how to improve your english200 improveyourenglish
篇首语:别裁伪体亲风雅,转益多师是汝师。本文为你选取作文how to improve your english200 improveyourenglish四篇,希望能帮到你。
1、how to improve your english200 improveyourenglish(1)
how to improve your english200 improveyourenglish
how to iprove your enlish200(一)
听力可以说是我们中国学生英语学习的最大障碍.我问过很多顺利通过六级考试的本科生,听力部分能真正听懂的实在是寥寥无几.很多人都是根据听懂的只言片语,再利用推理,排除一些的考试策略选择答案的.(国内有些听力教材还提出了只看答案就能选出正确答案的系统 "理论".)这样做考试是有可能通过的,但实际掌握,运用英语的能力就只有自己知道了.
关于听力基本功的认识问题我建议大家去买一本钟道隆编的《逆向法巧学英语》一书仔细看看,里面很多道理也说的很清楚了.我这里只想以我的亲身体验 "斩钉截铁"的告诉大家:开始 "真正"练习听力的时候(我这里所提到的 "真正" 不是指那些考试技巧,而是发自内心的想要掌握,运用,享受英语的源动力),千万不可操之过急,一开始就去听那些原版的标准速度的听力资料,一方面这样的方法极不科学;另一方面也会给自己刚刚培养起来的自信心带来巨大的重创.十有八九(也可以说是所有的人)都会很快放弃的.我自己当初也是这样,感觉简直是在听天书,十几分钟的录音下来能够把Topi听准确已经是很不错了,当中的细节部分根本没有时间反应就一闪而过了.这种过程简直就是一种 "煎熬". 当然也有少数意志力惊人的朋友坚持了下来,但是由于方法的失策,造成自己把大量的时间精力(有时可以说是青春)投入其中,可是回报却难以和付出平衡,收效甚微.说到这儿叫我想起以前我们有一位上外的听力老师讲的真人真事:一位研究生深知自己听力不过关,决心发奋苦读.于是他每天早上都坚持听广播电台里的标准英语,这样一听就是五年的时间.这种苦行僧似的磨炼并没有使他的听力水平真正得以提高.后来我们这位老师在了解了他的情况以后,告诉他之所以到现在他的听力还未真正突破最主要的原因就是他的基础没有打好,总是泛泛而听,而且总是听些已经有中文背景知识的广播,就会造成一种错觉,好象什么都听懂了,又好象什么也没听懂.大意能够抓住(其实是有背景知识的原故),真正精确到每一句话,每一个单词却总是丢三落四的,不能准确的传情达意.这种沙上建塔的 "辛劳"永远也不会建成坚固的大厦,而总是在进行建了倒下,倒下了再建的重复劳动.
1.下载完相关的听力资料后,用realplayer 2进行播放,我这里暂时不想给大家提供原文,尤其对那些本来就很清晰的听力资料.(不是很清楚的资料我回加入原文的),这主要是希望大家不要依赖原文,自己一定要一个单词一个单词的完全听懂.有的同学说我有那么几个单词实在听不懂怎么办?大家想一想,慢速英语的单词量是100到2000,也就是说一个比较好的高中生的单词量已经超过了许多,更何况四六级都已通过的你.听不懂的唯一原因绝对不是生词的问题,(这种问题只有在听标准英语的时候才会产生,以后我会和大家专门讨论的)只能是你对这个单词的发音极其陌生,大脑根本没有反映.如果让你看一看原文,你会不屑一顾的.但在听的时候却不知所云.起初我练习的时候有时为了一个单词可以想上正正一天,嘴里老是念道着这个单词的发音.我知道这个单词我一定认识,直到某一刻恍然大悟:咳!不就是这么简单的一个单词嘛!这时我总是猛拍自己的脑袋骂道 "真是愚蠢".:-) 当然如果有些同学说这段录音我已经听了十遍了,当中的几个单词你就是打死我我也听不出来.如果真的到了这个地步,你可以把你的问题发表在世博英语论坛里,我会告诉你答案的.
2.接下来要做的就是要保证这一段录音你是完完全全的听懂了.什么是完完全全的听懂了呢?就是每听完一句话,你都能准确的复述出来,包括每一个单词.这里在语音上不是很好的朋友要注意了,由于是慢速英语,所以只要你有正常的听力能力再加上一定的毅力,就完全可以把自己的发音模仿的和VA的播音员没什么两样,正如李阳老师所指出的:发音是一个人的英语门面.的确是这样的!如果你按照这样的方法用心练习,不出一两个月,你的发音就会有长足的进步.其实我们大多数中国人的模仿发音天赋都是很好的,随便叫出一名大学四级通过的大学生,他(她)的发音就要比我所见到的意大利人,日本人,菲律宾人...的发音不知要好多少倍.其实我们中国学生在口语和听力上缺陷主要有两个原因:一是缺乏练习.这也是传统教学方法的遗憾.包括我自己,也是这种只注重书面的"分析英语"的受害者.二是缺乏勇气.老是害怕自己会说错,害怕丢脸.除非你是在国外长大,英语就是母语,你可以"自豪"的说:我就是说错了那也是对的,因为英语是我的母语.而我们把英语作为第二语言的学习是不可能不犯错误的,多犯错误是为了少犯错误.每当我缺乏勇气的时候,我就会用"I enjoy losin fae!"这句话来激励自己.噢!还是说听力吧.这样一句一句直到把每一句话完全"吃掉",已经基本上可以保证你已听懂了这段文章.要达到什么样的标准呢?我对自己的要求是在落后一两个单词的同步复述.很多同学到这里就到此为止了.我却以为这样太可惜了.如果说上面这一点是练习了语音的话,下面的两个重要工作才是我们利用听力材料练习口语和口译的重要.
how to iprove your enlish200(二)
learnin enlish is uh ore than a fad; it is really a ust! let's take a look around us: the latest inforation around the world is written in or translated into enlish. to keep up with the ever-hanin world, we ust be equipped with a ood oand of enlish. fro a ore pratial point of view, ared enlish is one of the ost iportant required subjets for the university and hih shool entrane exa. to do well on the exa, we ust, aain, study hard to sore hih in the subjet.专题演讲:我们为什么学英语-Why We Learn Enlish 英语作文网收集整理 英语作文网 我们为什么学英语【内容提示】请你根据提示,以 Why We Learn Enlish为题写一篇演讲稿。①英语现已成为世界性语言。②掌握英语的重要性:在改革开放时代要同外国人做生意;国际会议所用语言之一是英语;重要书籍多数都是用英语出版的;懂英语的人可以加深对世界各民族的了解,可以为世界和平作出更大的贡献。③希望所有学生都重视英语学习并充分地使用英语。全篇词数:10―200。【作文示范】Why We Learn EnlishThe Enlish lanuae has now beoe an international lanuae beause it is used by people of the ost ountries in the world.In the open ties if you want to do business with foreiners, you have to learn Enlish, for ost of the speak and write Enlish. Enlish is one of the workin lanuaes at international eetins. Today ost of the valuable books are written in Enlish. In order to iprove your knowlede, you should be able to read Enlish. nly those who read Enlish an benefit fro the reports of the eetins in the world and books written in Enlish. Enlish appears to be rearded as the standard lanuae of an. If you know Enlish you an understand people fro other ountries better and you an also do what you should do for the world peae.Enlish is tauht in ost of the shools of our ountry, but any students don't know why they should learn it. It is hoped that all the students should pay ore attention to the study of Enlish and ake ood use of it.【写法指要】1)本文主要从英语的重要性方面说明了为什么学习英语的道理。这些重要性包括四个方面:①英语是商业用语;②英语是国际会议语言;③世界上有价值的书籍都是用英语写的;④英语成了国际标准语。2)英语指导性文章多用第二人称来写,这一点与汉语不同。汉语指导性文章多用第一人称复数“我们”来写,注意区别。----------------------------------------------People learn Enlish for any and extreely varied reasons. Takin these reasons, as well as lanuae aquisitions needs, into onsideration when plannin a lass or individual instrution is ruial for a suessful learnin experiene. This is probably as iportant for the student as for t
he teaher. When a student understands his/her reasons for learnin Enlish well, he an then better plan his learnin stratey. In the lassroo, he/she an help the teaher identify needs and desires. If the student is learnin alone, he/she an find learnin aterials based on a better knowlede of what his/her objetives are.Let’s take a look at two of the ore oon reasons for learnin Enlish and what iht work well for ahievin learnin oals.I’d like to iprove y Enlish in order to find a better job.In this ase, it is iportant to ask yourself the questions:1. Will a ertifiate help the hanes of ettin job?2. Is job speifi Enlish required?3. Who will I (the students)be speakin Enlish with, native speaker or other Enlish as a forein lanuae speakers?Point1: This is very iportant as the need for a ertifiate will ditate what is required learnin: raar, Funtional Enlish, Writin, Listenin, et. If a ertifiate is required, the student should fous on iprovin speifis points required by the exaination. For exaple, abride’s First ertifiate exa will require the skill of sentene transforation, the TFEL requires the skill of understandin US test takin skills (I’ not jokin!)Point2: If job speifi Enlish is required, tasks should be ore real-world orientated. If possible, tasks should be ore real-world orientated. If possible, tasks shuld also be based on the exat type of Enlish required in the speifi profession. For exaple: oputer terinoloy for prorain, presentation skills for anaeent, et.Point3: This is extreely iportant, as students who will be expeted to speak Enlish only with other non-native speakers should not have to worry as uh about listenin skills as those who will be expeted to ouniate prinipally with native speakers. An understandin of the ulture(British, Aerian, et) iht be iportant if the learner will be travelin and ouniatin in these ountries.I’d like to iprove y Enlish as a hobby.In this ase, it is iportant to ask yourself the questions:1.How will you (the students) be usin the Enlish? ouniation, Readin, Usin the Internet, et?2. Do you enjoy typial task type ativities? r do you (they) prefer real-world ativities?3. How uh do I want to iprove y Enlish? Do I want to just be able to travel and be understood? Do I want to be able to read Jaes Joye?Point1: this is of the utost iportane when deidin what type of ativities should be pursued. If ouniation is ost iportant, funtional Enlish will be preferable to raar exerises. If readin Rollin stone aaine is iportant idioati lanuae study will be required.Point2: this is basially a question of learnin style and is very iportant. Involved students will always learn ore in the lon run than those who are bored. It’s also iportant to reeber that, if you are the teaher, iposin your learnin pref
erene on the lass an , at ties, deter effetive learnin.Point3: understandin the desired lanuae profiieny oal is probably one of the ost iportant aspets of learnin well. If the student desires to ouniate basi needs while travelin, fousin on the orret use of the third onditional is beside the point. n the other hand, if students strive to hiher levels of raatial understandin, teahers need to aept that role-play aes iht not always be the best ativity.-----------------------------------------Why do we learn Enlish (Kaiser3344手写) Enlish is one of the ost widely used lanuaes in the world. It is spoken by nearly three hundred illion people: in Enland, the United States, Australia, anada and any other ountries. It is one of the workin lanuaes at international eetins and is ore used than the others. It is said that 60 perent of the world's radio broadasts and 70 perent of the world's ail are in Enlish. illions of books and aaines are written in Enlish, too. Enlish is really a bride to knowlede. With the help of Enlish we an learn odern siene and tehnoloy faster and better for the developed ountries. In this way we an serve our ountry better.翻译如下:英语是世界上一种最广泛使用的语言。近三亿人说英语:在英国,美国,澳大利亚,加拿大和其他许多国家。英语是国际会议使用的官方语言,比其他语言要使用的多。据说世界上60%的无线电广播和70%的邮件都是英文的。成千上万的书和杂志也都是用英文写的。英语真的是一座通往知识的桥梁。在英语的帮助下,我们可以更快学习现代科学技术、更好的发展国家。用这种方法,我们可以更好的服务于国家。Beause Enlish had beae a national lanuae.We an see it everywhere.To ath the eanins and hoose what we need when we ot soe inforations,is to ath the steps of aes to soe extent.I think it is iportant for everyone to learn Enlish well. 我认为学习英语对于每个人而言都很重要 Firstly, if you an speak Enlish, you an do business with foreiners and earn ore oney. 首先,如果你能说英语,你能与外国人做生意,挣很多钱 Seondly, you an ake ore friends if you an speak Enlish. That will brin you ore happiness. 其次,如果你能说英语你能交到很多朋友。那会带给你更多的乐趣 Thirdly, you an et hih sores in your Enlish exas if you learn Enlish well, whih will please your parents and Enlish teaher. 第三,如果你能学好英语,你能在英语测验中取得高分,能使你的父母和老师觉得欣慰 Fourth, if you learn Enlish well, you an o to study abroad. Then you’ll be able to ain ore knowlede and learn about Western ultures and ustos, and absorb the best of both Western and hinese eduation, whih will be of benefit to you in the
future. 第四,如果你能学好英语,你能去国外学习。然后你能获得更多的知识,学习关于西方的文化传统,更好的吸收中西方德教育体系 Finally, if you learn Enlish well, you an et a better job and a hiher salary. That eans you an enjoy a better quality of life. 最后,如果学好了英语,你能获得一份很好的职业,获得高薪。那就意味着你能享受高质量的生活 Fro the above points, you an see the iportane of learnin Enlish. Therefore, work hard at learnin Enlish. 综上所述,你能发现学习英语的重要性,因此,努力学习英语。
how to iprove your enlish200(三)
Iprove Your Enlish Throuh PratieAfter2 or3 years' Enlish learnin, you will probably wonder how to further iprove your Enlish. When you speak, do not translate what you want to say fro hinese into Enlish. If you do, you'll et ixed up in soe usaes①. You'll onsider“wait”as a transitive ② verb, for instane. You'll never add “to”after“listen”,but you iht write “sheeps” for the plural for, thouh you know they're wron when the istakes are pointed out.Therefore, to iprove your Enlish, you need to pratise your spoken Enlish, and think in Enlish. That is to say, you should build up your sense of the Enlish lanuae.rasp any hane to speak Enlish. When you see a desk, for exaple, have the word in your ind; say“What's the tie? It's….”when you see a lok. In this way, you'll be able to learn with ease and use with freedo. For exaple, you'll be able to tell that“Korea Lies to the east of hina.”but“uanhou Likes in the south of hina.”without hard thinkin.We're learnin Enlish as a forein Lanuae. It is true that we annot learn it without any raatial rules. But, your sense of raatial rules oes fro onstant③ use of lanuae. It's unneessary to reite the rules and apply④ the rules in speakin. In a word, you will iprove your Enlish only by openin your outh to pratise. Pratie akes perfet.“What if I ake istakes in speakin Enlish?”Do not worry. You needn't be afraid of akin istakes. Even when people speak their native lanuae, they ay ake various kinds of istakes! Further, any kinds of istakes will be rubbed off in the proess of learnin throuh pratie.
how to iprove your enlish200(四)
odule 1 Unit 11. 好朋友就是能和你分享快乐和忧伤的人。(share…with) 2. 如果你们两停止争斗并努力好好相处,我将不胜感激。(be rateful, et alon with)3. 这是他第一次用电子邮件与笔友交流。(the first tie, ouniate with)4. 爱好是不会让你感到厌倦的——你投入的时间越长,乐趣越多。 (the ore… the ore; devote to; et tired of).网络使人们即使身处世界的不同角落也完全可能面对面地交流。(fae to fae; even if;entirely)6.根据新闻报道,是天气决定神舟七号发射的准确时间。(aordin to, it is ….that强调句 )Keys:1. A best friend is soeone who an share happiness and sorrow with you. 2. I would be rateful if the two of you stopped fihtin and tried to et alon with eah other.3. This is the first tie he has used e-ail to ouniate with his pen pal.4. A hobby is soethin that you never et tired of—the ore tie you devote to it, the ore fun you have.. Beause of the Internet it is now entirely possible for people to ouniate fae to fae, even if they are in different parts of the world. 6. Aordin to the news report, it is the weather that will deterine the exat launh tie of Shenhou Seven. odule 1 Unit 21.现在, 每年有超过100万的旅客来广州观光旅游. (at present, ore than)2. 他们的友谊是建立在多年相互开放沟通的基础上的. (base on, ouniation)3. 世界淡水资源十分有限,因此我们必须充分利用。 (ake use of, resoures)4. 我将十分乐意参加任何能丰富我对世界认识的讨论。(take part in, enrih). 不管你相不相信, 我们已经逐渐地可以用英语流利地表达自己了. (believe it or not, radually, express, fluently)6. 实际上学好英语有很多简单的方法, 例如看英文电视或和外国朋友在线聊天。 (atually, a nuber of, suh as)7. 即使这工作要花掉我六个星期的时间,我仍决心要完成这份工作。 (even if, deterined ). 政府应该尽快想出更好的办法来解决高油价所带来的问题. (oe up with, petrol)9. 全体同学都要准时参加明天举行的会议. (request)Keys:1. At present, ore than one illion visitors travel to uanhou every year.2. Their relationship was based on/ upon years of open ouniation with eah other.3. The world’s fresh water resoures are very liited so we ust ake ood use of the.4. I will ladly take part in any disussion that enrihes y knowlede of the world.. Believe it or not, we have radually beoe able to express ourselves fluently in Enlish.6. Atually, there are a nuber of siple ways to iprove your Enlish, suh as wathin Enlish TV shows and hattin with forein friends online.7. Even if it takes e six weeks, I a deterined to finish the job.. The
overnent should oe up with a better solution to the probles aused by the hih prie of petrol. 9. All students are requested to attend the eetin to be held toorrow on tie.odule 1 Unit 31. 杰克给了我一个坚定的眼神,这眼神表明他不会改变主意,也不会屈服。(deterine, hane one’s ind, ive in)2. 花了一周时间才把衣物和药品送达灾区。(transport) 3. 那个老人很固执,病了还拒绝搬到他女儿家中住。(stubborn)4. 请耐心点。火车十分钟后到。(be doin 表将来)Keys:1. Jak ave e a deterined look, whih showed e that he would neither hane his ind nor ive in.2. It took one week to transport lothes and ediine to the disaster-hit area.3. The old an was stubborn and refused to ove in with his dauhter after he beae ill.4. Please be patient. The train is arrivin in ten inutes.odule 1 Unit 41. 好像他的事业就快要结束了。(It sees/ seeed that…, at an end)2. 百分之六十的旅客宁愿住在窗朝南的房间。(用定语从句)3. 消防员没有多考虑个人的安危,像平常一样将困在大火中的人员援救出来.(think little of, resue, be trapped in)4. 在村庄的东边有一幢蓝顶的白房子。(on the east, with ).听完他的话,那个可怜的女孩泪水夺眶而出,冲出门外。(burst, rush out )Keys:1. It sees that his areer is at an end.2. Sixty perent of the travelers prefer to live in the roos whose windows fae south.3. The firefihters thouht little of their personal safety and as usual resued the people who were trapped in the fire.4. n the east side of the villae there is a sall white house with a blue roof.. After hearin his words, the poor irl burst into tears and rushed out fro the roo.odule 1 Unit 1. 一些人破门设法从失火的房子里逃了出来。(esape fro; by doin sth)2. 上一次考试考砸了之后,那个男孩向父母许诺今后会努力学习。(After doin…)3. 我在小学的时候就认识他---- 事实上我们那时在同一个年级。(as a atter of fat)4. 德兰修女(other Teresa) 把自己毕生的精力都倾注在照顾穷苦人之上。(devote …to…). 有好几个商店,你可以在那里买你想买的东西。。(介词+whih)6. 约翰要给捡到他钱包的出租司机一百元作为酬劳。(reward; wallet; who)Keys:1. Soe people anaed to esape fro the burnin buildin by breakin down the doors.2. After doin suh a poor job in the last exa, the boy proised his parents he would study uh harder in the future. 3. I knew hi when we were in priary shool- as a atter of fat we were in the sae rade.4. other Teresa has devoted all her life to arin for the poor.. There are several stores in whih you an buy the ites you want. 6. John wanted t
Howtorelax Atpresent,orepeoplefeelstressedoutandunhappy.Butinfat,it'seasyforusstudentstorelax.Ihavesoewaysabouthowtorelax.Wealwaysstudyhardinshoolandhoe.Soweoftenfeeltired.Thesedays,Weshouldhavearest.Suhasdoinexerise,lis