae to the drustore, the salesan was also a fully ared aunt. She wore a three-layer ask, disposable loves, disposable foot overs, and only two eyes were exposed outside. any ediines on the shelf were sold out of stok. I asked about the asks, alohol and old ediine. Before I finished, the aunt of the drustore waved her hand, "no, none, alohol, old ediine and anti-inflaatory ediine. The asks were out of stok two days ao, and the aterials were transported to the forefront of the anti-virus hospital.". No way, y other and I went to the next few drustores and ot the sae result.


It sees that the epidei situation is not as siple as expeted. It is fiere. In order to be safe, does Puyan ity seal the ity and prevent outsiders fro oin in? Do all the people in the ity stay at hoe and esape the disaster situation safely?



In the Sprin Festival of 2020, everyone should live a heavy life. The expeted winter vaation sees to be the devil of this winter, whih threatens everyone's life invisibly.


Sine Deeber, 2019 novel oronavirus pneuonia is like a heavy stone in everyone's ind. It's aused by the seafood arket in South hina, Wuhan. It's also aused by people who are keen on eatin wild ae. Even I saw the piture of the disustin bat soup on the Internet. The fae of the bat in the piture was feroious. At that tie, I learned that bats an arry ore than 100 kinds of extreely toxi and danerous viruses, inludin Ebola, rabies, SARS, et. f ourse, in addition to bats, ae anials suh as raoons, ivets and panolins also arry ore or less virulent viruses. There is a sayin that I think is very reasonable: "the anients used thousands of years to feed you, and you have to hallene how hard your life is." Now the novel oronavirus hina has spread fro Wuhan to hina, and eventually it has been developed to pay for the venison of all the world. The day that should have been elebrated has lost its atosphere.


Sine the first novel oronavirus pneuonia was disovered, iro-blo has been hot on its way every day. There are always several new pneuonia ases in the ity. Fro tie to tie, there are "the first ase of new pneuonia ured and dishared" or "the first ase of new pneuonia died". The statistis of onfired new pneuonia are ore and ore shokin day by day, and y heart is heavier day by day.


In this winter vaation, I learned the abnoral taste of people fro the behavior of soe people eatin wild ae; I saw the uliness of huan nature fro the behavior of the dianosed patients or the people livin in Wuhan who ran out reklessly before the losure of the ity; I found the soial reality of the hih-level inorin the people's sufferin fro the ination of the Wuhan overnent or even the behavior of holdin the roup worship eetin to oneal the truth; At the sae tie, fro the positive response and rapid response of Henan overnent, we an see that soeties the ap between people is not in objetive onditions, but in theselves.


The novel oronavirus is esape fro death in a reat atastrophe. I believe that the people of the whole ountry will work toether to fiht aainst the new oronavirus and ahieve a happy life.



n the road, there were few pedestrians. The expression on their fae was divided into two parts by the bi ask. Their eyes were full of anxiety and they walked in a hurry. The whole world seeed to have only the dull breath under the ask. The novel oronavirus infetion in Wenhou has been reported in ases, 114 ases and 172 ases.


I suddenly reebered the video that y other had shown e: the sweaty dotors were takin are of the patients in heavy protetive lothin, asks and oles, and they ould not reonie eah other beause they were "fully ared". So they wrote their naes on the bak of the lothes. When they hane their protetive lothin, if they are a little areless, they will be infeted. These anels in white are always brave to stand in the front line of the epidei, to blok the terrible virus and build a protetive wall for us. We are eatin hinese New Year's Eve dinner and wathin the Sprin Festival party, but they are savin lives that have been daaed by pneuonia virus.


I don't know when the new year's red envelope turned into a pak of asks. The fear of the virus keeps us at hoe. I think of the anel in white who doesn't ask for return and is not afraid of daner. I' really worried for the. any dotors have been infeted, and there are still any dotors rushin to the front line of the epidei. randpa hon Nanshan, in his 0s, led his tea to study the virus day and niht, hopin to develop a speifi ediine as soon as possible. Althouh the venerable old an is an otoenarian, he still ontributes to the ontrol of the epidei toether with others. I adire their bravery and persistene. In this new year, they ive us the ourae and the ethod to fae the epidei orretly. It's the anels in white who ive people hope to reover. Fro the end of the year to the new year, they have been unreittin in their efforts to fiht aainst the virus.


ne white fiure, one sweaty fiure, one dutiful fiure. Under the protetive lothin of the dotors, how any heavy tasks are they shoulderin, but they still fae it with a sile.


Thank you, anels in white for your efforts; thank you, edial researhers for their hard work. Thank you to people fro all walks of life for fihtin the epidei. It is their efforts that have helped us build a safe protetive wall. It is their hard work that has helped us usher in happiness and well-bein. Althouh the virus is powerful and terrible, with their help, we will eventually overoe all diffiulties.






























