i have a dream 作文200字 ihaveadream作文


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1、i have a dream 作文200字 ihaveadream作文(1)

i have a dream 作文200字 ihaveadream作文

i have a drea 作文200字(一)

I Have a Drea

Here we sit in the broad lassroo with briht sunliht shinnin over heads. Do you feel happy? While fousin on the dusty air and the soky sky, we find that no fresh air to breath, no natural sene to enjoy. However, that’s not the worst. In ase our buildin is a jerry-built projet, pani ould swallow our hearts. Further ore, how any students, itiens, youner or older than us don’t have a shelter to stay. Feel happy, yet? No.

Well, in fat, the situation of the whole ountry is far less sypatheti, thouh not so bad, either. Probles in eduation, oere, laws, iviliation, orality, et, are still serious. As the daily news reported, nuerous ollee students wanderin in the street lookin for a job to support their elderly parents who lived in the ountry for the whole life today have no field to far. Tall buildins fell down without reasons, burnt beause trustless auses. Two prisoners proessed the sae rie, while reeived different sentenes, just for their distint bakrounds. No belief exists in our hearts, so that no one would help an old lady lyin in the street with heart trouble. We fear nothin,and nothin ould awe us. The delinin of orality akes us worried..

We hate these, and want to hane the ondition. So let fiht aainst inequity and onsolidate a thrivin and prosperous soiety.

Youn an of our eneration all have the sae drea to build a stroner, ore prosperous ountry with people livin in it happily. I share the drea and think ore details of the lon hard drea.

I have a drea that one day people livin in the ountryside ould et the sae welfare as itiens one enjoyed. oensurately, no atter the students row up in rural or suburb areas, they will have the equal hane to enter priary or iddle shools, ollees. ld people will et the sae proised are fro the overnent.

I have a drea that one day all the youn an ould earn enouh oney by honest work to buy a prie depreiated house. So we will have ourae to et arried and have a baby. And our babies will never burden suh pressure like we bore.

I have a drea that one day, all firs not only ai at pursuin axiu profit,

but also arry ore soial responsibility initiatively. In that ase, no buildins will blow down by breee, no suh ases like SanLu ilk will happen.

I have a drea that one day, no lies would be heard fro the news. ass edia is neither a lown aiin at akin people lauh nor a Bastard dupin us asses. It is the riht tie edias should take the responsibility to uide publi orals.

I have a drea that one day the prediaent “asses ouldn’t obat the overnent” will be broke down and a new balane will be built. So that when onflit of interests between people and the loal overnent happens, an easy and equal solution would be suested, whih will protet the oon people tiely. While, it needs reat deterination and stronforeful law to spport.

Years later, there will be a kid born in this ountry. He an reeive the justie treatent fro the soiety not beause his bakround but just for his bein a eneral hinese kid. Its parents don’t have to worry about the quality of its ilk powder, the risin expenses of the kinderarten. They also don’t have to be anxious about the proble of the kid’s entry to the priary shool whih is brouht by the reistered peranent residene. It is born with a ofort house belonin to its faily to live in, and don’t need to experiene the sufferin ovin fro a rentin house to another.

This kid will reeive the best eduation of the world, whih teahes the students not only how to do business but how to ondut hi or her self. The eduation will fous ore about oralis. And it would not just tell the kid what to do, what not to do, this is riht and that is wron, but teah the how to think and lead the to brin forth new ideas.

When the student raduates fro iddle shool, he will et the sae hane to hoose a riht speialied subjet in a proper ollee by his apability, not by his area advantae. In the university, he an pursue his love without warrin about realisti soial proble suh as eonoi ones. He ay beoe a speialist by his hardworkin and quik ind pratied in his eduation experiene.

After raduation, the youn an will find a suitable job in onnetion with his ajor subjets. And of ourse he an et enouh salary to support his faily.

When he is in his iddle ae, he will et his areer prootion as well as soial

deree. And if he wants to do ore for the ounity, he an et the hane to run for the overnent position.

When he ets old, he will et the welfare fro the overnent, so that he shouldn’t save oney when he was still youn like us.

Who is this kid? I wish he is y boy, your boy. I wish that our hildren will all have that kind of life as I dreaed.

Well, how to realie the drea? A nie and diret way is let us oupy the iportant positions of the entral overnent. You take the plae of hairan Hu, and I will be the Preier of the State ounil. Aha, you know, this an unrealisti drea.

So, what we an do is try our best to do little thin when we play the role of “worker”, and when publi voie needs us to pronoune.

Drea will be realisti when we walkin into it. All dreas will oe true if we herish it and arhin for it.

i have a drea 作文200字(二)

We all have a drea, a wonderful drea that is the stars in the sky, but is our beaon of life. The wins of the drea are ideal, and it is the ship to set sail. When Havin these we will have a sinifiant future. As we all know, a enius who one had a drea that to be a suess.

I have a drea that is a void whih sees unfathoable, but lose at hand. I have a drea that is not a deroatory ter, but we ust surpass ourselves and hase the drea now in y heart. Newborn alves are not afraid of tiers. The world now is full of opportunities for us, just when we are youn, we should no disappointent and unwillin to be ordinary but to be bound to ake different to sound to the world with passion. aybe we don't have the experiene and lesson, but we annot lak the ipulses and onfidene of youth.

The year when we were preparin the raduate Reord Exaination, it is diffiult to foret those days while we ot up early but slept late at niht. It is diffiult to foret the sene where we were ofortable to answer the paper, and that oent while we had a drea that is to be a aronoist whih support us in a quiet way. It is diffiult to foret the oent while those "ood students" look at us with reardlessly and proudly, but still doin soethin without any tired. Ultiately, everythin oes to hi who waits, we stepped into the first step whih we an lose to the drea. I think I an ake it oe into reality one day. oe on! oe on! We all have a drea, a wonderful drea that is the stars in the sky, but is our beaon of life. The wins of the drea are ideal, and it is the ship to set sail. When Havin these we will have a sinifiant future. As we all know, a enius who one had a drea to be a suess.

I have a drea that is a void whih sees unfathoable, but lose at hand. I have a drea that is not a deroatory ter, but we ust surpass ourselves and hase the drea now in y heart. Newborn alves are not afraid of tiers. All of the world is full of opportunities for us now, just when we are youn, we should have no disappointent and were unwillin to be ordinary but to be bound to ake different to sound to the world with passion. aybe we don't have the experiene and lesson, but we annot be lak of the ipulses and onfidene of youth.

The year when we were preparin the raduate Reord Exaination, it is diffiult to foret those days while we ot up early but slept late at niht. It is diffiult to foret the sene where we were ofortable to answer the questions, and that oent while we had a drea that is to be an aronoist who ake researh on the plant whih support us in a quiet way. It is diffiult to foret the oent while those "ood students " look at us with reardlessly and proudly, but still doin soethin without tired. Ultiately, everythin oes to hi who waits, we stepped into the first step whih we an lose to the drea. I think I an ake it oe into reality one day. oe on! oe on!

We are live in this world whih is full of opportunities for us now, just when we are youn, we should have no disappointent and were unwillin to be ordinary but to be bound to ake different to sound to the world with passion.

When we are youn,we have lots of opportunities to ake suess or do any other thins we want. We annot have disappointent, and we were also unwillin to be ordinary but to be bound to ake different to be heard by all of world.

i have a drea 作文200字(三)

I have a drea

Hello everyone. y nae is Xion YunYu. Today I will leture about drea. Forty-seven years ao, artin Luther Kin had a leture naed I have a drea .Today I will leture the sae subjet. I a not artin Luther Kin, but I also have a drea, I think everyone has different drea. When I was a little boy, I want to be a siner. When I was a ten years boy, I love NBA very uh, so I want to be a basketball player like Kobe Bryant. You know he is very ool. Now I want to be a dotor, a faous dotor. And I will help invalids save their lives. I saw soe people who were ill and death ay oe any inute. I deide to be a dotor, so that I an help the sik people and ure the of their diseases. hina is a developin ountry. It needs ood ediine and ood dotors, espeially in the ountryside and lonely villaes.

If I to be a dotor. At hoe I an have an injetion for y parents. At hospital I an ure people who were ill. Also I an ake uh oney. And I will ive uh oney to Red ross.

But now I ust study well. I think throuh study well I will to be a dotor.

i have a drea 作文200字(四)

I have a drea


Today I’ very happy.y nae is Alie.

I’ 11 years old.I’ a sunny irl.

I like purple and blue.y favorite anial is rabbit.It’s so ute. I like Enlish,too.I like danin best.

I have a drea.

When I row up.I want to be a daner.

I bean to learn danin when I was years old.

I learned any lots of danin.

When I dane,not only I a very happy,but also an ive other people happy.

So I want to forever dane.

Now I will work hard for this drea.

At last,please reeber e-a little drea irl.

Thank you for your listenin.

i have a drea 作文200字(五)

I have a drea

Hello everyone. y nae is Xion YunYu. Today I will leture about drea. Forty-seven years ao, artin Luther Kin had a leture naed I have a drea .Today I will leture the sae subjet. I a not artin Luther Kin, but I also have a drea, I think everyone has different drea. When I was a little irl , I want to be a dotor 。When I was a ten years irl , I love NBA very uh, so I want to be a basketball player like Kobe Bryant. You know he is very ool. Now I want to be a dotor, a faous dotor. And I will help invalids save their lives. I saw soe people who were ill and death ay oe any inute. I deide to be a dotor, so that I an help the sik people and ure the of their diseases. hina is a developin ountry. It needs ood ediine and ood dotors, espeially in the ountryside and lonely villaes.

If I to be a dotor. At hoe I an have an injetion for y parents. At hospital I an ure people who were ill. Also I an ake uh oney. And I will ive uh oney to Red ross.

But now I ust study well. I think throuh study well I will to be a dotor.

i have a drea 作文200字(六)

I have a drea

Seletion of exellent opositions fro Siene lass

I have a drea

1) By Xia inyu ,lass 29

When I was a sall hild,I’d love to ae at the blue sky,

Waitin for y favorite loud,

With speial thouht flyin hih.

Drea of ainin plenty of happiness and never ry.,

As I’ brouht up,radually I ot into the ysterious niht,

Feelin the old air touhin y hair,

And the beautiful darkness in front of y eyes.

Bein an explorer of the dark ae quikly to y ind.

Then I’ rowin to aturity,

Fain and hallenin uh ore diffiulty,But I still wonder the niht and the oon shinin.

y drea is hanin and hanin,

All about the oon--a lare of knowlede.

And always,I think ost of the stars at niht,

They are shinin in the niht sky enhantinly,

And showin y wonderful drea learly,--Use its own liht to war up the world!

2)By han Yuyu, lass 29

If soeone asks y ideal

I will replyI want to o to Tsin-Hua University

Want to o to faous enterprises to put y own talent to ood use[来源:学_科_网]Want to be well-paid throuh workin

They are only soe ideals

They are only noral thins that everyone wants to et

But y drea--- [来源:xxk.o][来源:学。科。网。X。X。K]

Drea---suh a holy and stately word

ive every errant heart a war hoe

I drea of havin a sea when I a ettin old

With no noise and no hurly-burly

nly a vast seaThe sea whih has elted all oon ustos and fae and ain

I want to walk alon the lon oastline

Look at the olorful shellfish restin on the sea beahJust like riotous happiness in the past

I look silently, and then reeber silently

But never think of pikin the up[来源:学科网]

As I a afraid of breakin the tranquility[来源:学科网XXK]

Sit down when I feel tiredPile up y sall astle ently with the soft sand

See the waves run to flood the

Take their trae away while retreatin

Then I will sile unfeined


It’s y real astle

When I an’t walk any loner

I will stand in fae of sea

Experiene the illusion that sprin is in the air

And the flowers are in blossoAsk for the sea breeeTo help e send y blessin to everyone

Let flood tide and low tide take y into y astle.

3). By Linq Tan, lass 30

I had a drea durin y hildhood. I was eaer to beoe a oputer enineer who spent ost of his own lifetie with different kinds of proras and iruits. y other ade e very interested in oputers when I was youn, so I often iained that I ould reate inventions to fill people’s life with happiness.

If to ahieve a drea like that is ipossible, I would beoe interested in ath instead of oputers. It’s easy to lost oneself in the rapidly rowin oputer

industry, a so-alled bubble eonoy. opared with that, I want to ive yself to the world of ath without utilitarianis. A sientist will not be juded by the oney he has earned in total.

i have a drea 作文200字(七)

英语作文I Have a Drea

I Have a Drea-我有一个梦想


I Have a Drea

To be a soial worker is y drea. I will try y best to ake inorant hildren eduated and starvin people fed. I believe that as lon as other war-hearted people and I keep on doin so, the whole soiety will be haned into a bi war faily.


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