







Suer an be very hot in southern Taiwan where the teperature usually oes up to 32" or ore. Beause of the heat it is a tryin experiene to o to shool or do anythin else in a plae that is not air-onditioned. Also beause of this I stay at hoe ost of the tie durin the suer vaation and oasionally o to the beah to plune yself into the ool water as a way to keep y body less stiky.

Atually I like swiin think nothin is ore refreshin than a swi. In the suer vaation that has ended I went swiin any ties with y lassates we all had a ood tie. This suer vaation, however, was not spent entirely in seekin fun. As a seond-year senior student I had to prepare yself for the ollee entrane exainations that were a year away.

In other words, I ust find tie to study, too. So I divided y tie between work play durin the suer vaation derived benefit fro this arraneent.


We were sittin in the lassroo quietly, waitin for the inviilator. We were anxious to et the exaination paper and see whether it was easy or diffiult.

The inviilator ae into the lassroo. He first looked around. Then he ounted the papers. We ould only hear the papers'friative. I had a look at y wath. We would be exained in eiht inutes. I felt a bit nervous. I thouht to yself,"Will the exa be easy or diffiult? Will the last question be very hard for e to work out?"The inviilator bean to deliver us the papers. I had been ready. As soon as I ot the paper, I bean to write quikly. At this, the inviilator said loudly,"You an't write until the bell rins".I felt sorry for that. I wathed the hands of the lok and thouht hard. I ounted quietly,"four inutes, three inutes, two inutes,thirty seonds, twenty-five seonds""Din" The bell ran. We piked up our pens and bean to write quietly.

What a lon tie we had been waitin!


"t,1 of every year is our National Day.Today is t 1st,2012 and is also our National Day.It is a iportant festival in China.The Five- Star Fla is flyin hih in the sky of the Tian'anen Square. And we an have a eiht-- days holiday.Durin the holiday,people an o to soe plaes of interest for visitin.

n the early ornin of the 1st day, I had y breakfast quikly with y faily, and then went shoppin outside with y several friends.After lunh, I went to the park and played badinton with y youner brother.I had planed to travel to soe plaes of interest but youan see so any people , so any ars,and traffi ja everywhere , so I spent the holiday at hoe. I ot toether with y faily to enjoy the oonliht, disussed soe interestin topis,talked about the leends suh as "hanEr". f ourse,I didn't foret to do y hoework. Aordin to plan, I did y hoework everyday,so I think I had a ood tie and I a very happy. And I wish everyone has a happy holiday.


Advantaes of ownin a private ar. 2)Disadvantaes of ownin a private ar. 3)Should it be neessary to enlare the private ar arket? Why or why not? Nowadays, any hinese an enjoy the luxury of ownin a private ar - if he or she an afford it. Havin a ar of your own eans no ore travelin to work on rowded buses or subway trains, and you an drop off the hildren at shool on the way. oreover, it also eans that you an enjoy the weekends and holidays better, beause with a ar you an o to plaes where thereular buses and trains do not o, and so you an find a quiet seni spot with no rowds. However, there are drawbaks to ownin a ar. For one thin, with the inrease in ar ownership in reent years, the roads are beoin ore and ore rowded, often akin the journey to work ore of a nihtare than a drea. For another, it is not heap to run a ar, as the pries of asoline and repairs are onstantly risin, not to ention the pries you have to pay for a liene and insurane overae. Havin onsidered both sides of the aruent, I have oe to the onlusion that the advantaes of ownin a ar outweih the disadvantaes. Therefore, it sees to e that hina should inrease its output of autoobiles and enlare the private ar arket. The result would be that ars would beoe heaper, while at the sae tie the extra deand would enourae the auto industry to produe ore effiient and faily-oriented vehiles.


Last year, y father bouht a lovely pet for e. She has four white paws and a white and yellow tail. She has two sall ears, two reen eyes and eiht whiskers on her fae. Her nae is Sally and she is one year old.

Do you know what it is? A at? Yes, it is a at. She has very short fur and she is quite sall. She weihs about 2 kiloras. She is usually very friendly and quiet. We never frihten her or pull her tail or ears. She likes walkin around e and playin with e.

If she is hunry, she will iaow. Usually, she eats food fro a tin, but her favorite food is fish. She likes juie if it is not too old. She likes to hase and ath ie and soeties she plays with butterflies. Sally often plays with balls and piees of strin. She does not like dos and she hates the rain. She likes sittin on the sofa and wathin TV.

Sally is a very ood friend, but she is quite lay! She never worries beause we take ood are of her. She is always a happy at.


A winebibber,when he has wine addition,that he is oin to the bar and drink soe ups of wine.He will oes to the bar every day before he oin to work.It's a snowy ornin.He oes to bar before he oin to work aain.He fells there is soebody follows hi on his way to his offie.He turns his head and he see his son is treadin his footark.His son is followin hi.

His son is exited and says:"Dad! Look,I a treadin your footark!"The an is very surprise that his son shoks to hi. He thinks:"I will o to the bar, but y son is followin e!"After that day,the an ives up the wine.He doesn't o the bar any ore.


Elephant is the larest anial on land today. It weihts soe ninety kiloras and is about one etre hih when born. When it is 12 years old, it studs over three eters and does not row any ore. Elephant is usually rey in olor, havin a lon trunk with lare ivory tusks protrudin fro eah side of its outh. Usually ovin in roups and arin for eah other, Elephant is know to be a very and entle reare. For any years people have used the strenth of these poweful anials to ove trees and heavy los. Elephant has been and is a vital tool for people to do any thins that would norally be iposs-ible.

Elephant is and will ontinue to be one of the reatest reatures an has ever oe into ontat with. Its sie. beauty, and power willforever be useful to an.


We have just oved into a new flat,like ost people here livin in their houses in the suburbs. ur house is bi thouh it onsists only two floors.

n the first floor there is the dinin roo, the loune or sittin roo, the kithen and the hall. In the hall we set a stand for hats, oats and ubrellas. A stairase leads fro the hall to the landin on the seond floor; n this floor there are four bedroos, a bathroo and a lavatory.In front of the house we have a sall arden in whih we row flowers: roses,tulips and soe fruit trees. Thereis also a veetable arden where we row all kinds of veetables, suh as abbaes, auliflowers, and toatoes. We all know how to plant veetables for y father was one a veetable rower.

At the side of the house is a arae. We haven't ot a ar up to now, but y oths said: we'd have one at the end of this year. People ,in this hih-onsuer ity are very rih, not like the people live in the inland,ities.


Li Pin's brother is a PLA an. He is a handsoe, tall youn an with bi eyes and broad shoulders.

He was born in 1971. He was a ood student in shool. When he was seventeen, he finished iddle shool. Then he joined the People's Liberation Ary. In the ary, he studied hard and took an ative part in the ilitary trainin. In 1991, he went to Anhui Provine to help in fihtin aainst the flood disaster. He did a lot of ood deeds there.

Yesterday afternoon Li Pins brother ae to our shool and ave us a talk. We've learned a lot fro hi.






























