人与人意见不合怎么处理作文 800子 人与人关心作文800


篇首语:读书和学习是在别人思想和知识的帮助下,建立起自己的思想和知识。本文为你选取作文人与人意见不合怎么处理作文 800子 人与人关心作文800四篇,希望能帮到你。


1、人与人意见不合怎么处理作文 800子 人与人关心作文800(1)

人与人意见不合怎么处理作文 800子 人与人关心作文800

人与人意见不合怎么处理作文 00子(一)


hapter 1:uide to the E-rater and the AWA


The Analytial Writin Assessent, ore than any other eleent of AT preparation, hasbenefits that extend far beyond test day. The skills, reasonin tools, and tehniques you learn forthe AWA ay be applied to any essay or persuasive writin. These skills will help you throuhbusiness shool and beyond.

The AWA an be beaten. The essay topis are available for you to review beforehand. Thestrutures for the AWA answers are siple and ay be learned.

Here are soe tips before we et started:

★ raar and spellin is, by-and-lare, less iportant than struture and ontent. Fouson struture and your aruent foration.

★ The E-rater's ain ipat is to put ore value on hihly strutured writin and the use of"key" words and phrases that the E-rater reonies.

★ Take plenty of tied pratie tests on a oputer. ur saple essays on the site aredesined for you to take pratie essays and be evaluated.

★ Do not prorastinate AWA preparation. Students tend to put off the AWA until it is too lateand then they annot adequately prepare.

The new E-rater will rade your test alon with a huan rader. If they disaree, it will besent to a third huan rader. Thus, if you do not write your essay in the proper forat for the E-rater it ould lead to a lower sore. Throuhout the uidebook we have tips on the E-rater and asetion exlusively about the E-rater.

The AWA onsists of two 30-inute setions, the Analysis of Issue essay and the Analysisof Aruent essay. You will reeive a rade fro 1 to 6, whih will be sent with your ATsores.

The uide is divided into these setions:

hapter 1: Introdution (this pae)

hapter 2: Analysis of Issue

hapter 3: Analysis of Aruent

hapter 4: About the E-rater

hapter : Iprovin Your Writin

hapter 6: ettin the Real Essay Questions

hapter 2: Analysis of Issue

In the Analysis of Issue question you disuss your opinion toward an issue. You write a well-balaned analysis of the issue the test presents to you.

These are the ost oon topis:

★ overnent's role in ensurin the welfare of its itiens

★ ulture and soial ores, attitudes, values

★ anaeent/oraniational struture/behavior

★ Business: advertisin and arketin

★ Business: labor and eployent issue

★ Business-its overall role and objetives in soiety

★ overnent's reulatory responsibilities.

Here is an exaple of an Analysis of Issue question:

Followin the olorado assare of shoolhildren, any lawakers have proposed that aninternational body reulate the internet so that sites whih provide inforation to terrorists shouldbe eliinated.

Disuss the extent to whih you aree or disaree with the above opinion. Support your opinionwith reasons and exaples.

The people who rade the Analysis of Issue for the AT expet the followin:

i) A well-developed essay that is loial and oherent;

ii) An essay that deonstrates ritial thinkin skills;

iii) An essay whih uses varied sentene struture and voabulary;

iv) An essay that uses the lanuae of standard written Enlish;

v) An essay that is free of ehanial errors in spellin, puntuation, apitaliation; andvi) An essay that follows the onventions of standard written Enlish.

Analysis of Issue: ontent

How do I write a well-balaned essay?

You should always aknowlede both sides of an issue. Aon the saple essays there is notone irrefutable essay, yet you ust pik a side. The trik to doin this is to persuade the reader that,despite the ounter-aruents, your position is the stronest one overall.

Try to "straddle the fene" between both sides of the issue by akin liited use of qualifiers.This will allow you to aknowlede the opposin view and appear sholarly. (Note that overuse ofqualifiers will ake the essay appear too vaue and dilute an aruent you are akin.)

In eneral, take a politially orret opinion or an opinion that a ajority of top sorers ihttake. However, if you do not think you an write an effetive politially-orret essay, adjust yourontent to fit what you an ofortably express. In eneral, thouh, stay unontroversial andbalaned. Do not use it as a foru to be an ideoloue. Writin a hihly hared essay iht evokea bias fro the reader (if he disarees with you) and it also ay onfuse the E-rater, sine youessay will not reseble any essays it has stored in its database. Try to approah eah issue in adispassionate and balaned anner.

Nevertheless, you ust be sure to take a stand. You ust pik a side that will "win out" in theonlusion/introdution. The test instrutions speifially tell you to pik a side. ake sure todisaree or aree with the question's stateent.

How in-depth should the essays be?

Your essay is short (you have only 30 inutes), so you won't be able to over every possiblearuent, rebuttal and exaple. When you start the test set aside a few inutes to set up thepoints and exaples. You do not have to over every idea/onept. ost AT students do nothave tie to over everythin they would like to over. hoose the ost persuasive relevantpoints and exaples to use. The AT raders do not expet you to o in-depth on every topi.

The ost iportant onern here is that you do not o off of the ain subjet. Stay fousedon the topi. Do not either o off on tanential aruents or exessively fous on one exaple.Where should I et exaples?

The instrutions (with only a few exeptions) allow you to draw upon your personalexperienes in developin your answer to eah essay question. This pratie is aeptable, butdon't overdo it. You should enerally rely ore on aadei knowlede than personalexperienes.

Your exaples and knowlede an be ipressive, but you shouldn't o too far. Don't try toipress the rader with you expertise in a narrow area. The AWA tests analytial writin, notspeifi subjet knowlede.

Where do I et essay issue ideas?

The topis in the Analysis of Issue setion are oonly addressed in poliy-orientedaaines.

◆ Wall Street Journal editorial pae

◆ Forbes

◆ The Eonoist

◆ The New Republi

◆ Slate

International Students: Read these Aerian aaines as uh as possible to see howAerians struture their writin and to stay updated on issues.Write with your rader in ind

When you write your Issue essay, reeber that you are fundaentally writin youressay to please your rader. ETS essay raders will typially be under-eployed aadeis. Theirony is that B-shool andidates, with hopes of ultiple 6-fiure salary offers, oe fro anentirely different worldview. Don't rable in a self-rihteous anner. The raders will too easilydisiss you as another arroant BA andidate.Keep it onise

Put yourself in the position of a rader. They rade essays all day. Wouldn't you favor aonise and effetive essay with pararaphs of 4 sentenes eah ore than a 4 pararaphrablin essay with 10 sentenes in eah pararaph? The botto line: keep the essays risp,onise, and written in a anner appealin to the rader. This is partiularly iportant on theAnalysis of Issue question, where you essay expresses personal opinions.

Analysis of Issue: Struture

Struture is the ost iportant part of your essay. Your essay ust be written in a standardforat with the standard loial transitions. The E-rater will san your essay to identify if it has astandard struture.

◆ Introdution/onlusion- These eleents will provide the struture for your essay andkeep you on trak.

◆ Nuber of Pararaphs. To satisfy the E-rater, your essay should be 4 to pararaphs: an introdution, a onlusion, and three "body" pararaphs. Eah pararaph shouldhave 2 to sentenes (total essay about 300-400 words).

Note: You should skip a line between pararaphs sine the TAB key does notfuntion in the essay setion.

Essay Teplate

The teplate is just a uideline. You do not have to adhere to it. ften you will have to akehanes to suit your aruent.

▲ The nubers of sentenes indiated for eah pararaph is a uideline that variesdependin on how uh ontent you have.

▲ The transitional phrases we use in the Teplate are intentionally siplisti. This is nota siple approah where you an "fill-in-the-blanks." Flesh out the teplate soewhat and use itas a uideline to write a disiplined and foused essay.


1) Introdutory Pararaph (2-4 sentenes)

ake sure to keep your introdutory pararaph onise, stron and effetive.

What the introdutory pararaph should aoplish:

▲ Explain the issue (briefly).

▲ Show that you understand the full oplexities of the issue (for exaple, by reoniinopetin interests or various fators).

▲ State your position on the issue (without the details yet).

Saple teplate for introdutory pararaph (2 sentenes):

a) Whether ________________________ depends on _____________________.

b) (Insert your opinion), __________________________.

2) First Body Pararaph (3- sentenes)

Bein to develop your position with your ost iportant reason. Use one or two exaples to bakup your ain point:

a) The hief reason for y view is ___________________________________.

b) For exaple, ____________________________________.

) oreover, ______________________________.

d) Finally, ______


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