













In the past hinese New Year, I ust be in Hubei now. I a happy to play with the sisters and brothers, suh as shakin flowers, plate uns and other fun thins. And this Sprin Festival, I have been stayin in Hanhou. The ost iportant thin I do is to lie in bed and wath TV leisurely.

You ust all know why. Yes, beause of that terrible virus, this is a new virus that an ake people et pneuonia. At first, it only appeared in Wuhan, but the virus is extreely ontaious. In addition, the Wuhan overnent did not are too uh at the beinnin, and did not lose the ity in tie, so now only Tibet has found no ases in Tibet. Be aware that this virus has an inubation period of up to 14 days, and it is infetious durin the inubation period, so soe patients who were still in the inubation period infeted any people after leavin Wuhan.

This situation reinded any adults of SARS 17 years ao.

Yeah, how siilar they are. They all bein durin the Sprin Festival, and the sypto siilarity is also very hih. The ause is aused by huans eatin wild ae. Speakin of whih, I thouht of the previous Ebola virus beause a few Afrians ate a orilla of unknown ause. So we still do n’t eat plants and anials that our anestors did not inlude in the food hain.

However, in this risis situation, who is oin forward? That's riht, edial staff. They are not afraid of hardships and treat the patients day and niht, what a stron selfless dediation! They are not anels, but ordinary people, so they will be infeted if they are not areful. But they still risk their lives and rob people of death, and we should thank the well.

This different Sprin Festival will definitely ake e unforettable for life.






Lookin at the inreasinly tense news on TV, I know that this winter vaation is different fro previous years. In the past, we iht be in a forein ountry and enjoy the wonderful exoti style; we iht return to our hoetown for a lon tie and feel the warth of the ountry. But this year, a sudden new type of pneuonia haned our life rhyth. It ade us no loner have the joy of the New Year and no loner the expetation of the New Year. It affeted the hearts of the people of the ountry and deeply affeted our life.

y other oriinally booked a fliht tiket to Beijin on January 23, and was plannin to take e to the apital of the otherland durin the winter vaation, to see the lon-standin Forbidden ity, lib the faous reat Wall of hina, and try the traditional Beijin snak "Ie Suar ourd" And "Donkey Rollin" an be desribed as a tour of hina with textbooks. But on this day, Wuhan's new type of pneuonia epidei suddenly worsened, so that sine Wuhan was losed for the first tie sine the foundin of the People's Republi of hina, we refunded the tiket and stayed in Wuhan. Despite any rerets, I knew that Wuhan ust have enountered reat diffiulties at this tie before akin suh a diffiult deision.

It is a very diffiult tie now, but our "white anels" are in the ost danerous plae. They are our patron saints. I ost hope that these "white anels" in protetive lothin will be safe and seure, beause it is They are not afraid of the dediation of life and death, we have the health and safety of all of us, I a proud of the, proud of the, they are the ost lovely people of our tie!

This tie, in the fae of the epidei, we in Wuhan faed the diffiulties, and we will surely win the final vitory. Wuhan, oe on! o hina!








Life is preious, life should be olorful, it should be very beautiful. f ourse, life is only one. Life is like a firework, it an only bloo for a while, but it an't oe aain. Life is also fraile. Paul Kohain one said: The ost preious thin in this world is life, and life is only one for every livin thin. Life is liited and short-lived.

This Sprin Festival, we should have fun and joy, wathin the ity street view, adirin the beautiful lanterns; oin to various plaes to play and travel. When I was full of hope for every ood future, an unfortunate thin happened. This ade e, who was oriinally full of joy, suddenly look ray and dejeted. The bustlin streets of previous years were overed with a layer of dust, only the beautiful lanterns flashed alone.

The sudden outbreak aused pani aon the people of hina, and the new oronavirus "attaked" the whole of hina. Suddenly, hina launhed a oprehensive treatent for the epidei. The epidei spreads endlessly and quikly, invadin the huan body quikly. The inreasin nuber of patients has aused people to pani and treble, espeially in Wuhan, Hubei, where the epidei is ost serious. The people of Wuhan hold on!

ountless white anels desperately rushed to the front line. They have experiened the test of life and death. In order to put on protetive lothin, they ut off their beautiful lon hair. They said: "Hair an row aain, but people an't be reborn." To save people, they were put on a red ark by protetive asks. Beause they wore loves for a lon tie, their hands blistered. Heartahe. After treatent by nurses and dotors, several patients have suessfully overoe the virus. Hearin this exitin news, I heered. hinese tehnoloy, oe on!

What shoked e is that this powerful new virus was aused by soe weak wild anials that have stron toxins. However, naive huans even prey on rando, and those wild anial toxins spread into huans, whih aused The sub-lare-sale oronavirus, this terrible virus is aused by huan itself. Rare wild anials! arin for nature!

oe on Wuhan! o hina! It an ertainly survive, we believe that diffiulties will never stop us fro ovin forward, oe on!






























