写东方明珠的英语作文 写上海东方明珠的作文
篇首语:在劳力上劳心,是一切发明之母。事事在劳力上劳心,变可得事物之真理。本文为你选取作文写东方明珠的英语作文 写上海东方明珠的作文四篇,希望能帮到你。
写东方明珠的英语作文 写上海东方明珠的作文
生词:明珠 pearl 鸦片 opiu
a) Honkon lies in the southeast of hina. Her area is 104k2. Her population is ore than 6 illion.
b) She was iven up to Britain after the 142 piu War.
)In 1997 she returned to otherland.
d)Her future is very beautiful.
Honkon lies in the southeast of hina. Her area is 104k2 and population is ore than 6 illion.
She was iven up to Britain after the 142 piu War. In 1997 she returned to otherland, and her future is very beautiful.
) 润色成文
Honkon lies in the southeast of hina. She has an area of 104k2 and has a population of ore than 6 illion. She is well-known as the Pearl of the East.
In 142, she was iven up to Britain by the then hinese overnent after the piu War, and the people of Honkon lived a hard life.
In 1997, she returned to otherland, and the people of Honkon are and will be workin hard to ake her ore beautiful.
6) 定稿誊写
Honkon lies in the southeast of hina. She has an area of 104k2 and a population of ore than 6 illion and is well-known as the Pearl of the East.
In 142 the then hinese overnent was fored to ive up Honkon to Britain after the piu War, and the people of Honkon suffered a lot.
After the return of Honkon to hina in 1997, the people of Honkon are united ore with the hinese people in ainland hina, and they will work hard to ake her ore beautiful.(9 words)
例二、假如你叫张明。从《天津日报》看到某公司(石家庄)招聘一名英语秘书。根据启事请你用英语写封简短的应聘书寄往:石家庄137信箱,说明你的履历。主要内容如下: 姓名 张明 年龄 2岁
学历 南开大学毕业
工作经历 从教英语3年
爱好和兴趣 英语口语、书面语和文秘
通讯处 南开大学101信箱
写信时间 2002年10月29日
a)Your opany wants an Enlish seretary.
b)I work as an Enlish teaher after I raduated fro the university.
)I a interested in the job of seretary.
d)I speak and write Enlish very well.
e)I hope your opany an eploy e.
Your opany wants an Enlish seretary. I work as an Enlish teaher after I raduated fro the university. I a interested in the job of seretary. I speak and write Enlish very well. I hope your opany an eploy e.
An Enlish seretary is wanted in your opany. I want to take this job. y nae is han in, a irl of twenty-five. I have been teahin Enlish for 3 years sine I raduated fro the Enlish Departent of Nankai University. I think I will be interested in the job of seretary. I an speak and write Enlish very well.
I hope I want very uh to be aepted by your opany.
P. . Box. 101
tober 29, 2002
P. . Box 137
Dear sir,
I have reently learned fro Tianjin Daily that an Enlish seretary is wanted in your opany. I be to take this job. y nae is han in, a irl of twenty-five. I have been an Enlish teaher for 3 years sine I raduated fro the Enlish Departent of Nankai University. I think I will be interested in the job of seretary. I an speak and write Enlish very well.
It is hoped that I will be aepted by your opany. Would you please reply to e one you have aditted e? And in future I will ake ore oney for this opany. Thank you very uh.(106 words)
han in
题目---- 飓风及其危害
主讲人---- 地理教师申先生
地点---- 二中306教室
时间---- 11月4日上午十点
注意事项 ------
1、 1、请自带钢笔、笔记本喧哗。
2、 2、请准时参加
3、 3、会后放电影
4、 4、11月日下午三点讨论
(1) (1) 由地理老师申先生主讲飓风及其危害
(2) (2) 11月4日上午十点在二中306教室举行
(3) (3) 带上必要的用具。不要喧哗。请准时参加。会后看电影。第二天讨论
a)HURRIANE AND ITS DAAE is iven by eoraphy teaher r. Shen.
b)It is held in lassroo 306 of No. 2 iddle shool at 10:00, Noveber 4.
)Please brin your neessary thins there. Don't talk there. Please be there on tie. After the eetin there will be a disussion about that next week.
4) 连句成篇
HURRIANE AND ITS DAAE is iven by eoraphy teaher, r. Shen and it is held in lassroo 306 of No. 2 iddle shool at 10:00, Noveber 4. Please brin your neessary thins there. Don't talk there and be there on tie. After the eetin there will be a fil to be shown. There is a disussion about that next week.
A leture on HURRIANE AND ITS DAAE will be iven by eoraphy teaher, r. Shen and it is held in lassroo 306 of No. 2 iddle shool at 10:00, Noveber 4. When you are there please brin your pens and notebooks and don't talk to eah other, and o there on tie. After the eetin a fil will be shown. The next day please talk about that.
All students:
A leture on HURRIANE AND ITS DAAE will be iven by eoraphy teaher, r. Shen , and it is held at lassroo 306 of No. 2 iddle shool at 10:00, Noveber 4. After the eetin a ood fil about the Lon arh will be shown, and a disussion about the leture will take plae at 3 p.. toorrow.
When you are there, please brin your pens and notebooks and attend it on tie. Don't talk to eah other durin the leture.(1 words)
Students' Union
Noveber 3, 2002
生词:波音 Boein 乌鲁木齐 Uruuqi 登机 board
a)You are weloe on the Boein 747 plane.
b)Please board the plane at 7:40. The plane takes off at :00 and arrives at 1 p.. in Uruuqi, Xinjian.
)Durin the fliht don't soke, and fasten your seat belt, and even don't ake a obile phone all to anyone else. But don't ove around until the plane lands safe.
You are weloe on the Boein 747 plane.
Please board the plane at 7:40. The plane takes off at and arrives at 1 p.. in Uruuqi, Xinjian. Durin the fliht don't soke, and fasten your seat belt and even don't ake a obile phone all to anyone else. But don't ove around until the plane lands safe.
You are weloe on the Boein 747 plane.
Please board the plane at 7:40. It takes off at and arrives at 1p.. in Uruuqi, Xinjian. Durin the fliht please don't soke, and fasten your seat belt and even don't ake a obile phone all to anyone else. Don't ove around until the plane lands safe. 6定稿誊写
Ladies and entleen:
You are weloe on the Boein 747 plane.
Please board the plane at 7:40. It takes off at a.. and arrives at 1 p.. in Uruuqi, Xinjian in the northwest of hina. Durin the fliht you ust follow its rules and the ondutors' instrutions. For exaple, please don't soke in the plane, and fasten your seat belts and even don't ake a obile phone all to anyone else. Don't ove around until the plane lands safe.
Thank you very uh (1 words)
A: Exuse e, I was wonderin if you ould help e.
B: ertainly. I will be lad to try. What do you need?
A: ould you tell e when the next bus leaves for Sydney? I' not sure how to read this tietable.
B: H--. It looks like one leaves at 12:2.
A: Thank you very uh. I ouldn't fiure it out. What tie do you have by your wath now?
B: 11:20. You have uh tie.
A: h, ood. Do you know where I ould et a up of offee?
B: There's a ahine over there.
A: I' sorry to keep botherin you but an you show e how it works?
B: Sure. Put a plasti up under the spout. Put your oney in here at the top. Selet the kind of offee you want and push the button next to it. The offee will pour into your up. 生词:fiure out 搞清 bother 打扰 spout 喷口
a) I wait for a bus at a bus station.
b) A woan sits next to e.
)I ask her when the next bus leaves and she tells e it is leavin at 12:2.
d)Beause the tie is enouh I want a up of offee to drink.
e)I don't know how to use the ahine and the woan tells e its usae.
4) 连句成篇
I was waitin for a bus at a bus station. A woan sat next to e, and I asked her when the next bus left and she told e it was 12:20. Beause the tie was enouh I wanted to drink a up of offee. But I didn't know how to use the ahine.
I was waitin for a bus at a bus station. A woan sat next to e, and I asked her when the next bus left and she told e it was 12:20. Beause the tie was enouh I wanted to drink a up of offee. But I didn't know how to use the ahine. She told e to put a plasti up under the spout and put the oney in here at the top. At last I di as she told.
I was waitin for a bus at a bus station. I needed soe help. There was a woan sittin next to e. So I asked her to tell e when the next bus left for Sydney. She told e that it was leavin at 12:20. Sine I had ot plenty of tie I wanted to have a up of offee. The woan showed e a ahine. But I didn't know how to use it. She told e to put a plasti under the spout and put oney in at the top. At last I did as she told e. (99 words)
You are one of the fans of Yao in. Please write a letter to hi.
Dear Yao in,写东方明珠的英语作文.
How are you these days?
You are a bit surprised to et this letter. You don't know e but I know you. I a your fan. I have olleted lots of inforation about you. When you left Shanhai, I felt a little sad. I've been issin you all the tie. But NBA is really a ood plae for a wonderful basketball player like you. You've ade the riht hoie.
How about your wound? Do you still feel pain? Take ood are of yourself and I do hope to see you win eah ath in the oin year.
Yours Weiwei 2
You are writin a oplaint to the anaer about the hotel.
n the whole, y stay here was satisfatory. The hotel was ofortable and the roo was briht, but it was too dirty. What's ore the food was opletely awful and the servie was really terrible. I have stayed in your hotel for several ties and everythin is ettin worse, thouh the prie is fair.
Please try to lean the roo a bit ore often and find soeone who is apable of ookin and who knows how to talk friendly to others.
An Aident
1 四个孩子刚出校门回家
2 一卡车经过,车速较快,掉下几只西瓜
3 一骑车人倒下,身边有血
4 孩子们有的打110,有的打120,有的保护现场
Last Thursday afternoon, four students were on their way bak hoe.
Suddenly they saw a truk oin round the orner at a hih speed and soe waterelons fell off. At the sae tie, a iddle-aed an on a biyle fell to the round. Blood ae fro his body.
ne of the alled the poliean, one dailed 120. And the others were takin are of the ylist. Soon the polie ae and they reported what they had seen and an abulane took the ylist to the hospital soon.
题目:请以“hanes in Shanhai"为题,写一篇不少于60单词的作文。
hanes in Shanhai
1 300年前的上海
2 上海的今天(东方明珠、金茂大厦)
3 上海的明天(2010年的世博会)
Shanhai was a sall town three hundred years ao. There were only a few thousand people livin here. any of the were fisheren and farers.
Today, Shanhai is beoin an international ity. any tall buildin have been built. Soe brides have been put up over the Huanpu River. ore and ore foreiners oe to Shanhai for a visit every day.
Shanhai has already won the bid for holdin the World Expo 2010. I think the environent will be better and better and the ity will be ore and ore beautiful.
题目:请以“Everyone Needs Help”为题,写一篇不少于60单词的作文。
Everyone Needs Help
1 Did you et any help fro others?
2 Did you ive any help to people when they needed?
3 Tell your story
In our daily life, we are dealin with different kinds of people, no atter at hoe, in shool, or at soe other plaes. Everyone needs help, I think. And only who are willin to help others will also be helped. ne day I saw a little irl in the street arryin a heavy shoolba on her bak. She was walkin happily.
Then suddenly an old an fell down while he was rossin a street. She ran towards hi at one, but she was too short to help hi to stand. I helped her and we toether brouht the old an to safety. He thanked us over and over. I think the little irl was, thouh very youn, a very war-hearted person.
题目:请以“Savin Water”为题,并根据以下提示写一篇不少于60单词的作文。 Savin Water
1 What do we use water for?
2 Why water is very iportant in our daily life?
3 How do we save water?
As we all know, water is essential in our daily life. We drink water every day, we use water to wash thins and ook food, we also use water to ake ahines. People an't live without water. Thouh about 7% of the earth is overed with water, only 3% of it is fresh water. So we ust save water by havin a shower instead of a bath. We an save water by fixin drippin taps iediately and we an also save water by not washin under a runnin tap.
例如:Thanks to the teahers,
We have iproved our Enlish.
1、表文章结构顺序:First of all,Firstly/First,Seondly/Seond„And then,Finally,In the end,At last
2、表并列补充关系的:What is- ore,Besides,oreover,Further-ore,In addition
3、表转折对比关系的:However, n the ontrary,but
Althouh+lause(从句),In spite of+n/doin
n the one hand„n the other hand„, Soe„,while others„写东方明珠的英语作文.
4、表因果关系的:Beause,As, So,Thus,Therefore,As a result
、表换一种方式表达:In other words
6、表进行举例说明:For exaple,句子;For instane,句子;suh as+n/doin写东方明珠的英语作文.
7、表陈述事实:In fat
、表达自己观点:As far as I know,In y opinion
9、表总结:In short,In a word,Inonlusion,In suary
文中正确使用两三个好的句型,如:宾语从句、状语从句、动名词做主语等。 宾语从句举例:I believe Tianjin will be ore beautiful and prosperous.
状语从句举例:If everyone does soethin for the environent,our hoetown will beoe lean and beautiful.
动名词做主语举例:Readin books in the sun is bad for our eyes.
It‘s bad for our eyes to read books in the sun.
1、时间when,not„until,as soon as
2、目的so that+lause;to do(为了)
3、结果so„that+lause,too„to do(太„„以至于„„)
4、条件if,unless(除非),as lon as(只 要)
、让步thouh,althouh,even thouh,even if
No atter what/when/where/who/whih/how
6、比较as„as„,not so„as„,than
一、 学术文化篇