








"Finally, I an o out to play!" I heered. Beause o and Dad areed to take e on a trip durin the winter vaation.


But today, novel oronavirus was found by e, and I said, "Lan Lan, I a afraid I an't o to this tour, beause a new oronavirus pneuonia has erupted in Wuhan." After listenin, I ried in despair. I hated the epidei. y other held e and said, "I know you're very sad. I' also very depressed that you an't o now." After listenin to y other's words, y ood radually stabilied. y other ontinued, "this tie, the virus ay spread to the whole ountry with the Sprin Festival transportation, so our way is to stay away fro the rowd."


After listenin to y other, I don't "hate" the epidei. "How do we spend this holiday?" I asked. y other siled and said, "this holiday, we will try our best to ake you happy." Every next day, I play parent-hild aes with y parents, flyin kites in the yard, athin hikens with eales, playin badinton, playin football


Due to the epidei in Wuhan, any edial staff have rushed to the front line. We feel bored "hoe", but it is the plae they want to o bak and an't o bak! So I want to pay tribute to the edial staff. With the protetion of edial staff, I a no loner afraid, but full of strenth! Thank the, I want to pay tribute to these ost beautiful rebel!


I firly believe that throuh the joint efforts of all of us, when herry blossos bloo in Wuhan in April, the epidei has passed and will not be losed. As in previous years, there will be tens of thousands of people lookin at herry Blosso under the tree, herry blosso on the tree lookin at tens of thousands of people.



This winter vaation, the streets should be bustlin, beause the new hateful oronavirus to provoke people pani.


Beause of this disease, everyone an only hold bak at hoe. hildren an't o out to play, youn people an't o out to ake oney, old people an't o out for a walk. All day lon, I stayed at hoe. Exept for a few ars on the road, I was dead.


Reently, our elevator was leaned by oronavirus. Up to now, the elevator is filled with the sell of 4 disinfetant, and there is a pakae of paper on the wall. an't it express the har of the disease?


Wuhan is the ost danerous ity, beause Wuhan has the larest nuber of people sufferin fro the disease, and the whole ity has been losed. Before the disease, Wuhan used to be a drea ity for any people; now, people outside don't want to o to Wuhan, but people inside think of Wuhan.


The beds of hospitals in Wuhan are not enouh for patients. Dotors fro faous hospitals all over the ountry are rushin to Wuhan. If all professionals are at hoe in peae. The dotors are different. They are always riskin their lives to treat patients. Like soldiers on the battlefield, they are always taken away by the od of death.


Beause in 2003 there was a disease alled SARS, plus the new oronavirus. any people think that the ain ulprit is ivet at, but in fat, it is not. After researh, it is found that ivet at is also one of the vitis. SARS is beause the hrysantheu head bat is passed on to ivet at, and ivet at is passed on to us.


But is it strane that they are anials? No, it's our huanity. Althouh it ust have soethin to do with anials, would it be today if it wasn't for our reedy outh?


SARS was ured 17 years ao beause of eatin wild anials. "Foret the pain after the sar." Today's new oronavirus re - outbreak of the old disease, but also beause of eatin wild anials, and reated today.


Hope to et rid of the virus as soon as possible and let the anels in white free as soon as possible.



The year 2020 is a new beinnin, but just as the Sprin Festival oes, the hinese people one aain fae the virus risis: the new oronavirus, only 17 years sine the last SARS in 2020.


I saw in the news that the new virus aused by Wuhan as the soure of infetion spread to the whole ountry. Aordin to statistis and analysis, the people who left Wuhan fro January 10 to 22 and went to all parts of the ountry respetively arrived in houkou, Yueyan, Yihan, Hefei, honqin, Nannin, uanhou and other plaes. This is an aute infetion of pneuonia.


The ause of the disease is that people eat wild hinese hrysantheu head bat ivet. This is a serious risis. As huan beins, shouldn't we reflet on it? If the epidei an't be ontrolled, where will huan beins o? If we take ood are of ourselves, will this happen?


As for how to protet yourself, first of all, althouh the virus has beoe a fous, don't listen to all kinds of ruors at will, sientifially prevent and ontrol the soures of infetion, ut off the transission hannels, and all on everyone to do a ood job in personal protetion, avoid oin to rowded plaes, wear edial asks in publi plaes, and pay attention to fast food hyiene,Wash hands frequently and drink ore water. Try not to eat out and o out less. If you have fever or ouh, please see a dotor in tie.


I hope that the people of the whole ountry will join hands to fiht aainst this risis and stay at hoe and not run around. We an ertainly survive this risis fro our otherland. It's very iportant that edial staff have iven up the hane to elebrate the new year with their failies and rushed to the front line of the epidei field. We should believe the ore!


oe on Wuhan, oe on anel in white, oe on hina, ay the beauty of the world be onneted with you.






















新型冠状病毒 关于疫情的作文700字








